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Hunting Cari (First Wave)

Page 18

by Mikayla Lane

  “It’s getting late Cari; we should probably get back to the house now.” Tessa said quickly.

  “I’m getting hungry, can we make dinner please?” Amia asked.

  Cari was very curious why they had been so excited moments ago, but now were trying very hard to get away quickly. What had Gibly said that had made them so upset and try so hard to hide it?

  Using the connection the girls had helped her to forge with the animal, Cari asked Gibly what he had meant about them being there, yet not there. The question visibly upset the girls and both began to shake slightly as if afraid of something. What the hell was going on?

  Gibly responded by explaining that even though they could touch, taste and feel, they were not truly on the planet. That their minds had somehow traveled them there, but their bodies were elsewhere. He was truly fascinated as he had never known anyone who could do that. Even the leader of their pack didn’t have that ability. He wanted them to show him how they had done it.

  Cari felt the fear and shock coming from the girls and knew that something or everything he had said was true, and they knew about it and had been hiding it from her. What could it mean? Where was her body if not truly here? Is that where Scaden was too? Were the girls keeping her from Scaden? Is that why they had shown up after Scaden disappeared? Did they take him away from her?

  She began backing away from the girls, her mind whirling with the possibilities of what was happening and what part the girls might have played in where Scaden was. Not sure if it was the girls fear she felt or her own; she turned and ran to the house. There were no locks on the doors, and she had no way to keep the girls out.

  What had she been thinking? What parents in their right mind allowed their little girls to spend a week alone with a complete stranger? She should have known something was wrong! She used one of the chairs to bar the front door, knowing there was no way the girls could push it open; they weren’t strong enough. Maybe they weren’t little girls… perhaps they were shape shifted Relians, and she was actually still being held captive by Vikan?

  “No, we aren’t anyone evil, and we would never hurt you… or Scaden. I swear.”

  Cari turned around at Tessa’s words and stared as she and Amia stood just inside the back door. Ugh she was such an idiot!

  “Please Cari, let us explain. We didn’t mean to scare you, and we would never hurt you. We just wanted to spend some time with you. At first, we did it because the pain you and Scaden were feeling at being apart was more than we could bear.” Amia said stepping forward just a little, stopping when Cari had backed up again.

  “But as we felt your loneliness with Scaden gone, we wanted to help make you happy again until Scaden found a place where we could be safe.” Tessa sounded so sincere. The pain and sadness the girls felt at her reaction to them finally began to break through Cari’s fear, and she slowly calmed down a little.

  “What do you mean, where we could be safe?”

  The girls looked at each other as if in silent communication, which they verified when Tessa scowled at Amia and Amia smiled as if she had won that particular round with her sister.

  “When they took Scaden away, and you locked yourself in your room; they didn’t know that you had become pregnant. They didn’t find that out until recently when they made Scaden wake up. When we became aware enough to sense what was going on, we couldn’t bear his pain and yours, and took you away to places where you could be happy and together again.” Amia said as if Cari was supposed to understand. She was more confused than ever.

  “We inherited our abilities from our mother, but they were somehow changed because of our father. We are very confused about what all that means, but Amia says she’ll figure it all out one day.” Tessa said proudly, as if she had no doubt her sister would. Right now, Cari just wished she could understand what they were talking about.

  She remembered her and Scaden making love on the ship and waking up to Randor, Amun and Gracus taking Scaden away because they hadn’t received the Ator-ma. She looked at her arm just to make sure she still hadn’t received it. She then figured out how to use the comm to lock them all out of her room…

  She remembered brief flashes of lying in the shower with a blanket, where she knew Scaden was laying on the other side of the wall. Sleeping as much as possible in order to be with him in her dreams…

  “It’s all real. They weren’t dreams. We took you to where you wanted to be so you could be together and safe.” Tessa said softly.

  Cari sat herself down abruptly on the floor, her mind racing as she tried to remember everything that had happened. The strange feelings and power she had begun to feel recently, the way she had known there was something different about the dreams, how she and Scaden had even talked about it here, in this house.

  “We knew that the others where you were, had been trying to think of a way to help. To make sure you could be together somewhere safe. This is why we didn’t fight them when they took Scaden and made him wake up. We knew they were going to make sure we could stay together. We kept you here and happy until we knew for sure that Scaden had found that safe place for you. But it went too far.” Amia said that with such sadness in her voice, Cari had to look at her to make sure she really was that upset.

  Little tears were rolling down the girls face, and every instinct in Cari told her to get up and try to comfort her. However, she was still so confused. She was trying very hard to piece it all together and couldn’t seem to figure it out just yet. The sadness of the little girls began to eat at her.

  “We knew when you would be safe. But we were selfish and just wanted to spend more time with you.” Tessa said through the tears coming down her cheeks as well.

  Not able to take it anymore, Cari got up and pulled them both into her arms and tried to comfort them. Whatever was going on she couldn’t let them feel this kind of sadness; it was breaking her heart. She rocked them gently while they cried and started to calm down.

  “Mommy, we’re sorry. We should have let you go back when Daddy found a safe place for us. Please don’t be mad.” Amia choked out between little hiccups.

  Cari’s mind shut down. There was no other way to explain it. She couldn’t think anymore. She just sat there holding the girls for long minutes in total silence. Then everything suddenly came at her in a rush.

  The way their hair looked just like Scaden’s and their eyes as piercing blue, with swirls of hazel in them like her eyes. The way they had her gifts, but a much more powerful and unique version. The way she had felt connected to them right away and how quickly she had fallen in love with them. She struggled to find her voice and ask.

  “Yes, we’re in your tummy right now at a place Uncle Randor calls a ranch in Montana. Daddy’s there with him. They’ve been hoping you’d wake up for days now, but we’ve kept you here with us instead. We’re sorry, Mommy.” Tessa cried even harder after telling her that and Amia followed suit, t little bodies shaking with their grief and sadness.

  Cari tried desperately to process her feelings without making the girls any sadder than they already were. She was going to be a mother? Scaden and Randor escaped with her? She could go be with Scaden again, and they would be safe from the reach of the council? These two children were her daughters?

  She was stunned, but so happy. She squeezed the girls tightly.

  “Is this how you will really look? I mean after you’re born?”

  She smiled gently as Amia picked her head up from her shoulder.

  “We looked at each other in your tummy, and this is how we look now, only more wrinkly and stuff.” She said it with such a look of disgust on her face; Cari couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

  “Honey, babies are supposed to be all wrinkly and stuff until they get older. I bet you are as beautiful as babies as you are now.” She wiped the tears from Amia’s face, and smiled at her.

  “Mommy, do you hate us now?” Tessa asked with such sadness, it almost made Cari cry.

  “I could never ha
te you. Do you hear me? Never! You know I love you. I just didn’t understand, but I do now. And I can’t wait until you’re older, and we can play and be together the way we have this week. Until then, I’m going to enjoy being able to hold your tiny selves in my arms, and every moment of watching you grow up.” She couldn’t back the few tears, or her feelings. She truly was looking forward to it.

  “I wish I could have seen the look on your father’s face when he found out he was going to be a Daddy to two little girls!” Cari laughed, trying to imagine the shock on his face. He probably ran his hand through his hair so many times; he's close to bald. The thought made her laugh harder.

  “Before he knew you were pregnant he put his hand on your tummy and felt us moving; he thought we were some kind of creatures attacking you, and he freaked out.” Amia blushed and giggled when she said it. Tessa giggled with her.

  Cari could just imagine the look on his face when he thought she was infected with something. He had probably started ordering everyone to kill whatever it was before they had a chance to explain to him that they were his children! She laughed even harder.

  The laughter and closeness allowed them all to calm down. Cari led them from the floor to one of the couches and sat between them with her arms around them both.

  “What about your names? Do you want to be called Tessa and Amia when you’re born?”

  The girls looked at each other and had one of those silent communication moments again. Cari smiled and figured she’d better get used to it because they would probably do that often.

  “Can we Mommy?” Tessa asked hesitantly, as if afraid Cari would say no. Cari didn’t even have to think twice about it, and hugged them tighter.

  “I think they are very beautiful names and are perfect for such beautiful girls. I think your father is going to love them as much as he loves you.”

  “How about we get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow we can talk about getting me back to your Daddy, so we can get things ready for when you’re born?”

  They looked so sad when she said that, she was almost ready to take it back.

  “When you go to sleep and can we be together again in your dreams if we promise to let you wake up when you’re supposed to and not keep you?” Amia kept her head down, sadness swamping her as she asked.

  “I would be pretty upset if you didn’t. We can come back here and visit with Gibly, and I’ll be happy to show you places on Earth too since it will be our new home. If you think, the food on Daddy’s planet is good, wait until you try ice cream! Oh I can’t wait to have some again! And I’ll ask Daddy if he wants to come too.”

  When their smiles brightened and the sadness had left them, she knew she’d made the right decision. And she didn’t regret it. She had an opportunity most parents would die for… to know what their children would be like before they were even born. What a rare and precious gift.

  She stood up and led her daughters to the bedroom and helped them get ready for bed. She was excited to see Scaden again, and her uncle Randor. However, she was just as happy that she would still be able to spend time with her daughters like this.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The belly was certainly something she was going to have to get used to; she thought with a smile as she rubbed herself gently. The girls seemed pretty content and happy right now. Nevertheless, they were all starving.

  Grabbing a robe laid out on a chair in the room where she had awakened, she put it on and set off to find a kitchen and some food and water. She knew Scaden, and Uncle Randor were close by; she could feel the fear in them for her and the girls… and hope.

  She descended the stairs and took a few wrong turns before she finally found the kitchen. Scaden was at the stove, and it looked like he was cooking. It certainly smelled that way, and her stomach growled loudly.

  “Damn Randor how can you be that hungry already? Don’t worry it’s almost done, and I didn’t burn it at all this time.” Scaden said absently thinking Randor’s stomach had been the one growling.

  Uncle Randor just sat at a table staring at her as if she were a ghost. She could feel the warring emotions in him, especially over his part in the council keeping her and Scaden apart.

  She smiled broadly and held her arms out to him, knowing he’d gladly take her into his arms after everything they had been through. He got up so fast the chair fell backwards on the floor, and then she was in his arms. She loved him so much and made sure he could feel every bit of it as she hugged him. He squeezed her a little too tight, and she grunted a little.

  “Honey, I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” He was inspecting her and her belly before she could even answer. She laughed at him.

  “I’m more than fine. Just getting my sea legs back again is all.”

  The sound of something hitting the floor had both of them turning to the sound. Scaden stood there staring at her; the spatula he must have been holding was lying on the floor. She tried and failed to discern his emotions, but there were so many in the room that she couldn’t.

  She put her hands protectively over her girls and stood there unsure, of whether or not he was happy to see her… happy about the children.

  Scaden stared at her, not willing to hope that this wasn’t another dream, and he would wake and she’d still be in a coma. She looked so beautiful standing there, swollen with his daughters and that shy smile on her face. The hard slap Randor gave to his back brought him right out of his thoughts.

  “She really is standing there, boy, don’t just stand there looking like an idiot.”

  He glared at Randor and walked toward Cari until he was standing inches from her. He could smell that scent that was unique only to her; see the beautiful swirls of color in her eyes. And then she was in his arms again.

  “I have missed you so much! Why did it take you so long to wake up? We have so much to tell you! I love you, Amalaya.” Scaden couldn’t seem to stop the rush of words any more than he could let her go right now.

  “I love you so much, and I’ve missed you! I have so much to tell you as well!” She hugged him tightly to her, feeling his warmth and almost wishing she was dressed in something other than a nightgown, so she could wrap her legs around him and get closer to him.

  He carried her to one of the chairs at the kitchen table and sat down with her. Placing her sideways on his lap so as not to put too much pressure on her stomach, he cuddled her close. He would never be apart from her again. Ever. They sat there just holding one another until the smell of something burning reached their nostrils.

  “Damn boy, you burned it again!” Randor said as he ran to the stove and removed a pan.

  “If it isn’t too bad I’ll eat it anyway!” She was starving and really, really needed to eat something soon.

  Honey, these are black. I’ll make you something really quick. You just sit there for now.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Randor. I’m so hungry I feel like I could eat a whole cow.” She quickly blushed in embarrassment.

  “Well, none of us but you are eating for three, but I can relate to being that hungry a couple of times in my life.” Randor told her trying to make sure she didn’t feel embarrassed about it.

  “I’ve been there myself a few times as well during training. Like Randor said, you are carrying two precious little girls who need food also." Scaden spoke with such pride and love; she was overwhelmed by it. If she had any doubts about how he felt about the children they were gone now. She hugged him even closer.

  “You have no idea how precocious they are! Tessa is the more outspoken and quick to say something, and Amia is so quiet and thoughtful about everything. They are very beautiful Scaden. We made such perfect little ones.”

  She stopped and looked at her uncle and Scaden, both of whom just stared at her like she’d lost her mind. She realized they didn’t know what she was talking about and started to tell them all about where she’d been and who she’d been with after Scaden had awakened.

  When Randor had also burned the eggs,
they agreed to heat some leftover chicken and vegetables from the night before, and piled that and fresh fruit in front of her to eat while she told them about the babies and her time with them.

  “So Tessa will have the little beauty mark at the corner of her right eye?” Scaden interrupted at one point. He had to know there would be a way to tell his children apart. It scared him to think he wouldn’t be able to know. As a father, he should, and he didn’t want to let either of his girls think he didn’t care enough to tell them apart.

  “Yes, she will. But trust me, it’s not the only way that you’ll be able to tell them apart. Their personalities are so different that it will be obvious, even after they are born. And don’t worry; they don’t plan on trying to tease anyone by pretending to be each other.” She honestly hadn’t even considered that they would until the night before she came back they had made the promise to her. She thought it was sweet of them to even think of it.

  At one point even Randor interrupted her as well, a look of pure disbelief on his face.

  “A Sibiox? You and the little ones spoke to a Sibiox? Small cat-like creature, with large eyes, and looks a lot like an Earth feline predator?”

  “Yes! That was him exactly! I likened him more to a smaller version of a black panther though. He had a beautiful black coat of fur. He was so charming and amazed that we could speak to him in our minds that way. And he seemed thoroughly charmed by the children as well.”

  “He even laughed with me as the girls tried hard to pronounce his name and couldn’t. When they started to get upset and frustrated by it, he readily agreed to let them call him Gibly instead. He was such a sweet creature, the girls and I hope to visit him again when I go to sleep tonight. We’re sure he’ll be there. He’s far too curious not to be.”

  Uncle Randor and Scaden exchanged some interesting looks for a few minutes. She laughed as it reminded her of the girls when they did it.

  “Ok, what are you two thinking?”

  She waited while they continued their stare down and finally, Scaden cleared his throat.


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