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The Reaper 0f The Rio Sangre: Special Edition HBH Version (Half Breed Haven Book 10)

Page 11

by A. M. Van Dorn

  At last, they pulled up in front of his office with Spooner and Dunovan trailing them. The pair of men sat saddle and watched as Marisol came out and they walked Bradley into the office. Once everyone was inside, she closed the door behind them. Jeffrey Bradley rose from a chair and father and son embraced.

  “I had to tell them Pa … they said they might be able to help,” his voice held a tremble in it.

  “I know, boy, I know. You did the right thing.”

  Outside Dunovan turned to Spooner who sat next to him.

  “What if Ben convinces them he is innocent?” he asked. Spooner shook his head.

  “One way or another we’ll get him!” he answered. “But I am counting on the judge turning him over in the morning. When we head out of here with Bradley, only two of us will be reaching Palomino,” he finished grimly yet smiling slightly. Dunovan nodded agreement with the plan.


  Looking out the window with Jeffery at his side, Bradley watched the men ride off down the main street. Slowly he turned back around to face Whip.

  “Your Honor, if you hand me over to them in the morning, I know they’ll kill me!” he said with conviction, and something was telling Lijuan the man was likely right.

  “As it stands right now, I don’t have a choice but to release you to them, but we will find a way to guarantee your safety,” Whip tried to console him. Lijuan had a sudden idea and thought Cassandra would be proud.

  “Wait, Father. There is one way to see if they want to give him a fair trial or just want to see him dead,” she said gripping his arm. She had everyone’s attention then.

  “What way are you thinking, Lijuan?” he asked. She turned to the reformed outlaw.

  “A lot will depend on you, Ben. How good of an actor are you?” she asked.

  “I’ll never win any awards, but with my life and Jeffery’s future on the line, I’ll try anything,” he said.

  Lijuan nodded and went on to explain her spur of the moment plan to the group. She went over it several times to make sure they all understood and agreed.

  “Well, Ben you must stay here in the cell as I told the “sheriff.” I will send my son, Blue River, to watch over you and see to anything you will need. Jeffery can stay with us at Cedar Ledge. He’s already familiar with it,” Judge Wilde said with a wink.

  “It will be much more comfortable for him there,” Lijuan quickly added, surprising herself. Out of the corner of her eye she glanced at the handsome young man and smiled slightly, her mind already considering the temptation that was suddenly thrown her way. Her only question now, she thought as she resigned herself to the inevitable, was how long before she gave into that temptation.



  Cassandra looked over the landscape with a smile as the sisters trotted along. Different browns and some greens dotted here and there. It was hot and dry, but she was used to that and enjoyed the land they were traveling through. She glanced over at her sister. Catalina was smiling; gazing over the country she considered her second homeland.

  “So, what can you tell me about the old families of the Rio Sangre Valley? Why would anyone want to get rid of them?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, Cassie. They’ve always run the valley with a fair hand. Every ancient house has a vote in the affairs of the Rio Sangre,” she responded glancing over. “The older and larger the house, the more votes it has. It’s kinda like how congress votes back east in Washington,” she finished.

  ‘Well, we will do what we can, but looking for a hidden hacienda is not going to be easy,” Cassandra said, voicing her concern.

  "I reckon it won't be, but we've taken on our share of the impossible before and always managed to come out ahead," Catalina said proudly as Cassandra laughed.

  "Sometimes I think it is because Lady Luck is the unofficial fifth daughter of Half Breed Haven," she chirped.

  “It’s always good to be back down Mexico way. I had so much fun here with my cousins…and certain others… when I was younger,” she said looking around.

  "That is something I have always envied about you Cattie." Cassandra admitted.

  “What do you mean?” Catalina responded.

  “You are the only one of us that ever truly had any other family besides the Wildes. Blue River having Bright Feather doesn’t really count as she is practically one of us already,” she said.

  “That’s not entirely true, Cassie. You know the pain that Honor Elizabeth holds knowin’ that before her mama escaped to the North, she had a son and daughter sold into slavery. I tried to talk to Honor about it once, about her havin’ an older brother and sister out there that she’s never met, but she wouldn’t say anythin’ about it,” Catalina said.

  "It's a tough cross for her to bear, and all the more reason you were lucky to be able to spend some time with your Corderro kin, whole summers of time getting to know them as Mercedes would have wished. Got that Mexican accent probably for life that’s for sure,” Cassandra told her. “and I love it!”

  “Right and right, about my accent and all the time I spent there? Papacito felt I should keep in touch with Mama’s side of the family. Just like we would have, had she lived,” Catalina said.

  “I remember Mercedes so much for how short of at time she was with us kids. I was still a young’un’ when she married Pop. I was so looking forward to finally having a mother since I never knew my own. Thankfully for a while I had Miss Lizzy, but then she died giving birth to Honor. I really loved your mother, Cattie. She was so much fun. My heart broke when she died,” Cassandra admitted to her sister.

  "I would give anythin' to have true memories of her. At least I have the stories Papa, and you share about her. I ‘m lookin' forward to getting' a chance to talk more with Señor Hernandez-Kelly. I guess my mama and him went back a long way," Catalina admitted.

  "Well then, the so-called "Reaper" has done one good thing without intending to. Leading you to meet someone with all new stories about your mom," Cassandra said cheerfully.

  “That still doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna plant him six feet under if I get my chance!” she exclaimed and they both laughed. The path they were following brought them to the edge of a promontory overlooking the three valleys that stretched to the distant horizon.

  “Will you look at that?!” Cassandra said as they stopped riding. It was a beautiful sight Cassandra had looked forward to seeing since her last trip down this way.

  “Los Valles de Trese … The Valley’s Three. They are a wonder aren’t they, Cassie? First the Canebraro Valley, then the Verde Abundante Valley … the home of my mother’s family and the Corderro Crest Vineyards,” Catalina mused gesturing to each.

  “And the last one on the far horizon, our destination. The Rio Sangre Valley!”

  "Then I guess we best push along. The trail to the Canebraro is over that way. There is a waterhole just as we enter the valley," Cassie said tightening her hold on her reins.

  “Then when we get there we will be giving our horses a rest. We may want to think about renting a wagon at some point to take us the rest of the way. We could tie our horses behind it to ease their burden of having to carry us all the way from Alamieda. Maybe even hire us a driver if one is available so we can get a little rest too,” she thought out loud.

  “Sounds like a right good idea, big sis! I bet ol’ Lijuan is going to be happy she is ridin’ in Papa’s coach when she comes down here,” Catalina said with a laugh.

  “Preach it, Cattie. You know if there hadn’t been such urgency with this matter we could have rode at least part of the way in the coach with her and Blue River. San Lupe Pedro in the Canebraro Valley, would have been right on our way after all,” Cassandra pointed out.

  “True enough, but as you said, this here is urgent business. By the gentlemen’s accounts, this desperado means business,” Catalina added. Cassandra grinned and winked at her sister.

  “So, do we, Peppercorn. He’s about to meet his match!�

  They continued their journey, talking about other trips they had made together, enjoying each other's company. Cassandra had always been pleased that she and her sisters got along so well. She knew many families who were not so fortunate. They crossed the breadth of the Canebraro Valley and entered the Verde Abundante. Catalina recommended they look to get a wagon in Natchez, which was not far from the Corderro family vineyards.

  Just outside of Natchez the women had exchanged anxious looks when the sound of gunfire had broken through the warm afternoon air. With their one hand on the butts of their pistols and the other on the reins they hastened down the road. Just past a line of trees they came upon a field and instantly relaxed when they saw it was only a man engaged in target practice with bottles set up on several stumps that dotted the clearing.

  Turning off the trail and trotting towards the man they were greeted by a welcoming smile and the glint of sunlight off the badge on the man’s chest. It turned out he was named Santiago and he was none other than the Sheriff of Natchez. As Cassandra introduced them she was liking what she was seeing. The man with neatly cropped blacked hair as well as having as strong look about him and his eyes were soulful looking ones indeed. What also caught her interest was the unusual looking gun in his hand. It looked like one that could be found on the decks of a pirate ship.

  Chatting it up about his gun she quickly learned he was an antique gun collector and on this day he was practicing with a two hundred year old blunderbuss that had indeed come from the Caribbean, a haven for pirating. She could have talked all day with this man as it became apparent they shared a love for weapons but Catalina not so subtly clearing her throat had reined her in but Cassandra didn’t blame her as their business that lay a head was quite serious. She inquired what the best place to rent a wagon in Natchez would be only to learn there were none available.Sheriff Santiago made them aware that a group of men had rented all that were available to head over to the town of San Robeles to gain temporary work setting up for a grand Founder’s Day celebration that was about to get under way.

  Cheerfully he told them not to despair because not far beyond Natchez was the small town of Los Lunas and there was a livery run by a pair of brothers that would almost certainly have one for them to rent. Just before riding off the Sheriff had graciously invited them to stop by Natchez on their way back and he would show Cassandra his collection and she had agreed without hesitation. As the two rode on Catalina had teased her knowing when her sister was attracted to a man. Cassandra had laughed and said she couldn’t deny it. Catalina had chuckled she would be more than happy to stop off in Natchez on the way back…to look up a woman she had known back in the days when Catalina had spent her summers in the Verde Abundante. Cassandra didn’t press but she had little doubt this woman she had named as Natalia Vega had been one of Catalina’s lovers.

  When they finally reached the livery in Los Lunas not far the ridgeline dividing the Verde Abundante from the Rio Sangre Valley, the horses were ready for a rest.

  "Buenos Dias Señors, our horses, are tired, we have come a long way," Catalina said to the two men who came out of the livery shack.

  “Also, we would like to hire a driver and rig to take us through the cut into the Rio Sangre Valley. Our destination is the villa of a Señor Suarez,” Cassandra said.

  “Into the next valley! Oh, no, Señorita, we like to live a little longer yet,” the man on the right told them.

  “El Segador! He might kill us!” the other added. The sisters looked at each other surprised.

  “All right, we’ll drive ourselves. Just rent us the rig,” Cassandra tried.

  "Very well, Señorita, don't say we didn't warn you!" the first speaker said. After they had watered their horses and let them rest for a time, they tied them to the back of the wagon and started back on their journey, waving to the fearful men. When they, at last, entered the cut between the valleys, Cassandra felt a growing tension. This was where the trouble could start, Cassandra told herself.

  “So, this is the Rio Sangre. You know the area from the summers you spent down here, Cattie, I am counting on that,” she told Catalina.

  "I done visited it with the Corderros quite a bit. It's been a while, but I remember it. It's good country," she returned.

  “It does look pretty peaceful,” Cassie said before continued making their way through the pass.

  “Suarez’s villa is gonna be on the east bank of the river,” Catalina replied, after studying the map Canizarra had made for them. Cassandra nodded and kept her eyes open. It was her sharp ears that got her attention though. They were nearly through the cut when a sound brought her on high alert.

  "Is that what I think it is, Cattie?" she asked turning and cocking her head to listen closer. Catalina did the same. The sound of hoofs got louder, and before they knew it, they saw a group of men riding horses coming up fast directly behind them. They did not look friendly, and the man in the lead had his face hidden behind a black mask covering the entirety of his countenance.

  “Damn! Look!” Catalina shouted.

  "El Segador and his gang if I'm reckoning right. Giddyap!" Cassandra cried to the team pulling the wagon and they started running. The danger was upon them. They both bent forward as shots rang out, and Cassandra drew her guns. Catalina whipped the reins again as bullets whizzed on either side of them.

  “Welcome to the Rio Sangre!” Catalina shouted as Cassandra furiously worked to coax more speed out of the team. Catalina continued to return fire to slow down their pursuit.

  "Dig dirt, horses!" she shouted. Soon the distance grew wider, and the men dropped out of sight, but they both knew it was only temporary.

  “We can’t outrun them, sis!” Catalina shouted.

  "Right, we better take to our horses then!" Cassandra decided and Catalina wrapped the reins along the seat and both women climbed into the back of the wagon. Without her shaking the controls, the horses pulling the wagon slowed a touch, and their rides came alongside. They undid their reins and looked at each other.

  "This should be fun!" Catalina cried and leaped for Pretty Feet. Cassandra laughed and jumped for her own mount. She wobbled a touch when she hauled herself into the saddle but soon she was secure. They urged them faster, and the wagon fell behind. Now at full gallop, side by side they raced ahead. Cassandra looked to Catalina, and her little sister was grinning fiercely.

  "Told you that would be fun!" she shouted. Cassandra shook her head and busied herself considering their options. Her fervent wish would be for them to dismount somewhere up ahead and lay an ambush, but in her heart, she didn't think there would be time to dismount and find a place before El Segador and his men were upon them. Suddenly another option presented itself. Catalina was shouting and pointing towards sheer rock wall of the cut that rose to the right.

  “Wait, look over there! It’s a little pass in that wall, let’s try it!” Catalina said.

  "Let's do it! With any luck, they'll shoot right on by us!" She returned and followed Catalina through the narrow lane with cliffs rising on both sides. There was only room to pass through single file. Once they came out the other side Catalina led them to a stand of stunted trees, tall and bushy enough to hide them should El Segador also guess that they slipped into the pass and followed. Moments later the men chasing them galloped right past the cleft in the rocks and headed off down the valley. Unaware that their prey was sitting calmly in a hiding place with their guns drawn ready to cut down the bandits should they emerge from the pass. Long moments passed, and it became apparent their feint into the cleft had worked.

  “Looks like we’ve given them the slip!” Catalina said pleased.

  “Thanks to you, Cat! We’ll be tangling with El Segador again, to be sure.” She dropped her twin pearl handle Colts back into the holsters on either side of her hips and then looked around in thought for a moment.

  “Catalina, it looks like he knew we were coming and was waiting for us,” she finally said, positive that was the

  “Señor Suarez must have proudly announced that they had summoned us, Cassie. Your name spreads fear, you know. There’s few better with a pair of six-shooters than you after all!” Catalina agreed and teased her at the same time. Cassandra laughed grimly.

  "A mean reputation goes a long way. Still, it wouldn't have been hard for him to find out about us. Let's get out into the open valley and make haste for Señor Suarez's villa, Cattie. If El Segador is on to us, he's liable to step up his reign of terror now that he knows he's no longer running around unopposed!"

  The first order of business when Honor Elizabeth's entourage gathered around the good-sized watering hole they had, at last, arrived at was to refill their canteens and slake their thirst before setting up camp. The sun was getting low on the horizon, but they still had plenty of time, Honor thought. She and Katie knelt at the water's edge to fill their canteens,

  As she dipped her canteen below the water, Honor Elizabeth’s mind wandered back to the party at Cedar Ledge. She had been having such an enjoyable time before the boy with the telegram had arrived. Honor had always loved such parties, but growing up there had been many she hadn’t been invited to, Lijuan and Catalina as well. It was a sad fact of life, but she had learned to live with it as best she could. Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

  Honor caught sight of a reflection in the water. Valencia was coming up behind her with a hand on the butt of her gun in her holster. Honor Elizabeth instinctively threw the canteen over her shoulder and hit the woman square in the face with it. She spun around and was reaching for her knife when Valencia lunged at her, and they both fell in the water. Just before she went under, Honor saw Marquita put Katie in a headlock and stick a gun to her head.

  Honor was surprised, after falling in the water, that they didn’t hit bottom. It was deeper than she would have suspected. She dismissed that thought as Valencia fastened a vice-like grip on her arms. They spun around underwater, Honor struggling to break free. She succeeded with an elbow to the woman’s stomach, but Valencia recovered and gave a hard pull of Honor’s hair.


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