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Page 10

by Catherine Lievens

  When the coffee was done he filled his cup and made to leave, but Gabriel stopped him. “Hey, Brad, could you please get me a cup?”

  Brad looked like he wanted to say no and run away, but he nodded and reached up to take a mug from the cupboard. He had to stretch to get it and his sweater rode up as he did.

  Gabriel’s eyes widened. Now the way Brad moved and winced made sense. “Who did that to you?”

  Brad swirled around, his eyes wide and full of fear. “Wha-what?”

  “The bruises. Who did it to you?”

  Gabriel knew Brad wasn’t living in the mansion. He was coming in every day for work, but he still lived with his family. They didn’t belong to a pack, as weird as that seemed for wolves, but Gabriel could understand why now.

  Everyone’s attention was on Brad now, and he seemed to become even smaller as he tried to curl in on himself. Gabriel gently put Shad down and rose from his chair. He walked closer to the wolf shifter, frowning when Brad pressed his back against the counter, trying to put more distance between them.

  “Brad? I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Brad shook his head. Gabriel glanced at Darin, who was watching with worry obvious in his eyes. “Go get Jared, please.”

  “No! Please, no,” Brad exclaimed. Darin froze in his path.

  “He’ll just check you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Who did it to you?”

  Brad shook his head. “It’s not your business. Leave me alone.”

  “You might not exactly be a pride member, but you’re still important. We can help.”

  Brad slammed the mug he was still holding on the counter. “Don’t you think I know that? Have you ever thought that I might not want your help?” Brad snarled. “I’m fine on my own. I don’t need you.”

  Gabriel wanted to push, to point out that obviously Brad wasn’t doing as well as he said if the blue and green bruises on his back were any indication, but Brad stormed out of the kitchen before he could say anything more.

  He looked at the other people in the room, puzzled. “You all saw them, right?”

  Taylor nodded, his face grim. “Someone’s using the little guy as a punching bag.”

  “What do we do?” Darin asked.

  “Nothing.” They all turned to look at Shad. “He clearly doesn’t want our help, and we can’t force him to accept it.”

  “But we can’t leave him with whoever hurts him,” Darin cried out.

  “No, but what do you want to do? Kidnap him?”

  Darin shook his head. “Of course not.”

  “The only thing we can do is be there for him when he finally decides he needs us.”

  “What if he never does?” Darin asked.

  Shad shrugged. “Give him time. Watch him. I hadn’t noticed anything until now, but I never really looked. If whoever does this to him takes it too far...”

  “We’ll intervene,” Taylor finished.


  Gabriel shook his head and sat back next to his mate. It looked like he never could have a moment’s peace. Hopefully after Shad talked to the mole and got his pills, though... maybe then, they could rest. Finally.

  Chapter Six

  Shad rubbed his palms on his jeans and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. It didn’t work, not much anyway, but it was something to do while he waited.

  It was already midnight anyway, and Shad had to meet the mole at one. At the moment, he was in Dominic’s office with Dominic himself, Gabriel and Nate. They were going over what Shad had to do and the way he had to act to make sure they could capture the mole.

  Shad had heard enough, though. “We’ve gone over this a thousand times. I know what to do.”

  Dominic acknowledged Shad’s words with a nod, but Nate looked pissed. “We need to make sure you don’t ruin everything.”

  “I won’t. Really, it’s not that hard. I meet the guy, tell him what you told me to tell him, wait for the two of you to jump him and stay out of the way while you do your thing. I can do that.”

  “If you mess this up—”

  “He won’t,” Dominic interrupted Nate. “And stop being an asshole.”

  “He earned it,” Nate said stubbornly, crossing his arms on his chest.

  “Rubbish. You’d have done the exact same thing if someone had threatened Derick.”

  “I’d have told you.”

  Dominic arched a brow in disbelief. “Please. We both know that’s not true. If I remember this right, you were the one who wanted to run to Gillham with your claws out when Derick was kidnapped. You didn’t seem to care much about the pride then.”

  Nate pressed his lips into a tight line but stopped arguing. Shad relaxed marginally, helped by the soothing sensation of Gabriel’s hand on his back, tracing circles.

  “Look, I’ll stick to what we talked about. I won’t try to antagonize him, and I’m not stupid enough to tell him you two are out there.”

  “It’s not you talking that worries me,” Nate said with a sigh. “But you might betray yourself by looking around too much.”

  “I won’t even know where exactly you are, and I’m pretty sure the mole understands I have more than enough reasons to be nervous. I get that you’re worried, but I know what to do.” Shad only wished he could actually be as confident as he tried to appear. It looked like Dominic and Nate might have bought it, but the gleam in Gabriel’s eyes told Shad he wasn’t fooled.

  Dominic and Nate went to the alpha’s desk and started looking over documents—of what, Shad didn’t know, and he didn’t care. He stayed huddled on the couch with Gabriel by his side. The way Gabriel’s ears were twitching would’ve been funny if he hadn’t been the reason why they were moving.

  “I’ll be fine,” he tried to reassure Gabriel.

  “You’d be more convincing if you actually believed what you’re saying,” Gabriel pointed out.

  “I am. I’m not nervous about Nate and Dominic taking the guy. I’m nervous about whether or not he’ll bring the pills. I need them.”

  Gabriel pulled Shad to his chest and held him close. Shad felt his warm breath on the side of his face when Gabriel answered, “Even if he didn’t, we can interrogate him. And if he doesn’t talk, I’m sure Jared will end up finding a cure. Adrian is helping, and my brother is nothing but stubborn, especially when family is involved. You know what he did for me during the years I was in the lab.”

  “But I’m not really family.”

  “Of course you are. Not only are you a pride member, but you’re also my mate, and more importantly, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. If that doesn’t mean you’re family, I don’t know what does.”

  The words felt incredibly soothing and warm. The only family Shad still had was Darin, so knowing he’d gained three members—because yes, Joshua counted too—made Shad feel all fuzzy inside. It was good to know Darin wouldn’t be alone if something happened to Shad, if no one was able to find a cure for him.

  Shad snuggled against Gabriel and they spent the next half hour talking softly about unimportant things, trying to keep their minds away from what was waiting for Shad. Gabriel had been forbidden to go with Shad or to follow him, so he’d have to stay inside the house, and he wasn’t happy. Shad could understand him, but he was kind of glad to know his mate wouldn’t be putting himself in danger to help him. He knew Gabriel would jump in front of him if anything happened, and they couldn’t afford that. Shad could take whatever was coming his way.

  “It’s time.”

  They both turned to look at Dominic. The alpha smiled at them and went for the door, Nate following him closely. “We’re going. Shad, you still have thirty minutes before you have to head out.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  When it was time, Shad rose from the couch and stretched. A flash of pain shot through his stomach, but he ignored it as well as he could. Of course, Gabriel had noticed it, if his worried expr
ession was anything to go by, but he didn’t say anything. He just reached a hand out, and Shad grabbed it gratefully.

  He let Gabriel support him as they silently walked through the dark house, both physically and mentally. Right then, Shad wished they were already mated. Then he’d be able to feel Gabriel in his mind and he’d never be alone.

  They stopped at the front door. The alarm was already disarmed, so Shad just had to open the door and go out. Gabriel stopped him before he could and pressed their lips together. “Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “If he hurts even one hair on your head...”

  “Hair doesn’t hurt,” Shad pointed out, trying to diffuse the heavy atmosphere.

  “Don’t be a smartass. Just... be careful and come back to me.”

  “I’ll be back before you can even realize I’m gone.”

  “I wish it were that easy.”

  Shad shrugged and kissed Gabriel one more time. Their tongues clashed as Shad desperately tried to put as much feeling as he could in the press of their lips. “I love you.”

  “Me too. Now go. I’ll be waiting here when you come back.”

  Shad opened the door and stepped into the freezing night. The mansion’s lights danced on the white snow, turning it a buttery yellow color that gave it warmth. If only it really was.

  Shad had just stepped outside and his teeth were already chattering. He pulled his jacket as close as he could to his body and took the path that led to the gate. He could see his breath in front of him, but it quickly became impossible as he put distance between himself and the house.

  He opened the gate just enough to slip outside and left the road. He had to trudge through the fresh snow to get to the place the mole had wanted to meet him at, and he was panting by the time he got there. He hadn’t seen any signs that there was someone else around, but that didn’t stop him from looking every few seconds.

  “I thought you wouldn’t show up.”

  Shad yelped and pressed his hand above his heart. “Shit. You scared me to death.”

  “You look alive to me,” the mole said. His voice came from the shadows to Shad’s right, so he slightly turned that way. There was something different, but Shad couldn’t exactly tell Dominic and Nate.

  “I’m not sure for how long I will be.”

  “Ah, yes. Your illness. Had any chances finding out what it is and how to cure it?”

  “No, not yet. I need the meds you promised me last time.”

  “And I need the info you promised you’d give me.”

  “I’ll give it to you, but not until after I get the pills.” That wasn’t what Dominic, Shad and Nate had decided Shad should say. They wanted the mole more than the pills, but Shad wasn’t going to negotiate that. Even if the mole decided to kill him for not giving, it didn’t matter. Shad was on death’s doorstep anyway. He had nothing to lose, and he cared more about his life than about the pride at the moment, as bad as that made him feel.

  A bottle of pills flew Shad’s way, and he barely had the time to catch it before a roar echoed in the night.

  * * * *

  Gabriel looked at his watch, then again at the front door. Shad had been gone for only five minutes, and he already wanted to run after his mate and get him back to safety.

  He paced the entrance, looking at his watch every so often. It felt like time had stopped, and the minutes were passing so slowly that Gabriel wanted to scream.


  Gabriel swirled around and faced Jayden. The weasel shifter was wearing a jacket and there was a hat on his head. He looked ready to go out, and Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him. “What are you doing up at this hour of the night?”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Jayden answered in a slightly trembling voice.

  “I’m used to it. I still haven’t been able to go back to a normal schedule.” Gabriel waited, but Jayden didn’t seem to want to give him an answer. “What about you?”

  Gabriel wanted to ask if Jayden was the mole, but would Jayden answer if he was? Probably not. The mole had to be ruthless, and while Jayden seemed to be far from being it, it could mean he was a good actor rather than an innocent man.

  “I, uh, I couldn’t sleep. I was going to have a walk before trying again.”

  “A walk? At one in the morning? In the snow?”


  Why wasn’t Jayden talking Gabriel’s ears off? Why was he going to go out? How could Gabriel find out if Jayden was the mole? “Why are you lying to me?”

  Jayden’s breath hitched. “I’m not lying.”

  “Bullshit. You can’t think I’d really believe you were going for a walk.”

  Jayden shook his head. “It’s none of your business.”

  “Were you going to meet Shad?” There, he’d said it without using the word mole, so if Jayden really was innocent, he wouldn’t understand.

  Jayden frowned. “Shad? Why? Is he out there?” Jayden’s eyes widened. “We have to go help him!”

  Jayden rushed to the door but Gabriel grabbed his arm as he passed and stopped him. “Why? What do you know?”

  “Come on! We need to go! Now, before he finds Shad.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on, Jayden.”

  Jayden’s eyes were huge when he looked up. “But it’s not my secret to tell.”

  “Are you working against the pride? Is that it? Do you know who Shad is meeting?”

  Confusion flooded Jayden’s face. “What are you talking about?” he took a deep breath. “Look, I don’t know anything about Shad being out there, but my mate is.”

  Gabriel’s eyes widened. He hadn’t been expecting that. “Your mate?”


  Gabriel pulled Jayden closer. “Tell me what’s going on. Now.” His tone didn’t leave any other opportunities for Jayden. Gabriel liked the guy, but he was ready to hurt him if it meant he’d save Shad.

  “A few weeks ago I was in the woods, looking for a type of plant that was mentioned in one of the books I read. There was a noise behind me, and I... I turned around, and it was a bear.”


  “It came at me, and I thought I was going to die, but it stopped just before tearing my head off. It sniffed my neck and I... it rubbed its cheek against mine. I was terrified, but then I realized the bear was my mate. I don’t know what happened to him, why he’s in the forest all alone and why he’s in his bear form, but I’ve been visiting him every night.”

  “And he’s never shifted?”


  “That’s where you were going?”

  “Yes! And we have to go get Shad, because my mate doesn’t know him. I don’t know how he’d react to Shad, especially since Shad probably smells like me, at least a bit. We spent a lot of time together lately.”

  “Do you think he might attack?”

  Jayden shook his head. “I don’t know.” His eyes were huge and the fear he felt was obvious in them.

  Gabriel didn’t even have to think. “Let’s go.”

  He pulled Jayden along as he careened through the door, uncaring of the fact that he wasn’t wearing a jacket. “Shad isn’t the only one out there. Dominic and Nate are with him, as well as another man.”

  “What—what’s happening?”

  Jayden was already panting, and Gabriel knew he should slow down, for Jayden’s sake, but he couldn’t. Jayden would have to deal. “I can’t go into details, but Shad was meeting someone, someone Dominic and Nate want to catch. I thought it was you when I saw you sneaking out.”

  Gabriel knew only vaguely where Shad was meeting the mole. He’d said it was just outside the mansion’s gate, a bit inside the woods. Gabriel noticed Shad had left the gate open, and once he was on the road, he looked around for signs of footsteps. They weren’t hard to find, and Gabriel pulled Jayden along as he started to follow then.

  A roar echoed in the fo
rest, birds flying away from the trees in fear. Gabriel’s heart stopped beating as fear for Shad’s safety swamped him. He went even faster, hauling Jayden behind him until they reached a small opening between the trees.

  It couldn’t be considered a clearing because it was way too small, but Shad was standing there, his eyes huge as he looked at Gabriel. “What are doing here?” he asked in a panicked voice.

  “I told you to come alone!” a voice said from somewhere to their right.

  There was some rustling in the trees, yelling and swearing. Gabriel got closer to Shad and pulled him behind his back, but he was unsure of where the threat would come from. The mole was obviously on their right, but he didn’t know where Jayden’s bear mate was. He hadn’t heard anything since the roar, but he was pretty sure it didn’t mean the shifter had left.

  Someone stumbled out from between the trees and Gabriel tensed. A man fell on his knees, but Gabriel just had the time to see dark hair before another roar came and Dominic and Nate were coming their way, screaming at Shad to get the fuck out of there.

  Another roar, and a bear came out of the trees. Gabriel grabbed Shad’s hand and pulled, but he didn’t get far. He was still holding onto Jayden’s wrist and the weasel shifter seemed to be frozen, whether in fear or something else Gabriel wasn’t sure.

  “Jayden! We have to go!”

  The bear swung his paw at the man still on his knees and nailed him on the shoulder. The man yelped and scrambled away. The bear started to go after him, but Dominic and Nate were there, stopping him. Nate was in his jaguar form, nipping at the bear’s legs, while Dominic snarled. It was impressive even in his human form.

  Gabriel couldn’t see exactly what was happening, but he felt Jayden tug his wrist away from him. He ran past Gabriel and launched himself between Dominic and the bear. He was facing the lion shifter, clearly defending the bear, and the bear roared at the sight.

  Gabriel didn’t know if it was a good thing, but the bear didn’t attack Jayden, so he guessed it couldn’t be bad.


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