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Lost and Found

Page 9

by Tamara Larson

  “Jessie, we are not done talking about this.” Jamie said, crossing her arms and following Jessie into the kitchen.

  “Yes, actually we are. I wasn’t sold into white slavery and my remains are not going to be found on a hilltop somewhere, so you can just relax.” Jessie turned on the coffee machine for Jamie, and got some nice herbal tea out of the cupboard for herself. She paused as she reached for a cup. “Did Clay call you? Am I going to have to kill him tomorrow morning?” Jessie paled at the thought of Clay calling her sister to tell her what she’d been up to. She didn’t even want to imagine that conversation.

  Jamie sat down in the chair Duncan had vacated earlier and put her booted feet on the white vinyl chair across from her. “No, he didn’t call me. We ran into each other at the Lotus. He was drunk and babbled on about you going off into the night for a bit of the rough. Clay thinks you’re possessed, by the way. He said you were acting extremely not like yourself. He wants to perform an exorcism. He was wandering around the club, asking all the cute guys if they were priests. You’d be surprised how many said ‘yes.’”

  “I’m not possessed. Clay is just being protective. I don’t know why. He’s the one that encouraged me to call Duncan anyway.” Jessie couldn’t believe that her sister and Clay were both against her like this. Hadn’t this been what they’d been pressuring her about these past few years? And here she was, finally trying to seduce someone and they were acting like she’d started selling naked pictures of herself on the internet. Jessie threw a tea bag in one of her big blue mugs and glared at her sister over her shoulder.

  Jamie leaned back in her chair and put her hands behind her head. “Oh, so it’s Duncan now. And you called him? That gorgeous cop? Are you serious? I never thought I’d see you pursue a guy. He must be pretty special. Or are you just tired of living the life of the lonely spinster?” Jamie smiled at her sister and let the chair land on the tile with a bang.

  Jessie straightened a black and white photo of the Parthenon behind the sink and tried to ignore her sister’s annoying habit of rocking back and forth on her kitchen chairs. “Both, I think. But I’m not going to get my hopes up. He’s way out of my league.” Jessie filled a cup and placed it in front of her sister, automatically pushing the sugar bowl toward her.

  Jamie stirred her coffee and looked at Jessie thoughtfully. “Why do you say that?” Jamie gave her sister a sardonic grin. “Besides being almost too beautiful, is he a well-endowed millionaire, as well?”

  Jessie giggled. She actually giggled. “Well, actually—.” Jessie set down her cup and held her hands out, perpendicular to the table and spread them until they were many inches apart. She held them there for a second and wiggled her eyebrows meaningfully at Jamie.

  Jamie’s eyes opened wide in shock. “Oh my God! No way. You didn’t! You complete slut. I can’t believe it. You finally got laid. I’m impressed.” Laughing she slammed her hand down on the table hard enough to make the spoon beside her cup jump.

  “No, no I didn’t, but I can honestly say that he certainly isn’t lacking in the equipment department.” Jessie couldn’t believe she’d revealed such an intimate detail to her sister, but she couldn’t help herself. She had to tell someone about her evening, at least a little. She never had anything good to share. Usually it was Jamie reciting a step-by-step recollection of her evening.

  “And the millionaire part?” Jamie asked eagerly.

  “Jamie, you know that doesn’t matter to me.” Jessie shook her head and frowned at her sister. Why was it always about money, anyway?

  “I know, but it matters to me. Is he?”

  “All I know is that he has an apartment straight out of Better Homes and Gardens.”

  “You’re kidding. And he’s straight?”

  “Extremely.” Jessie shivered slightly thinking about how desirable he’d made her feel today. Just the thought of him nudging her thighs apart was enough to make a flush stain her cheeks.

  “Wow. You certainly got lucky your first time out. So, what happened exactly?”

  “Not much really. We kissed and stuff. He said he’d call tomorrow.” Jessie knew her sister wanted a play-by-play, but she just couldn’t do it. Despite her earlier revelation, she thought it would cheapen the experience if she sat here and analyzed it too much.

  Jamie gave her a pouty look, clearly disappointed at Jessie’s close-mouthed attitude. “Come on, Jessie. You’re being awfully stingy with the details.”

  “I know. I just don’t want to jinx it.”

  “But you want to see him again? You like him?”

  “Yes, I do. But like I said. He’s too perfect. He could have any woman in the world. Why would he want someone like me?” Jessie had to keep reminding herself that they weren’t right for each other. She needed someone quiet, and bookish like her—maybe an accountant, or a scientist with a paunch and a balding pate. Not a sex god. Sex gods were too complicated, too intense. Someone like the detective could easily hurt her.

  “Honestly, Jessie. This insecurity thing is getting old. You’re pretty, and sweet. You’re even smart. Some guys are actually into that. Why won’t you believe that he’d want more from you than a bit of rough and tumble?” Jamie took a sip from her coffee and shook her head in exasperation. She’d had this conversation way too many times with her sister.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because no one’s really wanted anything from me before, not even sex. Why would he see what all these other guys haven’t?”

  “Well, maybe because you haven’t given them a chance, Jessie. You scuttle away and hide behind your glasses and your books whenever men approach you. You may see it as being shy, but they see it as being aloof or unfriendly. Snobbish even.”

  “I’m not a snob at all,” Jessie said, raising her voice in consternation. It had never occurred to her before that anyone could interpret her behavior as being in any way hurtful. She mostly just thought she was avoiding making a fool of herself when she steered clear of making conversation with people.

  “I know that, but they don’t. Besides, whatever you’ve got, that detective was definitely into it. He didn’t even glance at me this morning. Not even once.” Jamie held up a finger. “You guys definitely had some chemistry. I just never thought it would amount to anything. I thought you’d run away and hide for sure.”

  “I didn’t though, did I? I actually called him and sort of went on a date with him.” Jessie’s smile was proud and oddly childlike, like she’d just won a blue ribbon at an elementary school track & field day.

  “Yeah, you did. Amazing. Where did you two crazy kids go anyway? Clay didn’t mention that part. Travis pulled him away for a dance before I got a chance to ask.”

  “Well, we actually just searched the area for his sister.”

  “Is that why he was at the store today? He was looking for her?”

  “Yeah. She’s been missing for two months.”

  “Jesus. Poor thing. Does he think she’ll turn up?”

  “Actually, she was at the store tonight. Clay called while we were at Duncan’s place, and then we tried to pick up her trail from the store. No luck though. It was like she disappeared.”

  “When did you get home?”

  “Around one.”

  “And then he went home?”

  “No, actually he came in for awhile.” Jessie tried not to look embarrassed. Like she had strange men in her apartment on a regular basis.

  “And?” Jamie dragged out the word and made a hurrying motion with her hands.

  Jessie looked at the table and tried to think of a way to say this without sounding too stupid. “And nothing. He wouldn’t do it.”

  “I thought you said he was straight.”

  “He is. Very. We just didn’t have any protection here.”

  “Oh my God. That is hilarious. So close, and yet so far.” Jamie laughed and shook her head. “We need to get you on the pill, like immediately.”

  “Well, I’m glad you think it’s funny. It was pretty em
barrassing at the time. I actually let him in on my secret.”

  “No way. After that whole disaster with librarian Ken? You actually told Duncan you were a virgin? Was he cool about it?”

  “Actually he was, but now he thinks we should wait.”

  “Wait? Doesn’t he realize that you’ve waited long enough? Why does he want to wait?”

  “He wants to make it special for me or something. I don’t know exactly. He also said he wanted to find his sister first because he doesn’t want to be distracted.”

  “Really? What did you say?”

  “I said: I’m not making any promises. I’ll seduce him if I can.”

  “I can’t believe you said that to him. That is so unlike you. Are you sure you’re not possessed?”

  “I’m not. There’s just something about him. I feel really comfortable around him. Comfortable, but nervous and excited too. In a good way. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “Oh Jess. You’ve got it bad. I’m so happy for you. No wonder you were so stupid, going over there alone and everything.”

  “I wasn’t stupid. I had mace in my purse, but I wasn’t even worried. We’d actually spent some time together that morning already.”

  “What do you mean, ‘spent some time together?’”

  Jessie couldn’t contain her excitement. Gleefully, she said, “We made out, right after you left. Right there in the store. If Clay hadn’t come in, I don’t know what would have happened. It was just incredible.”

  Jamie looked at her for a second with her mouth open in shock. “Are you crazy?”

  “Yes, I think I am. But it feels great. You’ve been right all this time. I have needed to loosen up.”

  “Jessie, I meant you needed to stop dressing like Laura Ingalls Wilder, and go on a few dates. I didn’t mean you should start having nooners at the store and making booty calls with strangers. I can’t believe all that’s happened in just one day. I think that detective might be right. You do need to slow down a bit.”

  “Probably, but I really don’t want to. When we were at his place, and Clay called, I kind of came to my senses for a few minutes and realized that I wasn’t cut out for a one-night stand, but I think maybe I am. At least with Duncan I am. I mean, if that‘s all I can have with him, then it’s better than nothing, right?”

  “Jessie, maybe this is all about your hormones. Isn’t it possible that this detective finally has your motor running and all those urges you’ve been keeping leashed all these years are clouding your judgment? I mean I’ve never heard you talk like this. Ever.”

  “Listen, Jamie, I appreciate your concern. I really do, but what’s wrong with me being a little impulsive for a change? You do it all the time.”

  “Not all the time, thanks. But I’ve always been a free spirit. Until today, you’ve had your whole life planned down to what pair of panties you were going to where a week from Thursday. Now you’re thinking about seducing a stranger without driving yourself crazy obsessing over the consequences?” Jamie shook her head in disbelief. “It’s kind of scary to watch you go through this complete metamorphosis.” Jamie reached out and touched Jessie’s hand. “It’s not just me, you know. Clay is worried too.”

  “You guys are sweet to be concerned, but there’s nothing to worry about.” Jessie rolled her eyes and patted Jamie’s hand. “I’m not going to get hurt. Really. I’m just going to enjoy whatever happens with Duncan. It’s not a big deal. People do this everyday.” She shrugged her shoulders and walked over to the sink, placing her cup in the bottom and turning around to face her sister.

  Jamie watched her carefully, and smiled ruefully at her sister. “You’re right, people do this everyday, but you don’t. You’re not like everyone else.”

  Jessie laughed. “God, Jamie, you make me sound like I need help tying my shoelaces or something. Just because I’m fairly inexperienced, doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself.”

  Jamie got up and put an arm around her sister. Even though Jessie was slightly older, Jamie had always felt like it was her job to watch out for her much more sensitive twin. “You’re right. I’m overreacting. I just don’t want to see this end badly for you. Ever since Mom and Dad died, you’ve been so withdrawn. Don’t get me wrong; you were never exactly a party animal. But since they’ve been gone, you haven’t wanted to get involved with people at all. It’s just kind of a shock to see you being so assertive with someone you just met.” She pulled her sister to her and they hugged for a second, until Jessie pulled away.

  “Alright, enough meaningful conversation. What I have to decide next, is what to do. Should I call him if he doesn’t call me tomorrow like he said?”

  “Definitely not. You want to seem cool, don’t you?” Jamie sat back down and started rummaging through her large red handbag. She pulled out a tube of lip-gloss and began dabbing it on to her blood-red lips.

  “I think it might be a bit late for that. Besides, that sounds like game playing to me.”

  “Oh, God Jessie. You really are naïve, aren’t you?” Jamie put the lips gloss back in her purse and looked up at her sister who was still standing at the sink.

  “Well, yeah, that is the point of all this, isn’t it?”

  “Then trust me, if you want to keep this guy’s attention, then you’re going to have to keep him guessing a bit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, not being too available. If he thinks he can have you, then he’s going to lose interest.”

  “Uh, Jamie. I appreciate the advice, but that is definitely going in the wrong direction. I want to ravish him, not confuse him. Besides, he’s going to lose interest anyway. All I want is to maintain our relationship or whatever long enough to seduce him and get some experience. And hopefully get him out of his slump too. You know, he hasn’t been on a date in three years.” Jessie held up three fingers and raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

  “What? And he stopped over a condom. I’m impressed. Most guys would have demanded a blow job and left at that point.”

  “You are so cynical.” Jessie said in disgust. “And how do you know what point we were at anyway?”

  “Well, lets see. You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about the size of his pocket rocket, and your shirt and camisole are on the floor in the entranceway. Also, you never leave your panties lying around, and those little peach beauties were sitting on top of the kitty-cat clock on your bureau. I’d guess things got pretty spicy in here tonight. Am I right?”

  “Well…yeah.” Jessie blushed furiously.

  “And how was it, really?”

  “It was amazing. I finally understood what all the fuss was about. Honestly, I didn’t even care about the damn condom. I was that far gone. So you’re probably right. I’m obviously not thinking straight where he’s concerned. Thank God, he wasn’t as carried away as I was.”

  “There’s the Jessie I know and love, obsessing over consequences, and doubting her actions. Don’t worry about it now, Jessie. Just make sure it never happens again.” Jamie reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of foil envelopes from the bottom. “We’ve got green, we’ve go purple. How about a blue to match his eyes?” Jamie held out a condom to Jessie and waggled it at her suggestively.

  “God, where were you earlier when I needed you?”

  “I was drinking tequila with Guido. He’s upset because I told him you were off the market.”

  “What? Why did you tell him that? I’m not off the market.” Why was she arguing with her sister? She didn’t want to go out with the bouncer anyway.

  “Not yet, but I had to tell him something. Besides, I suspected something was up, literally, when I saw the sparks flying between you and Detective Groinhold this morning.”

  “You did not. And his last name is Reinhold.”

  “Alright, I didn’t know for sure, but I did sense something. You know I’m a bit psychic.” Jamie gave her sister a knowing look.

  “Yes, I know, you’ve been telling me that since
we were kids, but I’ve never seen any evidence to support it. You just always seem to have these hindsight reports. Like when Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony separated, you told everyone that you knew it was going to happen.”

  “Go ahead and mock me, but you know I’m very in touch with the psychic plain.”

  “Maybe, but you’re way out of touch with reality.” Jessie took Jamie’s empty coffee cup and placed it in the sink beside her own, and then crossed her arms. “Now, this has been enlightening as usual, but I need to get some sleep. Not everyone works nights, you know.” Jessie looked meaningfully at the kitchen wall clock.

  Jamie got up and walked to the entranceway. As she reached the door, she looked down and saw something white on one of the black tiles. She bent down, giving Jessie a shocking view of her bottom, and picked up a piece of what she thought was white paper. “Here Jess, this was on the floor by the door.”

  “What is it?” Jessie said, coming over to inspect it.

  “A picture of some blond girl.” Jamie said, holding it out to Jessie.

  “Oh? It must have fallen out of Duncan’s coat earlier.” Jessie flushed again thinking of the circumstances that had lead to Duncan’s coat on the floor. “That’s Theresa,” she said, pointing to the girl’s pretty face.

  “That’s Theresa? Really?” Jamie studied the photo in Jamie’s hand for a second.

  “Why? You sound surprised.”

  “Well, I’m not absolutely sure, but she kind of looks like this girl who started working at the club a few weeks ago. She calls herself Terry-Lynne, and she has a manager and everything. A real scumbag named Diego Saverez.”

  “Are you sure? Look closely.” Jessie handed the photo back to her sister and turned on the overhead light.

  “I’m not sure, Jessie. There’s definitely a resemblance, but the girl at the club has longer hair and wears way more makeup. She could be the girl in the photo’s older sister I suppose.”

  “Do you know where this Terri-Lynne lives?” Jessie asked frantically, grabbing hold of Jamie’s arm.

  “No clue, but I think she lives with Savares. He watches her every second. He’s done this with a lot of girls. Brings them into the business, and then eventually they disappear.”


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