Book Read Free


Page 20

by J. M. Nevins

  Kit smiled. “Can’t wait to see you and Wes too, Lex. Don’t book a hotel. I’ll make sure one of the guest rooms is fixed up for you two. Once you have your flight arrangements, pass ‘em along and I’ll get your car service booked. How long will you two be staying?”

  She sighed. “We’ll fly in early Friday to hang with you guys. Go to the Saturday night show and fly out Sunday. I know you guys have a second L.A. show on Sunday night. As I understand it, you guys are headed to Tokyo shortly after that.”

  Kit chuckled. “Wow, you have all kinds of information, don’t you? Yes, we have a day off in L.A. on Monday, then we’re headed to Honolulu for two back to back shows and Tokyo after that. I’ll see you then. And bring me a copy of that magazine, girl!”

  She laughed. “It’s already on its way. I sent it Federal Express to your hotel room in Seattle. It will be awaiting your arrival two days from now.”

  Kit grinned. “I look forward to it. See you soon, Lex.” She concluded her call with Alexa and stared at the large arrangement again. She giggled, amazed at how something so negative a few days ago turned into a huge blessing for so many today.

  She seized the phone, eager to share the news with Sully. She knew he’d fully share in the victory. When he answered she smiled. “Can you stop by for a minute before we head out for the airport?”

  He chuckled. “Your wish is my command. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  She hung up the phone and smiled.


  The large pile of messages that was now a common practice awaiting Kit at every hotel when they rolled into town, no longer appeared daunting to her like it used to. They had arrived in Seattle right on time. With another number one single hitting the Billboard Hot 100 and ‘Dangerous Curves,’ holding the number one album spot for its second week in a row on the Billboard 200, their popularity continued to spiral upward and her phone kept ringing.

  She could do most things on autopilot now with a foolproof system in place. Sean did most of the heavy lifting while her two assistants, Betsy and Ginny tied up all the loose ends. Regardless of where they were headed, she had a least one assistant by her side.

  As she stood at the front of the elevator donning her dark, aviator sunglasses and stylish, black leather jacket, she started flipping through the messages, oblivious to the decibel level and chaos going on behind her with the band, a few groupies, her assistants and Sean who seemed to be uncomfortably lodged in the back corner.

  The messages were standard and predictable. She flipped through quickly as the elevator climbed to the top floor. She handed off a quarter of the messages to Betsy without saying a word. This had become such a part of the daily routine that Betsy already knew her directive.

  The elevator doors opened and Kit walked out, not missing a step, still flipping through the messages, barely noticing that Sully had taken the room key from her hand and walked past to reach the door to her suite.

  She was almost to the door when she stopped in her tracks. “Holy crap!” She yelled at the top of her lungs while staring at the message. Sully had just opened the door to her suite, but glanced over when her loud remark seized his attention. Her assistants remained frozen behind her exchanging a confused look.

  Sully stared at her in anticipation. “Babe, what’s up?”

  She looked up at him with wide eyes, completely stunned. “Billboard Magazine wants to interview the band and me for a cover story.”

  He smiled wide, ran toward her and gave her a long hug. “It’s about time. That’s amazing, babe! Congratulations.”

  She gave Sully a quick kiss and then turned to her assistants. “You girls can head to your room. I’ll catch up with you later. We won’t need you at soundcheck today. If you need me, call me on the mobile phone or hit me on my beeper.”

  Sully led her into the room and pulled her onto the bed with him. He lay next to her gazing into her eyes and smiling. “So, tell me more about this Billboard thing.”

  She giggled. “I don’t have much else to tell you. I just read the message. I have to call them and find out the details. I’m sure it’s no big deal—a little blurb or mention. I’m sure the clerk at the front desk got the whole cover thing confused with something else.”

  Sully chuckled. “Yeah, right. Just like my Rolling Stone interview. I have a feeling this is going to put you on the map. Not that you aren’t already, but this is going to be high visibility. It’s your turn to jump into the spotlight with us now.”

  Her emerald eyes were alive with excitement. She giggled. “I know. Wow! Ok, y’know what? I’m not going to get my hopes up about anything until I find out the whole scoop.”

  He nodded and grinned. “Call ‘em.” He lay on his back and put his hands behind his head. He playfully joked. “The suspense is killing me.”

  She giggled and tickled him. “Ok, ok. I’ll call.” She took a deep breath, got off the bed and hung up her jacket. She seized the message, glanced at the number and picked up the phone. She stared at Sully as she listened to the sound of the phone ringing on the line. He raised his eyebrows at her and made a kissing motion with his lips in the air toward her.

  She chuckled and turned her attention away from him when someone picked up on the other line. She immediately put all her focus on the call. She scribbled details down and made some agreements before hanging up the phone. She looked at him and smiled. “The message was legit. It’s a cover story. It’s going to come out around the same time your issue of Rolling Stone hits the stands in early December. They want to do the interview and the shoot at their offices in Los Angeles when we’re there in a few days.”

  Sully sat up and smiled. “Wow, that’s only four days away.”

  “I know. My head is still spinning. Is this really happening?” She smiled.

  He got up and walked over to her. He took her by the hand and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. He whispered into her ear. “It’s really happening, all of it. Everything we’ve ever dreamed of together. The empire, baby, it’s starting.”

  She giggled and pulled back to gaze into his eyes, getting lost in them. He leaned in and gave her a long, slow passionate kiss. She kept her arms around his neck and started playing with his hair, kissing him back. They stood there, lost in each other and thoroughly enjoying it. The phone started ringing as Sully started kissing her neck. “Don’t answer that,” he commanded breathlessly.

  She stopped him gently. “I’m sorry, babe. Just give me one second.” She answered the phone and was surprised to hear Spencer on the other side of the line. They engaged in small talk, briefly catching up. He then asked for her help. He wanted to profile her company, KMK Management, for one of his projects in graduate school but couldn’t seem to make any headway with Dante personally. Kit promised him she’d take care of everything, including getting Spencer access to her company’s financials.

  She hung up the phone and turned her attention back to Sully who resigned himself to sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette and drinking scotch on the rocks. She chuckled. “What happened to you?”

  He grinned. “I had to take the edge off somehow. You got me all worked up. I forgot how much kissing you had that effect on me. You’re intoxicating and now I’m all riled up. I would go run a few laps around the hotel to burn this off, but I’m afraid the fans would rip me to shreds. A cold shower is not going to work here.”

  Kit burst out laughing. “Oh baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I gotta say… that was really nice.” She giggled. “I had forgotten what an amazing kisser you are. Makes me think back to all those other special talents you have.” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

  He shook his head and grinned. “Ooh, that’s stone cold cruel. You’re dangling that carrot five minutes before we have to leave for soundcheck? And you still have a boyfriend? Not cool.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and grinned pretending to be more consumed with the messages again than with him, but he knew better. She conti
nued. “Well, there’s always after the show tonight. And I’m breaking up with Simon. I already told him we need to talk when I’m in L.A. I think he knows what’s coming.” She glanced at him. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m single again.”

  He laughed. “Oh shit. It’s on! This is going to be the hardest night ever, no pun intended.” He winked.

  She giggled. “C’mon, let’s get outta here. You can work off that sexual frustration with your vocals on stage during sound check. And if that doesn’t work, you can run a few laps around the stage and the arena.”

  He got up from the couch and grabbed her butt as he walked by, then grabbed his jacket. He got in her face for a minute trying to look tough and couldn’t sustain it. He burst out laughing again. He faked a dirty glare and then gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Meanie.”

  She nodded and swatted him on the butt. “Yep. I’m the queen of mean. You should know that by now. Let’s go, rock star.”

  Kit circulated backstage that night after the show, observing all the guys, pleased to see things were running smoothly. Sully and Jimmy were immersed in an interview with Circus Magazine while Bryan and Tony chatted with a local radio personality and contest winners. For the first time in a long time, the backstage area seemed strangely peaceful. Remo sidled up next to Kit and observed along with her. He watched as Sully laughed in the interview and Jimmy chatted away.

  Remo grinned. “Thanks, Kit.”

  She looked at him. “For what?”

  He pointed at Sully. “For getting that guy back on track. Sully’s more on top of his game than he’s ever been. He’s happy. He doesn’t touch drugs anymore, barely parties. Laughs and jokes, busts his ass, has a spring in his step… all since he started hanging out with you again. I don’t know what it is about you two, but it works. Keep it that way, ok? The guy needs you. And I think it’s safe to say, you need him too.”

  She grinned. “Thanks, Remo, but Sully and I aren’t back together.”

  He interjected and pointed at her. “Yet. Just like you could predict we were gonna go to number one, I can predict that you two are gonna be back together before the end of the year, maybe even sooner.” He grinned again. “And this time it’s gonna stick unless you don’t want it to and I really hope that’s not the case. Have you heard the latest song?”

  She shook her head and giggled at his matchmaking efforts. She never thought she’d be hearing those words come out of Remo’s mouth, but they had. She wanted to keep him encouraged. “Oh, I want to be back with him, just taking it slow. Nothing to worry about, Reems. There’s a new song?”

  He nodded. “Oh yeah and it’s really good. I’d say it’s probably some of his best writing ever. And I’m convinced that he wrote it about you. You should try to coax it out of him. Have him do it at soundcheck or something.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Maybe I will.”

  Kit and the rest of the band left the mayhem backstage to return to the hotel. Tony and the guys didn’t feeling like slowing down and started a small party on the floor where all their rooms were located. Kit was pleased that her suite was at the end of the hall, away from the pandemonium. Sully trailed closely behind her.

  She walked into her room and threw her purse on the desk. Sully sat down on the bed and looked up at her. “So, what do you think?”

  She nodded. “I only caught the tail-end of the interview, but it sounded like you guys did a great job. Why, do you feel weird about it?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Just curious.”

  She stood in front of him and stroked his hair, still wet from the quick shower he took before leaving the arena. “No party for you tonight?”

  He looked up at her, grinned suggestively and pulled her toward him. “No. I keep thinking about what happened before we went to soundcheck today. Haven’t been able to erase it from my mind. How about we pick up where we left off and have a little party of our own?” He interlocked his fingers with hers.

  She gazed into his eyes and could feel herself getting drawn in. “Ok, but be gentle with me. It’s been a while.”

  He pulled her onto the bed gently and started kissing her. Their hands roved all over each other’s bodies. They were both reveling in the moment. He started to slowly peel off her cropped jacket, kissing her shoulders. As she stripped off his shirt there was a knock at the door.

  He kissed her neck. “Do not answer that door,” he commanded firmly. She did as he said and stayed embroiled in his kisses and roaming hands that she was thoroughly enjoying. She couldn’t wipe the satisfied grin off of her face.

  Moments later, the knock turned into a pounding on the door, with the bodyguard’s voice yelling. “Kit, open up!”

  Sully let her free, let out a groan and flopped back onto the bed frustrated as hell. She got up shaking her head. “I’m gonna fucking kill him.”

  She flung open the door, her eyes wide. “What Billy?”

  “Sully’s not in his room. We can’t find him. Is he in here?”

  “Yes he is, but he’s not seeing anyone tonight, especially girls, so you can tell whoever she is to go away.” She could see a cute, young, blond girl down the hall looking hopeful. She waved to Kit enthusiastically.

  Billy nodded and Kit slammed the door. She ran back and giggled as she leapt onto the bed. Sully started kissing her and the pounding started again. Kit shook her head. “Jeez, can’t he take any kind of fucking direction?” Sully chuckled at the sheer absurdity of the situation. Kit got up and flung open the door. “What now, Billy?”

  “She says that Sully told her to come here tonight and hang out with him.”

  Kit gave him a condescending look. “They all say that.”

  He shook his head. “No, Kit, really. She’s got an all access VIP pass. She says she’s his cousin.”

  Kit sighed and rolled her eyes. “Bring her over here.” She would know within seconds if this girl was a bullshit artist. The girl approached eagerly, smiling from ear to ear. As she came closer, her all access VIP pass came into view. Kit read the name on the pass, ‘H. O’Sullivan.’ Kit nodded and flagged Billy to let her friend accompany her.

  When the girl reached the threshold she looked up at Kit and smiled, hand outstretched. “Hi, you must be Kit. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you from Pat, or uh Sully, I guess.” She giggled. “I’m his baby cousin, Hillary.”

  Kit shook her hand and smiled, feeling like an ass for causing such a ruckus. She was happy to meet her, yet annoyed by the timing that would prevent she and Sully from continuing their sultry romp. “Great to meet you, Hillary. Who’s your friend?”

  “This is Dana. She’s a big Jimmy fan.”

  Kit nodded. “Nice to meet you.” She opened the door as wide as it could go. She looked over and pointed. “Your cousin is right over there.”

  By now Sully was standing up trying to see who was behind the door talking to Kit. He caught sight of Hillary and a wide smile spread across his face. “Hillary, baby girl, is that you?”

  She squealed loudly. “Pat!” She ran over to him.

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and a long hug. As he hugged her he looked at Kit and mouthed, “I’m sorry.” She chuckled and nodded. He pulled back and looked at Hillary. “I’m so happy to see you. Sorry I wasn’t in my room. I totally forgot you were coming by tonight.” He looked at Kit. “Hillary is a sophomore at the University of Washington. She promised that we could hang out next time I rolled into town.”

  Hillary grinned. “And that would be tonight!”

  Kit knew better than to interrupt. She grinned graciously. “Glad you could stop by, Hillary. I’m sure you and Pat have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Hillary nodded and flashed Sully her left finger, showing off a modest diamond engagement ring. “Bobby proposed! I have so much to tell you.”

  Sully smiled. “Certainly looks like you do. Why don’t we all go back to my room?”

  Hillary and Dana nodded. He looked at Kit hopefully, but she didn
’t bite. “Oh, you kids go ahead. Have fun.” She smiled and winked at him.

  He led the girls out into the hallway, pointing them in the direction of his room. He turned around, looked at her and gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll try to make this as short as I can, but I promised I’d hang out with her months ago. I’m so sorry, babe.”

  She took his hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry about it. She’s your family. It’s important. Go hang out with her. You and I can finish what we started anytime.” She winked again.

  He smiled wide and giggled. “I was hoping you’d say that. I’ll come back by after she leaves.”

  She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Ok, honey.”

  When Sully returned to Kit’s door at two in the morning, he noticed her ‘do not disturb’ sign hanging from the doorknob. Billy was still standing guard with the parties going full force. Sully walked up to him and motioned to the doorknob. “What’s up with this?”

  “She put it out about a half hour ago, dude. Said she was dead tired and wanted some uninterrupted sleep. Sorry, man.”

  Sully sighed and walked away, back to the empty bed in his room.

  The days to follow were simply blissful between Kit and Sully and she looked forward to an upcoming day off in Los Angeles with him. They still hadn’t had a chance to pick up where they left off in the bedroom. There was always something or someone getting in the way. They resigned themselves to the fact that when it was meant to happen, it would. In the meantime, they were completely enjoying each other’s company. Laughing, joking, talking, flirting, kissing, falling more deeply in love all over again. Kit felt invincible as if nothing could shake her now.

  She had talked to Remo earlier in the day, scheming to get him to probe Sully into singing the song he had written for her a while back. She was desperate to hear it, but didn’t want to put him on the spot. As he took the stage in Oakland for soundcheck, Remo gave her a nod and held up three fingers. She knew to look out for song three during the check. She headed out to the boards and watched them.


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