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MILF Cream: Feeding The Guy Next Door

Page 3

by Summer O. Lee

  “Yesssss,” I hissed into the cool, dark room as the hind milk started flowing, as it pressed against my nipples all thick and hot and creamy. I imagined a soft mouth latched on, the tongue swirling around my nipples as they told me how good it was, how hot it made them…

  Buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz.

  My phone went off, pulling me from my fantasy. It was a text from my husband. With shaky fingers, I grabbed my phone and swiped the screen to read it.

  —Got you a present, baby. Should be there within the hour :)

  A present? What was it? I wondered with a grin as I replied. For all his faults, my husband could be pretty thoughtful when he wanted to be.

  —A present? What is it??? Tell me!

  —No way. All I’ll say is it’s something you’ve wanted for a while. Talk soon!

  I set the phone aside and padded across the room in bare feet, looking for something simple to throw on. If someone’s delivering a gift, I didn’t want to be undressed. I settled on a soft wrap dress. First, I pulled on my nursing bra and clasped the back. It was a soft cotton thing, more utilitarian than anything else, but there was something undeniably erotic about the little flaps you could pull down to expose the nipples. It was as fiddly and intricate as any strappy teddy… something my husband was wild about. If only he liked my nursing bra and its creamy payload as much.

  I stood in front of the mirror as I dressed, watching as my big, milky tits disappeared beneath the stretchy cloth. Despite their huge size, they were remarkably buoyant. They stood off my chest beautifully, their swell straining against the cloth so hard I could perfectly see the outline of my nipples. I turned back and forth, admiring the way they poked out all long and hard, how they stood out like bonbons beneath my dress. How my husband could resist them, I’d never know.

  An hour passed and I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to answer it, anxious for the special gift my husband had gotten me. I peeked out the side window and saw a young woman standing on our porch. She was petite and curvy with long blond hair down to her ass. She wore her hair in a loose braid that swayed as she stood patiently on the doormat.

  Who could that be? I thought as I made my way toward the foyer. She wasn’t carrying any packages or anything. She didn’t look like a delivery person. Maybe she’s lost?

  The girl smiled wide as I opened the door. She was wearing a little black dress and sensible shoes, the sort of thing a maid might wear.

  “Are you Rochelle La Porte?” asked the girl in a velvety voice. Her eyes were bright blue, flecked with gray.

  “Yes… who are you?” Curiosity grabbed hold of me. There was something about the girl. Something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Her smile flickered and then returned. She seemed confused that I didn’t know who she was.

  “My name is Cammy,” the girl smiled wide again and stepped forward, holding out her hand. “I’m the new maid."

  II. The Maid

  “What do you think of her?” Max asked as he cut his steak. A grin was plastered on his face.

  “She’s nice. Seems like a hard worker,” I replied as I pushed my salad around my plate. She did seem nice and she did seem like a hard worker, I just never pictured myself as the type to have a maid. It felt strange having a stranger picking up after me and my family. Still, it was a load off my mind. I was often too exhausted to really clean up after a long day of caring for the baby.

  “Well, good. You work so hard, I thought you deserved a little help.”

  We ate in silence for a little while, which wasn’t uncommon. Max often sat brooding about work as we ate. I reached over and squeezed his hand.

  “Thanks for thinking of me,” I said with a smile. It really was very thoughtful of him.

  The day had passed pretty uneventfully. The girl, Cammy, scrubbed and dusted and tidied all day while I took a much-needed bath and watched over the baby. Around mid-afternoon, I settled in to nurse while the girl put away laundry. I settled in and started pumping when the girl came in with an armload of clean cotton nappies.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said when she saw my huge tits out on display. The one that wasn’t being pumped was dripping like crazy, making a big, creamy wet spot on my lap. She blushed prettily, her soft cheeks glowing bright red. “I didn’t know you were pumping.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured her with a laugh as I switched the pump to the other side. It took a second to latch on, but when it did I let out a groan of satisfaction. “I’m almost always pumping.”

  She opened the drawer and tucked the clean nappies inside. Her eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror hanging above the dresser, and I saw her gaze flick down to my breasts before darting away. She was curious, which was only natural… but it sent a strange shooter of pleasure straight to my pussy just having her eyes on me, watching me.

  “Doesn’t the baby nurse?” she asked softly as she turned toward me. She tried to look nonchalant, but I could see the discomfort she was feeling in her tense stance. “I mean, it’s none of my business…”

  “No, he doesn’t. It happens sometimes. Certain babies just aren’t nursers.”

  The pump’s whirring motor filled the quiet as the girl watched, her eyes moving all over my huge, milky tits. I pressed my arms closer to my body, squeezing my tits together to show the deep, silky cleavage between them. I don’t know why I did it, it was just an impulse. The girl’s heart quickened; I could see it in the pulse at the base of her long, slender neck.

  “It’s so fascinating,” said the girl with a sense of awe in her voice. She bit her lip as she watched the pump pulling an endless stream of milk into the bottle. “Seems like it would feel really good…”

  Her candor shocked me. I raised my brows and laughed. “To be honest, the sucking does feel really good… but I bet being nursed would feel even better.”

  “Yeah,” the girl agreed in a hot little whisper.

  I studied her through half-closed lids, watching her curvy little body blooming like a hot house flower. She was loosening up, getting lost in some private thought. Her lips were swollen, and her pupils dilated.

  “Have you ever…?” I asked with my brows raised. It was a strange conversation, but I couldn’t help myself. Sometimes it’s easier being racy with a stranger.


  “You know, have you ever been nursed by someone?”

  “Me? Oh, no.” She cupped her hands over her pert little tits and squeezed them. It sent a jolt of lust through me seeing her being so nonchalant with her touches. She seemed pretty at ease with her body, something I was envious of. The way her eyes were latched on told me she was curious, though. Interested in exploring. “I’ve never lactated before… one day, maybe.”

  “Yeah?” I asked with a smile. The heat inside me was building and building, making my honey run hot and slick from my slit. I was so turned on from the pump and from this strange girl watching me, that I was on the verge of madness.

  “Hopefully.” She broke her gaze away and took a step toward the door. “Well, I’d better get back to work.”

  “Sure, honey. Thanks for the chat. It gets boring pumping all by my self in here.”

  “My pleasure,” she said as she left.

  Even though she was gone, the feel of her remained behind. I listened for her downstairs. She was moving knickknacks and dusting them, letting me know just where she was. I slipped my hand down and stroked my pussy, working it gently as the pump stimulated my nipples. It didn’t take long until I came with a shudder and a moan. Fuck, it was so good. I only wish I’d had a hot, hungry mouth latched on instead of the pump…

  “Roch?” Max’s voice interrupted my memory, bringing me back to the dining room. He was staring at me with a strange smile on his face. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Oh… nothing, dear. Nothing at all.” I was flushed and flustered, sopping wet below with aching nipples. My lust was written all over my face, I was sure of it. “I was just

  “Must have been a good daydream,” he teased with a wink and a little grin. “You’re positively glowing.”

  “It was,” I said lightly as I stabbed a carrot and popped it in my mouth.

  III. Feeding Little Cammy

  I didn’t hear her come in.

  I stayed in bed late, relishing the soft sheets on my naked body. Max had gone to work and the baby was at my mom’s house for the day, so I decided to treat myself to a relaxing day filled with pampering. I pumped lazily in bed, using the new pump my husband had bought me. It had softer cups, and the suction varied in pressure to keep irritation to a minimum. I was so caught up in the feel of the pump and its endless whirring, that I didn’t notice Cammy standing in the doorway.

  “Oh, Cammy, I didn’t see you,” I gasped when I caught sight of her. My tits were bare, hoisted up above the blankets. The girl was staring, her mouth lightly open.

  “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you… I didn’t think you were going to be home today.”

  “Well, I am. It’s a lazy day for me. Baby’s gone. Don’t be a stranger, come and sit down with me. I’m lonely.”

  She did as she was told, settling down on the edge of the bed as she smoothed her short skirt. She was a gorgeous thing, lithe and willowy with pouty lips and a dusting of freckles across her button nose. I imagined those soft lips closing over my nipples, sucking gingerly as she looked at me with those big, blue eyes.

  My nipples ached at her closeness, and I found myself thinking about how I’d carry the fantasy of her nursing me into bed later after Max got home. I’d think of her nursing me as his cock pounded into me. I could hardly wait.

  “Your nipples are so red… do they hurt?” she asked softly as her eyes fell on the pump.

  “A little,” I replied with a little smile. “Max bought me this special pump, but it still irritates them.”

  “Oh, no. That’s terrible,” she said with a look of concern on her pretty face. “Couldn’t your husband help?”

  I was shocked that such an innocent looking creature would ask such a thing. I shook my head, flustered.

  “No way. He’s not a big fan of my milk.”

  “How could she not be?” she said softly, as if talking to herself. “It’s so…”

  Her voice trailed off, and she snapped back to reality, embarrassed by the secret thoughts swirling in her head. A little dimple marked her cheek as she smiled.

  “I’m sorry,” she said with a laugh. “I should go.”

  “No, no please,” I begged as I grabbed her wrist and held it. I could feel her heartbeat. “Stay. Really… tell me what you were about to say.”

  Her pulse quickened under my fingertips. She was surging with energy.

  “I was going to say, it’s so tempting. He’s crazy.”

  Now my pulse quickened. Never in a million years would I think this young girl would be tempted by my breast milk. She leaned a little closer, watching it spurt into the bottle.

  “Do you really think it’s tempting?” I asked.

  Her eyes met mine. She nodded and bit her lip as her cheeks glowed pink.

  “It’s something I’ve always wanted,” she whispered conspiratorially, her eyes glowing. “Your tits are so gorgeous. They’re so full and heavy and milky.”

  Heat flooded my body haring her talk like that about me. A familiar heaviness and tingling started in my pussy, making me squirm beneath the blankets. I was standing right at the edge of a precipice, but I was afraid to take the plunge. My hands covered my breasts, squeezing them softly as the girl stared at me.

  “You… you can have them, if you want.”

  She made a pathetic little whimper as she leaned in with her eyes fixed on my tits. I could smell the fresh, clean smell of her blonde hair, and the mint on her breath. Her tongue darted out and licked her soft, pink lips. I squeezed my tits a little harder, making the soft blue veins stand out. Is this real? I thought as a surge of adrenaline shot through me. It can’t be real… it can’t be…

  “Take them,” I urged her gently as she lowered her head, as her soft hair brushed against my hot skin. “Oh, god, take them. Suck them.”

  The pressure and throbbing in my pussy was insane. It pounded like a second pulse, rocking my body as the girl curled up beside me and stroked my skin. Her fingers trailed over my tits, touching them oh-so-softly.

  “Can I really have them?” she asked in an innocent little voice.

  “Yes, baby. Yes. Suck my tits, baby. Drink my milk.”

  The soft, hot sensation of her mouth closing over my nipple made me moan out loud, it was so good. I arched off the bed, pressing my breasts to her mouth. She kissed and licked my nipples softly, testing them out, getting a feel for them before latching on. Her first little sucks were soft and gentle, making me shiver and shake… but when she finally latched on for real, I almost went insane.

  “Ohhhh, oh my god! Oh my goodness!” I moaned as she gripped them, as she forced my nipples outward and filled her mouth with them. The smell of my milk mingled with the smell of her, creating a potent cocktail of scents in the still morning air. “What a good girl… good girl… do you like it, baby?”

  “Mmm, it’s so good,” she purred as she pulled free. Beads of milk clung to the satiny surface of her lips. “But this is wrong…”

  “Not wrong, baby. Not wrong. I need it. I need it so bad. Keep nursing me, baby. Go on. OH! Good girl!”

  The pull of her mouth left me dizzy and panting. Each suck sent a jolt of white-hot pleasure straight down my spine to my sopping wet pussy. I’d never been so turned on in all my life. It was intoxicating. Totally hot and good and wrong and perfect. I had a husband, but he’d never know. No. It was our secret. Hers and mine.

  “Keep sucking. Keep sucking. Oh, fuck!” I cried out as the pleasure tightened inside me like a vise, making my pussy flutter and contract. The only thing missing was my husband’s cock buried up to the hilt inside me, but he’d never agree.

  “What was that?” she hissed quietly as she pulled away and looked toward the bedroom door. I’d heard it, too. The front door opening and closing.

  “Honey, I’m home!” yelled Max from downstairs.

  We looked at each other with wide eyes as we scrambled to get straightened up. We heard him tramping upstairs, all six-foot-four-inches of him. He appeared at the door just as Cammy reached up to pretend like she was dusting the bookshelf.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you were here, Cammy. How’re you doing?” he said as he leaned in to kiss me.

  “Just fine, Mr. La Porte. How’re you?”

  “Couldn’t be better. How’re you, my darling?”

  “Great. Wonderful,” I stammered. My body still throbbed with desire after my brief nursing session with Cammy, and I could hardly think straight. “What are you doing home?”

  He was loosening his tie and pulling off his suit jacket, revealing the taut, muscular lines of his body. His ass looked fantastic in his trousers, firm and round. Seeing his body was driving me insane. I needed to get off, but the girl was still in our room.

  “Came home early to see you. I thought we’d spend some quality time together since the baby’s gone for the day.” His brow arched suggestively, and I knew what kind of ‘quality time’ he had in mind. He climbed onto the bed, covering my body with his as he kissed me. He didn’t seem to care that the girl was there, that she was just feet away.

  I glanced at her and saw her watching us with bold eyes. It wasn’t that she didn’t care we were kissing on the bed—me naked and him with a rapidly hardening cock—she was into it.

  “Excuse us, Cammy,” said Max as he eased the sheet down off my body, exposing me fully. He pushed my legs open and filled the space between them. “We’ll be downstairs in just a few minutes.”

  “Yes, sir,” said the girl as she stepped out the bedroom door, pulling it slightly closed behind her.

  “Mmm, now that she’s gone
, I’m gonna make you cum all over my big, fat cock. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” I hissed as he undid his belt one-handed and pulled out his cock, which was moist with pre-cum. The meaty shaft filled my hand perfectly. He thrust into it, fucking the hollow of my palm as he kissed my neck. “Fuck me, baby. Make me cum.”

  “That’s my girl.” He pushed my thighs back and smacked his cock against my sopping wet slit, making me yelp. Then he slipped it inside all the way up to the hilt in one fluid motion that drove a ragged moan of pleasure from my throat. “Ooohhh, that’s right. That’s it, honey. God, you feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock like that.”


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