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Stolen Redemption

Page 13

by Michel Prince

  “My bad, she is a blonde, but you are afraid of him touching her? Pinning her down against her will. Jamming himself and random objects into her while she flails begging for him to stop. You know where he is, don’t you? He’s stayed close to make sure you didn’t talk. What you did to those women couldn’t have been done by one man. Not unless you’re the biggest sadist this side of Manson. Something tells me you couldn’t take down fifteen women without a pal.”

  Esther slapped a picture of Warren and Kiriana on the table from her third birthday. He smiled as he carried her on his shoulders to a table with a cake. Kiriana’s deep brown eyes sparkled while her lopsided pigtails displayed blonde hair shining in the sunlight.

  “She’s having twins, did you know that?”

  “No.” Warren’s voice was soft as his finger slid the picture closer. He didn’t look up. Instead his gaze stayed trained on Kiriana.

  “Your baby is having babies now. Will they have the soft blonde hair she had? Will they be girls? The type you like to rape.”

  “I never raped them, you whore,” Warren bellowed at Esther, and she stepped back.

  “You’ve been charged with multiple counts of rape,” I said as I took on the good cop role. Esther had played Warren the way I wanted her to: as a woman challenging him as a man. “How could you have been charged without evidence? It’s pretty clear in every state what you did.”

  “I never did it. I don’t know what happened. I’d find them dead in the bed the next morning. He helped me bury them. I got high, I admit that. I had a problem. I’d lost my job and I couldn’t face her. Not as a failure. So I went to a bar. The next six months are blurs until Des Moines. I told my stupid lawyer, but he was useless.”

  “Who was with you?”

  Warren rocked a bit and looked over his shoulder to the small opening in the door. Resigned, he acquiesced.

  “Damarion Juarez.”

  * * * *

  Esther Benson

  Lies smelled on a normal. The sweat leached from their skin, poisoning the air to the point I found it hard to breathe. Damarion wasn’t the demon who influenced Warren. That much I knew to be true. The dates of the women’s deaths and disappearances had occurred during Damarion’s confinement. Vince hadn’t turned his head from Warren. When he scooted his chair back, my hand went to it and stopped him.

  “We’re not done here.”

  “He gave us the name,” Vince said. “We have to follow up on the lead.”

  “Damarion Juarez has been dead for months. And I have nothing better to do with my time then to sit in here silently until Mr. Brown tells us the real name.”

  Warren eyed me and the reflection of a man not Vince shone in his irises. He had a vision of the one who was doing this…all of it. The room chilled as we sat in silence. The figure was shrouded and I couldn’t make out features.

  “The demons within us come to the surface when pushed. They cannot fight if you bring God into your heart. Bring me into your heart if you cannot guide Him there and I shall vanquish the demons.”

  Vince could not see the demon swirling inside this man fighting to be freed. He was not possessed. Not by a long shot, but the demon had laid a trap inside him and in this room I was the only one who could save him.

  “Detective DeTello, I’ll need a moment alone with Mr. Brown.”

  “Esther,” he warned under his breath.

  “My world.”

  “Together,” he reminded me. “Your words. You said this needed to be done together.”

  “Fine,” I surrendered to his logic. “I’ll take the chair.”

  Sitting across from Warren Brown, I knew the struggle of truly having a demon inside one’s self. The angst as you no longer had control of your world or the world around you. Even the movement of your hand could cause you to question every action. Was it you or the monster inside you?

  “Mr. Brown, I spoke with your daughter recently.” His lips twitched. “She has feared you for years, but now she’s not sure if the fear was founded. Her memories of you when she was younger don’t match the man you are today. Could you describe the man you met in the bar that night?”

  “He wasn’t a man, he was a devil or a god.”

  “What made him that way?” Vince asked as he leaned over me, resting his hand on the table. Warmth and safety enveloped me and I tried to maintain my distance from him.

  “People were drawn to him like a siren, only he was male. When he walked by he seemed unassuming, but still everyone turned. I turned.” Warren shook his head. “I’m not attracted to men, but I couldn’t look away. When he sat by me I felt blessed.”

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  “I told you I wasn’t a damn fudge packer. Even in here I don’t…sex is the last thing on my mind. Unless it was Kalista I never wanted it. Once I met her…I’d be surprised if I even got hard around another woman.”

  “You must have,” I suggested.

  “I didn’t. Not ever. Kalista is the love of my life.”

  “Was,” I corrected. “She was the love of your life. She passed away about a year ago.”

  “Doesn’t make her not still the love of my life,” he choked out. “Was she alone when it happened? Did she have someone?”

  “Kiriana was with her.”

  “Tell us about the man.” Vince got us back on track. “You said he sees her every day. Your daughter could be in danger.”

  “That’s what he told me when he came by.” Warren’s eyes swirled and I could see the demon trying to silence him.

  “He was here? When? How long ago?”

  “He’ll kill her and you can’t protect her.”

  “She’s in witness protection,” Vince said. “Locked away where he can’t get to her. We picked her up this morning when Special Agent Benson told us of the threat. He can’t get her.”

  In his irises I saw a woman crumpling to the ground and Warren shook his head and turned away from us.

  “No. I don’t believe you. Maybe a decade ago, but not now. I’ve seen how evil men are and I wouldn’t trust any of you if he truly wanted her.”

  “He’s busy right now.” Vince smashed his fist on the table. “Two women are missing. A doctor who works here disappeared last night. Blonde.”

  “Dr. Pound?” he asked. “She’s missing?”

  “You know her?” Vince asked. “Maybe we should do a full search here. Her car’s still in the lot. Did you have flashbacks?”

  “I’d never hurt her. She’s nice. A good doctor. She listened when I went to her.”

  “How often do you go to her?” Vince snarled. “Daily? Hourly?”

  “No, just a few times. If he has her…she’ll be gone soon.”

  “Tell us a name,” Vince yelled. “Give us a description.”

  “When I knew him he called himself Vain. It seemed so appropriate for him.” Warren sighed. “When he came by the other day he had shoulder-length black hair. An angular face…Can I see her?” he asked. “Kiriana? Just once.”

  “Let us find this killer before we promise anything,” I said.

  “Was he tall, short, white, black, Hispanic?” Vince stayed focused on the case.

  “Taller…tanned skin, I’m not sure of his ethnic make up.” Warren played with the picture of him and Kiriana. “Can I keep this?”

  “When was he here?”

  “I don’t know, about a week ago. He’s my last visitor, check with the COs.”

  Warren proved uncooperative beyond that. We left him with the picture. “It won’t be in the log,” I said as we retrieved my cell phone at the checkout.

  “Why not?” Vince asked. “Never mind…demon thing.”

  “I’m sure any record of Vain left with him.”

  “Just like the bartender.”

  “What bartender?”

  “Downtown, the bartender was telling me about this guy and suddenly his memory was gone.”

he is, he left a large imprint on Warren. I could see him in his eyes.”

  “Possessed? Warren’s possessed?” Vince asked as we stepped outside and were hit by a bitter cold.

  “No…it was different.” Being next to Vince felt safe as we walked toward the car.

  Suddenly I was spun around by an animal cutting across the parking lot. Behind it came a group of Frozen hunting the beast as Vince held me tight. The animal cut across a field. The members of the Frozen didn’t even stop. Tires screeched as Kiriana skidded to a stop right by our legs.

  “Here,” she tossed my claustranima out the window and Vince caught it. I was still in shock at the emergence when a second bantling crashed into us.

  Tumbling to the ground Vince kept a tight hold to me as we rolled. The animal, a cat this time, hissed in warning. I scrambled to find where Vince held my knife when the world above me exploded in black ash.

  Chapter 11


  “I need to speak to the princess,” Nemesio ordered as she attempted to shove past me. I had a way about me that could fill more than a door. “Move, slithering animal.”

  Standing fast with my arms crossed I eyed the dark-haired monstrosity in front of me. Dark hair and light eyes. Maybe Damarion slept with her because she was the opposite of the princess. I just could never stomach dark-haired women. The darkness surrounding my cock seemed like a black hole devouring it and my attachment to the appendage was like the attachment of an addict to their pipe.

  “Why won’t you let me pass?”

  “I don’t like you.”

  “I’m not here to impress you, I’m here to see our leader. We have problems.”

  “Tell me and I’ll pass it along.”

  “Let. Me. By,” she snarled.

  “Her Holiness will see her,” Masako said from behind me. Nemi cocked her eyebrow at me.

  “Pass, whore,” I said as I stepped aside, only to follow lockstep behind her.

  She gasped audibly when she entered my bed chamber. The princess was sitting upright with her legs still immobilized.

  “Your Holiness, I am ashamed I needed to come to you like this,” Nemi genuflected as she kneeled at her side. “We tried to keep up, there are only so many of us. Are the next to come and take our place soon?”

  “What is the problem, loyal Nemi?”

  “The bantlings. They are coming too fast.” Nemesio was exasperated. “We are down to bare bones. Three have emerged in the last few hours and only one could be retrieved. Frozen seem to have more members here…”

  “Activate the mature ones to help you. It’s the only way.”

  “Who is she?” Nemesio asked as she finally noticed a resigned-looking Eliza in the corner of the room. “Can she fight?”

  “She’s normal,” I said. “You know, a human. They’re not really good at lulling your babies into their loving arms.”

  “She could be bait. The blood mixed with the smell of fear coming off her. She’d be a perfect treat.”

  Yanking Nemi by the back of her neck, I slammed her against the wall face first.

  “Now you’re bleeding, maybe they would like to feast on you,” I snarled in her ear. “Only I don’t smell fear on you…No, that’s desire. You want to fuck me now, don’t you? Hold you down and pound into that vacuous hole of yours. You suffer more than most. He made love to you, didn’t he? Held you close as he explored that body of yours. Gently like you were to be treasured, not deposited into.”

  Nemi’s eyes cut to me as she bit her bottom lip. No matter the dark lashes surrounding them I felt myself growing, but not to have sex. No, to fuck into an oblivion so I could have Eliza without fear of damaging her fragile body. I wanted…no, needed, to be inside Eliza. But I needed a buffer. Something to draw out the harsh poison building up due to my lack of release mixed with the desire brought on by Dr. Pound.

  “Release her,” LaDressa ordered. “She will not be your sex partner. Take the…was there not another woman here?”

  Eliza trembled as she looked between the four of us.

  “Yes, I have two tied up down in the basement.”

  “Use them.”

  “They are not…”

  “Desirable? I cannot help you with the fact normals are unacceptable sexual partners. Failures on levels I can’t even understand. You have two options. The ones downstairs or me.”

  All options I didn’t want. Nemesio curled her upper lip at me.

  “Jealous?” I asked.

  “As if I want your diseased seed coursing through my womb.”

  “It’s not my seed you want, but my large, hard cock…and last I heard you prefer your ass cheeks spread.”

  “Enough,” LaDressa bellowed. “Masako, you will need to help with the extra bantlings as I recuperate. Once this failure of a healer says I can walk I will be out there with you. All of you be gone. She says I need my rest and if anything is taxing me it is your presence.”

  We left the room. Thankfully Masako and Nemesio left the house. Eliza looked at me as I sat on the ledge of the bay window watching them walk across the cul-de-sac.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Me?” Had anyone ever asked me my status before?

  “You look tired. That woman said you were diseased.”

  “I am not a carrier of disease. Earth is not congruent with celestial bodies. Above or below. It’s just the barrier so we are no longer able to knock on each other’s door to fight. We have to climb through this cesspool and attempt to gain access to the other planes.”

  “What does it do to your body?”

  “The most relatable disease for you is diabetes, but with salt. It sucks the energy from me and I get weak. Lose abilities I have. Smell, taste…I…there’s only one way for demons to combat the problem.”

  “How is that?”

  “Sex. I guess the excess build up is in my testicles to use the correct term.”

  “What about self-satisfaction?”

  “Doesn’t have the desired effect. You know how a woman sucks and grabs during orgasm?”

  “I’m familiar with the biology.” Her face flushed with heat.

  “It drains the male demon properly. And it takes multiple times in one sitting to fully drain the poison.”

  “How long is a sitting?”

  “Depends on the Deumos.” I smiled at images of Eliza climaxing on top of me. Her nipples hardened and tight as the pink flush exploded up her body from above her soft blonde curls between her hips, past her belly, and with a crescendo at her neck as she screamed my name and called me a god.

  “I’ve heard it all. Men who say they can go all night knowing full well—”

  My hands gripped her hips as I pressed her against the wall and used my knee to separate her legs.

  “I’m male, but not a man. Mortals can proclaim this or that, but only a demon has the skill and stamina to keep a woman in a constant state of climax.” My knee rubbed against the juncture between her legs. Her breath hitched and I knew I had her. “Once released I refill almost immediately. Have you not noticed I’ve been hard since the moment you came into my possession?”

  Eliza bit on her bottom lip and bowed her eyes.

  “You want to be possessed? Is that what you want?”

  “No.” Her hushed whisper told her real answer.

  “Did you know the one who claims possession is the one truly possessed? You may be my prisoner, but you possess me with every fiber. I couldn’t walk away from you if I tried. You will be the death of me. Know this to be true.”

  “Then why not take me? Show me the prowess you speak of.”

  Releasing her, I headed to the basement. My cock had its own heartbeat and I saw the two women tied to chairs bound to support beams in the basement. Gagged, with tears streaming down their faces, I could have easily untied one and taken her, then the other. My body screamed for release, but these women could not quench my thirst. They couldn’t…a thirs

  I returned to the hallway where Eliza still stood unmoved as if I’d commanded her to stay. Scooping her into my arms I brought her into the kitchen and placed her on the table. Removing the V-neck scrub top, I tossed it to the floor, only to return my lips as I nibbled my way around her belly. Cupping her breast in my hand, I moved the lace bra to the side still tasting the salty flavor of her flesh. Her fingers tangled in my hair while she explored my neck. Light licks were not her style. Instead she delivered a series of bites to my neck, sending my nerves into overdrive. Wetness dripped from my cock as it strained to be released from its confines, but that would be a death sentence for Eliza.

  My fingers looped around her panties and wrapped them around her pants to help pull them down in one fell swoop. Her legs bent and spread for me as I dropped to my knees completely in her control. Smooth skin embroiled my loins and I moved my hands up from her ankles to thighs. With a tug I brought them over my shoulders and a moan from deep in her throat made her hips arch up as my mouth touched her sex.

  Teasing the outer flap of her made liquid coat my chin. I pressed against her opening as my tongue swirled the swollen nub. Her heels dug into my back as a salted liquid flowed from her core. Fingers tangled and tugged. Her thighs, clasped tightly around my head, made me unable to move even if I wanted to. Trapped and content I tasted my sweet doctor while small wisps of blonde hair brushed against my cheeks.

  “Take me, Pivane,” she lamented as vibrations trickled against me. My balls tightened at the request, but I couldn’t. If this was the only way I could have my dear Eliza it was the way I would always take her. Safe from the danger of lovemaking the way I needed.

  My fingers pressed into her opening. The suction and sensations increased with every stroke. Before I knew what had happened four fingers stretched her pussy and I was working my way up the hardened nipples and round breasts. Surrounding the flesh with my mouth, I kept my fingers buried deep inside.

  Her legs wrapped around my waist, thrusting her hips against me, but I kept the barrier of my hand and the drenched cloth of my pants between us. Still I thrust more than my hand against her. To an unknowing passerby you’d think I was buried balls-deep in Eliza’s sweet pussy. It was only my own cock that knew the difference. Rubbing against fabric instead of the walls crushing my finger as she bucked underneath me.


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