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Mother Katharine Drexel

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by Cheryl C. D. Hughes

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  Unpublished Dissertations

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  Web sites

  Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament:

  The Vatican:


  Alexander III, 239

  Anciaux, Joseph, SSJ, 252

  Badiou, Alain, 222

  Beasley, Mother Mathilda, OSF, 107

  Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger), 226

  Bilger, Mary, 23, 24

  Blenk, Archbp. James H., 128, 132

  Blessed Sacrament Mission, Beaumont, Texas, 104, 124-25

  Bouvier, Madame Louise, 21, 22, 27, 72

  Burke, Bobbye, 257

  Burke, Bp. Maurice, 108, 109

  Burton, Sr. Georgianna, SBS, 107-8

  Buttell, Sr. M. Frances, SBS, 175

  Byrne, Bp. Thomas, 120, 123

  Cabrini, Mother St. Frances Xavier, MSC, 125

  Canonization: history of, 5, 6, 237-43; John Paul II and, 244-48; of Katharine Drexel, 1, 101, 143-44, 248-54

  Cassidy, Mary Bernice, 21-22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 80, 83, 187

  Chapelle, Archbp. Placide L., 110, 112

  Chastity, virtue of, 184-87

  Chinnici, Joseph P., OFM, 204

  Coakley, Sarah, 170

  Craft, Fr. Francis Michael, 107

  Cushing, Richard Card., 198

  Damian, Peter, Saint, 178

  Discipline, use of the, 174-80

  Drexel, Anthony J. (uncle), 17, 47, 96, 129

  Drexel, Elizabeth Langstroth (sister) (Mrs. George Walter Smith), 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 60, 70, 79, 83, 148, 150, 190; considers religious vocation, 47-48; death, 101; debutante, 36-37; founder of St. Francis de Sales, 80; racial makeup of the SBS, 107; travels west, 86, 90

  Drexel, Emma Bouvier (stepmother), 18, 20, 27, 29, 36, 38, 39, 52, 58, 59, 80, 87, 147; education of her daughters, 21-26, 30; illness and death, 40-42; on religious vocations for her daughters, 46-47

  Drexel, Francis Anthony (father), 22-23, 25, 26, 29, 40, 44, 68, 70, 80, 86; death 45; will, 45-46, 96, 140

  Drexel, Francis Martin (grandfather), 15-16, 19, 147

  Drexel, Hannah Langstroth (birth mother), 15, 17-18, 47, 147

  Drexel, Louise Bouvier (sister) (Mrs. Edward Morrell), 27, 32, 36, 40, 45, 47, 48, 60, 70, 79, 148, 157; birth, 19-20; education, 21-26, 29; endowment for SBS, 141; meeting with Pius IX, 34; proposals and marriage, 91, 92, 95; racial makeup of the SBS, 107; St. Emma’s Industrial School for Boys, 80, 112; support for NAACP, 135; travels west, 86, 90

  Drexel, Mother Mary Katharine, Saint: birth, 15; canonization, 143-44, 248-54; death, 227, 139-40, 190; discernment of her vocation, 58-67, 92-95; education, 21-26, 36, 139; enters religious life, 101, 104-5; founding of SBS, 98-102; marriage proposal, 42-43; miracles, 248-49; trips to Nebraska Territory missions, 43-45, 86-88, 90

  Duffy, Sr. Consuela, SBS, 8, 42, 139, 143

  Eucharistic adoration, 200-204, 224-28

  Faber, Fr. Frederick William, 33, 52, 79

  Gregory IX, 239

  Guntherman, Robert, 248, 258

  Hayes, Diana L., 251-52

  Hayes, Sr. Juliana, SBS, 140

  Holy Rosary Mission, South Dakota, 87

  Hylebos, Fr. Peter, 43, 144-45

  Immaculate Conception Mission, South Dakota, 87-88

  Immaculate Mother, Nashville, Tennessee, 120-25

  Indian Missions, U.S. policy for, 7-9, 10n.19

  Janssens, Archbp. Francis, 108, 127-28

  John XV, 239

  John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla), 1, 5, 6, 146, 166, 206-7; canonization and saints, 237, 242, 244-47; Eucharist and eucharistic spirituality, 220-28; having vs. being, 208-16; holiness; 234-35; and Katharine Drexel, 248-54; on man and God, 216-20; mission and hope, 228-34

  Ku Klux Klan, 20, 124-25

  Leary, Mother Mary of the Visitation, SBS, 124, 137, 139

  Leo XIII, 43, 83-85, 101, 150

  Lyotard, Jean-François, 221-22

  Macrina, Saint, 238

  Marty, Bp. Martin, 9, 84, 86, 137, 154

  McCusken, Sr. Mary Frances, SBS, 7

; McGoldrick, Daniel, SJ, 60

  McInery, Henry, 130

  McShea, Archbp. Joseph, 236

  Meagher, Katherine T., 129

  Morrell, Col. Edward, 95, 107, 125

  Neri, Philip, Saint, 202

  Neumann, John, Saint, 202

  Obedience, virtue of, 182-84

  O’Connor, Bp. James, 4, 35, 37, 40, 42, 48, 152, 176; acknowledges Katharine’s vocation, 95; death, 101, 105; discussions with Katharine on her vocation, 64-92; opposes vocation for Katharine, 49-50; suggests various orders for her, 95-98; suggests founding a new order, 92-101

  O’Connor, Mother M. Mercedes, SBS, 126, 174, 176

  O’Hara, Archbp. John F., 140

  Pantanella, Dominic, SJ, 189-91

  Paul III, 202

  Paul IV, 202

  Pepper, Sen. George, 134

  Pius IX, 34

  Pius X, 125

  Pius XI, 131

  Pius XII, 210

  Poverty, virtue of, 187-94

  Red Cloud, Chief, 87

  Rosebud Mission, South Dakota, 9, 86, 151

  Ruether, Rosemary Radford, 170

  Ryan, Johanna, 28, 31, 34

  Ryan, Mother Agatha, SBS, 131, 175

  Ryan, Archbp. Patrick John, 45, 86, 99, 104-5, 109, 110, 111, 125, 127, 159, 172

  Saint Catherine, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 110-11

  Saint Francis de Sales, Powhatan, Virginia, 112-15

  Saint Michael’s, St. Michael’s, Arizona, 115-20

  Saint Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), 242

  Salpointe, Bp. Jean Baptiste, 115

  Schrembs, Bp. Joseph, 126

  Scully, John, SJ, 172, 176

  Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament: early days, 106-7, 109-10; founding of, 98-102; post–Vatican II decline, 141-46; racial makeup, 106-8, 139-40; daily schedule, 118-19

  Sixtus V, 239

  Smith, George Walter, 42, 101, 133-34

  Soulliard, Sr. Mary John, SBS, 256

  Spellman, Sr. Claire, SND, 261, 178

  Stephan, Fr. Joseph, 9, 10, 84, 86, 90, 91, 99, 101, 115, 116, 137, 152, 188, 207

  Suchalski, Sr. Patricia, SBS, 256

  Tekakwitha, St. Kateri, 245

  Teresa, Bl. of Calcutta, 146, 180, 256


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