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The Beast of Tsunam (Rev Smalley: Galactic P.I. Book 1)

Page 33

by Combs, Scott A.

  “I’m afraid its not,” said Timms. “I was hoping we’d find him on another hemisphere. Now we haven’t a chance of rescuing the Regency before . . . ” And he couldn’t say the words.

  “Send us in,” volunteered Rev. “Cassie and I started this mission and we’re not about to give up when we’re needed the most.”

  Cassie agreed. “You get as many off this hemisphere as you can and we’ll rescue the Regency along with Flint.”

  “There’s not enough time if they’re being held against their will. You know how powerful the Charrel can be. Two against millions is suicide.”

  Cassie was roused by Rev’s enthusiasm. “Let us be the judge of that.”

  “Nothing’s hopeless,” said Rev. “Or we’d all be dead by now.”

  “You really think you can get them before the Alliance intervenes?”

  “Only one way to find out.” Rev clapped his hands to drum up some energy. “Let us try to at least.”

  “If you do somehow come out alive with Regency Tuloff, then the planet will be eternally grateful.”

  Rev didn’t care about saving Tsunam. All he wanted was to get Tuloff and Flint before they were senselessly killed.

  Rev patted Timms on the shoulder. “You know you can keep your gratitude. Besides, I’d go just because my partner is out there stranded and left for dead.”

  * * *

  LIEUTENANT TIMMS’ PLATE was full with organizing the evacuation but he did have enough time to delegate. He gave Rev a transport vehicle large enough to carry him and others he might come in contact with if he was lucky enough to rescue Tuloff.

  Transports scurried overhead filled with anxious citizens. The tank commanders held a line between the Charrel beasts and their base, pounding the militarized zone with heavy fire. The creatures appeared to be gathering for a final assault but the tanks continued to create enough chaos to keep the monsters at bay.

  Lieutenant Timms coordinated the new command center racing from one console to another directing the assaults. When the tasks were delegated and appeared to be working he motioned to the humans to follow him to the tarmac where a transporter ship idled. Timms led Cassie to the hatch and helped her up into the ship.

  Before Rev could follow, Timms pulled the man aside to give him last minute instructions. “I know you can handle yourself with the craft,” said Timms. “I saw your stunt back there at the eugenics building.” He shook his head. “I never saw anyone handle a tank like that before. What made you attempt a high speed ascent and then barrel roll a tank? I didn’t even know one of those things could spin like that without plummeting like a rock.”

  “I was desperate,” said Rev. “It seemed the only way to dislodge the creatures.”

  “Desperate or not that was some of the best flying I’ve ever seen. You’re an ace pilot. I’m giving you the transport instead of a tank. I don’t think the armor is going to help. The transport is lighter, faster and large enough to carry twenty or more in a pinch if you crowd them in asshole-to-bellybutton. Also, don’t think linearly. When the time comes you might not be able to escape this hemisphere. Think up instead of out. This baby is capable of space travel.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” said Rev. “And thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me,” said Timms. “It’s your choice to go into that mess.”

  Timms handed Rev an ear piece. “You won’t hear our evac chatter with it but I’ve set it to receive the signal from the Alliance that they send before . . . Well, you know. You’ll hear a ping and the quicker the pinging the sooner the event will happen.”

  “How will I know when time’s up?”

  “The pinging stops⁠—⁠you have ten seconds. Don’t be around on the eleventh.”

  Rev nodded and shook his hand. Timms gave Rev a thumbs up and turned to more pressing matters. Cassie was already in the co-pilot seat wearing battle gear. She looked like she was ready to take on the whole Charrel race.

  “New fashion statement?”

  “You don’t think I’m crazy enough to go into battle wearing a surgical zip-up jumper do you?”

  “I have to say you look sexy in that get up.”

  “Only you would think a woman in plating is sexy,” she said smiling as she saw Rev ogling her. “Don’t even think about it. You couldn’t reach the prize even if your penis was equipped with an armor piercing missile.”

  “Can’t help it. Strong women turn me on.”

  Cassie held up another set of gear. Rev put on the helmet. He tossed the rest behind the seat. Cassie laughed.


  “It’s just that your head has to be the hardest thing on you.”

  “I see your point but the armor might slow me down.”

  Rev plopped himself behind the controls and took the transport into the air. He wobbled the controls getting a feel for the craft.

  “Do you have a plan?” she asked.

  “As much as I always do.”

  “Making it up as you go?”

  “It works for me. Sometimes it’s out of your control. The best we can do is be in the here-and-now. I just go with it for the most part and hope it doesn’t hurt too much.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. Your body repairs itself ten times faster that mine. I’m just⁠—⁠”

  “Human?” he interrupted. “You’re wrong about the repair time too,” he said. “It’s much faster.”

  “Rub it in Mister Fancy Pants.”

  Rev was tired of haggling and set the controls for their flight. “You ready or do we need to hash it out some more?”

  She nodded and braced herself. Rev gunned the craft up, out, and toward the bleep on the tracking screen. Within a few minutes they landed on a building’s transport pad. Rev let the engines idle and left them on as they both disembarked the craft heading to the emission point of the tracking signal.

  The landing pad had one entrance to the building, recessed on the deck, and they made their way down the narrow stairs. Cassie pointed down looking at the portable tracker she had strapped to her left arm and indicated they were sixty floors above the signal.

  They entered the building unhindered and found the interior transmat elevator. The elevator door opened and they entered. Rev set the destination. “Let’s hope we’re not too late.”

  She nodded, flicking the safety off from her pulse pistol. She turned the weapon on its side and slid the power setting up to maximum, gripping it a little too tight.

  “Relax,” said Rev stroking her wrist. “Let the adrenaline work for you instead of against you.”

  Cassie did as instructed. Rev readied his weapon. “You’ve faced death more than I ever will,” she said. “How do you control the fear?”

  “I don’t control the fear I just transfer it to another emotion.”

  “I hope you’ll teach me how to do that someday,” she said.

  “Someday. We’ll have plenty of time to tell soldier stories.”

  “Right,” she said half-heartedly.

  Rev gave her one last look with warm hazel eyes. She relaxed and he pushed the send button.

  Chapter 39

  FLINT WHIPPED AROUND and targeted Magnus’ forehead. How he wanted to burn a hole through that glistening head! Magnus sensed him somehow. He grabbed a Charrel and lifted him up to receive the laser blast squarely in the chest. The unfortunate Charrel jerked in a death spasm as Flint shot again and again. Magnus used the limp body like a shield. Flint needed to conserve his fire, he gauged he only had a few shots left before needing to recharge.

  Magnus saw the hesitation from the automaton and flung the dead Charrel, hitting Flint from overhead. The force pinned Flint against the wall as the weight of the body dragged him down. Flint extended his arms to grab the corpse but only managed to get tangled further. Soon he was tugging at it to free himself from it on the floor.

  A melee erupted with Reese, Braz, Willa and Tuloff shooting at the onrushing Charrel. Some had morphed into beasts while others were still i
n human shape. Apparently the war wasn’t going their way. When the five intruders burst into their command post they took them by complete surprise shooting mostly at the rampaging beasts who quickly recovered.

  The small arms fire only enraged the two beasts like bee stings. Tuloff noticed their plight and switched off the safety of his weapon and set it to overload. When he was done he tossed the weapon at the nearest beast. The pistol hit it squarely in the face. It stepped back and grabbed the whining weapon. The weapon-turned-grenade exploded in a fireball of energy, vaporizing the creature’s head along with most of the soft tissue from its partner who was rushing past during the frenzy. The torn beast wailed in pain from broken rear limbs. Most of the fleshy mass of its flank was burned away and its internal organs spilled out onto the floor. With a grunt it rolled over and died.

  Braz tossed Tuloff another weapon and he caught it haphazardly. “Not bad Regency. Two for one.”

  Everyone continued to shoot at the remaining Charrel infected Tsunamians who were taking cover behind anything that could protect them. Even Reese seemed to fight wildly but she kept an eye on Magnus and where he was hiding. She would see his bald head and lay down a shot in hopes of exacting revenge on him.

  Magnus ducked and pushed his way into a more defensible position. Then he saw Taki trying to escape the mayhem. He made his way to the Tsunamian holding cells where they were holding captured prisoners, first casualties of their attempted conquest of Tsunam. Magnus leapt and grabbed Taki by the leg like a linebacker. They both crashed into the forcefield of the cell. The field absorbed the collision and in return it zapped the two men spraying sparks and burning flesh. Taki screamed as his bare scalp took the full power of the forcefield.

  “You can’t leave,” snarled Magnus. “Not until we know for sure we’re defeated.”

  “You’re a fool,” moaned Taki. “The Alliance is positioning themselves to annihilate Tsunam. We’re finished.”

  “Not until I say so,” said Magnus. He punched Taki in the stomach. Then he lifted the dazed Charrel up and onto his feet. Magnus frisked Taki and found what he wanted. He produced two vials from a front pocket. Before Taki knew what was happening, Magnus lifted Taki’s head and cocked his mouth open. With his thumb, Magnus popped the stopper and poured the liquid into Taki’s mouth. He then clamped the mouth shut and pinched Taki’s nose until he swallowed.

  “Fight or die,” shouted Magnus as he watched the transformation.

  Taki started to change, he became stronger as the process evolved. “What about the anti-serum?” asked Taki with a beastly voice.

  “I’ll take care of it for you until Smalley’s friends are dealt with.”

  Taki the beast roared and jumped out into the fray with slashing claws and dripping fangs. He received multiple laser pulses for his efforts and soon his hairy body was covered in an array of small burns that reeked of charred flesh. He bellowed massively as he advanced along the defensive line that Tuloff and the others created.

  Flint went crazy and zipped around Taki’s head shooting the remaining pulses he had in reserve. Without hesitation, Taki slashed at the buzzing automaton. Flint knew he was done for when Taki reached up with both claws and clamped down on him. Flint struggled as he watched the gaping mouth and sharp teeth bite down on him.

  Flint had a vague image of the inner details of the creature’s esophagus before every circuit in him yelled out in pain. Flint’s system overloaded and that was the end of his consciousness.

  Rev and Cassie seemed to come out of nowhere, jumping the crude line of cover. Not only did they shoot at the creature with Flint dangling from its jaws but also at the remaining Charrel. Cassie shot so skillfully that many died before they even knew she was there. Rev jumped high in the air and landed on the back of Taki. With both fists, Rev beat the massive hairy head until it spit Flint from its jaws. Enraged by the blows, Taki clawed at Rev and found a handhold on his trousers. With a mighty heave it flung Rev to the floor. There the two fought with a vengeance.

  Magnus figured the end was near with his side losing. Taki/beast looked back at Magnus who dropped the anti-serum and crush it under the heel of his boot. Taki bellowed in anger at the betrayal.

  Magnus reached over and released the forcefield on the holding cell. The Tsunamian prisoners rushed out and flooded the room. In the confusion he saw his chance and moved toward Cassie.

  Taki lifted his massive body up to position for the death blow but Rev rolled and avoided the claws once again. Rev had had enough and punched Taki in the ribs so hard that the bones snapping were like the cracking of a whip. The creature expelled a painful breath. Rev punched again in the same spot, this time his hand penetrated the hairy hide and he could feel the internal organs slide uncomfortably off his knuckles. Taki howled in pain and rolled over trying to protect his mutilated side.

  Rev stood over Taki and looked into its eyes. “It’s over.”

  Taki choked and spewed blood from his mouth and torn side. “It won’t be over until we have equality,” said Taki in the creature’s voice.

  Rev took out his knife and slashed his own forearm. He let the blood drip into Taki’s mouth. The effect was nearly instantaneous as the creature heaved and died. Defeating Taki wasn’t to be the victory Rev hoped; fate had it that just then Rev heard the first pinging from his ear piece signaling that the Alliance was ready to intervene.

  “Very touching,” said Magnus and everyone turned to him. Magnus had Cassie in a chokehold with a pistol at her temple.

  Rev flexed, ready to pounce, but Magnus squeezed harder and Cassie thrashed. “It’s over Magnus,” said Rev. “The Alliance is about to lay this hemisphere to dust.”

  “Not for me,” said Magnus. “I have a transmat just in the other room with my name written all over it.”

  Braz, Reese and Willa were calming the Tsunamians in the back of the room while Rev and Tuloff inched their way closer. Magnus backed up toward the room where escape beckoned.

  Rev turned to Braz. “Get everyone up to the landing pad while I finish here.”

  Braz nodded. The crowd moved out and down to the main elevator. Rev and Tuloff followed Magnus.

  Tuloff grabbed Rev’s arm. “He must be held accountable for his crimes.” Rev nodded. Tuloff looked him in the eyes. “No matter what happens.”

  Chapter 40

  “WHAT’S IT GOING TO BE REV?” asked Magnus choking Cassie until her purplish tongue slid out of her mouth. He pressed the charged pulse pistol against her temple and gripped the trigger.

  “All right! You win.” Rev tossed his arms up surrendering.

  “I have your promise?”

  “Yes, you can go.”

  Tuloff screamed and raised his pistol to shoot. “No you can’t⁠—⁠”

  Rev didn’t let him say another word. He coldcocked Tuloff right under the chin. The weapon he carried flew out of his hands with his body landing hard on the ground unconscious.

  “Yes, I can,” said Rev turning back to Magnus. “Where will you go?”

  “Anywhere but here will do.”

  “Tell me one thing,” said Rev. “When did you lose your mind? Before you dissected all our ex-lovers or before?”

  “They were collateral damage.”


  “The Coalition was shutting the EIA down,” said Magnus. “After all the times you and I saved that pathetic little planet from disaster. They owe us!”

  “But not this way,” said Rev.

  “I should’ve known you’d ruin everything,” said Magnus. “Now it’s too late.” Magnus looked as if he was going to pull the trigger.

  Rev readied himself for the shot. Magnus looked into Rev’s eyes and saw the fire they held. He could kill Cassie and Rev would have his revenge or he could take the coward’s way out and run like a kicked dog.

  Magnus made his decision. “I think the universe is sufficiently large enough to conceal me for the time being. I’ll survive to fight another day. It may be cliché but it
’ll do for now.”

  Magnus turned Cassie around and kissed her cheek. “Goodbye Cassie. We weren’t meant to be together.”

  She pushed him away and tried to kick him but he moved too quickly. “Now, now, my sweet,” said Magnus. “None of that. I wouldn’t want to accidentally defend myself now would I?”

  “You disgust me,” she said, backing away from Magnus until she was beside Rev.

  “I suppose our love life has come to an end,” he said. “Pity.”

  “We never had one.”

  “Don’t follow me. I’ll be waiting and won’t hesitate to use this,” he said waggling the las-pistol.

  “We won’t,” said Rev. “Leave before I change my mind.”

  “I should expect you won’t let me stay free for long?” said Magnus.

  “We’ll be talking soon.” Rev nodded with a cold light in his eyes.

  Magnus nodded. He programmed the portable transmat tube and got in, still pointing his weapon on Rev. When he was ready he waved good bye and winked out of sight.

  “Good riddance you bastard,” said Cassie.

  The pinging in Rev’s ear communicator cranked up a notch. “We’re running out of time,” he said. “Grab Flint and I’ll take Tuloff.”

  They stumbled into the outer hall to find Reese, Braz and Willa still shuttling the last load of Tsunamians into the elevator.

  “About time you showed back up,” said Braz. “We were going to leave your sorry butts behind.”

  “Had some cleaning up to do.”

  “All tidy now?” asked Braz.

  “Some shit never gets taken care of.”

  “You let Magnus get away?” Rev nodded. “Why?”

  “It was him or Cassie. I chose Cassie.”

  “I would too,” said Braz. “You’ll get him next time.”

  The pinging increased again and Rev didn’t think it could get any faster. Without waiting any longer Rev pushed everyone into the elevator and tossed Tuloff toward Braz.

  “Everyone in for the express ride of your life.”

  Flint rebooted just as the elevator doors closed. Everyone was crammed so tight that not another person could fit. Flint’s gyros spun up and all the lights began to twinkle.


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