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Star Legion

Page 12

by Tripp Ellis

  Nolan was surprised at how calm the master was. But then again, his whole life had been an odd mix of the pursuit of inner peace and preparation for war.

  Master Tong led Nolan down a passageway to another chamber. In the center of the room was a basin that looked like a baptismal font. The basin held a small pool of holy water. Master Tong grabbed a crystal from an altar and placed it in Nolan's palm.

  At first the stone did nothing. Nolan gazed at the master, wondering what he was supposed to do with the crystal. But he got his answer shortly. It began to glow and emit radiant energy. Nolan's eyes widened with amazement.

  "You have magic in your blood. The stone senses it." Nolan's face twisted up perplexed. "I have no magical ability. Neither my father nor my mother could wield magic."

  Master Tong seemed to know something Nolan didn't. "Perhaps you should re-evaluate all that you know to be true."

  "What do you mean?"

  Master Tong shrugged. "The stone does not lie.” He paused a moment. "Gaze into the water. You may be surprised at what it reveals to you.”


  Nolan gazed into the glass-like water contained within the basin. He waited for something mystical to happen. A vision on the surface of the water—something—anything. But it remained clear and placid. After a few moments of nothingness, Nolan glanced to Master Tong.

  He shrugged. "Perhaps you're not ready to see the truth."

  Nolan sneered at him.

  "All things in good time. Until then, make yourself at home. Recover from your wounds. Who knows? Perhaps you may find you like it here?" Master Tong left Nolan alone in the chamber.

  He gazed back into the basin for a moment.

  Still nothing.

  After a few moments, Nolan gave up. He staggered back into the hallway, making his way to his chamber. As he rounded the corner, a man obstructed his path. He was around the same age as Nolan. His face was tense with anger. He had short blond hair, and his brown eyes burned with hatred. His fist gripped the hilt of a dagger. The steel blade glistened in the flickering firelight from the sconces on the wall. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this wasn't a welcoming committee.

  Nolan sensed another presence behind him. A young man with a dagger cornered him in the passageway. He had dark hair and dark eyes, and was slightly taller than Nolan. His eyes burned with the same hatred as the blond-haired man. These weren’t soldiers, and they weren't monks either.

  Nolan was in no condition to defend himself. "Can I help you with something?"

  "You're the Imperial Soturi that was given refuge," the blond-haired man said. It was partly a statement and partly a question.

  Nolan reluctantly nodded. "Former Imperial Soturi."

  "Anyone who fights for Valdovar is no friend of mine."

  "No one fights for Valdovar by choice."

  "That's a pathetic excuse." The blond-haired man clenched his jaw. Rage boiled in his veins. He gripped his dagger tight and lunged for Nolan, stabbing at him.

  Nolan sidestepped and blocked the attack. He grabbed the man’s wrist with one hand then twisted his arm around, leveraging it from the elbow. In a flash, the blond man's arm twisted behind his back, moments away from snapping. Nolan bent the man's wrist in an awkward direction until it was so painful he lost grip of the dagger. Nolan moved with lightning speed. It all happened in a flash.

  The dark-haired man lunged with his knife overhead, ready to stab down.

  Nolan used the blond man as a shield, blocking the attack. The fast movements tugged at Nolan stitches. Blood seeped from his wound and a jolt of pain rocketed through his abdomen. Nolan shoved the blond, sending both men crashing back. He scooped the dagger from the floor and readied himself for battle.

  The dark-haired man was about to make another attack when Mia shouted at the top of her lungs, “Stop!"

  Nolan stayed in his defensive posture, brandishing the dagger.

  His attackers glared at him. Their eyes flicked to Mia, who was incensed by their attempted violence. She made her way in between the two disgruntled parties. "How dare you. This is a sacred place," Mia said, chastising the young men. "You're no better than the Soturi. Have you learned nothing?"

  Their scowling faces were red and flush with anger.

  "He doesn't deserve to live," the blond said, his chest still heaving from exertion. He rubbed the wrist that Nolan had damn near broken.

  "No one deserves to die,” Mia said. “It will happen for us all soon enough."

  “Have you forgotten what Valdovar's Soturi did to our village? Have you forgotten all of our brothers and sisters who were taken?"

  "Do you think he is any different from us?" Mia asked.

  The blond man pondered this for a moment

  “Go home, Owen. This man is not your enemy. Not anymore." Mia’s gaze turned to the dark-haired man. "And you, Dylan. I thought you had more sense than this."

  Dylan sheepishly dropped his head.

  "Give me the dagger before you hurt yourself."

  "No," Dylan said.

  "Give it to me," Mia growled. Her eyes were intense. Her tone commanding. She transformed from an innocent caretaker to a vicious pit bull.

  Dylan finally relented, not wanting to suffer Mia’s wrath. He handed her the dagger, then she commanded them to leave the temple. They shuffled away with wounded pride.

  Mia’s compassionate eyes found Nolan. "Are you okay?"

  Nolan nodded. She held out her palm. It was an unspoken demand for the dagger Nolan acquired from Owen.

  "It seems I may need this to defend myself."

  Mia snapped her finger.

  "Alright," Nolan said. He flipped the dagger around, grabbing it by the blade and handed it to her.

  "You should get back in bed and rest."

  “Aye, sir," he said, mock saluting her.

  She rolled her eyes.

  Nolan hobbled back to his chamber. He climbed into the suspension beam. It perfectly supported his form and minimized pressure points.

  "The beam has healing properties. The longer you stay in it, the faster you’ll recover." Mia said. "It also conditions your muscles so they don't atrophy during your recovery."

  "Good to know."

  Nolan paused for a moment. "How long ago did Valdovar's Soturi attack your village?”

  Mia furrowed her brow as she thought about this. "Maybe a year ago? The village was decimated. Owen’s sister was taken, along with several others. Only a handful of people survived. We tried to rebuild, but there's not much left."

  "Sorry." My village was recently attacked. I've only been in service for a month." Nolan said it specifically so Mia would know he wasn't part of Valdovar's Soturi that had attacked her village.

  The information didn't seem to affect her one way or the other. She maintained her pleasant and calm demeanor. "I'll check back with you later." She started for the door. "What if someone tries to come back to kill me while I sleep?"

  Mia shrugged. "The statues will protect you. Just as they protect all who dwell in the temple."

  It didn't inspire a lot of confidence. The statues didn't come to life during the attack by Owen and Dylan. Master Tong may have forgiven Nolan, but he wasn't so sure that the stone warriors had done the same.


  After a month, Nolan was feeling more like himself again. The wound had healed incredibly fast. He had been jogging the steps of the temple and working out, trying to regain his strength and endurance. He practiced his swordsmanship in the Great Hall. He could feel the scar tissue breakup with certain movements, leaving him with sharp pain. It was typically momentary.

  The stone soldiers presided over the temple. In the back of his mind, Nolan worried that they might come to life and exact revenge. Quite often he would find himself standing in front of one of the statues, gazing at it intently, looking for signs of life. But the figures remained fixed and immobile.

  At times he taunted and teased them, trying to provoke a reaction. On one o
ccasion, he stuck out his tongue at one the statues. When Nolan turned around, he felt a hand shove him in the back. Nolan tumbled to the ground, but by the time he sprang to his feet and looked at the statue it was frozen stiff.

  Master Tong witnessed the event and almost broke out into giggles. "Not wise to taunt the Kataari,” he said with amusement.

  "What are they?" Nolan asked.

  "They were once ordinary men, just like you or me.”

  “What made them this way?"

  "An oath to defend the temple for all eternity, made over a thousand years ago."

  "That's dedication," Nolan said.

  "Devoting yourself to a higher purpose is a great honor." Tong’s wise eyes surveyed Nolan. "You're looking fit and healthy again."

  "Almost back into fighting shape."

  "So, you intend to return to the Imperial Soturi?"

  "No! I intend to kill Lord Valdovar."

  "What has the Font of Truth revealed to you?"

  "Nothing. I look into the water every day, and I only see my reflection staring back at me. Perhaps it has nothing to show me."

  “All things happen in the manner and time in which they are ordained."

  "You say that as if life is predetermined."

  "I believe the Universe moves on a certain trajectory, but I also believe we can change that trajectory.” Tong gave him a solemn look. “If you intend to defeat Lord Valdovar, you will need that which he seeks, the Sword of Destiny. The one who wields the sword shall be invincible."

  Nolan tensed. "But he's got the medallion, and the medallion will lead him to the sword?”

  Master Tong grinned. "He does not have the Medallion of Saan. He has a worthless trinket that will lead to nowhere."

  Nolan's brow crinkled up perplexed. "You swapped the medallion?"

  "His coming was foretold to me. As I said, the Universe moves along a certain trajectory. Sometimes, we have the ability to alter that trajectory." Tong reached into his pocket and produced the shiny gold medallion inscribed with the location of the Sword of Destiny.”

  Nolan's eyes widened.

  "If you knew where the sword was located this whole time, why didn't you go and get it?"

  "Because that is not my destiny."

  "And you think it's mine?"


  Nolan was hoping for a more definitive answer.

  "I must warn you. The sword is powerful. And absolute power corrupts. If you're not careful, the sword could turn you into the tyrant that you despise."

  Nolan had already turned into things that he despised. He never wanted to become that thing again.

  Tong handed him the medallion. Nolan gazed at it, trying to decipher the inscription. "Why would you give this to me? Less than a month ago I tried to take it from you.”

  “I have seen who you are to become. Even if you have not.”

  Nolan gave him a skeptical look.

  Master Tong started to leave the chamber.

  “If I am going to defeat Valdovar, I will need to wield great magic. Can you teach me?”

  “The question is not can I teach you, but can you learn?” A grin tugged at Master Tongs lips.

  Nolan’s frustrated eyes gazed at Tong. Nolan wasn’t a fan of the riddles.

  “See what you can learn on your own. When the time is right, the teacher will appear.” Master Tong held out his palm and created a ball of glowing energy.

  Nolan’s eyes widened at the sight.

  “When you can do this, we will begin your training.” Tong dropped his hand and the energy disappeared. He slipped out of the chamber.

  It seemed impossible. Nolan felt like he was never going to be able to do something like that. Master Tong made it look simple.

  Nolan held out his palm, straining to create a ball of energy. The veins in his neck bulged, and his cheeks flushed red. He looked constipated. His grunts and groans filled the chamber. He tried for 15 minutes to no avail. Suddenly, he had the distinct feeling that someone was watching him. A wave of embarrassment passed through him as he saw Mia giggling.

  Nolan relaxed and tried to act casual.

  "Don't hurt yourself," Mia said.

  "I was just… Working on a new technique." Nolan tried to play it off casually.

  Mia rolled her eyes. She held out her palm and produced a glowing ball of energy within a matter of moments.

  Nolan was surprised. He had no idea she had magical powers.

  Mia lobbed the ball of energy into the air, arcing towards Nolan. He caught it gingerly, cupping it between his palms.

  "Try to keep it alive," Mia said.

  Nolan tried, but he didn't know what the hell he was doing. The ball of energy quickly fizzled and evaporated.

  Mia giggled again. “No worries. It just takes time."

  "How long did it take you?"

  Mia shrugged. "I don't know. I've just always been able to do it." A cocky smile flashed on her face.

  Nolan scowled at her playfully. "Well, it comes so naturally for you, maybe you could help me?"

  Mia thought about it for a moment. A flirtatious glint in her eyes. "Maybe."


  Everyday Nolan visited the Font of Truth, hoping to gain some insights about the future. What it finally revealed to him was not what he wanted to see. An image appeared in the surface of the water. He was battling Lord Valdovar. They were engaged in a fierce sword battle. Nolan could hear the clinking of their swords. He watched as Valdovar fought skillfully. With a heavy blow, Valdovar’s sword shattered Nolan’s blade. The sword broke in half and clinked to the ground. Left with only the hilt and a short fragment of the blade, Nolan was unable to defend Valdovar's next blow. The demon’s sword plunged through Nolan's heart. Crimson blood poured from the wound. Valdovar removed his blood covered blade and kicked Nolan into the dirt. The young warrior gasped for breath as blood pooled around his body. Soon the color faded from his face and lips, and his gaze was fixed for all eternity.

  Nolan swallowed hard. His throat grew tight as he watched the vision fade from the surface of the water. Perhaps he wasn't the one to defeat Valdovar after all?

  Nolan sulked out of the chamber. He looked almost as pale as his future corpse.

  "What's the matter?" Mia asked, her face painted with worry. "You look terrible."

  Nolan was somewhat dazed. Nothing. I'm fine."

  "Did you see something in there?"

  Nolan hesitated a moment. "No. I'm just frustrated the Font hasn't revealed anything to me."

  "Perhaps you're not ready to see?"


  Nolan tried to push the image out of his mind. If he was going to die fighting Valdovar, so be it. It wasn't going to stop him from trying. Valdovar's reign of terror had to end.

  Mia knew there was more than Nolan was telling her, but she didn't push the issue. "So, how's your technique coming along?"

  Nolan shrugged. "I think I'm making progress. I think…"

  "Let's see."

  Nolan held out his palm and tried to summon a ball of mystical energy. A few sparks and flurries of energy flashed, then faded.

  Mia tried to hide a frown. "That's better than nothing," she said, trying to sound optimistic.

  "Thanks," Nolan said, dryly.

  "At that rate, you can light the candles on my birthday cake," Master Tong said as he entered the corridor.

  Nolan shot him a sideways glance. "How old are you going to be?"

  "397." Master Tong smiled, proud of his longevity.

  “That's impressive. You don't look a day over 300,” Nolan teased.

  Tong frowned at him and continued down the hallway.

  Mia chuckled. She grabbed Nolan's hand and pulled him outside. They stood atop the temple, surveying the rugged landscape. The sky was clear, and from this height you could see for miles. "You look like you could use some fresh air."

  She held onto his hand a little longer then normal. Her skin was soft and smooth. Her wavy hair flowed in the bree
ze. She looked peaceful and happy. She was a beautiful young woman. Nolan would be a fool not to notice.

  "Why are you here?" Nolan asked.

  "Someone will need to care for the temple after Master Tong is gone."

  "He doesn't look like he's going anywhere anytime soon."

  "It will take a lifetime to acquire his knowledge and become master. Then I will pass the knowledge and ways of the Kataari on to someone else."

  "Seems like a lonely life," Nolan said.

  "I don't feel lonely right now." She smiled, her blue eyes sparkled at him, innocently.

  Nolan took in her stunning beauty. She was like the girl next-door.

  Over the next few weeks, Nolan continued to train and build his strength. He sparred with Mia, who had great skill with a blade. Steel clashed as they practiced in the Great Hall under the watchful eyes of stone warriors.

  Mia attacked with ferocity, the blade of her sword slicing through the air with blinding speed. It was all Nolan could do to deflect the blows. It was fair to say they were pretty evenly matched.

  The faux battle continued with Mia pushing Nolan back with her incessant attacks. Her intense eyes were focused on one thing—victory. She was in the zone, where nothing else existed.

  Nolan was overwhelmed by her attack. He had thoroughly underestimated her. She batted his sword aside, then kicked him in the chest, toppling him to the ground.

  Mia snapped out of her almost trance-like state. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I got a little carried away.”

  Nolan looked a little astonished. He dusted himself off. He gazed up at her apologetic face. “It’s okay. Note to self. Don’t mess with temple girls.”

  Mia reached out her hand to help him up. Her skin felt soft as Nolan clasped her palm. A devious grin flashed on his face as he pulled her down, catching her off guard.

  She crashed on top of him—their faces inches apart. The two gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment. Their lips begging for each other as if there was a magnetic force pulling them together. But Master Tong’s entrance into the room caused polarity to reverse.


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