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Page 17

by R. L. Kenderson

  Nate was the reason Jordan hadn’t gone home after work. Nate was the reason Jordan had been drinking before driving his car. Nate was the reason Jordan had died, and Piper had lost her husband.

  He never wanted to feel like that again.

  And, now, as he was lying in bed, that day was playing over and over in his head.

  Kicking back the covers, Nate got out of bed. He put on sweats and a T-shirt and grabbed his phone before going downstairs in the dark.

  He snagged his keys off the counter, slipped on the nearest shoes, and headed for his car.

  When he got to his destination, he used his key to open the door. He dropped his stuff at the door and walked down the hall.

  Once in the bedroom, he stripped to his boxers, got into bed, and put his arm around Piper.

  She rolled over. “Nate?”

  “Shh…go back to sleep.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  He pulled her to his chest. “It is now.” He kissed her on the forehead, breathing in her scent and absorbing her warmth. “It is now.”

  Piper rested her head on him, and soon, her breathing deepened.

  It took Nate a little longer, but eventually, slumber overtook him. As he fell asleep, he swore, he saw Jordan give him a thumbs-up. It only lasted a second, and then his friend was gone. Nate thankfully didn’t dream again that night.

  The next morning, Piper woke to Nate kissing her. She briefly recalled him sneaking into her room and slipping into bed with her in the middle of the night. Something must have been bothering him because he had never done that before.

  The day before, they’d gotten a little bit of time alone, and Nate had told her about what his stepmom had said to him on Friday night when Piper was in the restroom and how he’d invited his dad to watch the game with him. But something told her this wasn’t why Nate had come to her.

  Last night, he had pulled her into his arms, and they’d both fallen asleep. But, now, Nate’s hands were touching her all over. He caressed the back of her leg, her hips, her belly, and her breasts. His movements were slow and tender, yet there was an urgency behind them.

  She instinctively knew that he needed her, and she wanted him to know that she was there for him.

  She ran her hands over his head and down his back, and when she was ready for him, she cupped his ass and nudged him toward her.

  She opened her legs, and he pushed inside her. She bit her lip to hold back her moan. She still had guests in her house, and she didn’t want to wake them.

  Nate put his arms around her and one hand into her hair. As he drove inside, he watched her. His face was serious and intent, and his crystal-blue eyes flared with heat.

  She brought her thighs up to his hips, encouraging him in further. He groaned as he sank in to the hilt. His thrusts increased in speed and intensity, and she clutched at his back.

  It was as if the both of them needed him to go as deep as he could.

  Nate’s expression changed, and she knew he was close. Watching him like that, it was intimate, and her orgasm exploded out of nowhere. She hadn’t even realized she was close.

  Nate took her mouth again to stifle her cries, and she wrapped her legs around him, wanting him inside her when he came. Her climax gave way to his, and she felt his cock jerking inside her.

  A warmth spread through her upon his release, and she was vaguely aware that it wasn’t from her this time. But it didn’t matter at that instant. She didn’t want the moment to end.

  But it had to end. It was Monday morning, and before she was ready, Nate slowly slipped himself from her arms. They both needed to go to work, and he needed to leave before her mom and Don awoke.

  He kissed her good-bye and promised to call later. She watched him dress and leave as silently as he’d arrived.

  It was only after she got out of bed and into the shower did she realize what she had felt when they made love. Nate had left a bit of himself behind in her.

  She needed to talk to Nate about being more careful.

  When it came to pregnancy, she wasn’t worried. Her periods had always been predictable, and she’d just had her period the weekend Nate was out of town. Besides, she and Jordan had been having unprotected sex for years without any pregnancies.

  Piper was more worried about Nate and his numerous partners. She had been checked at her yearly gynecology appointment at the urging of her doctor. And she knew Nate took care of himself and got tested regularly, but she had no idea when the last time was. Nor did she know when he’d last had sex with someone else. They’d never talked about exclusivity, and she’d told him more than once that they weren’t dating.

  Both of them really needed to be more responsible in the future.

  After she got dressed, her mom and Don were ready to go. Their bags were packed, and their car was loaded up, so Piper sent them back to Nebraska with hugs and plans to see them at the wedding.

  Piper finished getting ready for work, now in a hurry, completely forgetting about their unprotected sex.

  That was, until Saturday.

  It was Saturday night, and Piper and Nate were on the dance floor at a local establishment. They had met Ty and Ethan for drinks, and Kayla was supposed to show up after dinner with her family.

  The place they’d chosen was almost a cross between a bar and a nightclub. It was smaller than a nightclub, and there were a lot of people standing around toward the front with tables full of customers. But in the back was a good-sized dance floor.

  Nate pulled her toward him as they swayed to Rag’n’Bone Man’s “Human.” He danced like he made love. With his whole body and one hundred percent skill. She saw women watching him.

  That’s right. Eat your hearts out, ladies. He’s fucking me tonight.

  Piper turned her back to Nate’s front and rubbed her ass against his hard-on. She rested her head on his chest and swung an arm around his neck. They continued to move to the beat of the music as his hand crept lower. She did nothing to stop him, and when he made a fleeting brush against her clit through her skirt, she sighed.

  She wanted him to continue, but this wasn’t the time or the place.

  The song ended, and “Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis started to play. Its faster tempo made it hard to grind with Nate, and they broke apart. While she liked the song, her drinks were starting to catch up to her bladder.

  “I’m going to use the restroom,” she shouted in his ear.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you back at the table.”

  The restrooms were in the very back of the bar, and there was the usual line to get into the ladies’. By the time she walked out, at least fifteen minutes had passed. She hoped that Kayla showed up soon, so she’d have someone to keep her company when she went the next time.

  Piper had eyes for the table at the front of the establishment, so she almost didn’t see them. But something off to the side caught her eye. She was about to turn her gaze back forward, but she did a double take.

  It was Nate, standing against the wall, practically in the corner, with a woman. They were talking, but despite the loud music, they didn’t need to be that close to hear each other.

  Piper felt like she’d been punched in the gut. A sick feeling came over her, and she feared she might have to go back to the ladies’ room to throw up.

  The woman was gorgeous. Long, straight, thick blonde hair and beautiful, pale skin. Not like Piper’s where it showed every flaw or like back in high school where she couldn’t hide a zit to save her life. No, this woman had probably never had a pimple in her life. Her skin was like porcelain even if she did have a little too much makeup on.

  Someone ran into Piper, and she took her eyes off Nate and his companion.

  “Sorry,” the guy yelled over his shoulder as he rushed past her.

  Her shoulder hurt, but she welcomed the ache. Jealousy was a horrible beast, and she hated that it had roared its ugly head.

  She q
uickly moved on toward the table before Nate saw her watching him.

  She hated herself for feeling this way. She had no romantic claim on Nate. They were friends, and that was it. He had never kept it a secret that he had sexual partners. Her head knew this.

  Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, her heart had begun to do its own thing and have its own thoughts.

  Well, it would just have to stop. Nate was her friend. She had known, going into this, they wouldn’t have a sexual relationship forever, and she’d known Nate would never commit to her.

  She rubbed her hand between her breasts. Stupid heart.

  She was almost to the table, and she shook off her unwanted feelings. She was not going to be the jealous girl. She was not going to call Nate out on anything. This was a reminder that they needed to discuss the whole no-condom thing, but she would make no demands of him. She just needed to play it cool.

  She could totally do that.

  “Hey, Piper,” Ty said as he reached the table.

  Piper beamed at him, hoping her smile didn’t look fake.

  “Where’s Nate?” Ty asked.

  She shrugged. “I left him on the dance floor when I went to use the restroom.” It was the truth. She certainly wasn’t going to tell Ty and Ethan what she had seen. They’d know right away how envious she’d been.

  Ethan jerked his chin in the direction behind Piper. “There he is now.”

  Piper turned to look, putting the phony grin on her face, prepared to act as if everything were normal.

  Except he wasn’t alone.

  The blonde was with him, and anyone could see by the look on her face that she liked Nate.

  “I can’t do this,” she muttered. Not if she wanted to keep her dignity.

  “What?” Ty asked.

  She turned to Nate’s friend. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” She looked at Ethan. “Tell Kayla to call me, okay?”

  Ethan looked confused, but he nodded.

  “I’ll see you two later. Tell Nate bye for me.”

  She didn’t wait for an answer. She bolted for the front door and got the hell out of there.

  Nate approached the table where his two friends stood with Vanessa at his heels. He hadn’t expected to see one of his regular lays there tonight.

  He’d run into her after leaving the dance floor, and she’d made it very clear that she was more than willing to leave the bar. With him.

  He’d had to politely turn her down and explain that he was there with someone. To say Vanessa had been shocked would be an understatement. However, Nate didn’t know if it was because he was out with a female or because someone had turned her down. She’d never hidden the fact that she was beautiful and knew it. Not many guys would turn her down.

  But not many guys got to go home with someone like Piper.

  The good thing about his relationship, or lack thereof, with Vanessa was that she wasn’t hurt or upset. She’d asked him to introduce her to his friends since hers had already left for the night.

  Nate had figured, Why not? Ethan was dating Kayla, but Ty was single.

  “Hey, guys, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Ethan—he has a girl—and this is Ty. Ty is single.”

  Ethan nodded hello. Ty, in normal Ty fashion, took Vanessa’s hand, kissed her knuckles, and said something to her in French.

  Vanessa giggled.

  “Hey, where’s Piper?”

  Ty lost his flirty smile, and Ethan looked away, shifting his feet.

  “What?” Nate asked.

  “She bolted, man,” Ty said.

  Nate was confused. “What?”

  “Yeah, she said she had to go and left.”

  Nate looked at Ethan for confirmation that this was true.

  Ethan’s eyes were sympathetic. “She said to tell Kayla that she was sorry she left and that she’d call her later.”

  Nate looked around as if he’d see Piper, but of course, she was gone. “When did she leave?”

  “Right before you walked up. Not more than two minutes ago.”

  Nate spun around and took off for the door.

  Piper walked briskly toward her car, cursing her high heels and the number of drinks she’d had. There was no way she would be able to drive home, but she only had her car key and a little money on her. She’d had to wear a skirt tonight with tiny pockets, so now, she needed to snag her purse from under the seat in her car to order an Uber from her phone. She hadn’t brought it into the bar because she hadn’t wanted to lose it.

  She was almost to her vehicle when she heard someone running up behind her. Her female senses went on high alert, and she scanned the parking lot. It wasn’t secluded, but she was the only person out there.

  Besides the person coming up behind her.

  Freaked out, Piper started to run. She didn’t get very far before her heel got caught on the asphalt, and she tripped.

  “Ah!” she yelled as the ground came up to meet her face.

  She closed her eyes and braced for impact, but strong arms wrapped themselves around her.

  She froze for a second, realizing she hadn’t fallen, but then reality set in that the stranger had caught her. She tried to kick him just as he set her on her feet, and she tripped again.

  “Damn. Piper, are you okay?” Nate said as he righted her once more.

  Piper turned around and smacked him on the arm.

  “Ow. What was that for?”

  “For scaring the ever-lovin’ shit out of me.”


  “Pro tip: don’t ever come up, running silently, behind a woman in a dark parking lot.”

  He looked sheepish. “Oh. Ah…sorry.”

  “You about gave me a heart attack.”

  “Sorry,” he said again.

  Piper shook her head, and suddenly, she remembered why she had left the bar in the first place. She almost asked Nate where his friend was—emphasis on friend—but that would be snarky.

  She looked behind Nate. “Are you alone?”

  His brows furrowed. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Okay, Piper, play it cool. Casual.

  She pushed her hair over her shoulder. “Oh, I saw you with someone. I thought she might have come with you.”

  Nate grinned, his eyes dancing in the lights of the parking lot.

  “Why are you so happy?”

  He took a step closer to her, and she backed up, her legs hitting a car. She glanced over her shoulder, relieved to see it was her car behind her.

  When she turned back to Nate, he still had that goofy smile on his face, and for some reason, this bugged her.

  “There is nothing funny about this situation.”

  Nate tilted his head and tapped his chin. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think someone is jealous.”

  If she denied it, he’d know right away, so she played dumb. “Who is?” She looked around as if she were trying to find whom Nate was talking about. The second she did it, she knew it was over the top.

  Nate laughed. “Remember when I told you never to go to Vegas?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah. So?”

  “You’re a horrible liar.” He stepped closer, put his hands on her hips, picked her up, and set her on the hood of her car.

  She raised her chin. “Isn’t that a good thing? Nobody likes a liar.”

  Nate kissed her neck. “You’re right. I’d take jealousy over lying.” He sucked on the spot where her neck met her shoulder.

  She moaned. “I’m not jealous.”

  Nate straightened and pulled her butt to the edge of the hood. “That’s good because I told Vanessa that I’m not available anymore.” He slid his hand up her thigh, not stopping when he reached the hem of her skirt.

  “Oh. Why is that?” she asked as casually as she could manage.

  He pulled on her thong until it snapped and pushed two fingers into her.

  Piper squeaked.


  She grabbed on to his shoulders as he massaged her G-spot.

  “So wet.”

  “Oh God,” she sighed, and her eyes fluttered closed.

  “Sorry, I got distracted. To answer your question, I told her I was with you.”


  Nate chuckled. “I told Vanessa I wasn’t available”—he leaned closer until his mouth was next to her ear—“because I’m with you. You’re the only one I want.”

  “Oh God, I’m going to come.”

  He kissed her neck again. “Not without me.”

  Piper opened her eyes and dived for his fly. She yanked it open and grabbed on to his cock. “Now,” she told him.

  Nate pushed her skirt up and drove inside her.

  “Holy shit.” Piper circled him with her arms and legs, pulling him close. He felt amazing. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he said as he thrust into her.

  Piper grabbed his face and brought his mouth to hers. His tongue swept inside her mouth, and she moaned around him. He tasted so good, and he’d chosen her over the beautiful blonde.

  She separated their lips but spoke against his mouth, “I’m going to come all over you.”

  Nate grinned. “I can’t wait. I want you to do it. Now. Come.”

  And Piper did. She came so hard, her legs dropped from his waist, and she fell back against the car. Thankfully, Nate broke her fall, and she didn’t have to worry about a concussion mid-orgasm.

  Nate grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him. Their bodies slammed against each other, and then he came, pouring himself inside her. He kept their bodies connected as he finished, but he was forced to pull out when they heard the sound of voices coming closer.

  He pulled down her skirt, shoved his cock inside his jeans, and zipped up. He offered her his hand and helped her off the hood. As soon as she stood, gravity took over.

  Piper looked down. “Damn it, Nate.”

  He looked her over but was oblivious to her dilemma.

  “You came inside me again.”

  So much for having a talk about safe sex.


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