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Page 12

by J. M. Nevins

  She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a sigh. “Six weeks. I’ve still got time, Lex. It’s not like I’m going to be showing anytime soon. He’s gonna be busy with the tour. We leave tomorrow.”

  “That’s a sorry ass excuse. Go over to his place tonight and tell him.”

  “Lex, the girl he’s dating is there all the time. That’s why Max moved back in with me.”

  “So? Tell her to get lost. Tell Sull you need to talk.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t tonight. I have a date with Simon. It’s the last time I’ll see him before I head out on the road. He said he’ll fly out for a few dates, but we don’t have anything set in stone yet. Simon knows.”

  Alexa gasped. “What? He knows you’re pregnant?”

  She chuckled. “Yep.”

  “How in the hell? What did you do, tell him he’s the father?”

  She giggled. “No. That would be impossible. Six weeks ago, Simon and I hadn’t even gone our first date yet. I told him the baby is my ex’s. He was cool with it. Said he’d hang by me. Pretty cool of him.”

  “Uh yeah, because he’s a nice guy and he probably thinks your ex is a deadbeat, and we both know he’s not. I’m sure you left out the little detail that you haven’t even told the father in question.”

  Kit rolled her eyes. “Ok, maybe I didn’t share that. Honestly, I thought Simon would dump me the moment he found out I was pregnant. Ends up he really likes me and loves kids.”

  Alexa let out an annoyed sigh. “So, you’re going to let some other guy you’re dating act as a father to a baby who already has a father that doesn’t know about it? Have you even done the deed with Simon yet?”

  She sighed. “Ok, I know I need to tell Sully, alright? Drop it. If Sully elects to be passive in the raising of this child, then yes, Simon may step in. If Sull wants to be a big part of this baby’s life then ok. I’m not there yet, though. Just give me a little more time. I need to get that barracuda, gold-digger, Rachel, away from him for like an hour and that’s not easy to do. And when she’s not around, he’s doing his job like he’s supposed to.”

  “And? Answer my last question.”

  Kit chuckled. “You’re relentless today. Yes, I’ve slept with Simon. He took me on a very romantic date last week, dinner and the symphony. Couldn’t resist giving in after that, but it wasn’t what I expected.”

  “Oh really? Care to share? Good or bad?”

  She sighed. “It’s nothing to do with him, he’s great. Something is up with me. Maybe ‘cuz I’m pregnant things feel different, more uncomfortable. I dunno. I don’t think my heart was fully in it yet. He was a good lover, though. Satisfied now? Is that enough detail for you?”

  Alexa chuckled. “Yes. Thank you. Ok, Kitty. I’ll let you go. Just wanted to share the news. And please tell Sully soon, not at the end of your third trimester. Like preferably tonight.”

  She nodded and elected to pacify Alexa knowing she wouldn’t give up. “Ok, Lex. I’ll keep you posted. Let me know what dates you and Wes want to come to shows so I can get your passes set, ok? If you need me, page me.”

  “You got it, girl. I’m gonna call Sull and wish him a good tour. And don’t worry, I won’t say a word about your secret. That’s between you and him. As much as I would love to butt in, I know you’d kill me.”

  “I certainly would. Talk to you soon, Lex.”

  Kit hung up the phone and let out a long sigh. The situation with Sully was getting more complicated by the minute. She didn’t feel ready, yet she knew it was important he knew the truth. She hoped to get a window of opportunity the next day.

  Maxine sat across from Kit solely focused on loading her camera with film and taking test shots. Kit glanced out the window and realized they were nearly there. The limousine breezed onto the tarmac and headed toward the hangars that contained private jets. She leaned forward and double-checked that the bottle of champagne was handy.

  The driver pulled up next to three other black stretch limousines that were parked and unloading luggage and guitar cases. Kit seized the bottle of champagne and hopped out of the limo. She looked up at the private jet a few hundred feet in front of her. The shiny Gulfstream G450 had been pulled out of the hangar and gleamed back at her in the sunshine.

  She smiled and felt a deep sense of pride when she saw the tail of the plane branded with Gypsy Tango’s logo. She then looked down toward the nose of the plane where the name of the new album and tour ‘Dangerous Curves’ was located. She and Sully had dreamed of this moment back when they had first gotten together years ago. She was so caught up in experiencing the moment and running through her thoughts that she didn’t see the last limousine pull in. She felt someone staring at her and looked over. Her eyes met his.

  Sully’s steel blue eyes were alive with excitement. He smiled at her and pointed to the jet excitedly. She had purposely withheld the news so he would have a fun surprise the day he arrived to start the tour. They had a chartered private jet on their last tour but it was only used a few times and was not specific to them since they were a support band, not the headliners.

  This jet, marked with their name, album and tour signified that they had just hit another milestone together. His earlier apprehension on the drive over immediately melted away and he jubilantly ran over to her and hugged her tightly. “It’s finally real!”

  She laughed and pulled back, yet still remained in his arms. “I know, I know!” She held out the bottle. “Here’s some champagne. They said we can christen the jet as ours for the tour. We can’t break the bottle on the jet like they do on boats, but we can rub champagne on the nose.” She finally let go of the comfort of his strong arms and pointed to a small ladder that had been placed under the nose of the jet specifically for that purpose.

  He giggled. “Let’s do it!”

  Kit ran over to the jet, shaking the bottle of champagne. She handed it off to Sully. He popped it open and the champagne shot out with force and onto the nose of the plane. They all took turns letting Sully pour champagne into their hands so they could rub it onto the nose of the plane.

  Jimmy ran back to the limousines looking for more champagne and came back over to the plane. Within minutes, they were all engrossed in a full-blown champagne fight with Maxine capturing every moment on film.

  Kit sat with Maxine at the front of the plane talking and laughing hours later. She glanced over when she heard them. They were playing drinking games and doing shots. “There they go again.”

  Maxine leaned over Kit and looked down the aisle toward the back of the plane. “I better go take some more shots…” She grinned at Kit. “…With my camera.”

  Kit giggled. “You’re funny, Max.”

  She returned a few moments later. “Ok, got some good ones.”

  Kit shook her head. “They’re not getting too wasted, are they? They have to perform tonight.”

  She waved her hand to dismiss the thought as she glanced at her watch. “They’re old pros. They’ll be fine. What time are we supposed to get in?”

  Just as Maxine finished her sentence, their pilot, Ben Russo, came onto the jet’s intercom systems and told them they were making their final descent into Detroit. Kit was pleased that they were able to hire him. He was one of the best pilots according to her manager friends that had toured extensively. He was popular with artists, managers and record execs. As luck would have it, he was available. The plane touched down and Kit exchanged a look with Maxine. They didn’t even feel it.

  Kit smiled. “Wow, this guy is good. He totally greased that landing. Didn’t even feel it.” Maxine nodded in agreement.

  As Kit descended the stairs, she grinned. A small fleet of limousines awaited them. She glanced at Maxine. “Welcome to tour life when you’ve arrived. The last tour wasn’t like this one at all.”

  She giggled. “Glad I could be a part of it. I’m documenting history, y’know.”

  Sean ran to catch up with Kit. He linked his arm with hers. “I’m riding w
ith you, Kit-Kat.”

  She smiled. “And that would be my great pleasure, Sean-Bon.”

  He laughed loudly. “Sean-Bon, I haven’t heard that one since the last tour! I love it. Let the games begin, right?

  She giggled. “Oh yes and wild games they will be.”

  Maxine bobbed her head enthusiastically. “Looking forward to the experience.” She extended her hand. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Maxine Riley.”

  He smiled and shook her hand. “Ah yes, the rock photographer extraordinaire. Kit told me you’d be accompanying us for the entire tour. If I can help you with anything let me know. I’ll make sure you have my beeper number before we arrive at the hotel.”

  Maxine nodded. “Great! Thanks.” She made her way into the limousine.

  Kit was about to step in after Maxine, when Sully came running toward their limousine. She exchanged a quick glance with Sean. He shrugged his shoulders.

  Sully was slightly out of breath when he finally spoke. “Can I ride with you guys? I’ve been on a plane with those jokers for hours and I’m gonna be on a stage with them soon. I need a break!”

  Sean chuckled and looked at Kit. “Ok with you?”

  Sully looked at Kit and back at Sean. “I need her approval?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. This is her limo. She has a designated limousine. The tour automatically came with two for you guys, any guests and me. She’s picking this one up out of KMK’s budget. You have to ask the boss on this one, Sull.”

  Kit laughed loudly. “You’re being so dramatic, Sean. Of course Sully can ride with us.” She looked at Sully and giggled. “You’re welcome anytime.” She got into the limousine and sat across from Maxine.

  When Sully climbed in, he took a seat right next to Kit. He glanced over at her and grinned. He had wanted to take a moment to talk with her on the flight, but couldn’t free himself from the band or find an opportune time—she was either asleep or chatting with Maxine. He hoped now he would get a minute to exchange his excitement for the tour that they had shared earlier in the day. He was about to reach for her hand and give it a squeeze when she leaned forward to retrieve something from her purse.

  She seized her beeper and looked at the display, unknowingly destroying a slowly budding moment with Sully. She looked up at Sean, who was now sitting across from her as the limousine made its way to their hotel. “Are we doing the meet and greet with Frank and the band at the hotel or at the arena?”

  Sean raised his eyebrows. “I thought it was going to be at the hotel. Why?”

  She shook her head. “Hold on. Let me make a call.” She grabbed the phone and dialed a number.

  Sully sighed and looked at Maxine. She grinned and mouthed, “later.” He smiled. Maxine, like Alexa, was always on the level with him. They were like sisters that were constantly rooting for he and Kit. Having his older brother, Danny, on the tour too added to his level of comfort.

  He looked around the limousine that quickly became chaotic with Kit on the phone and Sean spouting comments for her to integrate into her conversation. He chuckled. Somehow the chaos of the road made him feel a deep sense of home. He didn’t know if it was a mixture of several different elements or just the fact that he was sitting right next to Kit.

  He sat back, got comfortable and then his memory kicked in. His stomach started to knot up and he felt nauseated. He remembered that he had invited Rachel out for the first week of the tour. Seeing Kit go on a date with Simon the week before had blinded him with such a state of deep seated jealously, he invited Rachel on the road as retribution. He severely regretted his decision.

  Kit’s voice grabbed his attention. She looked at Sean. “We’re doing the meet and greet at the arena after they’re done with soundcheck. Frank said that will work better.”

  Sean nodded and Sully glanced over. “Who are we meeting?”

  She grinned. “Your opening band for the tour, Indecent Xposure. And please be kind. The lead singer, Nicky is in awe of you, big time.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Of course I’ll be kind. He must be pretty good himself to be opening on a world tour.”

  Sean interjected. “His is.” He decided to joke with Sully. “Could give you a run for your money and quite possibly dethrone you, Sull.”

  He laughed, knowing Sean was playing with him. “Listen, I don’t have a throne for someone to knock me off of. I’m just a frontman and a songwriter who likes to entertain people. I’m no king.”

  Kit and Sean exchanged a look and she grinned as she looked at him. “Not quite yet, but soon.”

  Opening night in Detroit was turning out better than Kit had anticipated. Their support band, Indecent Xposure, had warmed up the crowd well and put on quite a show. She was happy to see that their style and level of performance was a perfect match for a tour with Gypsy Tango.

  Indecent Xposure was a welcomed last minute addition. When tour dates were pushed back months prior, the original support band slated had to bow out due to scheduling conflicts. Indecent Xposure was lined up with Gypsy Tango at Sean’s suggestion through a tip from one of his friends at Fisher Entertainment.

  They had won the New York City Battle of the Bands competition back in 1987 and it landed them a lucrative record deal. Kit and the rest of the band were impressed with their talent upon watching their soundcheck and hanging out with them during the meet and greet earlier that day. They all looked forward to a long, successful, world tour with them.

  She watched all the guys in Gypsy Tango closely, each and every one of them giving their all on stage. She had never felt so proud. They had worked so hard to get there. She felt herself relax for the first time since they had left Los Angeles.

  She kept her eyes fixed on Sully. He was in his element, working the stage harder than he ever had before. She was amazed at his stamina and giggled thinking back to the days of painful training that she put him through just to get him to this moment. He was thriving.

  Alexa’s words rang out in her head and started to haunt her. She rationalized that tonight may have to be the night she broke the news to him. Everything was running smoothly with the tour, an unprecedented first that she attributed to Sean’s professionalism, and something she was very grateful for.

  She was about to head backstage to inform Sean that she would be stealing Sully away after the show when Rachel sidled up next to her in the wings.

  Rachel squealed seeing Sully performing on stage. “Oh my God! Look at him!” Her eyes were alive with excitement. She looked at Kit and pointed. “That’s my man out there! He’s so awesome.” She sighed contently and smiled.

  Kit closed her eyes for a moment and felt a wave of nausea overtake her. She swallowed hard and opened her eyes. She forced a smile. “Did you just get here, Rachel?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah. Sully flew me in first class. I couldn’t make it to the airport this morning when you guys were all flying out ‘cuz I was shooting a video.” Her blue eyes lit up. “I was featured, so it was a big deal.”

  Kit forced a polite smile and nodded. She knew Rachel was an actress and professional dancer. She couldn’t mask her disappointment at Rachel’s arrival. So much for talking to Sully tonight, she thought. She patted Rachel on the shoulder. “Enjoy. I’m going to head back to the dressing room.”

  She gladly abandoned the stage and made her way back, running into Nicky Campo, the lead singer of Indecent Xposure. He had the quintessential rocker look—big platinum blond hair, a handsome face with brilliant grey eyes and a fantastic, tanned body. With heels on, Kit was almost as tall as him. He wasn’t nearly as tall as Sully, but his presence was as huge as any successful frontman.

  She couldn’t help finding him attractive and if they weren’t on tour together with Sully in close proximity or involved with other people, she wouldn’t mind going out to him. Despite the obvious attraction, she still wanted to get to know him. They would be working together for months and months to come. She smiled. “Nicky! What are you still doing here?�

  He smiled and shrugged his shoulders, his thick Brooklyn accent ringing out. “Hanging out. I wanted to check out Sully. Get some ideas. He puts on quite a show. My goal is to get to his level.”

  Kit gave him a knowing look. His determination and stage presence was that of Sully when he was younger and making his climb. She nodded. “You’ll get there, Nick. I have no doubts about that. You put on quite a show tonight.”

  His grey eyes lit up. “Wow, thank you! Coming from you that’s quite a compliment.”

  She walked over to him, linked her arm in his and started leading him back toward the stage. “C’mon, let’s go watch. How long have you been doing this?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, I dunno. I started playing guitar when I was thirteen and singing when I was even younger than that. Started in clubs when I was seventeen.”

  She chuckled. “And how old are you now?”


  She nodded. “You’re right in line with where you need to be. When Sully was twenty-two he was still playing out clubs. Keep going, Nicky. You could be at his level by the time you’re twenty-five or sooner if you really work it.”

  He started at her in awe. “Really? You think so?”

  She laughed and nodded. “Oh, honey, I know so. I’ll make sure you and Sull get some good time to talk. Seems you two would get along really well. You’re a lot alike.”

  Nicky smiled. “Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment. I think this is going to be a great tour.”

  As they took their places in the wings once again, Kit ignored Rachel and nodded to Nicky. “I think so too.”

  Remo’s suite was packed with wall-to-wall people including all the members of Gypsy Tango, the band Indecent Xposure and a whole ton of groupies. Maxine stepped in and looked around uncomfortably. She swallowed hard and thought about leaving to go back to her room when Sully spotted her. This was the first big party of the tour—one week in. He threw his arm around her and smiled.

  “Max! You made it. You alone? Where’s Kit?”

  She forced a smile. “Kit was tired. She decided to pass. This is crazy! I dunno if I can hang, Sull. I mean, no offense, I don’t know these groupie girls and…” Her attention traveled to a groupie who was now topless and dancing on the table in the center of the room. She looked at Sully. “This really isn’t my scene. I love you guys, but I think I’m gonna go back to my room.”


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