Stiff Trick
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A Total-E-Bound Publication
Stiff Trick
ISBN #978-0-85715-125-4
©Copyright Jude Mason 2010
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright April 2010
Edited by Janice Bennett
Total-E-Bound Publishing
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.
Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.
The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.
Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom
Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.
Jude Mason
To Janice, my editor from…well, she’s a darned fine wordsmith and I’m so glad she’s there.
Chapter One
“If you want to stay, you’ll have to abide by the rules.”
Jason’s voice was barely loud enough for Nate to hear. Nate had known the ultimatum was coming but wasn’t sure he was ready for it.
“You know what I am. I can’t have you living with me if you’re still one of Sam’s boys.”
Snuggling into Jason’s arms, Nate took a moment to enjoy the slip and slide of his lover’s flesh against his own. Rumpled bedclothes tangled around both his and Jason’s feet from the exuberant fucking they’d just shared. Pillows lay here and there, one tucked beneath his hip, another at his feet. The rest they’d tossed on the floor while wrestling on the bed.
His ass hurt.
“I know, and I also know I’m ready to ditch Sam and his little empire,” he murmured, the soft downy fur on Jason’s chest tickling his lips as he spoke. He slid his hand over the man’s chest and down his well-muscled belly. The temptation to grab his cock was nearly overwhelming, but it wasn’t the time. That had passed. “Sam’s not going to let me go just because I want out, you know that.”
Jason turned onto his side, facing Nate. In the dimly lit room, the man’s eyes appeared as black as the hair he kept in a ponytail. A day old growth of beard added to the sinister look he’d apparently adopted for this undercover operation. It was also one of the things Nate had found so attractive about him. He loved ‘em big and rugged looking. Jason Kemp filled the bill, and more. He was a hunk. Well over six and a half feet tall and sporting a sneer at the slightest provocation, he’d gained a rep as a real hard ass.
Sam had liked his attitude and taken a real shine to the undercover narc. From their first meeting at the run down bar Sam Delany used as his store front, when Jason had tossed one of the drug lord’s bodyguards into the street for being less than polite, they’d gotten along like two peas in a pod. Nate had watched and understood the boss’ attraction, had felt it himself, yet he had wondered what was ‘that’ special about him.
Sam had hired Jason to take the place of that bodyguard, and his first order had been to ‘take care of the man’. That meant Jason had to murder the discourteous slob.
Two days later, Jason had shown up at noon with a small metal box and handed it to Delany over his large plate of medium rare steak and pasta. Sam opened the lid then dropped it onto his plate.
“What the fuck!” Sam leapt to his feet, nearly dumping his chair in his mad scramble to back away from the table. He glared at Jason, who stood leaning against a nearby chair. The rest of the room’s occupants shuffled to their feet and closed in on Jason.
“Mr. Delany, you did ask me to take care of things,” Jason said in his lazy drawl. “I thought you’d like proof. That ring, it should look familiar. The guy was wearing it when I met him here and still had it on when I offed him.”
Delany peered into the box and grinned. “Well, I’ll be damned!”
Nate stepped forward, away from his usual place a few paces behind Sam’s chair, and peered over the man’s shoulder. Inside the small metal box, resting on a bed of some silky material, lay a finger. The nail was filthy and ragged from being chewed. But the ring, a large ornate affair with a sapphire embedded in gold, was unmistakably the one his former colleague had worn.
Nate blinked then brought his gaze up to rest on the new man. The hunk stared back and smiled. “Where’s the rest of him?” Nate asked in an even tone.
“Bottom of the ocean. I didn’t think you’d want me dragging a corpse in here.” Jason’s smile was pure animal.
Nate’s heart hammered against his ribs. The man was gorgeous and must have balls the size of the city for pulling this stunt.
“So, how do we know this isn’t just some bum’s hand you tore a finger off?” one of the other goons asked.
“Cause if it was, I doubt the ring would fit so good. And…” Jason reached into the box and took the pale digit out. Pulling the ring off, he held both up. “I’m pretty sure the bum wouldn’t have a tan line around his finger like this.”
Sam chuckled then laughed uproariously as Jason tossed the finger and the ring back into the box. “Good answer.” He knocked back the remains of his drink then slammed the glass down on the table in front of him. “Seems you have the job.”
He gazed around, spotted Nate and grinned up at him. “Why don’t you show our new guy the ropes?”
Nate’s thoughts hit the gutter, and he gaped down at his boss. It took only a second to pull himself together, but it seemed like a very long second with his stout, grinning boss looking at him. “Yes, sir.”
Nate looked across the table at Jason and nodded. “Let’s get a drink. I’ll bring you up to speed on what to do and what not to do around Mr. Delany.”
Jason nodded. “Sounds good.”
The two of them went to the bar and ordered. Nate was happily surprised when Jason requested a tall glass of soda water instead of an alcoholic beverage.
“At the end,” Nate said, nodding towards where the bar met the far wall. He turned and headed that way, glancing over to the table where Sam sat, his other half dozen boys around him, talking. Nate sat and faced the room, his back to the wall. Jason left one stool empty and sat in the next.
The jeans and T-shirt fit tight and gave Jason the appearance of a man on the make. The boots and leather jacket gave him a sinister look.
That had been their first meeting, but it definitely had not been their last. It was also the tamest. Nate had explained the rules—never get in Sam’s way, don’t argue with him, make sure he had a lighter for the man’s cigars and to do exactly what he was told without question. The pay was good, the perks—by way of girls or dope—were excellent. Sam was the biggest hoodlum in this part of the city, so longevity was pretty much guaranteed unless you screwed up. Like the guy with no finger had done.
That night, they’d teamed up to guard Sam on his way home. After a quick check of his digs, Jason had followed Nate to the ground floor and asked if he’d like to go for a real drink.
“Yeah, that’d be great,” Nate had replied and breathed a little easier once they were out of Sam’s earshot. “The man’s okay to wor
k for, but he’s a real bitch when it comes to his rules and security.” He opened the front door of the enormous house Sam lived in and walked outside, Jason a few steps behind him. “So, where’d he meet you?”
“Sam, you mean?”
“Yeah, he’s never hired anyone that fast before.”
“A mutual friend vouched for me. I never met the guy until the other day.” Jason shifted his feet and looked uncomfortable. “Maybe he’s got the hots for me.”
Nate chuckled and swung his arm around Jason’s shoulders. “Sam’s about as straight as they come, sorry.” Looking into the man’s eyes, he added, “I, on the other hand, definitely have the hots for you.” He held his breath, unsure if he’d taken things too far, too fast.
Jason smiled and moved a little closer. “Good. I was beginning to worry about being the only guy here who swung that way.”
“You’re not, but we’re in the minority. One other guard is into guys, but he’s a dick head, so you probably wouldn’t have been interested, anyways.”
Jason’s smile got bigger, his hand bolder as he reached down and cupped Nate’s package. “Speaking of dick heads, where can we go so I can get a peek at yours?”
Nate glanced around, spotting the limo he’d driven Sam home in and nodded towards it. “There’s the car. Or, if you can hang on, my place ain’t far.”
“I can hang on to this for as long as you like.” Jason gave Nate’s cock a firm squeeze.
“Keep that up, and you’ll get tackled, right here.” Nate was really getting off on the sexy banter and thrust his stiffened cock into the man’s hand.
“How far is your place? Do you have a car close by?” Jason stepped closer and rubbed his crotch against Nate’s thigh.
He was hard, the shaft pressing firmly against Nate’s leg.
“Two blocks that way.” Nate nodded towards the apartment complex to the south. “No car, but it’ll only take five minutes to get there walking.”
“Then, let’s walk…fast!”
Chapter Two
Nate took Jason’s arm and headed down the nearest alley, going the fastest route he knew to get home. He skirted the trash bins, dragging the man along, and increased his pace when he crossed the last street before entering the complex’s property. The driveway seemed much longer than usual, but they finally got to the scarred oak door that opened onto the small foyer. Done in dark wood and old style wallpaper, the place had a rustic feel to it, something Nate had loved when he first moved in a couple of years ago.
“Third floor,” he said, forcing his voice to remain calm. “Elevator’s over here.” He nodded to the left and headed that way. Once inside and with the doors closed, he pulled Jason into his arms. “Sam’s not the only one you’ve cast your spell over.”
“He’s my boss. You’re something much better.” Jason leaned in and pressed his lips to Nate’s.
The bumping of the small car passing floors as it rose was the only sound as the men devoured each other’s tongues and lips. Hands wandered and caressed as they explored each other’s bodies. The rush of excitement took Nate’s breath. By the time the elevator lurched to a stop and the doors rumbled open, he was more than ready to get to his apartment.
The kiss broken, he grabbed hold of Jason’s hand and pulled him into the dimly lit hallway. “This way.” Half a dozen steps to the left, they stood in front of the door to his place. He dug out his key and fumbled open the lock, pushing the door wide.
“Nice,” Jason said breathlessly. “Where’s the bedroom?”
Nate smiled and pulled the man farther inside then pushed the door shut behind them. Dark, scratched hardwood floors and wainscoting funnelled them down a hallway. To the right was the small kitchen and, on the left, the bathroom. A little farther along was the living room and another door which led to his bedroom. He pulled Jason across the room and through the entrance.
“Even nicer. Where’d you find this?” The tall, long-haired man moved towards the custom-made bed with its ornate iron headboard. The long rod at the end, with the rings set every six inches or so, seemed to capture his interest.
“Like it?” Nate moved into the room and suddenly felt a little uneasy. He usually didn’t invite new friends over, not until they’d gotten to know each other a lot better. He glanced quickly around to make sure he hadn’t left any tell-tale toys lying around. Nothing, thank Christ, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, like it a lot.” Jason strode towards the bed, shucking his T-shirt and throwing it towards the overstuffed chair in the corner. “And the rings, I bet I’ve got a good idea what those are for.”
Nate shrugged out of his sleek leather jacket and tossed it at the same chair. The T-shirt was next, and it, too, joined the growing pile of clothes. He sat on the foot of the bed and toed off his right boot then replied, “I bet you can. They haven’t been used for a while.”
Cocking his head, Jason looked down at Nate as if he were about to pounce. “Really? That’s a shame.”
“Yeah, I have to agree with you. Not easy to find the right person to play with, though.” Nate’s heart raced. This bantering was driving him crazy. Did the man know what he was talking about or simply fishing?
Jason knelt and took hold of Nate’s other boot heel and pulled. Once the boot was off, he stood it beside its twin then placed his hands on Nate’s knees. Slowly he slid them up to where Nate’s leg joined his body, then he stopped. Looking up, his gaze fastened on Nate’s, and he drew both hands towards the bulge threatening to burst from Nate’s jeans. “Maybe I’ll be the right person.”
Nate clenched his jaw, trying to keep from groaning out loud. “Maybe.” His voice came out in a gruff whisper. “Maybe we should finish getting out of our clothes.”
Jason smiled and ran his palm over Nate’s erection, grabbing it through the denim. “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea. Why don’t you strip for me?” He gave the shaft a firm squeeze then got to his feet.
His crotch was about level with Nate’s eyes. It took all of Nate’s willpower not to lean forward and nuzzle the tantalizingly close lump. Instead, he got to his feet and reached for his belt. The buckle came loose easily, the button not so much. His fingers seemed all thumbs, but he finally forced the fastening open and pulled down the zipper.
Jason went and sat on the edge of the chair, his legs spread, his hands slowly rubbing his crotch. “Not too fast. Shake your ass, boy. I want to see what you’ve got.”
Nate’s face grew warm, and he knew he was blushing. But, he wanted to please this guy, so he began moving his hips. Side to side first, then he thrust them forward as if he were fucking the air between them. He shuffled his feet and rubbed his hands up and down his torso while easing his way closer to the long haired man.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Jason leant down and pulled his boots off. Then, standing, he unfastened his jeans and pushed them and his stark white underpants down over his hips. It took some wriggling, but he was soon naked and again sitting in the chair. He spread his knees wide, allowing his erection to sway between his thighs, and held out his hands. “Bring it here. I want that cock of yours.”
Nate smiled and swayed his body towards Jason but didn’t step closer, yet. He jammed his thumbs into his jeans and shoved. Once they’d passed his hips, the going got easier. A moment later, he stepped out of them and kicked off his socks. Clad in just his tight black bikinis, he worked his hips, trying his best to tease Jason into reaching for him. The shaft of his cock lay sideways along his belly, the head near his hip and pushing the elastic waistband out. He cupped his balls and pressed his wrist and forearm against the length of his shaft. Sweat trickled down his sides.
“Come on, bring it here,” Jason repeated a little more urgently. He reached for his own cock and palmed it, squeezing the base. The head leaked a clear ribbon of pre-cum.
“You’re pretty bossy, aren’t you?” Nate wanted more. He wanted Jason to order him to come closer. He wanted the man to take control, and just the thought
sent a ripple of excitement down his spine. Yet, even as the shiver died, he realised what an ass he was being. Trust had to be earned, and that took time. In the world he lived in, he couldn’t allow himself to be controlled, to be topped by just anyone.
“Yes, I’m very bossy, when it’s appropriate.”
Jason’s response made Nate blink, and again a shudder gripped him. It’s been so damn long. “Why don’t you go climb on the bed?”
Jason glanced down at where Nate’s hands toyed with the erection threatening to burst into the open. He nodded and, a moment later, was on the bed, crawling towards the pillows.
Nate turned and thrust his thumbs into the waistband of his bikinis. He wriggled them from side to side then pushed them down over his hips. He made sure to bend forward, thus shielding himself from Jason’s view for a few seconds longer. The groan coming from that direction was pure music to his ears, and he remained bent forward for a few extra moments.
The air on his ass felt cooler than it should. The tension in his balls was enormous. He wanted to pull on them, massage them until the need to come became more than he could bear. He smiled and straightened up, forcing his hands to remain at his sides.
“Oh yeah, baby, come to daddy,” Jason murmured, his gaze fixed on the erection jutting from Nate’s middle.
The few steps it took to get to the bed served as the foreplay. When Nate knelt at the foot then went to his hands and knees, he was close enough to Jason’s cock to smell him. He crawled forward much quicker than he’d planned but hungry for a taste of the man he’d brought home.
Jason held his cock up, presenting Nate with the smooth, nearly hairless, round ball sac. The musky scent of the man drew Nate ahead. When he was within inches of his target, he dropped to his belly and squirmed forward. He nudged the sac with his nose and groaned when he heard the intake of Jason’s breath.