Book Read Free

Doing the Right Thing

Page 10

by Barbara Elsborg

  Lisa wavered, then gave way. “Five minutes.”

  The light was on in Addie’s room. She was asleep on top of her bed, wearing those shorts. Will swallowed. Her legs were so long. Then his eyes settled on the bruises and the scrapes on her thigh. He could have killed her. He’d hurt her yesterday when he pretended he didn’t know her, and he almost killed her this morning. He wanted to hug her and tell her he was sorry, but he didn’t want her to wake, so instead he pulled the duvet around her.

  All this was his fault. He made her clumsy. How could he have even thought she was pregnant? She’d thrown up because she’d been concussed and it was his fault. She’d probably been trying to hide because every time he saw her, he shouted at her. The only reason he shouted was because if he didn’t, he’d have pulled her into his arms and kissed her. But Ed was right. He had picked on her. He had no idea what it was about Addie that made him behave in such a churlish way. Will swallowed. Yeah, he did. He liked her. More than liked her. So why was he scared?

  Chapter Eleven

  Addie stood waiting in the pub car park in Meanwood when Fred pulled up in the coach. She ached. She’d fallen asleep early last night and slept through without waking, which was unusual. The bruises on her legs looked horrible and more marks had emerged overnight. The lump on her head had gone down, although it was tender when she touched it. At least the headache had vanished.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” Fred called as the door hissed open.

  “Morning, handsome,” Addie called back.

  “Someone set fire to your hair?”

  “Thanks, Fred.”

  Addie yawned. She wasn’t looking forward to carting forty-five senior citizens on a trip to the seaside, but it was better than being stuck in the office all day with Will and Genghis taking it in turns to glare at her.

  “Got your ear plugs?” Fred asked.

  Addie smiled. “Keep any requests to yourself.”

  The MADS liked to sing on the journey and for some reason, probably to torture her, they always wanted Addie on the coach.

  Addie stood at the foot of the coach steps as several couples approached. She greeted most of them by name, ticking them off her list.

  “Good morning, Mary, Geoff. Forecast is for blazing sunshine and no wind. Got your suntan lotion?”

  The couple smiled. They were wrapped in thick coats with matching woolly hats and sheepskin mittens.

  “Morning, Gordon. Remembered your sandwiches? I’ve brought peanut butter and marmalade if you want to share.”

  “I’ll share anything with you, Addie. You can have some of my tongue. It’s ox. Lovely and thick.”

  Addie laughed and stepped on board. “Please move down the coach and take your seats, ladies and gentlemen. We won’t be moving until you’re all sitting down and have your belts fastened.”

  “My belt’s already loose,” Stan said as he passed her, tugging at the waist of his trousers.

  “Stop making me excited.” Addie fanned her face with her clipboard.

  They were like puppies, she thought as every passenger stopped to chat at each seat they passed. Fred kept glancing at his watch. He was worse than Genghis for running things on time.

  “Just ask the nearest good-looking man to help, if you have any problems,” Addie called. “Sit down, Gordon. I said a good-looking man.”

  There was a roar of laugher. Several minutes later there were still people standing, Fred was gnawing the steering wheel, but everyone was on board. Addie switched on her microphone.

  “Right, welcome everyone. I’d like to say a few words about the company you’re traveling with today. We’re now part of the magnificent, marvellous, magical Magelan Empire.” The alliteration was greeted by a chorus of boos. “It’s similar to the British Empire, but bigger.” Cheers. “According to the three well-dressed men in Armani suits who descended the day before yesterday, disappointingly not on camels and with no gifts at all,” boo, “we’re to be massaged, squeezed and pummelled into a more streamlined shape.”

  “I could have done that for you,” Gordon shouted.

  “You put your back out last time,” Addie shot back. “One of the changes Magelan’s have introduced, in accordance with their target of an impossible one hundred and ten percent punctuality, is to issue each coach with a special piece of equipment. This is to be used to help any slow passenger locate their behind on the seat they’ve paid for. I have in my hand, a fully-charged cattle prod and I’ve been trained to use it.” There was another loud ripple of amusement.

  “Everyone wearing their belt?”

  “Come and check,” Gordon yelled back.

  “I’m dying to try out this cattle prod. I just need a little thing to attach it to. Sure you want me to walk up there?”

  “No little things up here, love.”

  Fred set off and Addie twisted round to kneel on the seat.

  “Right. Now we’re underway, good morning everyone.”

  “Good morning, Addie,” they all called back.

  “Magelan’s would like to welcome you all on this day trip to Bournemouth.”

  The chattering ceased.

  “Oh no, sorry, that was yesterday. Today we’re off to Robin Hood’s Bay. There’ll be some great views on the way of the Yorkshire Moors. Well, there would be if the sun was out, but since that only happens three times a year we may not be lucky.”

  “I bet the prices are going to go up now,” Doreen Wilberforce said.

  Suspecting she hadn’t paid for this trip, Addie thought she had a nerve.

  “Booth’s have always given value for money, and although our name has changed, our excellent service won’t,” Addie said.

  “So what will change?” a male voice called from the rear. Addie didn’t see who it was.

  “I’m hoping for smarter coaches with reclining beds, gourmet meals, wine and on-board masseurs,” she said.

  “How soon?” Gordon asked.

  “That’s just for me,” Addie called back. “And sit down, Gordon, or I’ll make Fred stop.”

  He was worse than a child. They’d only gone a couple of miles and he was on his feet already.

  “Can we have a singsong?” asked Rita, Stan’s diminutive wife.

  Addie groaned. The singing drove her nuts.

  “We’ll vote,” Addie said. “All those in favour of spoiling my day and frightening every animal within a ten-mile radius, hands up.” Yes, that would be everyone, Addie thought.

  “Those against?” She put up her own arm as always, but this time saw one arm raised at the back, too. She couldn’t see the face it belonged to.

  “Outnumbered again. Rita, they’re all yours.”

  Addie twisted round, slumped in her seat and switched off her microphone. As Rita launched energetically into “Oklahoma”, Addie opened her book.

  Will moved down the coach seat by seat, crouching in the aisle to speak to the passengers, asking them their opinion of Booth’s, whether they’d heard of Magelan’s, why they chose one firm over another. He already knew most of those on board were regulars, people who booked several times a year, both day trips and short breaks. Nearly all were keen to tell him how much they loved Addie, that she made the journey almost as much fun as the destination. From the moment he’d seen her step onto the coach, Will could hardly believe she was the same person.

  When Will dropped into the seat beside her, Addie felt as though she’d been tossed onto a hotplate.

  “I have a lot of apologizing to do,” Will said.

  “Fasten your seatbelt.” She wanted to bite off her tongue.

  “I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that cattle prod.” He smiled. “And I haven’t got a little thing you can attach it to.”

  Addie grew even hotter. He shifted in his seat as he reached for his belt and his thigh brushed hers. A flicker of lust licked between her legs and her nipples tightened.

  “First of all, I’m so sorry for knocking you down yesterday. I’m appalled by what h
appened. I knew I’d hit something, but I thought it was the curb.”

  “It was dark,” she mumbled.

  “How’s your head, the cut on your leg?”

  Addie’s eyes shot to his. “How did you know about my leg?”

  Will looked confused. “Didn’t Lisa tell you?”


  “I came round to your place last night. I saw—”

  “You were in my room?” Addie’s throat closed up.

  “I was worried, Addie. I’d knocked you out. You should have been in hospital. You might have a fractured skull.”

  His leg touched hers again and she caught her breath. It crossed her mind that the leg nudge had been deliberate. “How long did you stay?”

  “I left at four. I fell asleep,” Will said.

  Addie thought she’d have to kill Lisa now as well. At this rate she’d have enough experience to get a job as a hit-woman with the Russian Mafia.

  “So, are you okay?” Will asked.

  “Do you think the double vision will go soon?”

  He looked so mortified, she laughed.

  “That wasn’t funny. I could have killed you.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. I was wearing a dark coat and trying to hide.”


  “It’s the only winter coat I have.”

  Will frowned. “Try again.”

  Addie wriggled in discomfort. “I didn’t want you to see me.”

  “Why?” he repeated.

  “Because I don’t like it when you shout at me and don’t listen.” And because I fancy you so much you make my heart do weird things in my chest.

  Will turned to face her. “I’m a good listener. I’ve never been accused of not listening. Talk to me and I’ll listen now.”

  “I didn’t send out those invoices. I wasn’t sure they were legal if we’d been taken over. I was going to ask before I took them to the post. I didn’t change the press release. I gave it to someone else. As for Mrs Wilberforce,” Addie lowered her voice, “she wanted to stop on the hard shoulder of the motorway. She makes up reasons to complain and sometimes gets a free trip. Genghis knows what she’s like.” Addie saw from his eyes that he believed her.

  “Who set you up?” Will asked.

  She shrugged. “It only matters that it wasn’t me.”

  “I’m really sorry. Usually I don’t make judgments without hearing all the facts.”

  “What happened this time?”

  “You, Addie. You happened this time.”

  Addie could feel him looking at her, but she couldn’t move her gaze to his.

  “You were so desperate not to let me see you on Monday morning, I was angry,” Will said, “so I pretended we hadn’t met and that was wrong.”

  “I thought the three of you were laughing at me.”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t tell Ed and Jack anything. Ed guessed where I spent Saturday night when he saw you hiding in the cupboard. I didn’t tell him what you’d asked me to do. Can we be friends?” Addie gave a little smile.

  “No more ideas about resigning?”

  It was a minor miracle she kept the smile in place. All that concerned him was not looking bad. She was still leaving.

  “Do they sing all the way there?” Will whispered.

  “And most of the way back.”

  Will groaned. Addie risked a glance. He’d closed his eyes. A lock of his hair had fallen over his forehead and her fingers itched to push it back. His hair was dark, but there were strands of grey at his temples.

  “What are you looking at?” He hadn’t opened his eyes.

  “Grey hair.”

  “I didn’t have any until I met you. And the suits weren’t Armani, by the way, but this sweater is.”

  “It’s very nice,” Addie said, wishing she was wearing something other than cheap jeans and her old fleece with the large brown moose on the back. Where was a fairy godmother waving a magic wand when you needed one?

  “How did your Sunday lunch go?” Will turned to look at her.

  “Couldn’t have been better. My niece came downstairs with her hair wrapped around toffees and it was my fault. I gave my mother flowers that reminded her of my father’s wreath. My clothes were disgraceful and I was blamed entirely for the fact that you dumped me. You retained your sainthood because you proved my mother right— you were far too good for me. She’s particularly pissed off because her Christmas letter has to be rewritten to ensure every one of her friends and relations know her pathetic daughter is still single and desperate.” God, cut out my tongue, Addie thought in horror.

  “You’re just wishing you hadn’t told me that,” Will said with a smile.

  “Had I known you were a mind-reader, I’d have asked Ed.”

  His face fell. “You don’t mean it.”

  “Stop reading my mind,” Addie whispered.

  “I told you that you should have dumped me.”

  “And I told you that would never have worked. I don’t know why I bothered inventing Noah in the first place. I’m back where I started. I’m sorry I asked you to do it.”

  “You’re the first woman to regret spending the night with me,” Will said in her ear.

  Addie squirmed on her seat. Well, that wasn’t a surprise, and she hadn’t regretted spending the night with him, only wished she’d been brave enough to reach across the bed.

  “I can’t tell you how upset that makes me and how desperate I am to put things right.”

  Bloody hell. How come he only had to talk to her to make her panties damp?

  “Do you want me to move?” Will muttered when she didn’t say anything.

  She shook her head. Despite the fact that her body burned from being so close to him, she was in heaven not hell. If any part of him touched her, she’d spontaneously combust, but she’d go happy.

  “What are you doing on the trip anyway?” she asked.

  “Research, plus I wasn’t sure you’d be able to make it after yesterday.”

  Addie’s slender hope that he might have come because he wanted to be with her, dissolved into nothing.

  “Be back no later than three thirty,” Addie repeated as everyone climbed off the coach. “If you miss the bus, we’ll pick you up next month.”

  “She’s bossy, that one,” Gordon told Will as he got off.

  “You know how much you like to be dominated, Gordon.” Addie winked at him. “Make sure you buy me a stick of rock in case I need to smack you round the head on the way back.”

  “I’ll buy the biggest I can find.”

  “In that case, I know just where to put it.”

  Gordon laughed. Out of the corner of her eye, Addie could see Will listening. Fred locked up and followed the straggling line of passengers toward the steep hill which dropped down through the village to the sea. Will stood there in his dark jeans and Armani sweater, tall, dark and shivering. Addie slung her backpack over her shoulder.

  “Three thirty?” he repeated in dismay.

  “It’s a day trip. They’d feel a bit short-changed if I’d said—oh look, there’s the sea, we’ll be heading back now.”

  Addie hesitated and then set off after the others.

  “Hey,” he called.

  She turned. He looked like a lost little boy, standing there with his hands pushed deep into his pockets, the wind blowing his hair.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “For a walk.”

  “Can I come?”

  “If you want.” Did she sound as though she didn’t care one way or the other? If she did, it was a miracle.

  By the time they reached the edge of the car park Addie could see the tan leaching from his face. She took a bright yellow waterproof jacket out of her backpack. “Here, put this on.”

  “Don’t you want it?”

  “I had the sense to wear a fleece.”

  “But not enough sense to avoid buying one featuring a large moose.”

  “If you’re going to be rude abo
ut my fleece, I’ll have the jacket back.”

  “And what a lovely moose it is too,” Will said.

  Addie smiled.

  “Do you have enough peanut butter and marmalade sandwiches for me?” he asked.

  “No, but there’s a fish and chip shop.”

  “Great.” Will smiled. “So what’s the history of this place?”

  “Smuggling centre in the eighteenth century. The locals could pass contraband from one end of the village to the other without it leaving the houses because there are so many secret ginnels and bolt holes.”

  “What’s a ginnel?”

  “A narrow passageway. You’ll see when we get further down. This village is a maze of cobblestone streets and alleys. The women used to pour boiling water onto the heads of the customs men as they went past. The place is awash with art galleries, antique shops, book shops and little cafes.” Damn, she’d turned into a talking guide book.

  On their way down the hill, they overtook most of the coach passengers. The smell of the sea grew stronger. Addie took a deep breath of the cold, salty air.

  Will was entranced by the village of red-roofed cottages that clung to the cliffs as the road dropped to the sea. Vee would have hated this place. She’d have whined and moaned before they were halfway down the hill. In fact, she wouldn’t have got off the coach. Actually, she’d never have got on the coach. But Addie looked at home here. Her face, devoid of make-up, had a healthy glow. Her haircut and the new colour suited her. Even in that stupid fleece she looked sexy. Maybe they could find a secluded, sheltered spot and he could check out what lay underneath. Or even better, a local hotel. Will’s heart jumped. He was her boss. This wasn’t appropriate.

  They reached the bottom of the hill and Will gawped.

  “Good, the tide’s out,” Addie said.

  The place would have looked a damn sight better if the tide had been in. Instead of the golden beach he expected, ahead of them lay craggy stretches of ugly black scars, dotted with pools left by the retreating sea. All his recent holidays had been spent on white sandy beaches washed by warm turquoise water. Robin Hood’s Bay looked as grim and menacing as an alien planet.


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