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Requiem for the Dead

Page 22

by Kelly Meding

  "Is there anyone from the Felia Clan whose loyalty could be called into question?" Kismet asked.

  This time, Marcus and Astrid shared a look. "Perhaps," Astrid said.

  "Who?" I asked.

  "Lynn Neil."

  I couldn't make that one fit. Lynn was a were-lioness with the aggressive personality of a newborn kitten. She was also Kyle Jane's girlfriend, and they were the only inter-Clan couple in the Watchtower. She had to have one hell of an interesting past for them to suspect her right off the bat.

  "Back in May, when Aurora and Joseph were kidnapped by a group of Felia intent on keeping her and her unborn child safe," Marcus said. "Do you remember?"

  As if I'd forget. "Hell, yes, I remember. I was the one they tried to kill in the process. I shot Belle and another one of her pals."

  "The pal you killed was a jaguar named Kiefer Foss."

  "You stabbed me with a nail file.” I remembered that night clearly, and I remembered being told later that Belle had been executed for treason against the Assembly. "The name doesn't ring a bell."

  "That's because it wasn't released beyond Assembly records," Astrid said, shooting her brother a glare that said he probably shouldn't have released it now. "At the time, Foss was living with Lynn. They weren't mated, and when she was questioned, Lynn denied all knowledge of Foss's activities with Belle."

  "You believed her?"

  "Yes. Kyle believed her too, and his faith in Lynn convinced the rest of us."

  "But how does that connect Lynn to Vale?"

  "It doesn't, not directly. Even Belle isn't directly connected. She was a Siberian Tiger, and Vale is Bengal. Vale was never, to our knowledge, connected to Belle's movement."

  "So Lynn could be a dead end?" My head was spinning a little with all of the dot connecting going on, and we had no clearer picture than when we started.

  "Perhaps," Marcus said. "We should still question her."

  "Kyle's going to shit kittens." So to speak.

  "He'll understand."

  "And alibi her, as well," Rufus said. "They've been in the field for hours, aiding our efforts to locate Vale. I doubt she's found time to leak information to him."

  "Call her back in," Astrid said. "We should still talk to her."

  "Tell me you have other suspects," I said.

  "Not on the tip of my tongue, no. Every Therian at the Watchtower is here because I trust them to be discreet and to keep what happens here within these walls. I despise the idea of anyone I hired being a leak." Her copper eyes flashed with hurt and anger, and I believed her.

  "The leak could be human," Tybalt said. "I couldn't guess as to a motive, but there are two species working here."

  My brain jumped to Alejandro, the new kid who'd been brought into our compound today, but that didn't fit for two reasons. First, he wasn't even a blip on my radar when Vale attacked us on Lincoln Street. Second, the kid had been searched for all electronic or tracking devices, and he didn't have access to anyone's phone. He was new and twitchy, but that didn't make him a plant.

  Tybalt went still, as if something had occurred to him. "What?" I asked.

  "I thought of someone who might be able to give us a little information," he said. To Astrid, he said, "Castle."

  The look she shared with him and Marcus told me that the name meant something to them. Not to the rest of us though. Even Kismet seemed confused. "Do you know where he is?" Astrid asked.

  "No, but I can find him."

  "Take Shelby with you."

  "Will do."

  Tybalt headed out. I kind of wished I was going with him, but for now, my place was here. Vale wanted me dead, which would make Tybalt a bigger target than he already was with me running around the city in his pocket. And Wyatt still needed me close. His mood was as volatile as the pups'.

  "So what next?" I asked.

  "I'll question Lynn when she returns," Astrid said. "Other than that, we wait for Vale to call about the ransom."

  And if we really had a mole in the Watchtower, he'd know that Eulan was here with his cash pretty soon—if he didn't already.

  I excused myself to the cafeteria. I desperately needed a caffeine boost, and the pups could probably use a snack. Their metabolisms were already high, and the stress of the beatings would only add to that. More people were milling around in the cafeteria than I expected, considering it was after two in the morning, but we all kept bizarre hours. I'd go crazy if I was ever shackled into a 9 to 5 kind of job.

  I poured a mug of coffee for myself, added a few ice cubes, then gulped. Repeat. The hot liquid burned into my stomach, a pleasant heat that reminded me of how empty it was. I put half a dozen sandwiches on a plate, then turned to take the food back to the infirmary.

  A skinny, dark-haired figure hunched alone at a table made me pause. Alejandro. As much as he wasn't a suspect, he also wasn't a member of the team. He was alone here, and he looked like he'd just seen his favorite pet creamed by a car. I carried my plate over and plopped down in a chair next to him.

  He jerked, startled. "Oh, hi."

  "Oh, hi," I parroted. "Making friends is easier if you talk to people."

  "I'm not very good at that."


  "Making friends."

  "Me either."

  "Hard to believe."

  I laughed at the sass. The kid had guts for sure. "Really, though, why the funk? I thought getting involved was what you wanted?"

  "Is was. It is, I mean."

  He stared at the table while I stared at him. I was too tired to guess, and I had better things to do than try to puzzle this out. Alejandro seemed like a nice kid, but he had serious trust issues and they weren't my issues to fix.

  "Are you eating all those?" he asked, nodding at the sandwiches.

  "Delivery for friends, and don't change the subject. You've got thirty seconds."

  "It's just…I'm new."


  "And I don't want to rock the boat, or get anyone into trouble because I don't really know what's going on."

  Okay, he had my full attention now. I kept my pose casual while checking our surroundings. No one was close enough to listen in. "Alejandro, I need you trust me. I need you to trust that anyone you might have overheard, anything that seems off? You need to tell me right now."

  He considered me a moment. "I do trust you."

  "Then tell me what's going on? Did you hear something?"


  "Okay, what was it?"

  He took a moment to look around before lowering his voice to a bare whisper. "I heard someone on the phone. They didn't know I was there."

  "Saying what?"

  "Telling somebody that you were back here, along with Truman and two of the puppies?" He seemed unsure about the last bit. "Why would Truman bring puppies here?"

  "Long story." I tried to keep myself from exploding with impatience, because it was quite possible Alejandro—bad-at-stalking, Boot Camp recruit, and generally jumpy teenager—had overheard our mole talking to Vale. "Who was it? Who did you hear on the phone?"

  After securing Alejandro's promise to deliver the plate of sandwiches to the infirmary, I ran back to Ops. His admission was burning a hole in my brain, and I needed to discuss it with Astrid before the potential mole tried to flee the premises.

  The earlier crowd had dispersed itself, but Astrid hadn't moved from her desk. She glanced up when I walked into Ops, and something in my demeanor alarmed her because she stood up. She'd taken one step in my direction when her cell phone rang.

  "Vale," she said, waving me over. Marcus and Rufus appeared out of nowhere, and we four gathered around her phone as she accepted the call. Set it to speaker.

  "Not even a hello?" Vale said after a pause.

  "We have the money," Astrid said. "In cash like you asked."

  "Excellent. You sound pensive, Astrid."

  "Long day."

  "I think perhaps you're waiting for me to change my demands, and you're correct. They'v
e changed."

  I stifled a groan. Of course they'd fucking changed.

  "The cost of returning the potion and scroll hasn't changed," Vale went on. "The delivery system, however, requires a personal touch."

  "Explain that."

  "If you want the mongrel dog returned safe and sound, then Evangeline Stone will bring me the money. Alone. She's there, I take it? Not a pile of ash blowing in the breeze, as she should be?"

  "I'm here," I said. No sense in denying it.

  "Then your presence in exchange for the boy."

  "No fucking way."

  Three pairs of eyebrows went up, and I imagined Vale's did too. My heart thudded heavily, alarmed at my choice, but also confident in the decision.

  "No?" Vale repeated.

  "No. There's nothing to stop you from killing me and John, and then taking off with the money, the scroll, and the potion."

  "I kept my word about releasing the Frosts."

  "Yeah, well, you also had the Assembly screaming for your sorry striped hide. You had nothing to gain by killing them. You have nothing to lose by killing me. In fact, I think you'd take great joy in it."

  "You're right on that count, Ms. Stone. You broke our bargain by not killing Elder Dane as requested."

  "As demanded. We didn't have a bargain, we had blackmail. And considering you beat two kids while they were unconscious, I'm not inclined to believe a fucking thing oozing out of your mouth."

  "Then we are, as they say, at an impasse."

  "Not necessarily. You keep hiding behind other people, Vale. So come at me face to face. In front of witnesses. You get the money for the stuff you stole, and then we fight for John, one on one. You and me, pussycat."

  Astrid and Marcus stared at me like I was insane, and I probably was. If Vale shifted, I'd never beat him in a fair fight—not even with my healing and my teleporting ability. Bengal tigers, especially Therian Bengals, were huge and had big teeth. But I'd do this for John. I'd do this for Wyatt.

  "No," Vale said.

  "Can't take me?"

  He laughed. "I'm very certain I can, actually, and as much as I'd enjoy it, I'd rather expend the energy fighting someone I hate more than you."



  The were-cat in question blinked once.

  "Why Marcus?" I asked.

  "He led the charge in May. He's responsible for my brother's death."

  "Prentiss was executed by the Assembly for being a dirty traitor."

  "He wouldn't have been caught if not for Marcus." The logic of cowards—blaming the cop who arrested them instead of taking responsibility for committing the crime in the first place.

  I couldn't ask Marcus to do this, not for the life of a Lupa, an enemy to his own people. We'd find another way to save John.

  "What are your terms?" Marcus asked.

  My mouth fell open. His quelling glare kept words from tumbling out.

  "You are listening," Vale said. "Good. We'll keep this brief. We meet at dawn. I'll tell you the location twenty minutes beforehand. Three witnesses for each of us, in the old style. To the death, Marcus."


  "Not interested in fighting to the death?"

  "I'll kill you any day of the week, Vale, I promise you that. The location is unacceptable. We speak again at six o'clock, and we agree upon a neutral location at which to meet by six-thirty. No one gains the advantage in this."

  Vale grunted. "Acceptable. You bring my money, and I'll bring your valuables."

  "All three?"

  "All three."

  "I want to speak to John," I said.

  "Impossible. I'm keeping him sedated so he doesn't lose it on me."

  Smart bastard.

  "I want your word, Marcus," Vale said, in a forceful tone I didn't expect. "Your word that this will be our duel, and ours alone. No Assembly enforcers waiting in the wings, no Watchtower stooges ready to pounce on me."

  "You have my word, Vale," Marcus said.

  "I'll call at six." He hung up.

  "A duel?" I said. "Seriously?"

  Marcus shrugged, unable to pull off casual when he was that tense. "It's a tradition of our kind, to settle disputes. Although we usually fight over mates and not to the death."

  "I can't believe you agreed to this," Astrid said.

  "You don't think I can beat his ass?"

  "I know you can, but then I won't get to kill him."

  "Get in line," I said. "But at this point, I just want the asshole caught or dead."

  "Agreed," Marcus said. "And if this gains us the vampire cure, as well as the safe return of the Lupa boy, then it's worth a few scratches."

  "You won't feel that way if he bites your ear off," Astrid said.

  "You can glue it back on if he does. I want you there."

  "So I can kill him after he kills you?"


  Affection passed between the Dane siblings. Something was coming full circle for both of them, and they were united to stop a threat to their Clan. It was kind of awesome to see.

  "You don't have to agree," I said, "but I'd like to go as a witness. I want to be there to ensure John's safety, and if he's awake and scared, he'll react better to a familiar face."

  Marcus considered me a moment. "All right. The boy will need someone to ground him, and there's no way Wyatt is going."

  "No kidding." He was too damned volatile right now. Peter and Mark needed him here. "Who's your third?"

  "I'd like it to be Tybalt, if he's back from his errand in time. He was with us when Prentiss was captured. He's part of this."

  "Speaking of Tybalt, who is Castle?"

  "Someone who helped us locate Prentiss when he was holding Keenan. If Castle's still around, he may have information on Vale. It's worth a try."

  Informant. Gotcha. And speaking of valuable information… "Astrid, can I speak with you? In private?"

  In private was somewhat relative when it came to Therian hearing. Since we had no one currently residing in our re-built jail, we walked down the corridor to speak there. Astrid kept pace, probably full of thoughts of her brother's impending fight, no idea of the bomb I was about to drop in her lap.

  The interior of the jail had seen some damage a few weeks ago, when a Halfie blew himself up inside of it. The three reinforced cells were good as new, the desk had been replaced, and not a sign of gore remained. The only thing still haunting this place was the memory of that Halfie. He'd been a friend of mine once, suffering through a brief, uneasy existence as a monster he'd once sworn to eradicate.

  "What's going on, Stone?" Astrid asked.

  "Remember the newbie, Alejandro? I think he identified our mole."

  "What? How?"

  "Apparently he was sneaking around, getting to know the place, and he was snooping around the old vampire quarters when someone came inside to make a phone call. This person told someone about me and Wyatt coming back with the Lupa. Called them puppies."

  "It could have been a personal call."

  "Done in secret? Who the hell would care, at one in the morning, that I'm back at the Watchtower?"

  Astrid's expression darkened. "Who was it?"

  "Our very own flying fox. Autumn."

  Chapter Twenty

  2:45 a.m.

  Our search for Autumn lasted exactly the two minutes it took to turn a corner and run smack into Shelby, sweaty and dressed in gym clothes.

  Astrid and I stared at him, dumbfounded. "Why aren't you with Tybalt?" I asked.

  Shelby wasn't one of my favorite people socially, but he could turn into a huge polar bear and was an asset in a fight. It was why I tolerated the impatient look he tossed my way. "Because I was working out when he asked for my assistance."

  "Did he go alone?" Astrid asked.

  "Of course not. Autumn was there, and she said she'd go with him."


  My heart jumped into my throat. Astrid pulled her phone first and dialed. Shelby gawked at bot
h of us. "What is going on?" he asked.

  I waved him off and followed Astrid down the corridor. "Voice mail," she said. "Damn it."

  I tried with my phone. Same thing. "I can't believe this. Would she take Tybalt to Vale?"

  "I don't know, Stone, I really don't." She dialed again. Listened. "Autumn isn't answering, either."

  "Does that really fucking surprise you?"


  "I'm sorry, I'm worried, okay? In case you missed it, I get mouthy when one of my friends is in trouble."

  "We don't know for certain that Tybalt is in danger."

  "We don't know that he isn't. God, Gina is going to flip out."

  "Come on."


  "Ops. I want to reread Autumn's file. Perhaps there's a clue in there as to what she's up to. In the meantime, we'll get all our eyes in the field looking for Tybalt and Autumn."

  I hovered while Astrid did her leadership thing. She made calls to the teams in the field, telling them to report back if they saw Tybalt or Autumn, and she never had to explain why. The team leaders did as asked without question. She then gathered the small group of me, Eulan, Marcus, Kismet, Rufus, and Alejandro into the large conference room.

  Then she explained what we thought was going on.

  "Son of a bitch," Kismet said. Her expression fluctuated between horror and anger. "Why would Autumn feed information to Vale? She's not even Felia, she's Kitsune."

  "I don't know," Astrid said. "We're still speculating, but the evidence is stacking up against her. Until we hear from one or both of them, we're going with this scenario."

  "Do you think Vale will use Tybalt to pull something at the duel?"

  "It's possible. Vale is a coward. He's shown that many times these last few days. He won't leave victory to chance, and he knows Tybalt is important to the both of us." She glanced at Marcus, who was equally furious and… well, no, just furious. I didn't know the complexities of the relationship those three shared, only that it extended back to childhood. More theirs than Tybalt's, considering the Therian aging thing, but they had a history.

  We all loved Tybalt. We'd fight for him.

  Rufus, our computer guru, was typing away at a laptop on one end of the table. "I may have found the connection we're missing," he said. He connected the laptop to the monitors on the far wall, and one of them flickered to life.


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