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Page 25

by J. M. Nevins

  December was upon them and they were headed to their last show of the year before they took a break for the Christmas holiday. They weren’t due back on the road until January and when they resumed, Jimmy would be back in the saddle resuming his lead guitar duties.

  Kit felt a melancholy pang knowing tonight would be her last performance. Not only had the experience brought she and Sully closer, but she felt such a deep camaraderie with the rest of the band that hadn’t existed before. She hoped the bond would remain even after her departure as their fill-in lead guitarist.

  Although she didn’t want to give up the ghost on her role yet, there was really no other alternative. And when she truly evaluated the situation, she got in touch with how exhausted she felt. Snoozing on the road had never been easy, but trying to keep up with the demands of being the talent and the manager had provided her with a seriously sleep-deprived existence.

  She looked forward to spending a peaceful holiday season with Sully. They would be headed back to Chicago for Christmas to spend time with Sully’s family and the Valois family, as well as Kit’s grandmother. Then they were headed to Manhattan to ring in the New Year with Alexa, Wes and baby Kelsey.

  Before heading home, though, Kit and Sully had some personal business to attend to that had her excited. Nicky was planning on marrying his girlfriend, Bernie, in Las Vegas as soon as the dates were complete in December. The following morning, they would all be flying out. Maxine was just as thrilled. She was asked by Bernie to act as her maid of honor. Nicky’s cousin and manager, Frank, would serve as best man.

  Maxine yawned as she sat across from Kit. “Can we go shopping once we hit Vegas?”

  She grinned. “Absolutely. I need something to wear to the wedding.”

  “Bernie is coming with us. I’m letting her pick out my dress, within reason.” Maxine rolled her eyes and chuckled.

  Kit raised an eyebrow. “Does Bernie have her dress?”

  She laughed. “Nope. Needs to get one. It’s Vegas. She’ll find one no problem. This whole thing is spur of the moment. Nicky gets a single into the top ten on the Billboard charts and that did it. I guess he needed to see something tangible before entertaining the idea.”

  Kit giggled, looked at Sully and nudged him. “Sounds familiar.”

  He kept his attention trained on the issue of Time Magazine in front of him and spoke calmly. “I’m not even going to entertain your comment, Kathryn.” When Kit glanced at him again, she noticed a faint trace of a buccaneer grin that he unsuccessfully tried to hide.

  Maxine giggled and shifted her attention back to Kit. “So, last show for you tonight. How do you feel about that?”

  She chuckled. “Now, I’m the one that’s going to pull that no comment card on you. I don’t want to think about it.” She focused her attention out the window and started to feel a slight aching in her heart at the thought of surrendering her guitar to the tech for the last time tonight.

  Bryan leaned forward. “Psst.”

  She frowned and looked at him. “What?”

  He smiled and his aquamarine eyes twinkled. “We’ll make it the best show ever tonight, Kitty. Promise. We’re gonna miss having you on that stage, but don’t tell Jim that!” She laughed.

  Sully stood at the top of the stage that afternoon doing his normal routine of surveying the sea of empty seats at the end of soundcheck. Kit handed off her guitar to the tech and approached him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and rested her chin on his shoulder. He glanced down and patted her hand. He felt disappointed knowing this would be their last night on stage playing together. He secretly hoped Jimmy would never come back and Kit would remain as their lead guitarist. He sighed, quickly letting go of his pipe dream.

  She forced a grin. “Six weeks seemed so daunting when I started out on this adventure with all of you. Now, I can’t believe it’s over.”

  He freed himself from her embrace and stood before her. He lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. “It’s not over. You have one more show tonight, rock star. Make it count. Give it everything you have, even if I have to carry you off the stage at the end of it.”

  She giggled and her emerald eyes danced. “Ok. You’ve got my word. How about we seal our agreement in a kiss?”

  He grinned. “Of course.” He leaned in to kiss her.

  Remo groaned and jumped off the drum riser. “Since you two got engaged, you never stop. Get a room!” He yelled as he walked off stage. Sully and Kit both burst out laughing.

  Maxine stood before Kit backstage that night aiming the camera moments before her final show with the band. The shutter whirred as she took several different angles. She giggled and shook her head. “You look like such a badass in that wardrobe with your guitar!”

  She rolled her eyes and snickered. “I look like I should be playing in the band Vixen is what I look like.”

  Maxine giggled. “No, much classier. You’re more like a redheaded Nancy Wilson of Heart. That chick is awesome!”

  Kit grinned. “Thank you. I’ll take that comparison as a huge compliment. You’re right, Nancy Wilson rocks.” Kit took her guitar off and handed it to her tech who walked by and grabbed it. Sean patted her shoulder. “Five minutes.”

  The energy backstage started swirling around and Kit felt the shift. Whenever they got close to show time it was always the same. A buzz started backstage and the chaos got turned up a notch. She took a moment to fully absorb it, knowing this would be the last time she’d experience it from this perspective as the artist, not the manager.

  Nicky smiled as he approached. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. “Break a leg, Kit. I’ll be in the audience tonight.”

  Her green eyes widened. “You’re not watching from the stage?”

  He chuckled. “No. Bernie and I are watching from the soundboards. You’ll do great, babe.” He waved as he walked away.

  Maxine smiled at her. “Proud of you, Kitty, really proud. Crush it out there tonight!” She reached forward to hug her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She pulled back and grinned. “I’ll be in the wings, stage right… right by your side.” She squeezed her arm gently before she walked away.

  Kit let out a long, even breath as she heard the chant that drove her to the stage for every show. “Band to the stage,” rang out on the walky-talkies in the vicinity. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes.

  She felt someone tugging at her arm and opened her eyes. Tony grinned. “C’mon axe mistress. Let’s go.”

  She laughed and let him lead her up the stairs to the stage where they did their normal ritual of putting their hands in a huddle and yelling their chant. As she broke free from the rest of the band, she noticed the blink pattern of the small flashlight across the darkened stage, indicating it was time for them to take their marks. She swallowed hard and was about to follow the band out, when Sully stopped her.

  He gently turned her face toward him so she was staring up into his eyes. His steel-blue eyes beamed with pride. “It’s been a pleasure and an honor to do this with you for six weeks. Let’s give Salt Lake City the night of their life.”

  She smiled. “You got it.”

  He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, despite the frantic looks of the angry stagehands and Sean who was rapidly motioning for them to break it up and start the show. Sully struggled to speak into her ear over the loud crowd chanting “GT.” “I love you so much, babe.”

  She pulled back and nodded, yelling. “I love you too, babe. Let’s go kick some ass.” He laughed and swatted her playfully on the butt as she headed off to her corner of the stage and took her mark.

  Maxine carefully lifted up the corner of her full-length, strapless, crimson, velvet-trimmed, satin dress so it wouldn’t drag as she walked down the hallway. It definitely wasn’t her style, but she did it for Bernie. Despite the four-inch stilettos that adorned her feet, the dress remained too long for her petite five foot two stature and she prayed she wouldn’t trip on it as she stationed her
self in front of Kit and Sully’s suite. She uncomfortably shrugged the black fur stole that graced her shoulders and knocked loudly with her full-length, crimson gloved hand.

  Sully opened the door and grinned. “My, my, my, don’t we look pretty.”

  She giggled. “Yes, we do. Thanks for the compliment, but you know this is so not me. I’m feeling a little like Madonna in the ‘Material Girl’ video.” Sully snickered as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Are you guys heading out soon?”

  He swung the door open. “C’mon in. Kit’s running a few minutes behind. Wanna head over without us? You’re the maid of honor. I don’t want you to get in trouble for delaying the wedding.”

  Maxine let out a frustrated growl. “Ok, ok. I didn’t want to head over solo, but I guess I’ll go.” She wagged her finger at Sully. “Hurry her ass up. Do not be late to this wedding!”

  He laughed. “I’ll do my best. I thought only a few people were going to the wedding.”

  She nodded. “Only a few are, but there’s a huge reception planned here at the Mirage afterward. Friends and fam from Brooklyn flying in. They wanted to do the ceremony just them, y’know. Small and intimate.”

  Sully nodded. “I gotcha. Ok, we’ll see you soon.” He shut the door after Maxine left and yelled out. “Kit! Shake a tail feather. We can’t be late.”

  She ran out, frantically searching for her lipstick. The short-sleeved indigo, leather, military style dress she wore fit her like a glove in all the right places. She had thrown her red locks into a messy updo that favored sexy more than disheveled.

  He chuckled. “Babe, you look gorgeous!” She paused to smile at him and give him a quick kiss. She then resumed her frantic search. She seized her lipstick and ran to the mirror closest to the door.

  Sully reached into the closet and retrieved her black mink coat. He stood in front of the door and held it open with his foot. “C’mon, babe. We have to go. We don’t want to be late, do we?”

  She chuckled and snuggled into the coat he held out for her. She nodded and grabbed her clutch. “We’re out.”

  They hopped into a limousine awaiting them downstairs. As they sat side-by-side holding hands on the way to the Graceland Chapel, she glanced over at him. “Are you sure you don’t want to go after them? After all you’re the one in a hurry to get married.”

  He chuckled at the pure absurdity of her statement. He groaned. “Don’t tempt me.” He shook his head and teased. “Seriously, Kit, I know you don’t want to get married for another five years, but when we do finally do it, I want to do it right, in front of all of our family and friends. Kind of like our engagement on steroids.”

  She burst out laughing. “Nice way to put it. And we’re not getting married in five years. Stop with the exaggerations. It’s nearly ten months from now and it will be here before we know it. But if you wanted me to, I would marry you tonight. Just sayin.’”

  He looked at her and smiled as he gazed into her eyes. “I think you just made my night.”

  She smiled. “I love how you’re so easy to please.”

  They had been so engrossed in their conversation and each other, they had no idea the limousine had come to a stop. When Sully stepped out of the limousine, he didn’t have time to clue Kit in. By the time she joined him, the paparazzi had appeared out of nowhere devouring them, along with their limousine driver who pulled out a camera of his own and started snapping shots.

  Frustrated, Sully pulled Kit close and pushed his way through to the entrance of the chapel. Once they were behind closed doors he looked at her. “I’m sorry.”

  She chuckled and stroked his cheek. “It’s ok, babe. We had no idea we’d get ambushed. Maybe they think we’re the ones getting married tonight. Wouldn’t that be funny?” She raised her eyebrows and giggled.

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks for being such a good sport.” He took her hand and started leading her in. Maxine and Bernie were waiting and talking with each other.

  Sully approached Bernie and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a beautiful bride. Nicky’s a lucky guy.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, Sull.”

  Kit reached out and hugged her. “You look so gorgeous, baby. I’m so happy for you. We’re gonna go find our seats so you can do this. Sorry we’re late!”

  Bernie laughed. “No problem. Rock star time, right?”

  Kit laughed and nodded as she winked at her. Sully led her to the front of the small chapel and they quickly took their seats. She winked at Nicky as he stood waiting for his bride to approach.

  The phone rang loudly in their suite the next morning and Kit groaned. She nudged Sully to pick it up. He rolled over and grabbed the phone, answering sleepily. He immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes as he spoke. “Come again?” He let out an annoyed groan. “Shit!” He glanced over at Kit. “Babe, turn on the TV and flip to MTV, ok?” She slowly nodded and yawned as she reached for the remote. He continued with the call. “Yeah, yeah. Just get your butts over here now. We’ll figure it out. Let me call Lex and see if she can spin something.”

  Kit had done as Sully said and easily drifted back into slumber. She was in her own little hungover world and indifferent to what was going on around her. When she heard a knock at their door, though, she roused and sat up, holding her head. Nicky and Bernie’s reception had proved to be quite a party the night before.

  She struggled to comprehend what was going on. She heard Sean’s voice in the distance along with her two assistants and the phone ringing again. Before she could reach over and answer, it stopped ringing. She stared at it and frowned. Annoyed by all the interruptions, she knew getting back to sleep was not in the cards. She got up, threw on her robe and padded out to the living room area of the suite where Danny, Sean, Ginny and Betsy had congregated. Sully was on the phone.

  Sean forced a grin. “Good morning.”

  She grimaced. “It’s not feeling too good at the moment. I either need a few aspirin or a shot of alcohol. Maybe both at this point.”

  He nodded and chuckled. Ginny jumped up. “I’ll order some Bloody Mary’s while Sull’s finishing the call. I’ll have ‘em put a rush on it.”

  Kit grinned. “Thanks, Gin.” She looked around. “What are you all doing here?”

  As she finished her sentence, the hourly news run for MTV started. Sean gently put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face the television. She heard the MTV veejay, Downtown Julie Brown, talking about the latest music news.

  She was about to tune it out, finding nothing of interest until Julie’s next statement rang out, capturing her attention immediately. “In other news, sexy Gypsy Tango frontman, Sully Foxx, married his long time girlfriend and manager, Kit McKenna in an impromptu ceremony last night at Graceland Chapel on the famed Las Vegas Strip. We’ll show you the photo of the happy couple coming up in the next hour.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she blinked, speechless. Sully hung up the phone and rushed to her side. He pulled her into her arms and hugged her. “Babe, I’ve got this taken care of. Alexa is on it. She’s got connections at MTV. She drafted a correction to the story. She hopes to have the retraction for us within the hour.”

  Kit pulled back and burst out laughing. “Seriously? This is insane! It was Nicky’s wedding! Why don’t they have any photos of them leaving the chapel? They clearly looked like the couple that got married last night. My God, Bernie was in a wedding dress!” She then surveyed him closely, keeping her mischievous grin. “Wait a minute. Did we get married last night and was I too drunk to remember?”

  He then burst out laughing and triggered everyone else in the room to do the same. “No, babe. I swear to you, we did not. I think they grabbed a photo of us when we were walking into the chapel and made an assumption. Remember that overeager limo driver that was snap happy? I think he tipped off the paparazzi and someone from that group sold the shot. Alexa covered all of that in the retraction. She thought the entire thing was humorous, by the way.”

  Kit shrugged her shoulders, unfazed and slightly amused by the turn of events. “It is, really. Thank goodness Nana doesn’t watch MTV!”

  Sully giggled. “I know.” As the words rolled off his tongue, the phone rang. He ran over and answered it while Kit chatted with Betsy and Ginny, who had returned to handle any additional questions about the mishap.

  Kit glanced over and noticed Sully laughing. She grinned and wondered who was on the phone. He covered the mouthpiece and yelled to Kit. “Spence says congrats!”

  She laughed. “Are you gonna keep yanking his chain or tell him the truth?”

  He giggled. “He already knows. He figured it out. He’s a smart McKenna like you. Remember? He knows the tricks of the press.” He resumed his call and continued talking with Spencer.

  An hour later, Kit sat on the couch with Sully, fully clothed now, surrounded by a small crowd including Danny, Sean, the band and her two assistants. She sipped on her Bloody Mary and waited patiently.

  The MTV music news started its top of the hour rant with Downtown Julie Brown’s nasally British accent leading the charge. Kit and Sully perched on the edge of their seats as did everyone else in the room.

  She started. “We want to send out our apologies to Sully Foxx and Kit McKenna who did not get married last night, but are currently engaged to be married, and were attending the wedding of close friend and fellow tour mate Nicky Campo, frontman of Indecent Xposure.” Everyone in the room cheered as a photo of Kit and Sully with newly married Nicky, in his white tuxedo with tails, and Bernie, who was still holding her bouquet in the photograph, flashed up on the screen.

  Sully leaned in and gave Kit a quick kiss on the lips. She pulled back and smiled. “Thanks for killing that rumor so quickly, babe. I’m impressed.”

  He nodded. “We’re a team. I’m just pulling my weight. It’s taken me a while to learn the ropes, but I’ve got it now. And having Lex, our media goddess, to help out in a pinch always helps.”


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