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Star Legion

Page 17

by Tripp Ellis

  Nolan gave JT a wary glance.

  "Not to worry. Just a glitch." JT forced a reassuring smile, but somehow it didn't quite do the job.

  “Glitches are what I'm afraid of."

  JT pressed buttons on the display panel, then activated the suspension field. Mia’s body turned into a haze of particles.

  Nolan gazed at the suspension chamber with concern. "Have you ever used one of these before?"

  "On occasion."

  "And what was the outcome?"

  JT flashed another smile that was an attempt to be reassuring. “They work… pretty good.”

  Pretty good was less than ideal, but Nolan didn’t have a choice.

  JT spun around and climbed into the pilot’s seat. He flicked switches and pressed buttons, powering up the craft, running through the preflight checks.

  Nolan buckled his safety harness in the copilot’s seat.

  JT engaged the vertical thrusters, and the skiff lifted off the ground. As the craft crested the jungle canopy, JT pulled on the controls, angling towards space. He throttled up, and once again, Nolan was slammed against his seat-back. He felt like his teeth were going to rattle out of his skull as the turbulent air caused the small skiff to quake violently. Nolan was relieved when they reached the smooth weightlessness of space. He was getting used to space travel, but takeoff and re-entry weren’t his favorite aspects.

  The dreadnought was still in orbit around Mazarak. The sight of it sent a jolt of adrenaline through Nolan's body. Fear, anger, and hatred swirled in his veins.

  "How long can someone survive in one of those suspension chambers?" Nolan asked.

  JT shrugged. "As long as the chamber is powered and the system is functional. It essentially stops time for that individual."

  “Does this ship have any weapons?”

  “She's got two old-fashioned plasma cannons, but no projectiles. Which makes them pretty much useless.“

  Nolan eyes lit up at the mention of plasma cannons, then he quickly deflated.

  JT could tell by Nolan's determined gaze what he was thinking. "Even if we had ammunition and rockets it wouldn't be enough to take on the dreadnought. The best thing we can do is make a hasty exit before they decide to do something about us."

  Nolan had other plans. "When you bend space, you can go anywhere, right?"


  "You don't need a spaceship to do it, right?”

  “Not technically. Of course, it's easier if I want to take people with me. Materializing in the void of space without a ship could be detrimental to one’s health. Bending to the surface of a planet also poses equal risks. One could find themselves deep in solid rock.”

  "Can you get me aboard that ship?" Nolan said, pointing at the dreadnought.

  JT looked at him like he was crazy. "Shouldn't you be trying to get away from that ship?"

  "Can you do it, or not?"

  JT thought about this for a moment. “It’s risky. We could end up straddling a bulkhead.” But JT was never one to back down from a challenge. “Yeah. I can do it."

  "I want you to get me aboard that ship, then bend back to the skiff and get Mia some help."

  JT hesitated a moment.

  "Name your price. I’ll find a way to pay it." Nolan dug into his pouch and handed JT the gold medallion.

  JT’s eyes filled awe. "What the hell… Why not?"

  "So, how does this work?"

  "Take my hand. Hold on. It's about to get freaky."

  Nolan wasn't sure how things could get any freakier than they had already. He had died and been resurrected. It didn't get much freakier than that.


  Drifting through space and time without a body wasn't entirely different than being dead. The sensations were similar. Nolan was no longer a separate entity from the rest of the cosmos. He felt as if he was one with everything. Part of a continuum.

  Together with JT, he moved across the expanse of space and into the dreadnought, like some kind of phantom. JT seemed to have the ability to control their destination with precision. They glided through the corridors and passed through bulkheads, materializing in an empty storage compartment.

  It was one thing to be aboard a ship that had been jumped across the galaxy, but it was quite another to do it on such a free-form level. It was almost like a religious experience. The feeling of being complete nothingness. Fully conscious and aware, yet free of corporeal restrictions. It was liberating. Nolan had a look of wonder on his face “How do you do that?"

  JT shrugged. "Just born with the gift. Some people got it, some people don't."

  Nolan wondered if the skill could be learned. He was beginning to believe that nothing was impossible. Every preconceived notion that he had about the Universe had been turned on its ear in recent days.

  "Now what, big shot?"

  "Get back to the skiff. Get Mia some help."

  "I know a sorcerer. If anyone can bring her back, he can." JT dug in his pocket and pulled out the medallion. He handed it back to Nolan.

  "I'd have to be some kind of asshole not to help in a situation like this. I mean, I know I’m an asshole, no doubt about it. But I'm not that kind of an asshole."

  Nolan smiled. “Keep it. You may need it to pay the sorcerer.”

  JT agreed. “ But that’s all I’ll spend it on, and I’ll bring you back your change. If there is any.” He paused a moment. “You sure you’re gonna be okay here?"

  "No. I'm not sure of anything. But it's what I have to do."

  "Good luck.” JT shook his hand, then he closed his eyes and focused his energy and dematerialized.

  Nolan tried to formulate a plan. He needed to find Valdovar and destroy the crystal necklace that he wore around his neck. Not an easy task. He was sure it contained the Emperor’s life force. If he could destroy the crystal, even the Sword of Destiny couldn't protect him. But getting in close proximity to the Emperor was going to be a challenge.

  Nolan pulled the visor of his helmet shut, and opened the hatch. He stepped into the corridor, scanning the area. The dreadnought’s engines rumbled with the monotonous drone, and there was the familiar bustle of activity in the passageways.

  Still dressed in his imperial battle armor, Nolan weaved his way through the corridors, hoping to remain undetected. It was a little unusual for a Soturi to stomp around the dreadnought with a helmet on, and the visor down, but not unheard of.

  He twisted through the passageways and as he rounded the corner he crossed paths with Tanc.

  Rage boiled inside of Nolan. He stopped in his tracks and turned back to watch the nasty sergeant stroll down the corridor. Nolan wanted to draw his sword and run it through the bastard, but he thought better of the idea. That was a score to settle for another day.

  Nolan kept moving forward, looking for Captain Avar. If he had an ally aboard the ship, it would be her.

  He knocked on the hatch to her stateroom. As soon as it slid open, he forced himself into the compartment. She fought him off at first, until he raised his visor.

  She flung her arms around him as she recognized his face. "I thought you were dead. What happened?"

  "It's a long story. I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now we've got to stop Valdovar."

  Kira hesitated. The idea seemed preposterous.

  "Are you with me?"

  She nodded. "But that's impossible. He wields the Sword of Destiny.”

  "It's not impossible," Nolan said. "His essence is contained within his amenkonti.”

  Kira gave him a skeptical look. "Good luck finding that."

  "I have,” Nolan said. “The crystal around his neck."

  Kira’s eyes glimmered with recognition. It made sense. He always wore it, and seemed protective of it. But the glimmer of hope in her eyes quickly faded. “You’ll never get close to him.” She lost herself deep in thought. "Unless…" Her eyes lit up again with the spark of an idea.

  "What is it?"

  "I think I can get you in his chamber.
Then it's up to you."

  "How are you going to do that?"


  "Are you sure this is going to work?" Nolan asked.

  Kira shrugged. "I'm more worried about what happens after you get inside his chamber."

  "So am I."

  Nolan followed Kira down to the slave chambers.

  "Each night, Valdovar takes his pick. You'll deliver the girls to his chamber for his approval. You'll have a moment to strike while he's distracted."

  It wasn’t an ideal scenario, but at least it would get him inside the Emperor’s chamber.

  Kira and Nolan snaked through the maze of corridors. Two guards stood outside the hatch to the slave compartment.

  "We're here to escort the evening's companions to Lord Valdovar,” Kira said.

  "They've already been taken up," one of the guards said.

  Kira's face tensed. She tried to hide her displeasure. "How long ago?"

  The guard pointed to the end of the hallway.

  Kira's eyes flicked down the passageway and saw a guard escorting two terrified girls down the hallway. They disappeared around the corner.

  Kira and Nolan chased after them. Nolan's heavy boots clinked against the deck, echoing off the bulkheads.

  Kira called after the guard escorting the concubines. “Hold up, Sergeant!”

  The sergeant craned his neck back to see what the commotion was about.

  "We’ll take over from here," Kira said as she reached the guard.

  "Sir, I have specific orders to deliver these young ladies straight to Lord Valdovar's chamber."

  "And I'm giving you a new order."

  The sergeant hesitated.

  "I can assure you, they will reach their destination." Kira's fiery eyes blazed into the sergeant.

  “Yes, sir," the sergeant stammered. He relinquished the terrified girls into Kira's command. He stood there for a moment, unsure of how to proceed next.

  "That will be all, Sergeant.”

  "Yes, sir." He hesitated another moment, then marched away.

  "I can't go with you," Kira said. "It will look suspicious. I'm going to rally supporters. Good luck." She scurried away down the corridor.

  Nolan grabbed the two girls by their arms and marched them down the hallway. He could feel their bodies tremble—their faces bathed in fear.

  "What's going to happen to us?"

  "Nothing. You'll be fine." He tried to reassure them. "Stay calm, and do as I say."

  The girls weren't sure what to make of Nolan, and he didn't have time to explain the situation. But he didn’t seem like the other guards.

  With his face obscured by his helmet visor, Nolan made his way to Valdovar's chamber. The guards standing outside of his compartment didn't even bat an eye or ask questions. This was part of the nightly routine. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  One of them tapped an earbud and opened a comm channel. "Lord Valdovar, your entertainment has arrived."

  Nolan could hear the Emperor's voice crackle through the guard's earbud. “Bring them in.”

  Nolan's heart spiked with adrenaline, pounding furiously. This was the moment of truth. He would only have a split second to make his move.

  The guards stepped aside. One of them pressed a button on the bulkhead, opening the hatch.

  Nolan escorted the terrified concubines into the Royal chamber.

  Valdovar was dressed in a flowing black robe. The purple crystal dangled around his neck. He wore no battle armor, but the Sword of Destiny hung from a scabbard affixed to his belt.

  Valdovar's lecherous eyes surveyed the luscious nubile concubines. Nolan bided his time as Valdovar drew near, his rapt attention focused on the girls.

  "These will do nicely.” His eyes glimmered with lust. He waved Nolan away. “That will be all.”

  “Yes, my Lord," Nolan said. He turned to leave, but instead gripped the hilt of his sword and with one fluid motion drew the blade and sliced across the Emperor's neck.

  The tip of the blade severed Valdovar's carotid arteries, slicing through his trachea. Blood spurted from the wounds, splattering the two girls, who screeched in terror. They scampered away from the chaos.

  Takaar, Valdovar’s tiny dragon, shrieked in horror. It flew from its perch and soared to attack Nolan.

  Nolan’s sword had severed the chain that held the crystal pendant. Valdovar clutched his throat as he staggered back, but was unable to grasp the pendant. The crystal bounced against the deck several times, finally coming to rest at Nolan's feet. With all the strength he could muster, he stomped the crystal, shattering it into thousands of microscopic shards.

  Nolan lifted his visor, and his triumphant eyes flicked to the evil ruler.

  Valdovar gasped for breath, clutching his throat. Blood oozed between his fingers and trickled down his chest, staining his dark robe.

  Nolan waited with joyous anticipation for the Emperor to die.

  But Valdovar remained on his feet. After a moment, he removed his hands from his throat, and though still stained with blood, there was no wound. Not so much as a scar was left behind.

  Nolan's face twisted up, perplexed. He was certain the crystal contained Valdovar's soul. How could he have been so wrong?

  Takaar dive bombed Nolan, spitting a stream of fire.

  Nolan hacked at the small beast with his sword.

  Valdovar seemed perturbed, and commanded the dragon to return to its perch. He didn’t like Nolan swatting at it. The Emperor drew the Sword of Destiny. "You are becoming more than a minor annoyance."

  This time Valdovar was going to finish Nolan for good.


  Swords clashed as Nolan and Valdovar engaged one another. The clamor of the blades echoed throughout the large chamber.

  Takaar screeched, cheering his master on.

  A furious battle raged as the two wielded their swords with expert precision. Valdovar hacked and slashed, and Nolan defended each attack effortlessly. He felt faster and more adept than in the previous battle. But Valdovar’s skill was superior when combined with the power of the Sword of Destiny.

  Valdovar drove Nolan back several paces, then with the thrust of his wrist he sent a magical force, knocking Nolan from his feet. He flew through the air, slammed against the deck, then crashed into the bulkhead.

  Nolan was dazed for a moment. The wind was knocked out of him, and he felt lightheaded. As he staggered to his feet, Valdovar hurled a glowing ball of deadly energy at him.

  Without even thinking, Nolan thrust his hand forward and created a spell shield that deflected the blow. It had been an instinctual movement. He had never had such command of magic before. A wave of realization washed over him—not only had Mia given him her life force, but her magic as well.

  Now, combined with his own innate ability, Nolan was more powerful than he'd ever been before. Perhaps powerful enough to stand toe to toe with the Dark Lord?

  "I see death has treated you well. You've grown stronger. But no worries, I will send you back to where you came from."

  Nolan charged, and the two clashed swords again. This time, Nolan had more confidence. Nolan swung his blade with all his might. The clamoring of swords was almost deafening. He drove the Dark Lord back several paces, then thrust Valdovar back with a magical force. It was the Dark Lord’s turn to hit the deck.

  Valdovar scowled as he sprang back to his feet.

  The dragon screeched and squealed and launched from its perch. Again, it dove for Nolan, spitting a stream of fire at him. Nolan blocked the molten breath with a spell shield.

  Valdovar chastised the beast again for getting involved. It was clear he was protective of the dragon. “Takaar, stay!"

  The dragon squawked, then returned to its perch, flapping its wings through the chamber.

  Valdovar’s attention returned to Nolan. "Perhaps I misjudged you.”

  His tone wasn't threatening. He seemed pleasantly surprised. "I have undervalued your worth. I could use a warrior like you. You deserve
to be leading my forces. Would you like to become the Commander of the Imperial Soturi?”

  "I'd rather die."

  "And you certainly will if you continue to defy me. Think about the opportunity I am presenting you. You will live like a king. All of your worldly desires will be fulfilled. You will have immense power and will answer only to me. Tell me that doesn't sound appealing?"

  "You murdered my family. You destroyed my people. And you've done that to countless other civilizations!”

  Valdovar shrugged. "You can choose to die now, or you can choose to live in glory."

  "There is no glory in your service."

  Valdovar sighed. "So be it."

  The Dark Lord charged Nolan and attacked with speed and ferocity beyond measure. The Dark Lord's aggressive strikes staggered Nolan back as he summoned all of his efforts to deflect the blows. Soon, Nolan was pinned against the bulkhead.

  With a flick of his wrist, Valdovar stripped Nolan's sword from his hand. It flew through the air and clattered across the deck, coming to rest not far from the dragon.

  The squawking little beast screeched with joy.

  "This time you'll feel the sting of my blade for all eternity. You will not come back to life." Valdovar closed in for the kill.

  Nolan summoned his strength and formed a ball of energy in his palm. It was the most powerful he'd ever managed to muster. He hurled it with all his might, but not at Valdovar—instead, he targeted the shrieking dragon, convinced the creature was the container of the Dark Lord's soul.

  If he was wrong, it would be the last thing he ever did.

  The bolt streaked across the compartment and eviscerated the tiny monster. It was as if the creature had been enveloped in molten lava. The energy seared Takaar to a crisp, then exploded the scaly beast into hundreds of pieces.

  Valdovar's eyes widened with fear, then he disintegrated into a mist of energy and vanished. The Sword of Destiny clattered against the deck.

  Nolan staggered to his feet and moved to the place where Valdovar had once stood. He picked up the sword and scanned the compartment looking for any traces of the Emperor, wary that he might re-materialize at any moment.


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