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A Taste Of Sin

Page 18

by Fiona Zedde

  Victoria looked even more uncomfortable. “Sorry. Mom, Mamá, this is Dez. A friend.”

  Dez looked at the women for the first time. Amazingly, they both looked like Victoria. Delia was fine-boned and tall, with her mocha skin, straightened black hair and a white linen trouser suit that made the best of a rail-thin figure. The other was plump and pale with green eyes and a scattering of strawberry freckles across her nose and cheeks. An attractive couple that complemented each other’s unique looks. Dez put on her most respectable face, the one she imagined that parents liked to see on the women fucking their daughters, and shook Delia’s hand.

  “Pleased to meet you both.”

  Veronique kissed her lightly on both cheeks, then pulled back to look Dez full in the face. “It’s good to meet you, too. We’ve heard a few things about you over the years.”

  She couldn’t hide her surprise. “Have you?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  “But Dez has an appointment somewhere else.” Victoria gripped the edges of her robe. “Don’t you?”

  Dez’s smile turned playful. “Unfortunately, I do.” She nodded to the women as she turned to go. “See you soon, though.”

  “Soon” turned out to be later that night when Dez called from outside the door demanding to be let in.

  “You’ve told your parents about me,” she said the moment Victoria was close.

  “No, I haven’t. At least not like that.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I . . . might have mentioned you a couple of times before we formally met. You know, as Derrick’s sister.”

  “Uh huh. Then why did Veronique look like she wanted to see my innards roasting on a spit when you told her who I was?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “So you don’t think of me as your whore, then?” She linked her fingers above the high curve of Victoria’s ass and pressed their bodies closer. “Or maybe I’m the whore you mention to your parents on a regular basis.”

  “Stop saying that. You know I don’t think of you that way.”

  Dez captured her fist and kissed it. “I know. Sometimes I can get a little sensitive.”

  “No kidding.”

  The sound of laughing voices came from somewhere in the house. Victoria closed the front door and stepped outside, pulling Dez with her.

  “You have to go now. My parents are in the guest bedroom upstairs.”

  “So does that mean you’re not in the mood for a little quickie?” Dez nuzzled at her throat and slid her thumbs over Victoria’s nipples that were already stiff from the cool night air.

  “No, that’s—” she groaned and arched her breasts toward Dez. “Stop. I mean it. Now go home.”

  Dez chuckled. “I’m going. Call me later. If your parents’ visit is going to dry up my action, then I want to know as soon as they leave.”

  “Have I told you how awful you are?”

  “Not recently.”

  A smothered giggle tickled Dez’s neck. “Go.” She smacked Dez’s jean-clad backside and pulled away. “I’ll call you.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before,” Dez muttered. But she went anyway, sauntering down the driveway to her bike without a backward glance.

  Chapter 21

  “Hey,Ma.” Dez looked past Claudia to see her brother’s lean form spread out on a deck chair by the pool. He was all oiled up and sleek in tiny Speedos and sunglasses reflecting the glare of the sun. “I didn’t know you had company.”

  Dez was restless today. Her mother’s company was just what she needed to calm her down, but a family reunion wasn’t what she had in mind.

  “Your brother isn’t company, darling. Come in.” Claudia closed the door and started back toward the sliding glass doors leading outside. “We’re having margaritas, do you want one?”

  “Sure, why not?” She walked in past her mother, past the Anita Baker and mellow saxophone and past the sunshine that spilled into her house to the pool where her brother looked so comfortable. He didn’t quite sneer at her presence but close enough. Dez jerked her chin his way in greeting.

  He nodded back, then she saw the occupant of a nearby deck chair, the girl from Claudia’s birthday party. What was her name again? She did look nice in a bikini though, with her belly ring, prominent abs, and pert little A-cups in some sort of push-up contraption. Trish, that was her name.

  “Good to see you again, Desiree.” Her teeth were small and cute, like a little girl’s.

  “Likewise.” She would always mind her manners for a beautiful woman. “You all make me feel overdressed.” Dez gestured to her leather jacket, jeans, tank top, and boots. Motorcycle riding gear.

  “Then get comfortable, darling. You know where everything is.” Claudia handed her a salt-rimmed glass only half-filled with a frozen margarita. “You’re riding that thing home, I don’t want you to get too tipsy and fall off,” she said by way of explanation for the small portion. “I’d like to keep my daughter for a few more years.”

  “You and me both.” Dez pulled off her jacket and boots, propping them on an elegant little glass table, before claiming a deck chair. She put her drink on the ground next to her.

  The sun burned through the gray tank top, warming her chest and belly. What would Derrick say if he had been the one to come over unexpectedly and see her laying out here in the sun with Claudia and Victoria? If she were to introduce the bookstore owner as her girlfriend? He’d probably lose his shit.

  “So are you two living together yet?” She looked from her brother to his girlfriend.

  “Of course not,” Trish glanced at her lover and giggled.

  At the same time her brother made a strange noise, something between a growl and a snarl and said, “None of your business. You don’t see me asking about your sex life, do you?”

  “Not right now, but I hear you’ve been talking about it with other people.”

  “That’s hard to believe,” Derrick said.

  “No shit? Well, somehow I believe the source.”

  “I wouldn’t. None of your little friends strike me as reliable types.”

  “I won’t fault you for that.” She licked at the salt on the rim of her glass and grinned at her brother. “You’ve always been a shitty judge of character.”

  Claudia looked up from her laughing conversation with Trish to chide her daughter. “Desiree!”

  “It’s true, Ma. Remember that girl he took to the prom thinking he was guaranteed to get some ass right after—”

  “Oh my god, I don’t think I want to hear this story,” Trish said, but perked up in her seat anyway.

  Dez’s cell phone vibrated in her pocket, cutting off whatever she was going to say next. Rémi’s number flashed on the tiny screen. She answered it. “Hey, what’s going on?”

  Her friend’s voice bled through the background of hard thumping bass. “We’re trying to have a four tonight with that girl from Sage and Phil’s party. You should come.”

  “What girl?”

  “Remember the one with the coke and the hungry ass.”

  “Oh, yeah.” That had been a nice little party, but the hangover the next day had been its own kind of hell. Not worth a round two, that’s for sure. “You go ahead and handle that by yourselves. I’ll sit this one out. Call me after.”

  “Yeah, we’ll save the tape for you.”

  She laughed. Rémi wasn’t joking. “Nice.”

  As Dez slid the phone back into her pocket she bumped into her brother’s disapproving sneer.

  “Another sex party?”

  What happened to their truce? “Excuse me?”

  “Isn’t that all you and your lazy friends ever do?” Derrick asked. “You all have a rep for that kind of shit. If it wasn’t for Tori and her friends I’d think that all lesbians do is fuck anything with a pussy and get high.”


  “I’m not saying anything you don’t already know, Mama.”

  “Maybe so, but I think you may be scandalizing your g
irl just a little bit.” Dez turned to Trish. “You ever heard him curse and carry on like this before? In bed doesn’t count.”

  Claudia looked at her. “Really, Dez. Don’t you ever talk of anything but sex?”

  “Of course, but most times those things aren’t worth mentioning.”

  “Jesus!” Derrick said, as if that proved whatever point he was trying to make. “I’m just glad that Tori isn’t caught up with anyone like you.”

  “Anyone like me,” Dez mocked. “Do you actually think that I would corrupt your sainted Tori?”

  “I don’t think, I know so.”

  “Shit, I’m sure you don’t know half the things your little darling is up to.”

  “I’m in a better position than you to know any of that, that’s for damn sure.”

  Dez smirked. “You think?”

  “All right, that’s it.” Claudia shook her head and held up her hands. “Desiree Paulette Nichols, stop provoking your brother. And Derrick, please be nice. I wanted to have a relaxing day at home. This isn’t it.”

  “Sorry, Ma,” the twins chorused like they’d done a thousand times before. They glanced at each other and shrugged. Dez stood up.

  “I’m gonna get a swimsuit from inside. Anyone want anything while I’m up?” When everyone shook their heads, she turned to walk inside the house. “I’ll be a much nicer person when I get back. And, if we’re all lucky, Derrick will be, too.”

  He wasn’t, neither was she, but they managed not to kill each other in front of their very amused (and sometimes appalled) witnesses. Dez left them to their party of three a few hours later. Maybe it wasn’t too late to get in on that foursome Rémi mentioned. Or she could just sit and watch, perhaps even whisper the details of the fuck to Victoria one day when she wanted the bookstore owner to get off by touching herself. It was a nice thought.

  Chapter 22

  It had been a whole week and three days since Victoria’s parents came. And they were still here. Dez wasn’t complaining. Much. She and her lover still managed to talk on the phone although Victoria refused to give herself relief with a little harmless phone sex.

  “My parents are in the house!” she’d hissed when Dez suggested it.

  Now Dez was well into the second week of forced abstinence and she didn’t like it at all. She knew that she could get it from somewhere else, had even tried it a couple of times, but it wasn’t quite the same. No one could moan quite the way Victoria did, with that sexy sound low in the back of her throat that built into an explosion from her wet mouth. Dez squirmed in her chair at Novlette’s Café and forced herself to pay attention to what was going on around her.

  The restaurant was packed, as usual. Lazy weekend chatter along with the playful squeal of babies and their goo-goo talking minders jostled the air, giving the late Sunday morning just the right amount of restorative energy that Dez and her friends needed.

  Of the five women, only Rémi was missing. She was out of town for the weekend, wrangled against her will to some family thing that she hoped wouldn’t blow up in her face.

  Still, she’d been cheerful when Dez dropped her off at the airport on Saturday night.

  Nuria tapped Dez’s hand. “You still with us, baby?” “Where else would I go?” Dez murmured.

  Last night, Nuria had followed two rough-looking butches home to their dungeon in Buena Vista. Today she oozed pure sexual contentment in her loose-fitting silk pants and thin, low-cut blouse that did nothing to conceal her bruises. Good for her, Dez thought. Every few minutes Nuria would smile at nothing, especially if that nothing was in Dez’s direction.

  “Good question,” Nuria said just as softly.

  Sage was telling a story to the table at large, something not very funny about her latest escapade, but Sage, with her wildly gesticulating arms and exotic tattoos, was simply fun to watch. She was like a dragonfly—quick, beautiful, and ravenous. Between every other word she stabbed food on a plate—sometimes her own, other times not—and wrestled it into her mouth. Then something distracted Dez from the story. A smell. That distinct combination of citrus and honey that meant only one thing. Or more specifically, one person.

  She looked up in time to see the curve of Victoria’s ass disappear around the corner to one of the quieter dining areas. Veronique and Delia were nowhere in sight. After ten minutes, a more than respectable amount of time, she thought, Dez stood up.

  “Excuse me, ladies. Piss stop.”

  Phil sent her a wry look. “Thanks for the visual, Dez.” Sage stopped her story long enough to grab something from Dez’s plate and smile around a mouthful of food. “Hurry and come back, man. It’s just getting good.”

  It didn’t take her long to find Victoria. She sat at a large corner table with half a dozen other women, perched in her chair and leaning toward a squat woman in a pink dress. The woman shook her head at Victoria and pointed at the notebook in front of them. Dez walked past the table, pausing just long enough to brush Victoria’s shoulder and let her know with a tilt of her head where she was going. She didn’t have to wait long.

  “This is a nice surprise,” she said when she met Dez in the bathroom a few moments later. Her lover pulled her into an oversize bathroom stall. Dez touched her throat and her waist, reacquainting herself before slanting her mouth over Victoria’s.

  Victoria made a small noise, parting her lips that tasted of cold orange juice. Their mouths and tongues slid together in a deep kiss that drove Dez’s hands seeking under her dress. Victoria gasped and hooked her knee on Dez’s waist.

  Dez slid her panties aside and slipped a finger into her wetness. “Damn . . .” She groaned into Victoria’s mouth. “You feel so fucking good.”

  She dropped to her knees and swept Victoria’s knee over her shoulder. The shorter woman’s back hit the delicate wall of the bathroom stall and her panties ripped. Her mouth found Victoria salty and slick. She made needful noises in the back of her throat before she recalled where she was. Dez was a pro at illicit sex. She knew better than to make noise. She palmed the heavy globes of Victoria’s ass, pressing the heat of her lover’s pussy against her face as she swept her tongue inside her one last time before feasting on the fat clit that was begging for attention. Dez sucked it into her mouth, caressing it with her tongue in long, hard strokes. Victoria liked that. She gasped Dez’s name and pushed her legs even wider apart. Her pussy danced against Dez’s mouth, snaking faster and faster until Victoria was bucking, a wild ride that Dez had to get a tight grip on or fall off.

  The trembling started in the thighs pressed against her cheeks, her ass shuddered with the impending come. Dez worked her tongue faster and the shudders increased. Over the liquid noise of her tongue lapping at the sweetly weeping pussy she could hear Victoria’s gasping breath, the pre-orgasmic pants that shook her body. She hoped to God there wasn’t anybody else in the damn bathroom. But she was fast approaching the point of not giving a shit. Her pussy was swimming, wet and hot and fucking ready to explode inside her pants. She wanted to touch herself, slide her fingers past her open zipper and fuck herself to where Victoria was now. But her lover wasn’t finished yet.

  Dez felt Victoria’s fingers curl into the back of her head. Half moons of pain waxed beneath those desperate fingers. She slid two fingers inside her lover and gasped as the contractions started, sucking her fingers deeper in, and squeezing them like a vice. Cream rushed over her chin in a flood. Victoria’s thighs relaxed as she collapsed against the stall. Her ass twitched in Dez’s hands.

  “Damn. I wasn’t expecting that.” Her voice shook on the last word.

  “You should know better after leaving me to stew in my own juices for over a week.” Dez kissed her thigh and stood up. “Thanks.”

  Victoria rolled her head against the gray partition and licked her lips. Her hands tugged open the belt at Dez’s jeans, and eased the zipper down. The pants slithered down her ass and caught at the widest part of her thighs. “What can I do for you, baby?”

growled when those seeking hands found her drenched cunt. “Not a thing. You already did it.” She readjusted Victoria’s skirt and started to pull away. “I have to get back outside.”

  Victoria’s hands stopped her. “Are you sure you don’t have time for—”

  Electric fingers nudged her clit. Dez’s legs widened despite her resolve, giving the other woman better access. Victoria kissed her cheek and nibbled on her jaw line.

  “Don’t be selfish, Desiree.” Her tongue stroked Dez’s lips and chin, licking away all traces of wetness from her face.

  The last thing that she wanted was to be selfish. She wanted to share all this, the liquid fullness of her pussy, her clit fat and hard under Victoria’s clever hand, the tingling rush of arousal, the hum of the blood through her veins. Her hips arched up to meet each stroke of her lover’s fingers. Dez’s eyes fell closed to hold the sensations closer, to slip her entire consciousness into the fever of desire raging through her body. This was like no other quick fuck she’d ever done. Each moment was a slow revelation of feeling. This was her nipples stiffening, peppering against her shirt into tight little buds of almost-pain, her breath shallowing in her throat, eyelashes fluttering beyond her control, and the jump of her pussy like a fish snapping for a bite of the dangerously forbidden. She groaned.

  Victoria heard her wordless plea and filled her, two fingers in her pussy, one in her ass, her thumb hard against her clit. She had learned Dez well in the last two weeks. Her fingers played her in tandem, strumming her clit, stroking her hard and deep until she couldn’t focus. She forgot the bathroom, forgot the need for quiet. Thunder rolled inside her head, tumbling through her body until she shook with it, her body rattling the gray partition. Dez came so hard she bit her lip.

  “Fuck!” Her hips trembled out of control, thrusting and shivering against her lover’s hand. A long while later, she drew a deep breath in Victoria’s hair. “That wasn’t very nice.”


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