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Full Moon City

Page 6

by Lia Connor

  And that frightened her more than anything yet. “No,” she protested, shaking her head. “Mark.”

  “Shh.” He stroked her hair. “Fear not.”

  Oh, yeah, that’s gonna work. Something’s coming I’m going to have reason to be scared of, isn’t it? Shanda didn’t doubt herself, crazy as it might be. “Mark,” she pleaded.

  He shook his head, ebony hair swaying. “Lie still, Shanda. They come.” He laughed, the delighted sound of a child. “They come!”

  Shit. So they did, didn’t they?

  Shanda watched, wide-eyed, as mist began to curl out of every vent, every desk drawer, the cracks in the filthy linoleum and even the barrels of the guns Mark had taken from them.

  Mark let out a war cry as if he were greeting the fog like an old friend.

  It answered back. A hundred different animal sounds or more -- the snorting of a mighty deer, the low snarls of bobcats, the hooting of owls, the screeching of ravens, and too many others to pick out or name. Shapes began to form out of the thick, smoky fog. Half-formed muzzles, snakes’ heads, and wide, blinking eyes.

  Shanda swallowed hard on a throat gone scrapingly dry. Okay, this was some seriously spooky shit. But she would not scream or squeak or try to hide behind Hunter or Mark. She was Shanda, and no woman was tough as her.

  She’d face these monsters down, and be damned to anything that dared say “boo” to her!

  A chorus of noises rumbled through the room, rippling like laughter. Shanda tensed, knotting her hands into fists. “There some kind of joke you want to share?” she brazened. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Ah, but she is a brave one, isn’t she?” something snarled, a deadly sound save for the amusement laced through its tone. “Who have we here, Spirit Talker? Who have you summoned us to judge?”

  Judge? Oh, no. Shanda hadn’t signed up for this. Before she could spit out her defiance though, Mark stepped in. “Greetings, sacred elders, my friends. We are honored by your presence.”

  Another animal rumbled. “He has manners, at least. We remember you, Mark Spirit Talker, and as you have shown us due honor in the past, we have come at your call. Even so, our patience is not great. Answer the question you have been asked.”

  “Yes, Spirit.” Mark bowed his head. He pressed his hand down on Shanda’s breast. “For the first, I bring you the one my Alpha Queen had sent me to seek. It was a hard road and a tricky chase, but I proved victorious and here she is. I present to you the one called Shanda.”

  Another chorus of animal sounds. “Yes, yes, she is the one, she is the one.” Their voices overlapped. “And what of this second human, the male?”

  “A stranger to me, but not to Shanda. She puts her trust in him, and though they will not admit it, their hearts are tied one to the other. He is called Hunter.”

  The animals found that tremendously amusing. “Oh, ho, ho,” one beast chuckled. “And is he? A true hunter, worthy of the name?”

  “I would say so. He caught me unaware and brought me to this place. I went without a fight, for I knew he would call for Shanda by and by. He has a mighty right arm and the hot-blooded temper of a cougar though he hides himself well behind a shield of ice.” Mark rubbed circles over Hunter’s chest. “There is a great spirit in this one. He has risked his life for many in the past, and would do the same again if he were put to the test.”

  “Hmm.” This animal seemed thoughtful. “You say this Shanda and her Hunter are joined in love?”

  Shanda felt her cheeks flush. She didn’t dare look at Hunter. Love? Him? Her? Damn. She wanted to protest, but the words wouldn’t come out. Something in her throat tripped her up.

  Could it be true? Hunter was silent. No clues from him.

  “They are,” Mark confirmed. “My small talents were enough to read them. Have I judged correctly?”

  “I would say so. Such stubborn little humans though, who will not admit such a simple thing. Hmm.” Shanda felt something cool and sharp, like a claw, prod at her from a curl of fog drifting by her arm. The speaker chuckled. “Did your Alpha Queen warn you about what a tough bite she would be to chew?”

  Mark grinned. “She spoke a little to me of Shanda’s nature, yes.”

  “And so you found yourself with not one, but two fighters.” The claw stroked down Shanda’s forearm, goosebumps popping up in its wake. “But there is more to this story yet, is there not?”

  “You are wise,” Mark allowed. “Read me if you will.”

  Dozens of humming noises filled the air, along with the sound of breath after breath being taken, held in, and thoughtfully exhaled. “Sex,” one beast said at last. “We smell sex on you. The juices of the woman and the musk of the man. Ah! You shared in her dreams as you traveled, using them to track her. A clever move. But there developed an attraction, yes?”

  Mark nodded. “A powerful one. I could not have stopped myself from taking her, even if I had wanted to. And she came willingly.”

  “There is more,” the voice went on. “Blood. Their blood is on your teeth. I see what you have done. You are brave, Spirit Talker, perhaps too brave. Perhaps foolish. What have these two done to earn twin markings as part of the Pack?”

  “I did only as my own spirit bade me.” Mark spread his hands, asking for help. “It told me what to do, and so I acted. But you are right, it was a rash move, perhaps foolish or dangerous. Thus have I called you, to see if what I did was right or not. Will you grant my request to read them, Spirits? Look beyond what I have the ability to see. That is my request.”

  “This intrigues me. If Father Wolf allows, I shall use my wisdom to look at the male.” The voice had a hint of a hoot. A picture of a vast white owl, all piercing dark eyes and powerful wings and sharp talons, flashed into Shanda’s mind.

  “I do not object,” a low voice growled. “I, Father Wolf, grant you permission.”

  “Don’t you hurt him,” she warned. “Spirit or not, I’ll kick your ass.”

  More laughter. Shanda bristled. This was working her nerves. Hunter should have been prickling too, but no, the man lay quiet as a grave.

  Made her uneasy. God, why wasn’t Hunter saying anything? Had he hit his head hard enough to knock him too far out to fight? She ached to get a better look at the man, wanting to see if he’d been hurt, but Mark kept her firmly in place and all she could catch was a glance of Hunter’s prone body.

  “She has such fire,” another voice purred. The image of a tawny bobcat with vicious, yellowed fangs popped into Shanda’s head. “If Mother Wolf allows, I will use my ferocity to read this female.”

  “I do not object,” a lighter voice snarled. “I, Mother Wolf, grant you permission. But does the arrangement suit you, Spirit Talker?”

  “I am your servant.” Mark removed his hands and stood. “All of you, do as you will.”

  The fog rolled over Shanda’s body. She stiffened, fearing the worst. What did it mean, “read her”? She’d had about enough fucking around with her mind. “Stay back,” she gritted out.

  “Silly human,” the animal chided. “This will not hurt. If anything, it will bring you tremendous pleasure. Now lie still.”

  Shanda automatically struggled to sit up. “Try and take me without a fight.”

  The animal -- bobcat? -- snarled. “Still, I said.” Mist covered Shanda’s body like the heaviest of quilts, weighing down her limbs. She couldn’t do more than twitch her fingers and toes -- but she could bare her teeth. “This is better. I will begin.”

  “As will I,” the owl agreed with a hoot. “Father Wolf and Mother Wolf have agreed. Let yourselves enjoy this, humans. Feel the Heat.”

  Shanda refused to close her eyes as the fog tightened around her sure as steel bands. Whatever they had in mind, she’d stare it down without showing any fear.

  “Now,” Bobcat growled.

  “Now,” Owl hooted.

  The mist sank into Shanda’s skin. At first it felt cold, an invasion of pure ice water in her veins, but then -- then --
/>   Her body tried to arch up. “Ahh!” she yelled, unable to stop herself. The ice had turned to fire flashing in sheets through her body. Her toes curled, her breasts strained upward, and her pussy began to throb with a deep-seated hunger. Moisture seeped out onto her thighs. The pleasure spiraled in her belly and cunt, sending her gasping and wanting -- hell, yeah, no matter how weird this was -- wanting -- no, craving -- more.

  Was it affecting Hunter the same way? Shanda struggled against her own body’s demands to try and listen to him.

  Oh. Oh. Oh. Now she was paying attention, Shanda could hear Hunter’s breathing. Rough, choppy, fast. A slight groan escaped him. She knew those noises. Had heard them when their fucking was at its most fast and furious.

  And he wasn’t complaining either.

  “So good,” Bobcat approved. Owl trilled his agreement. “They are both excellently ripe, Mark Spirit Talker. But a deeper look, still…”

  Ecstasy burst open in Shanda’s body. Almost too much to handle, her pussy throbbing and dilating for desperate need of a cock to fuck it, her mouth gaping for a thick prick to suck, her nipples hard enough to hurt.

  Visions or waking dreams filled Shanda’s mind. Herself in Mark’s arms, writhing against him like a cat in heat; Mark holding her tight in his hot, hot grasp. His cock disappearing into her slick channel and coming out shiny with her juices.

  Another picture: being alone with Hunter. They’d never taken the time to strip one another, but now she saw him naked. Oh, hell, if this was even close to reality Hunter had a better body than Shanda had guessed at. He stood tall and proud, his cock jutting out from his groin, swollen thick and dark with a shining tip. He looked like a warrior come home from battle, eager to take his reward… but saving himself for the one he loved. Her.

  He beckoned Shanda to him.

  She came, naked as well, generous breasts moving in rhythm with her steps. They met and held each other with a powerful hunger, Hunter’s lips on hers drawing her very soul up to join it with his own…

  Still another: Shanda caught between the two men. Naked, all naked. Sweat glistened on their skin, from Hunter’s cream shade to Mark’s bronze to her own dark chocolate brown. Mark had her from behind, his dick hard as steel and rubbing insistently at the crack of her ass. Hunter knelt before Shanda, his mouth buried in her pussy.

  Fuck, but Shanda could feel the two of them taking her over. Feel her own pride at bringing two such powerful men to the same temple of worship: her body. Knowing she had the power to make them beg.

  She gasped and blinked back to reality -- and stifled a yell of surprise as she saw two tawny eyes peering from the mist, directly into her eyes.

  Bobcat held Shanda’s stare for a moment, then turned away with a chuff of satisfaction. “I have done as you asked, Mark Spirit Talker,” he declared.

  “I, too,” Owl chimed in. “There is much hidden flame in this one. How he burned with carnal need as I read his heart! It would be a brave woman or man who took him on.”

  “I agree, Wise Spirits.” Mark’s face was downcast, but a faint smile lingered on his lips. “Have you reached a decision? Was what I did with Shanda and Hunter the right thing?”

  The rumble of Father Wolf spoke in reply. “They are dangerous, yes, but they are true. Set them on a course and they will not waver. Secrets do not spill from their lips. They are fierce, they are fighters, and they possess great might. Yes, Spirit Talker. These two are worthy of the Pack, and whatever you choose to tell them will be safe. But after we leave, I would take care, medicine man. The fire our touch ignited burns brightly. Guide them, show them the way, and -- as a gift -- feel the flame yourself.”

  Mark hissed, arching his neck.

  “Good,” Father Wolf approved. “We go now. You will owe us a favor, Mark Spirit Talker, for what we have given you.”

  “Whatever -- whatever you desire,” Mark said after a struggle for words. “I am yours to command.”

  More mirth still. “We chose wisely when we chose you as our link to the world,” Mother Wolf teased. “Now, we leave. Enjoy the feast we have provided!”

  With an audible pop, the smoky mist sucked itself back into the cracks and crevices it had poured from. The process took bare seconds and not even a wisp of fog got lost along the way.

  Shanda raised herself on her elbows and glared at him. “You feel like telling me what the hell that was all about?”

  “Start talking,” Hunter mumbled, but defiantly. Shanda almost sagged in relief as he pulled himself up on one hip. “I want answers.”

  “Easy, easy,” Mark soothed, returning his hand and stroking them both. Shanda arched into his touch and saw Hunter do the same. She could only guess he was feeling the same scorching wave of desire as she did. “I am free to tell you everything now. But first, we pay tribute to the Spirits.”

  Shanda licked her lips. “How?”

  Mark moved up to cup her jaw. “We can begin with this.”

  He kissed her, hard and fast, and Shanda -- Shanda felt herself explode…

  Chapter Seven

  Explosion. Oh, yeah, that was the only word Shanda could think of to describe what happened with her body when Mark’s lips touched her own. She flew apart with a great big bang, little pieces of her body and mind fluttering down around him like confetti.

  She couldn’t stand up against his overpowering might, and she didn’t want to.

  “More,” Shanda demanded, muffled against Mark’s mouth. Came out more like “mmphr.” Just in case he didn’t get the idea, she twined her arms tight around his strong back and ran her fingernails down the skin while she tugged him closer. The shattered pieces of herself were coming back together, and they wanted one thing: sex. Now.

  Looked like Mark had been able to interpret her, no problem. He let himself be yanked against Shanda’s body. She moaned as his stone hard erection pressed firmly against her pussy, once again dripping moisture. He rocked into Shanda, letting her feel the strength of his need.

  Shanda tilted her head back for a gasp, needing cool air. The atmosphere in the warehouse was chilly enough for a good clear gulp, but what she got down didn’t do her any good against the heat engulfing her bones, tingling with pins and needles in her arms and legs, inflaming her cunt until she could have cried.

  “Ride the wave,” Mark encouraged, thrusting against Shanda through her clothes. “This is the Heat of the Pack. You feel it through your tie.” He laughed. “No complaints now, are there?”

  “Still gonna bite you back,” Shanda threatened even as she gyrated back. The friction of his cock against her swollen labia felt so damn good, but not good enough. “Skin. I need skin.” She rubbed herself against Mark, the hardness of his muscles thrilling her.

  “I am already naked,” Mark murmured, proving it by tugging Shanda’s hand down to his cock and wrapping her fingers around the shaft. “Tell me, do you like what you feel?”

  “Oh, my God, yes.” Shanda squeezed his pulsing length and ran her fist from balls to tip. The thought of going down on her knees and swallowing him whole all but overpowered her. Pretty sure bet Mark would like it if she did, too.

  But no. Not yet. The Heat he’d spoken of churned like a thunderstorm deep inside; yet despite it all Shanda fought to regain her personal edge. She reached out to grasp her own power -- and found that deep resource waiting for her inside.

  With a hard shake of her head, Shanda felt self-control return. The lust still burned, absolutely, but she controlled that feeling, not the other way around.

  Now they were talking.

  Ride the Heat, he’d said? The way Shanda figured, that meant taking the reins and bending this whirlwind of lust to her own advantage. She could do exactly what she wanted. Just like she’d pictured when the Spirits were among them, Mark would do what she commanded now that she knew how to handle the reins.

  “Let go of me,” she barked, dropping his cock to press both palms flat against Mark’s chest. Her fingers wanted to linger so she coul
d admire the dark richness of her skin against his own, dark chocolate on sweet caramel.

  She had other things to take care of first.

  Mark nipped Shanda’s ear, a playful pup teasing, wanting to frolic. “Time for you later,” Shanda said, giving him her word. “Let me do this first.”

  “Promises to keep, then.” The Native bit down a little harder, licked a high patch of skin on Shanda’s neck, and released her from his grip. “Go.”

  Shanda willed herself to stand and take a couple of steps forward, exulting in her ability to walk tall and proud, no trembling. The Heat scorched her, but she had mastered that force of nature and bent it to her will.

  “Ah, but you are strong,” Mark murmured behind her, respectful as you please.

  Shanda ignored him -- for the time being. She turned all her attention to Hunter, still lying on the floor, propped up on his elbows. “Hunter.” The name rolled over her tongue, like the sounds had some magic of their own. “Hunter,” she tried again, testing this new sensation. More of the Heat, this time pouring out through her voice.

  She dragged that under her control, too, but used the force as she spoke her contact’s -- lover’s? -- name a third time. “Hunter,” she crooned. “Stand up.”

  The hand she held out to him was steady as a surgeon’s. Hard to tell what Hunter might be thinking. He’d been easy enough to read when Mark had well and truly pissed him off, but that mask he wore, cold and impassive, had slipped back into place. Only his eyes, alight with the same Heat she felt, told another story.

  Shanda drank in the sight of him with appreciation. Should have known Hunter would be tough enough to overcome the wild rush of animal lust that could have sent them both into a frenzy, rutting like beasts until they collapsed.

  All the same, she could smell him, her senses somehow sharper than before. Didn’t need to look at the tent in his sweatpants -- even though she did -- to tell he was hot, hard, and horny. All for her.

  “Stand up,” Shanda repeated, not budging an inch.

  “I’ll do it myself.” Hunter rolled over on his hip and then, with a burst of strength, curled his legs beneath himself and rose to his feet. Shanda all but glowed in appreciation of his strength, and from what she could tell by his grunt, Mark approved as well.


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