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The Billionaire From Boston: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 11)

Page 17

by Simply BWWM

  “I’d like to see Mr. Kinkade,” I stated politely.

  “Um,” the receptionist fumbled through her appointment book on the computer, “I’m sorry, which one did you say?”

  I forgot Edward worked here with his father. “Edward Kinkade. He doesn’t know I’m here, but if you just tell him Nevaeh is here to see him.”

  “Okay, I’ll try, but Mr. Kinkade is very busy today. I’m not sure he will have time.”

  “He will,” I said taking a seat in the reception area. I hoped he would. Either way, I can say I tried, whether he gave me the time of day or not and that was good enough for my conscience.

  Five minutes later, I was being ushered to Edward’s office by a very beautiful receptionist. Her skin was just a shade darker than mine. Her hair was completely natural and short—cropped to her head. I considered how I would look if I did the same.

  I tried to distract myself, wondering how much time I would save over a lifetime by not straightening my hair every morning. Sleep was becoming more and more vital as the weeks went on. Not being full African American though, I didn’t think my hair would make such nice ringlets as hers.

  As she opened the double mahogany doors and left me standing before Edwards’s expansive office, I was hit by a smell so foul, it took all I had not to cover my mouth. The room was large with a sitting area to the left overlooking a glass wall with a view of the city. To the right was a small, private conference area with six chairs. In the middle was Edward sitting at his expansive desk, wide-eyed with surprise to see me.

  In front of him was some kind of food, it was hard to tell what, with the wrappings in the way. That must have been where the smell was coming from. It was a fishy smell that in ordinary circumstances could have quite possibly been normal, even good, but currently it was doing all kinds of not good things to my stomach.

  “So, which Nevaeh do I have the pleasure of speaking to today?” Edward asked, leaning back in his chair. He looked powerful, intimidating even, behind that desk. This may have been his father’s career, but it was obvious he was made for this life.

  “What?” I asked confused. The smell was really starting to get to me. I would have to do this quick.

  “Every time I see you, you are amazingly sexy, hot, fun-loving one minute and then in a split second you turn into a completely different woman. So, I figure I ought to ask which one are you now. To prepare myself.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I wasn’t the one who was saying I was one person and then acting a completely different way. I was about to say something to that effect when I heard a giggle from a chair to my left. I looked over to find a lean blonde watching the encounter with interest.

  Before I could say anything, Edward nudged his head motioning to the lady. “My sister.”

  “Oh.” It was all I could think to say.

  She got up and shook my hand. “Rebecca,” she stated simply then walked over and stole a French fry from Edward’s desk. He gave her an irritated look.

  “Hi, um, I’m…”

  “I know who you are. Edward’s told me all about you. I’m just excited I could be here this time for another reunion. My life has been a bore lately, I could use the entertainment.” She perched herself on the edge of Edward’s desk ignoring the glare from him. She was dressed casually in jeans and a baby blue knit top. They matched her eyes.

  Seeing them next to each other, I could see the relationship. They both had the same dark blond hair, though hers obviously had highlights, with its natural wave to it. They shared the same square jaw and long angular nose. I determined it was more flattering on him, though she wasn’t entirely without beauty.

  Edward pushed his sister off his desk. “There are chairs everywhere,” he stated irritably. Rebecca reached over for another fry, but he pulled his food away. “Get your own lunch!” She stuck her tongue out at him and sulked back to a chair from the conference area and idly rotated back and forth in it.

  “Look,” I said, “I kinda need to tell you something important, um, privately.”

  “Well, you’ll have to do it quick. I have a meeting in ten with a snotty little rich girl looking for a prenup with her tool of a fiancé.”

  Rebecca wiggled her fingers at me and with a proud smile mouthed that it was her. Despite Edward’s sentiments, I congratulated her. She flashed a big excited smile at me, “I like you already.”

  I needed to get it over with. The fish smell was really getting to me now. I was having a hard time not throwing up. Edward was obviously not going to let me do this thing without his sister there.

  “Fine, I just came to tell you…” Uh oh. “I just wanted you to know…” Oh, I’m not going to make it. “What are you eating?” I couldn’t help it, I had to cover my nose.

  “Just some fish and chips,” Edward said, confused.

  “Well can we open a window or something?”

  “Uh, we’re forty-six stories up; these windows don’t open.”

  “Fine, whatever!” I sucked in a big breath of air gathering my strength. It was a bad idea. I ran to the trash can in the corner of the room by the conference table and emptied the contents of my stomach. I looked up to find Edward’s worried eyes boring into mine. His hand was on my back, rubbing it gently.

  I could see Rebecca’s shocked expression behind him. Well, she asked for entertainment and I delivered.

  I leaned back against the cool marble wall. “Hey, you okay, Vay?” He was gingerly pushing my hair back away from my face.

  “No, I’m not. I’m pregnant.”

  Chapter Five

  I promised Julia I would meet her for lunch and tell her all about my encounter with Edward. When I got to Tulio’s, she was already there waiting for me. Luckily we hadn’t decided to go to our normal sushi joint. If I never smelled fish again, it would be too soon.

  “Tell me everything!” she said before I even sat down. “Jeez, you look a little green in the gills. What happened?”

  “Don’t mention gills.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  “No, not at all actually. After I barfed in front of him and his sister, things went a lot smoother.”

  “You barfed?”

  “Yeah, but in my defense he had some kind of fish and chips he was eating, the smell was awful!”

  “And so it begins,” she said with a smirk. “You’re not going to barf on me now? I know when my sister was pregnant, she was barfing all the time.”

  “No, I’m fine now. Just don’t order any seafood.”

  “So…” she prodded.

  “Well, he was surprised, obviously. I guess shocked, since we used protection, kinda.”


  “Well condoms only work if you use them every time, not just the first.”

  “Whoo whee, slut!”

  “Shut up!” I nudged her jokingly.

  “Well, what else happened?”

  “He, um, proposed.”

  “WHAT?” She said that a bit too loud and we got some looks from the tables around us. “I mean, what? How does that work with the girlfriend?”

  “He said they had broken up a week before our, um, encounter. Just hadn’t updated the social media.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “I guess, I mean his sister was there and she said he was telling the truth.”

  She eyed me skeptically.

  “I can believe her ‘cause he told me before that his family wouldn’t be all too happy with him marrying a commoner,” I said jokingly.

  “Well whose parents would be?” she responded with a royal attitude.

  “Anyway,” I said rolling my eyes, “she would have no reason to concur with his story if it was a lie. I doubt she was all too happy with him proposing right there and then. Then again, I’m not sure,” I said as an afterthought. “They seem like they are really close but at the same time she was kinda excited that he was asking someone to marry him that their parents wouldn’t be too keen on.”

it’s called siblings.”

  “You would know better than me.”

  “So, what did you say?”

  “No, of course!”

  “Of course? Nevaeh, why on earth would you say no?”

  “It’s not what I wanted when I went to tell him. I don’t want him thinking I’m looking for a paycheck from him, a hand-out, or whatever.”

  “What do you want, then?”

  “Ugh, I don’t know.” I put my head in my hands and gave a long sigh. “I guess I just felt like I should tell him. Give him a chance to be a part of this kid’s life if he wants. I didn’t think he would do that.”

  “So that’s it? You just said no and left it at that?”

  “Of course not. He pushed and pushed until I agreed to meet him for dinner at his place tonight. I guess to talk things over more.”

  “Oooh, his place, huh?”


  “You going to try to work it out between you two? Freaking hot billionaire wants to marry you and be your baby’s daddy, why the freak wouldn’t you at least try again?”

  “I don’t care about the money. Honestly, I wish he wasn’t rich, I know it’s just going to cause problems with his family. When they find out I’m pregnant with his baby and not a freaking Rockefeller, I don’t even want to think about that encounter. I just don’t know how much I can trust him. What if he’s still just using me for kicks?”

  “ ’Cause you have deeper feelings for him,” she said, not really asking.


  “Hey, you know I love you, you’re like a second sister to me. I would never steer you in the wrong direction, if I thought it was going to get you hurt. I think you should give it a try.”

  I mulled her words over for a minute, took a deep breath and mentally agreed with them. “Wait, you won’t steer me in the wrong direction only if it will get me hurt?” I said jokingly.

  “Yeah, if it gets you awesome sex with a hot guy who wants to marry you and give your baby an amazing life, then I would totally steer you in the wrong direction.” She gave me a wink.

  “I don’t know why I’m trusting your moral compass, anyway. You would do just about anything to bang a hot guy.”

  “This is true,” she said matter-of-factly. We both giggled at this. “Be careful though, tonight. My sister said when she was pregnant she was a horn-dog. I don’t want you jumping his bones before you decide what you want to do.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement.”


  I entered the code that Edward told me. I was taken straight up to his penthouse apartment on the top floor. The doors opened up to his foyer. I hadn’t noticed much the last time I was here, but I took the opportunity to take in his place. If I had been expecting a bachelor pad, I was grossly mistaken. It was decorated in a very clean, modern style. Light, soft colors with bold abstracts on his wall. Most of the furniture was rich mahogany and dark shades of grey.

  I found Edward around the corner in the kitchen. He was just letting a bottle of wine air out when he noticed me. His kitchen was top-of-the-line. It looked like a professional chef’s home. As someone who loved to cook and bake for a hobby, I was a little jealous.

  “Just in time. I just finished dinner and was about to pour a glass. You okay with red?”

  “Uh, I can’t. Pregnant, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He paused for a moment, “it will take some getting used to.” He put the cork back in the bottle and was about to put it back in the fridge.

  “Well, I don’t mean you don’t have to, or anything.”

  “No, no it’s fine. If you can’t drink, then I can’t either. We’re in this together, okay?”

  I had a feeling he was asking me more than just about the wine. “Okay.”

  He satisfied me with a dazzling grin. “Okay, then. I just set dinner on the table, I’ll get us some sparkling water if you’re okay with that, and I’ll meet you in the dining room.”

  “Yeah, that’s good. Which way?”

  He pointed me in the right direction. A large mahogany table was set with two places and some long candles. Cheesy, but also cute. Only a bowl was placed at each setting. I sat to the one left of the head of the table. It just seemed fitting that he should sit at the head. He came in with our waters just as I noticed what was in the bowls.

  “Um, is this mac and cheese?”

  “Yeah,” he said apologetically, “it’s all I can make. Top quality though, blue box and all.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at this.

  “Is it that bad?” he asked.

  “No not at all, it’s just if you don’t cook, why do you have such an amazing kitchen? And why did you insist on me coming over to your place? We could have gone out or I could have cooked.”

  “Well, the kitchen came with the place, and I didn’t want to invite myself over and make you cook for me. Especially since you were sick earlier.”

  “It was the fish, I’m fine now.”

  “You don’t like fish anymore, then?”

  “No I still love it, or did. At the moment, the thought of it makes me sick.”

  “Okay, then we won’t bring it up again.”

  He thought for a moment then gave me a shy smile, biting his lip. It was freaking hot. I don’t know if it was the horn-dog stage like Julia had told me, but I had been charged since seeing him. And a look like that could melt me on the spot.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’m sorry, I just never thought I would see you in this apartment again, I didn’t think I was going to see you ever again after last time. You look good in here.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t get too excited. I haven’t made my mind up about, you know, that, yet.”

  “That’s fine, take your time. We can talk it all over while we eat,” he added the last part and picked up his fork to eat. I did the same. “Bon appetit.” We clicked forkfuls of mac and cheese.

  I don’t think I had eaten this stuff since I was ten. Maybe it was because I hadn’t kept much down all day and was starving, but it was really good. I scarfed my whole bowl down in the time it took Edward to eat half of his.

  “What?” I said to his surprised face, “I was hungry. Don’t judge me.”

  “I’m not, I just have never seen you eat like that.”

  “Eating for two now, so it must make me twice as fast.”

  “I guess so.”

  Chapter Six

  After dinner, Edward gave me a tour of the rest of the place. He had a theater-style entertainment room, library, and complete gym.

  “This is the second guest bedroom,” he said opening the door to another large and beautifully furnished room. “I figured this would be the baby’s room since it’s the closest to ours.”

  “Our room? Who says I want to sleep in the same room as you?”

  He gave me a cocky grin and sauntered over to me, pinning me against the wall. I could feel him hard against my waist. Oh, I remember that little friend, or should I say, big friend. He was running his lips along my jawline. Tickling sensations from his beard were running up and down my body. He arched his hips and pushed ever so slightly between my legs, and I gave out a little moan of pleasure.

  “You may act like you don’t care, but I know you want me as much as I want you.”

  He grabbed my legs and hitched them up around him. Putting both hands on my behind, he pulled me in closer, hard against him. I was going to let out another moan of ecstasy but before I could, he covered my mouth with his. I dug my fingers into his soft hair as he possessed me, ravished me. I didn’t even notice he had been walking us into his room until he set me down on the bed.

  He pulled off my clothes in a few efficient seconds and I was wearing nothing but my panties. He stood before me as I lay almost completely naked on his bed. Never taking his dark chocolate eyes off of mine, he first removed his shirt, showing off his exquisite physique. Next, he undid his pants and slowly took them off. I could see his manhood waiting to
burst out behind his boxer briefs.

  My mouth watered in anticipation. He, slowly pulled down his boxer briefs, his manhood springing out all at once. I couldn’t help but break our eye concentration to look at him. My body did flip flops, imagining him large and full inside of me. I looked up to see that cocky grin back on his face.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, crawling back on top of me. Before I could answer, he wrapped my legs back around him and pressed himself hard against my thin lace panties. He kissed up and down my neck as he began to rub back and forth, up and down, against me.

  I gripped his hair hard and moaned his name as he twirled one of my nipples between his lips, never stopping his gyrating motion. I could feel myself rising. I wasn’t sure if it was the horn-dog hormones or just because he had such sex-pertise, but I wasn’t even going to get fully naked before I had my release. It came all at once, I couldn’t help but arch my back and tug hard on his hair in pleasure. When I was done, he looked up to me.

  “That was easy,” he said with his cocky grin.

  “Shut up! This pregnancy makes me way horny and you only make it worse.”

  “Oh, baby, I think I am going to have some fun with this, then.”

  He sat up and removed the last of my clothing. Looking deep into my eyes he sunk slowly into me. It was agonizingly amazing. I think he had meant to keep up his slow pace, but was getting just as lost as I was in our pleasure. I pulled on his hips to encourage him deeper. He responded by thrusting faster and faster. It was becoming more than I could bear again. I was arching my back, not knowing if I could have such a mind-blowing orgasm again. He again took my nipple between his teeth, rolling it with his tongue, softly nibbling. It was all I could do not to scream out when my release finally came. Edward wasn’t far behind me. When he finished, he was ragged of breath and body.

  He rolled over to his side, cradling me in his arms. I could feel his heartbeat slowing back to normal pace. He nuzzled my neck as I ran my fingers along his back, sending gooseflesh in their wake.


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