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Page 15

by Cyndi Friberg

  “Please, Vox.” She lifted into his kiss, pushing herself onto his tongue.

  Need stabbed through him, driving rational thoughts from his mind. He surged up over her, legs still draped over his shoulders, and found her entrance with his cock.

  “Do you accept my claim?” You can’t claim her! But he had to hear the words, had to know she would allow his claim the next time their bodies joined.

  “Yes.” She stared into his eyes, surrendered, yet still afraid.

  He held himself back through sheer force of will and entered her slowly, giving her body plenty of time to adjust to the invasion. When his entire length was surrounded by her heat, he shifted his shoulders and her legs slipped down to his elbows. “You are mine, and I am yours.”

  He pulled nearly out then thrust back in, filling her with one forceful move.

  She gasped then whimpered. “I am yours and you are mine.”

  He didn’t question how she’d known the proper response only thrilled to finally hear the sacred words. Her hands framed his face and pulled him down for a kiss as his hips began to rock. He’d had lovers before, but this was so profoundly different that it defied comparison. He moved over her and into her, savoring each silken slide and breathy moan. Her hardened nipples teased his chest and her hands tangled in his hair. She kissed him just as fiercely as he was kissing her. It was consuming and overwhelming.

  Suddenly her emotions flowed directly into his mind. His eyes flew open and he tensed. Only a mating bond would provide him this sort of access. “No,” he whispered. He’d failed to protect her from himself. His spirit had staked his claim even as his mind refused to betray her.

  Mercifully, she seemed to be lost in passion, oblivious to the conflict consuming him.

  Pulling back from the fragile link, he shut himself off from the connection. If he failed to feed it energy it would remain weak and temporary. He mourned the loss as he sped his thrusts. Angry yet in ecstasy. He concentrated entirely on the physical act, rapidly nearing completion. Still the pleasure felt hollow now. He wanted a true spiritual joining with his mate.

  He thrust one last time and spilled his seed deep inside her. She shuddered, her inner muscles rippling with enough force to assure him she had also found release.

  “Where did you go?” She opened her eyes, looking dazed and unsure. “For just a second I could feel you inside my head and then… It was like you slammed the door in my face.”

  He sighed and carefully separated their bodies, then rolled to her side. “I promised I wouldn’t claim you until you knew everything. I was unable to keep my promise, at least not entirely.”

  She rolled to her side and propped her head on her hand. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I claimed you, but the connection is so fragile, I will be able to destroy it if you no longer want to be my mate.”

  Fear washed over Emily in an icy wave. She sat up and dragged the sheet up to cover her naked body. “Why wouldn’t I want to be with you? What is this horrible secret?”

  He sat as well, shifting on the bed so he could face her. “Most would not consider it horrible, but I fear you will.”

  She scowled. “Now I think I’m insulted. Just spit it out.”

  “My father is Master Fire. He is the most powerful person in our region.”

  “I’m not horrified yet, so what else?” He tried to touch her, but she batted his hand away. “No secrets, remember. Lexie told me that it’s impossible once we’re mated, so let’s get this over with.”

  “My uncle is the current regional king, but my father is the true ruler of the Fire Islands.”

  She was trying to understand the significance, but America had no kings, much less guild masters. “So you will be Master Fire when your father dies?”

  He shook his head. “Guild master is an earned position. That would only happen if I proved myself stronger than anyone else in the Fire Islands. I will become regional king as soon as my father decides that I am ready to rule at his side.”

  “Then your uncle is a sort of place holder? That seems cruel.”

  “It’s a much higher honor than most younger sons are given. My father could have made me king and designated himself as my regent, in effect making himself both king and guild master. It’s what most of the other regional kings would have done.”

  She shook her head, her mind suddenly taking her back to their wilderness adventure. “You said you were crown something then made up some lame-ass excuse. You’re the freaking crown prince of Bilarri, aren’t you?”

  “I am crown prince of the Fire Islands, not the entire planet.”

  She crawled off the side of the bed, dragging the sheet with her as she went. “Do you live in a palace?”

  “I have designated rooms in all four of the royal palaces, but I prefer my own residence.”

  She couldn’t decide if she needed to laugh or cry. This couldn’t be happening. She’d fallen in love with a goddam prince. He was right. Most women would be thrilled by this news, yet the sort of life led by a princess would be torture for her. “Is there a Bilarrian version of the paparazzi?”

  “We demand more respect from our journalists, but there is a great deal of public interest in our lives. Besides, every member of the royal family can teleport, so reporters have a hard time keeping up.”

  She glared at him. “This isn’t funny. I’m not sure I can live like that.”

  His expression fell and he nodded. “Then I will dissolve the link.”

  “I don’t want that.” She threw up her hands and lost the sheet in the process. “I don’t know what I want.”

  He moved so fast his image blurred. Suddenly she was in his arms and her face was buried in the warmth of his neck. “We’ll keep it simple, I promise. You’re not obligated to make public appearances. We can explain that—”

  “That I’m a terrified freak from another planet? That won’t reflect very well on Earth.”

  She heard laughter in his voice, but his words were gentle. “I’ll protect you in any way I can.”

  “Will you give up your kingdom for me and live like I do on Earth?” She grinned against his neck, but he tensed, clearly not realizing she was joking.

  “If that is the only way you will have me.”

  Shocked to the marrow of her bones, she pushed back and looked into his eyes. “Do you mean it? You’ll give it all up for me?”

  He opened the link, allowing her to feel how much he loved her and how important her happiness was to him. It broke his heart to make the concession, but he meant every word as he said, “Yes. I will give it all up for you.”

  Suddenly feeling cruel and petty, she forced herself to smile. “Then it’s a damn good thing I’m not that selfish, isn’t it?”

  His eyes widened and joy rippled through his spirit. “Truly? You’ll be my queen?”

  She laughed and slapped him lightly on the chest. “Let me get used to princess. I’ll have to ease into the idea of being a queen.”

  “Take all the time you need.” He claimed her mouth in a lingering kiss, then whispered, “We have the rest of our lives to work things out.”

  He lifted her into his arms and placed her back in the middle of the bed. She held out her arms, eager for the complete joining he’d denied them. He crawled on top of her and she bent her legs, opening her body to welcome his. There was no need for foreplay, or words. They were both desperate for a deeper melding.

  He pushed into her, filling her until she gasped. It had been years since she’d been with anyone, but Vox was also larger than—

  “There is no one but me,” he said, sternly pulling back then thrusting hard. “Never think of them again.”

  “Think of who?” She smiled into his eyes. “There is only you.”

  He rocked between her thighs, but kept his elbows locked, holding most of his weight on his forearms and knees. “Come down here.” She pulled on his shoulders. “I need to feel all of you.”

  He covered her, pres
sing her down into the bed as his shaft filled her over and over. Their mouths meshed, tongues sliding. She clutched his back with her hands and her heels.

  Pleasure swirled around her, making her skin tingle and her brain buzz. He hovered just out of reach, like a thunderstorm on the horizon. Energy trickled into her mind, expanding their link, widening the connection. Then he barreled into her being like a flash flood, inundating her senses and shattering reality.

  There was only Vox and the love he fed her, only pleasure and security. He stretched her body and challenged her concepts of life, expanding her understanding in ways she’d never be able to explain. His mouth gentled as his hips thrust faster. She didn’t want it to end, yet the intensity was painful.

  She screamed in pleasure, and fear threaded through her contentment. What if a human couldn’t survive a true Bilarrian joining?

  He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her to his thundering heart. I will never harm you, nor allow another to threaten you. He eased back the intensity until she was suspended in tranquil splendor. Do you accept my claim? Will you bind your soul with mine for all eternity?

  “Yes. I will,” she whispered the words with her mouth as well as her mind, making sure he heard.

  He thrust his full length into her and energy surged through her along with his seed. She cried out again, coming harder than she’d ever come before. Lights danced before her eyes and her back bowed nearly off the bed. Sparks of sensation peppered her skin as the orgasm went on and on.

  Darkness threatened to overtake her, then his lips drew her back. “You’re still alive, love. Apparently a human can survive being claimed by a Bilarrian.”

  She laughed, too exhausted to move.

  He rolled them to their sides and drew one of her legs up to his hip. “I was beginning to wonder if this would really happen.”

  “Didn’t think I could take it?”

  “No. I was afraid I couldn’t convince you I was worth the risk.” He kissed her forehead and caressed her back with long, tender strokes. “I come with a lot of excess baggage.”

  She chuckled and stroked his side and then his muscular flanks, “Could have fooled me. You don’t even have love handles.”

  He laughed and cupped her breast. “That’s what Bilarrian adolescents call these.”

  She stilled and stared deep into his eyes. “We’re genetically compatible, but we’re still different species. Are you sure we’ll be able to have children?”

  “I’m sure.” She felt an odd tingling in her belly then he said, “It hasn’t happened yet. I guess we’ll have to keep trying.”

  “You’ll honestly be able to tell that soon?”

  “When a new life sparks within you, I will sense it. Once you’ve become more accustomed to our link, you will likely sense it too.”

  “What else will I be able to sense? Lexie said she’ll live longer and be healthier because of her link with Kaden. Does it work the same way with Bilarrians?”

  “Your life cycle will remain linked with mine as long as I’m alive. If I am killed while you still live, your telomeres will deteriorate again, meaning you’ll age as humans age.”

  “Bilarrians don’t age? That’s why Drakkin still looks so young.”

  “We use elemental energy to regenerate our bodies, so our life cycle is slowed in direct proportion to the strength of our abilities. My father was born four years before my uncle, but my uncle appears much older. And yes, that’s why Lord Drakkin appears so young.”

  “Wow.” She shook her head, stunned beyond eloquent words. “Just wow.”

  “If I had told you all of this, would it have made your decision easier?”

  She laughed. “Would I have accepted your insane lifestyle so I could remain young? Hell no! All this means is I have to put up with you longer.”

  He rolled her beneath him again and kissed her sassy mouth. “Then I’ll have to find other ways of convincing you I’m worth the insane lifestyle.”

  He started moving inside her again and all she could do was smile.

  * * * * *

  Vox sent a pulse of energy precariously close to Zilor’s sweaty face. The warrior yelped but jerked aside just in time to save himself from getting singed. “An attack can come from any direction at any time. You must be ready for anything.”

  Zilor accepted the criticism with a tense nod and Vox felt a little guilty. He was showing off for his new mate and that wasn’t fair to his students. The twelve couples had made remarkable progress in the few short weeks they’d been at Stargazer Ranch. They needed encouragement not showboating by their mentor. “Let’s take a break. You all did really well this morning.”

  “Are you going to introduce us, or does my mate have to do it for you?” Zilor asked with a cocky grin. Indigo was the only female here who had met Emily, so Zilor had a point.

  Vox looked at Emily. She stood to one side of the open training field, enjoying the pine-scented air and midmorning sunshine. He motioned her closer, then wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “This is my mate Emily. She’s working with Lexie on the marketing campaign for the transformation program, or at least she will be again once I can be parted from her.”

  Everyone called out their names and greetings before he could take her through the list.

  “It’s nice to meet everyone. I can’t believe how well you’re doing already. It’s really remarkable.”

  A deep rumble vibrated the ground, jarring Vox to high alert. He instinctively pushed Emily behind him and scanned the area for threats. The rumble grew louder and louder, but he still couldn’t locate the source.

  “What the hell is that?” Indigo asked, her voice almost shrill.

  “On your knees!” The disembodied voice came from nowhere and everywhere.

  Vox spread his arms and scanned as one of the females began to sob. As he taught them, the class had gathered into a tight circle back to back. They were tense and ready, some with conventional weapons, some prepared to test their new skills.

  What’s going on? Emily was trying not to distract him, but he could feel her fear and it was all he could do not to turn around and hug her, comfort her.

  Unsure. With brutal determination, he remained focused on the bigger picture, but he still kept his mate near.

  “On your fucking knees now or I open fire!”

  A pulse weapon discharged striking the grass between Vox’s feet. He glanced around and realized he was the only one still standing. Even Emily was kneeling, more to his side rather than fully behind him. Unwilling to risk the safety of his mate or his students, he slowly sank to his knees.

  “Now lock your hands behind your head and keep those fingers pressed against your skull.”

  Vox narrowed his eyes, but reluctantly complied. Had this unseen person known this was the best way to neutralize a pyro-kin?

  Rodytes could communicate mind-to-mind through their integrated tech, but few were truly telepathic. The only one he could reach was Emily and he wanted her as far from this madness as possible.

  “To the right. I can see the outline of a ship,” Zilor whispered just loud enough for Vox to hear.

  Vox shifted his head slightly and saw the distortion Zilor had spotted. Sure enough, some sort of ship hovered about ten feet above the ground.

  A flash of light jarred Vox’s attention back to the area directly in front of him. A large person now stood there in molded body armor, head concealed behind the mirrored visor of his or her helmet. The shape of the armor indicated male, but that could be a deception. The soldier had a pulse pistol trained on Vox, but made no move to approach. One by one similar soldiers appeared until the training field was ringed by invaders. Had they all come off that one ship? It didn’t look large enough to contain them all.

  If he’d been alone he would have attacked each intruder as they appeared, but he had to consider his students, and his mate. All the invaders had done so far was snarl, so Vox decided to ride it out a bit longer.

  The last s
oldier to appear was clearly the leader. Though his armor was identical, he made hand gestures that were immediately obeyed. Once his men were in a configuration that seemed to satisfy him, he moved directly toward Vox.

  Vox got to his feet and unhooked his hands, refusing to face the threat like a helpless fool. “You’re trespassing on private land.”

  The invader laughed. The sound was muffled by his helmet, but it was still unmistakable. He took off his helmet and tucked it beneath his arm, revealing his amused face. “Jesus, Vox, that’s rich. I’m the one trespassing on Earth?”

  Vox just stared in stunned amazement. He hadn’t seen Royce Marsden in fifteen years, but his features hadn’t changed that much. His brown hair had begun to gray at the temples and lines now fanned out from his green eyes. “Marsden. What’s this about?”

  “Lower shields, men. Show this bastard what we’re about.”

  In response to the order, six ships gradually appeared, forming a circle in the sky above the training field. Higher up, one much larger ship dominated the others, the command center no doubt.

  “Let me start with an introduction, I’m Colonel Royce Marsden of the US Airforce, my unit is known—to those few who know we exist—as Solar Warden.”

  “Is this all you’ve got?” Vox motioned to the collection of ships. “The battle born can obliterate this force with one of their Phantoms. And unlike your attempt at stealth, you’ll never see it coming.”

  “We’re not here to pick a fight,” Marsden told him. “We’re here to issue a warning. We can’t control what you do on the moon. Technically, it belongs to Rodymia.”

  Vox had no idea why that would be, but he didn’t let it show in his expression.

  “This ranch, however, is in the US and you don’t have permission to be here. Anyone without a valid visa must be gone in one hour or we will start arresting people. Gives illegal aliens an interesting twist, don’t you think?” He had the audacity to laugh, but his levity didn’t last long. “I’m not kidding, Vox. Get your people out of here, and don’t come back!”


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