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A Little Secret About Love

Page 5

by Karice Bolton

  “So would drinks later be out of the question?” Sam asked, and Joel grinned as if he’d called the winning shot.

  “You know, I think that would be really nice.” She looked at Autumn, who shook her head.

  “We can’t make it. I’ve got to get several of the rooms turned over for new guests tomorrow morning.”

  Dina’s brow perked slightly. “Since when? I thought you hired Dani as your housekeeper.”

  “I did. She is, but she has the day off.” Autumn avoided Dina’s gaze, and she knew she was trying really hard to fib, and truthfully, Dina didn’t have the energy to call her out.

  “Okay, well your loss.” An unexpected wave of excitement rushed through Dina’s veins as she thought about spending a little bit of time with Sam. Since he’d shown up tonight, she couldn’t keep her thoughts on much else.

  “Just don’t try too many more dance moves without some serious supervision,” Autumn whispered as she came in for a hug.

  Sam pretended not to hear, but Dina saw his eyes lock on his brother’s, and she realized no secret was safe in Silver Ridge.

  Chapter Six

  “So I might as well just get this out there.” Dina took a sip of her one and only drink of the night as she sat at the bar with Sam. “I ski about as good as I dance.”

  Sam’s laughter filled the lodge’s bar, and Dina couldn’t help but fall for him a little more.

  It was a little past ten and most of the guests had gone back to their rooms, which gave them more privacy than the other night. The bar was decorated with a rustic flair—perfect for the mountains—and the fireplace roiling in the far corner only added to the coziness. Unfortunately, it made her want to cozy right up to Sam North.

  She could only imagine how wonderful the restaurant and bar was in the winter with the snow piling up outside the windows, and warmth swimming through the air inside where an endless supply of food and alcohol kept skiers happy. Maybe this year she’d even become one of the snow warriors.

  “You finally remember a bit from that night?” he asked amused, taking a sip of his beer.

  “A little.” She nodded and drew a deep breath, feeling the embarrassment from that night begin to fall away. “Believe it or not, I took a class.”

  “A dance class?” He actually couldn’t believe it.

  “No. More like a stripper class.” She grinned mischievously. “I lived in Los Angeles, remember? The campiest place a person could ever live? If there’s a way to make an exercise out of something, that’s where it will catch on.”

  “A stripper class?” he asked in disbelief. “You took a stripper class?”

  “Yeah. Purely for aerobics.” Dina leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “Pole and everything. I was a wreck. The women there would wrap their tiny legs around the shiny objects and whip their hair around without breaking a sweat.”

  “Impressive.” He smiled and took another sip.

  “I was impressed.” She nodded in agreement. “When I wasn’t dripping in sweat and gasping for air, I was very impressed. It was a great learning experience because I realized I needed to make this wedding dress thing pay off. Under no circumstance could I ever be a stripper. I’m not that talented. When the instructor convinced me to hang upside down with only my ankles and calves gripping the pole, I was in my own personal hell.”

  “But you did it?” Even with the way she described it, the thought turned him on.

  Big time.

  “I hung on if that’s what you mean, but it certainly wasn’t sexy. I was one slip away from a broken neck. All the other women were busily spinning themselves around and gracefully waving their arms in the air while I was frozen, afraid to move.”

  “I wish I could have been there.” Sam smiled wider, and she kind of wished for that too.

  “Well, I think you got a taste of it the other night.” She giggled. “And the fact that I’m still sitting here next to you speaks volumes.”

  “What does it say?”

  “I’m not even sure.” She laughed. “But here I am.”

  Sam’s eyes steadied on hers. “I have a confession.”


  “I thought you were sexy as hell the other night.”

  “Even when I fell into bed?”

  “Especially then.” He bit his lip and fell silent as something stirred behind his blue eyes. “I’m really glad you moved to Silver Ridge.”

  “Is that so?” A warm sensation spread through Dina’s body, and she knew she’d put all her rules aside to sleep with this man, which was precisely what she didn’t need to do.

  “Very much.” His hand brushed her knee, and the heat of his touch remained as she tried to focus on anything but Sam.

  “I thought you were more into the passing ski bunny thing or whatever it is you do.”

  “It gets old.”

  She cleared her throat and brought her gaze back to his. “About this indoor skiing adventure. Should I be worried? Will I fall and break my neck or worse, my fingers? I definitely need my fingers for sewing.”

  “I won’t let you fall.” He smiled, and she saw the heat stirring behind his eyes and desperately wanted to do something completely against everything she stood for. Hearing those words created the same desire in her. She knew he wasn’t talking about the bigger cosmic picture, and merely meant, he wouldn’t let her fall on the indoor mountain, but it still had a nice ring.

  “I hope I don’t ruin your impeccable reputation as a ski instructor.” Dina glanced at the clock on the wall.

  Time flew by with Sam North. It was already half past eleven, and she didn’t want the night to end.

  “Nah.” He shook his head and ran his fingers through his dark hair, messing up the strands in a perfectly imperfect way. “That’s not possible. I promise. I hold the key to your success.”

  “I’ve heard that before, but I guess only time will tell.” She sighed and glanced at the clock again. She realized she needed to get home and into bed. She didn’t want to, but she knew it was for the best.

  “I have to tell you it’s been nice not having you run in the opposite direction when you see me.” His eyes stayed on hers and a slight blush crept up her neck to her cheeks.

  “Give me time, and I might be back to my old tricks.”

  “I hope not. It’s nice getting to talk to you.”

  “Is it?”

  “Yeah. It actually is.” He nodded and smiled, but his expression fell immediately when he glanced over her shoulder.

  “What?” Dina followed his gaze and saw a woman about half her size wandering through the bar, heading right for them.

  “Just an old acquaintance.” Sam stiffened and took another hit of his beer.

  “Sam,” the woman called across the bar. “I thought I’d find you here.”

  “I never guessed I’d find you.” Sam gave an apologetic look in Dina’s direction, but Dina was far too intrigued with the woman heading their way to care.

  Bright red hair was braided into a messy twist like a ballerina who’d had one too many, but her vivid blue eyes proved that she was very alert and very set on talking to Sam, regardless of whether Dina was by his side or not.

  “I couldn’t stay away.” She closed in on Dina and Sam and quickly gave him a peck on the cheek while barely acknowledging Dina. “What can I say? You cast a spell. What has it been… six months?”

  Sam sat up straighter and shook his head. “Catrina, I’d like you meet Dina Romano. She’s—”

  “She’s so cute,” Catrina chirped. “And how do you know Sam?”

  “Does that really matter?” Sam stood up from the stool, somewhat shielding Catrina from Dina.

  “I suppose not. Just some simple conversation.” Her eyes narrowed coolly on Sam’s. “Say, what are you up to later?”

  She curled her finger around the hem of her sweater in an attempt to look seductive, and Dina no longer felt obliged to sit back and watch.

  “Well, Sam and I were headed back to
the hot tub, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you joined us. Seems like you’re up for a bit of fun.” Dina told the woman as Sam nearly choked on the air he breathed.

  “I, um…” Catrina’s hand dropped from her sweater, and she took a step back.

  “Oh? Were you wanting him alone?” Dina asked innocently. “I just assumed you were into that, coming over here and all.”

  Sam couldn’t hide his smile as Catrina glared at Dina. “No. I’m not into whatever it is you’re insinuating.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Dina had no idea what had gotten into her, but she liked standing up to this woman. It wasn’t like Dina to be territorial, but she hated rude people and Catrina definitely qualified, batting her lashes, licking her lips, and acting as if Dina didn’t exist.

  “Like Dina said, we’re headed out.” Sam slid his arm around Dina’s waist and helped her off the barstool.

  “It was nice to meet you,” Dina said, grateful that Sam’s arms were securely wrapped around her.

  “We all know what we’re getting with Sam.” Catrina laughed. “So don’t fool yourself.”

  Dina glanced behind her at the woman standing by the bar and smiled. “I don’t plan on it, but thanks.”

  Sam squeezed her closer and let out a heavy sigh as they made their way to the lobby. “I’m really sorry about that.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” Dina turned to look into his eyes. “I hope I didn’t tarnish your sterling dating reputation with the whole hot tub comment.”

  “About that…” His smile spread to his gaze. “Is that in the cards?”

  “Not on my worst day or my best.” Dina chuckled. “I can’t believe I said that to her.”

  Sam laughed. “I can’t either, but I’m glad you did. It certainly lightened the mood.”

  “How do you know her?” The moment the words left Dina’s lips she regretted them. It was none of her business how he knew her, and it really didn’t matter one way or another. She was actually lucky he even walked out with her.

  “She’s…” They stopped walking, and he turned to face Dina. “I’ve never really been a relationship guy.”

  “You’ve mentioned that.” Dina grinned and playfully punched him in the arm. “A time or two.”

  “She’s...” he started again.

  Dina interrupted, “So you’ve slept with her in the past and you just didn’t expect her to be so forward when you had another woman by your side.”

  Sam laughed, nodded, and stared at the ceiling while he let out a gust of air. “Pretty much. I’ve known her for a few years, and she generally comes for a ski trip before the holidays.”

  “How fun.” Dina flashed a wry smile. “Is that what the kids call it these days?”

  His only response was to laugh and shake his head, but he loved what Dina managed to do to him when he least expected it.

  And it didn’t hurt that Dina loved toying with Sam. She was treading on new ground with this whole thing. Maybe that gave her a sense of freedom, but whatever the case, Sam seemed thoroughly amused by her lack of a filter.

  “I didn’t mean to get your hopes up about the hot tub,” she teased.

  “Since meeting you, my hopes have been dashed time and again, so…” His eyes locked on hers and mutual laughter between them broke into the air.

  “Poor, single resort owner…” Dina sighed, reaching her hands to his chest where she rested them both.

  Dina and Sam were still standing in the lobby, and she had absolutely no intention of giving the wrong impression to the hotel staff, so she quickly drew her hands away and glanced toward the large double doors leading outside.

  “I should probably get home. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

  Sam nodded. “Let me walk you home. It’s the least I can do.”

  Before giving her time to respond, he draped his arm over her shoulders, and they walked outside into the brisk air.

  “It’s amazing how it can be warm in the day and freezing at night.” Dina shivered and he pulled her into him.

  “Welcome to the mountains, Cali girl.” He dragged his lips across the top of her head and goose bumps spread across her skin.

  She hated to admit it, but she loved being in Sam’s arms, and she secretly hoped that Catrina might glance out the window at this particular time.

  “When does the first snow touch the ground?” Dina asked as they slowly meandered along the dimly lit sidewalk that curved away from the main lodge toward the condos and cottages.

  “We usually get a dusting before Halloween, but the slopes don’t open until mid-November, if we’re lucky.”

  “I’ve still got some time to perfect my skiing.”

  She felt his embrace tighten as they walked along the sidewalk until they wound up in front of her place.

  She’d forgotten to turn on the front porch light, but it wasn’t completely pitch black with the light from the other cottages sprinkled around the property.

  “Thanks for walking me home.” She smiled and took a deep breath in as he slowly let go.

  “My pleasure.”

  She unlocked the door and turned around slowly to see Sam studying her.

  “Wear something comfortable tomorrow night.” He kept his eyes on her, and it was all she could do not to reach up and kiss him.

  “So you’re not letting me off the hook on the ski thing?”

  “Not a chance, but I promise that I’ll treat you to an amazing dinner after.” He smiled and glanced back toward the lodge.

  “I’m counting on it.” She flipped on the porch light and was surprised to see her breath in the air. “Thanks again.”

  He smiled and took a step forward, her breath catching in her throat as he narrowed the gap. She knew her willpower was at a bare minimum with Sam North and the thought of a kiss both enticed and scared her half to death.

  She’d definitely been all talk back at the lodge.

  “Sleep well,” he murmured, bringing his lips dangerously close to hers.

  “You too,” she breathed.

  Taking a step forward, and without a thought in the world, she curled her arm around his neck, which brought a wide smile to his beautiful lips.

  Sam brought his mouth down to hers, and she let her body fall into his.

  The moment she felt his lips against hers, her entire world melted away. He kissed like a man who was used to getting what he wanted, and she once again wanted to give it all to him.

  With every curl and swipe of his tongue, it was as if he was caressing every hidden fantasy out of her, crumbling her willpower to smithereens. It wasn’t until a little moan escaped her lips that she realized they’d been standing there for minutes.

  She felt his lips press a smile into hers as her eyes blinked open. His eyes stayed locked on hers as if he was taking everything in about her he could, which only made her want him more.

  “Is there actually a hot tub around here somewhere?” she asked, her breathing still ragged.

  “You are trouble, aren’t you?” His brow arched and desire skated behind his gaze.

  “I think you bring it out of me.”

  “Sleep tight, Cali girl.” He kissed her cheek one last time before turning around and heading into the night, and all she could do was pray that she’d be able to handle whatever Sam North prepared to deliver.

  Chapter Seven

  The voice of reason had obviously abandoned Sam North. He was falling even harder for Dina Romano than he expected. He loved her fire and lack of filter, and it didn’t hurt that every curve of her body led his mind to places he wanted to explore.

  Now, he only had to figure out what to do about it. He knew he wanted to sleep with her. There was no denying the attraction, but this wasn’t a normal Sam North situation. She didn’t have a plane ticket out of Washington. She lived right here in this little town, and that fact alone had complication written all over it.

  Complication no one needed.

  Yet, he was the one pressing her to date him. She’
d been the one running away from him time and again…

  “Hey, you.” Joel North wandered over to Sam, who’d been hunched over blueprints staring at absolutely nothing. “Did you want to grab lunch or not?”

  Sam’s gaze flicked to his brother’s and a smile crept across Joel’s expression.

  “Was my little brother daydreaming?” Joel’s brow arched, and Sam shook his head.

  “I don’t do that.” Sam rolled up the latest project and slid it back into the tube it came out of.

  He was overseeing the construction of a new ski run on the backside of the mountain next summer and had a million things he needed to finish up before this winter’s season hit, or he’d never be able to focus on getting the contractors lined up, or the project finished in time.

  “But, yeah. Let’s grab lunch. I think I’ll need my energy for later.” Sam grabbed his jacket and followed his brother through the small office area before taking the elevator down to the lodge.

  He’d been looking forward to meeting Dina tonight for her indoor ski lesson, but the closer the time came, the more his mind spun into a chaotic mess about what he actually wanted.

  And Sam North was a man who always knew what he wanted.

  “Want to stay here or go out?” Joel asked as they exited the elevator.

  “Let’s go across the street and grab a sandwich. I feel like there are fewer prying eyes and ears.”

  Joel gave a wicked grin and a quick nod as they opened the door, feeling the brisk air come over them. Fall was definitely coming on strong, which was exactly what they needed for a strong start to the ski season.

  “I heard Catrina is back in town?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  Sam eyed his brother and laughed. “Prying eyes and ears. Guess I made the right call about lunch.”

  “Oh, come on. You know you give those bartenders plenty to talk about.” Joel winked at his brother before they jogged across the street to the sandwich shop.

  The tiny café was bustling, and Joel beelined to one of the last empty tables while Sam stood in line to place their orders.

  Had his personal life really become part of the entertainment for Silver Ridge Ski Resort?


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