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Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

Page 12

by Bowman, Dara

  Chapter Seventeen


  I move to the side so the police can question Brittany and Dom. Brittany is yelling like a banshee, and the police are attempting to calm her down and explain to her that she needs to go home. Dom is talking about getting a security detail and explaining how Brittany was banging on the windows and acting like a stalker.

  Holy hell, how did I get myself into this mess?

  Today started out like a semi-normal day, but not only did I end up naked in bed with Dom, there also happened to be a crazy psycho spying on us through the windows the whole time.

  I have a tendency to lose my cool when I get jealous and my reaction to Brittany showed me just how deep my feelings are for Dom. And that scares the crap out of me.

  Not to mention, I’m also really pissed that Dom and I didn’t get to finish what we started.

  An officer is helping Brittany into her car and Dom is walking towards me.

  He pulls me to his chest, and murmurs in my arm.

  “I’m so sorry, Annie. You deserve so much better than this.”

  I give him a weak laugh. “Not the first time I’ve had to deal with relationship drama.” I say.

  Dom winces. “I’m sorry about that crazy chick.”

  “I’m sorry for how I reacted. Something just came over me when I saw her yelling and screaming like a lunatic.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. And I'm sorry I called you my man.”

  Christ I feel mortified, I place my head in my hands, what was I thinking?

  Dom pulls my hands apart and looks me in the eye. “I liked it, Annie. I want to be your man.”

  I blink several times. Did he just say what I think he said?

  “Why the hell did you think I brought you here? I promised you that I wasn’t just going to fuck you and ditch you.”

  “We didn’t get that far,” I try to tease.

  “I’m serious,” he says, his dark green eyes are clouding over, “It’s more than that.”

  I sigh, and hug him tighter. It feels so good to be close to him.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m starved from all our activities,” he smirks.

  I grin; I’m hungry too. I follow him to the car and we drive off.

  * * *

  We choose to eat dinner in a small restaurant nearby, and Dom is able to get us a seat in a room that isn’t being used. It's so nice to have privacy right now, something about our intimate time together earlier has us opening up to each other in a way we never have before.

  I tell Dom all about my childhood, about how my dad and mom had a lousy marriage, and how their relationship imploded once Daddy became successful. I tell him about my older brother Michael who left for college when I was sixteen, and has stayed away from the family since. I talk to Michael over the phone maybe twice a year, and it hurts like hell that I haven’t seen my big brother in eight years. None of us have. He went to college at Texas A&M, and hasn’t left the state since.

  Dom listens, and seems genuinely interested, as I talk about Daddy’s string of bimbo girlfriends, and my mother’s taste in rich, arrogant pricks. But I quickly explain that they both seem happy now with their respective mates - who are nothing like their usual types.

  I finally shut up, I can't believe that I've just bared my soul like that to Dom.

  “Thanks for sharing all that with me,” he says softly.

  “I don’t know what came over me. It’s like I couldn’t shut up.”

  “I like learning about you. It’s different.”

  “What’s different?”

  Dom shifts uncomfortably in his chair. “It’s different to actually learn about the woman I’m with.”

  Oh. That.

  “So,” I say after an uncomfortable silence, “I’ve talked your ear off but you haven’t told me much about you.”

  Now, Dom looks uncomfortable but I wait expectantly for him to share something.

  “It’s not all that exciting. I grew up afraid of my father, he's coward who felt like a man by asserting his power and hurting a boy and a woman. It took my mom a long time to get the courage to leave him. We got our own place when I was eleven.”

  Dom shrugs.

  “I started playing music back then to help me deal with it all.”

  I can tell Dom hasn’t opened up to many people, and he stops and starts a few times as he tries to explain how the music helped him cope with his childhood. He doesn’t particularly come out and say that music saved him, but I can tell that it did.

  We lose track of time and eventually shut the restaurant down.

  As we get in the car, part of me wants to go home with Dom, but it’s been a long day and it’s probably best that I don’t. He seems to pick up on my feelings.

  “There isn’t anything I want more than to take you back home with me now,” he starts as he gives me a sideways glance.

  I give him a weak smile.

  Dom nods. “It’s been a long day, I know.”

  “We open tomorrow,” I add, the realization suddenly twists my stomach into knots.

  A big grin spreads across Dom’s face. “I can’t fucking wait,” he says.

  The ride is over all too quickly, and I’m surprised to see my car parked out front of my building.

  “How did that get here?” I ask.

  Dom smiles, “I have my ways.”

  “It must pay to be Dom Dresden,” I say dryly.

  “Oh, it does.”

  The mood in the car becomes charged, and I want to kiss him before I get out. It feels like we’ve turned a corner in this love-hate relationship we seem to have. It feels like years have passed since Daddy was rushed to the hospital, but it was only twenty-four hours ago. So much has happened in that time.

  I lean over to kiss Dom, and his lips meet mine. The kiss is long and soft and brings a tingling warmth to my core. I finally break away, but not before giving Dom one last long look before I pull myself from the car.

  Elle is asleep and as I undress and get ready for bed, I wonder if I’ll even sleep at all tonight. I’m too keyed up from my afternoon with Dom, not to mention my nerves are a wreck at the thought of opening tomorrow.

  Sure enough, I toss and turn in bed all night, and manage to sleep for only a few fitful hours. After the sun has been up for at least an hour, I give up and kick off my covers. I stumble into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee. I’m going to need it today. The show doesn’t start until eight in the evening, so it’s going to be a long day.

  I take my coffee out on the balcony, and I replay my moments with Dom. I remember the way his lips felt on my skin, and when his lips touched my most intimate places. I blush as I remember how hard I had come for Dom, and how loudly I had cried his name.

  I’ve promised to go see my dad today, and I want to make sure he is doing all right before I start getting ready for the show. I rinse out my coffee mug and hop in the shower. An hour later, I’m cleaned up and ready to visit my dad. It’s nearly nine in the morning, so I figure it’s an acceptable time to go over. Elle is still asleep and I’m envious. I’m going to be exhausted today.

  My car sputters and limps over to my dad’s. I’m going to have to suck it up today and ask for a new car. Maybe I’ll be able to help pay for it with the money I’m making from going on tour with Diesel.

  “Annabelle!” Roxie says happily as she opens the door to me. She’s dressed in yoga pants and a tank top, God she looks good for her age. “Your father will be so happy to see you. He’s out on the back patio having breakfast. We have plenty of food so I hope you haven’t eaten.”

  My stomach growls. I forgot to eat breakfast. My head is definitely not in the right place.

  “Thanks Roxie.” I pause before heading back towards the patio. “How is he doing? Really?”

  She stops and turns towards me. “He’s only been home since last night but he seems to be doing ok. He's more easily winded than usual, but time will tell.” I
see the worry in her eyes and I reach out to squeeze her hand.

  “He’s lucky he has you. And it makes me happy to know you're here with him.”

  I can see that she's profoundly touched by my words.

  I walk out to the patio and see my dad sitting hunched over a plate of bread and fruit.

  “Annabelle,” he says happily when he sees me.

  He’s dressed perfectly, as always, in a crisp white shirt and well-pressed khakis. But I can see the circles under his eyes and for some reason he looks ten years older.

  “Daddy,” I say, as I lean in to kiss him on the cheek and take a seat.

  He motions for me to take some food, and I fill up a plate with toast, berries and yogurt.

  “This is quite a spread,” I remark.

  “Roxie’s good to me.”

  “You’re right, Daddy, she is. I’m sorry it took me so long to meet her.”

  My dad gives a little wave like it doesn’t matter.

  “I don’t like having to leave you now,” I complain.

  “Roxie will take good care of me.”

  “You better follow all of the doctor’s orders and take your medicine.”

  “Roxie will make sure of that, don’t worry.”

  We spend the morning together, and my dad is careful not to mention Dom. I wonder if Roxie told him about the tension between Dom and I at the hospital.

  “So, Daddy,” I begin, twisting my hands together. “I have to ask you for something.”

  “Anything,” he says happily.

  I roll my eyes. My dad is always way too eager to help me.

  “I think my car has reached the end of its lifespan,” I begin, but my dad cuts me off before I can continue.

  “Say no more,” he says cheerfully, “You know I’ve been wanting to buy you a new car for a while.”

  “I know, Daddy, but I don’t like accepting gifts from you.”

  “But you need a car, sweetheart.”

  “I can probably pay you back after the tour. I’m going to do really well.”

  “I won’t hear of it. Let me do this for you. Consider it a congratulations present for your new job.”

  “Well, I won’t need it until I come back.”

  My dad frowns. He obviously wants to buy me a car as soon as possible.

  “Well, how about you tell me what make and model you want, and I’ll go ahead and put in the order. It will be waiting for you when you come back.”

  I guess I could live with this. I’ve thought a lot about what I want, and I’m not going to get something obnoxious, even though my dad would love that.

  “Okay. I was looking at an Acura. I was thinking of the ZDX.”

  My dad gives me a hard stare. “Annabelle. Why not get a Mercedes or a BMW?”

  “Daddy,” I protest, “I don’t want something like that.”

  There’s a pause, and he finally concedes.

  “Alright, an Acura ZDX. What color?”

  “Black, please.”

  My dad scribbles the details down.

  “I’ll take care of it Monday morning.”

  “No rush, Daddy,” I laugh, “I’m going to be gone for three months.”

  Roxie comes out to join us and we spend the rest of the morning talking about the different stops on the tour.

  After LA, we go to Vegas and Phoenix, and then across the country to New York where we’ll work our way up and down the east coast, and then back across the country to the west coast.

  My dad begins to look tired, and I stand up to leave so that he can lay down.

  “No, don’t go,” he argues.

  “You look tired, Daddy. You should get some rest.”

  He grumbles but Roxie agrees with me.

  I kiss them both and tell them that I will be in touch while on the road. I give my dad a gentle hug and kiss him on the cheek.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you too, Annabelle, honey. Have fun on the tour. You deserve this kiddo.”

  I leave my dad’s house and head back to the apartment. It’s only about noon, but I need to start getting ready. My call is at five and I still haven’t started packing for our departure on Monday.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The afternoon passes in a dream-like blur and I wake up to find myself walking into the Honda Center through the backstage entrance. The place is buzzing and people are running around everywhere. My head swims from all the activity around me. I make my way to the dressing room that I share with Liz and Mel, and I hurriedly close the door behind me.

  “It’s a madhouse out there, isn’t it?” Liz asks knowingly.

  “It’s insane,” I agree.

  I take a shaky seat at the mirror and look at my makeup free skin. I have to be in Makeup in twenty minutes.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” Liz promises.

  I can only nod. I hope so. Mel shows up a few minutes later, and then the three of us are whisked away to the makeup room. I’ve had to wear stage makeup before, but nothing like this. I can hardly recognize myself when it's complete, I feel like a Cirque du Soleil performer.

  “Are you sure this isn’t too much?” I whisper to Liz.

  She laughs. “These stage lights will wash you out. Trust me. It’s perfect.”

  Although we're having our hair done by professionals tonight, we’ve been told that we won’t always have stylists to help us. We’ve been given a calendar with the days that we’re responsible for doing our own hair, so I better learn fast. As if learning the songs and choreography aren't enough.

  Before I know it, it’s seven o’clock and I’m getting dressed in the skimpy black costume dress. The opening act goes on at 7:30, which is the same time that the backup singers are due for warm ups. I have yet to see Dom, and I doubt I’ll see him before we’re on stage together.

  I go through the motions, and find myself getting into our places for the opening of the show.

  I feel physically sick and I suddenly worry that I might not be cut out for this.

  Maybe I can’t do this after all.

  Just when I think I’m going to need to run off the stage and be sick, I feel a warm arm snake around my waist.

  “Hey baby,” a familiar voice whispers in my ear.

  “Dom!” I exclaim, turning around to look at him. I don’t realize how much I actually missed him until he’s here next to me.

  He looks hot, dressed in all black with his hair wild and unruly.

  “Are you excited?” he murmurs, steering me away from the curious stares of Mel and Liz.

  “I’m nervous,” I squeak.

  “You’re going to do great,” he assures me.

  I nod, and before I have time to blink his lips are on mine and I feel all my worries melt away. I fold into his arms, and my body wraps around him. Whistles and catcalls from the band bring me back to the present, and I unwrap myself from Dom.

  “Oops,” I laugh, suddenly embarrassed.

  “You’re going to kick ass,” he promises.

  He smiles at me and then he’s gone. I watch him go down to the trap door where he’ll rise up from the floor to make his entrance.

  I hear the band start and the sound of the audience is deafening. I quickly take my place in front of my mic as the curtain is raised. The sea of screaming fans is unlike anything I can explain in words. Endless flashing lights, and deafening screams fill the arena as the band starts playing the first song.

  The fans are screaming like wild, chanting Dom’s name. Smoke fills the stage as Dom rises from the center on the platform, his arms are outstretched over his head and he's holding his mic, making the metal "M" symbol with both hands.

  The screams become even louder and then suddenly Dom’s voice is booming through the arena.

  “Hello LA!” he shouts. “Are you ready to roooock?”

  The fans answer him with roaring applause and more screaming.

  “Then let’s get this party started, show em how LA
does it!”

  And then he wails into the first song, his voice more beautiful and raw than I’ve ever heard it before. I’m singing too, but I feel like one of the swooning girls in the audience.

  From that point on, the show rushes by, and I have an out of body experience as I sing the song where I’m featured.

  Before I know it, the band is taking their curtain call, and Liz, Mel and I are waving as we head off stage. Diesel leaves the stage, but they aren’t finished yet. The crowd is going wild, begging and crying for them to return. Diesel makes them wait a full four minutes, and then they’re back out, performing one of their biggest hits, Undress You as an encore.

  Back in my dressing room, I still feel like I’m on Cloud Nine. The adrenaline rush is ridiculous, and as I change back into my street clothes, and start to take my makeup off, I’m still bouncing.

  Mel and Liz are chatting about the tour, and I don’t even pay attention to what they're saying, all I want is to see Dom again.

  I grab my bag and hurry back out into the crowded hallways in search of Dom. I can’t find him anywhere, and I stop one of the stagehands to ask if they know where the band went.

  “They’re doing a meet and a greet. They will be free in about an hour.”

  An hour? I feel all of the excitement whoosh out of me. I don’t want to wait around like some needy groupie. It’s not a big deal, I tell myself. I’ll see Dom again for tomorrow’s show.

  I make my way back out to my car, wondering if I should have stayed around. But I don’t want to turn into that girl, I need to be able to give him space.

  * * *

  I spend most of the next day sleeping because my exhaustion has finally caught up to me. I spend more time then I’d like to admit thinking about Dom, and I’m positive he’s not sitting around thinking about me this much. Ugh. I don’t like feeling this way. I’m getting too attached too fast.

  I show up for Sunday’s show, and look for Dom in vain. The band receives first class treatment, and no one can get near them. Once on stage, he gives me a quick wave but doesn’t come over to kiss me again. I know I shouldn’t be hurt, but I am. The chemistry between us is hot as ever on stage, but I find myself wondering if it’s just an act; just part of Dom’s onstage persona.


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