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Island Thyme Cafe (Madrona Island Series Book 3)

Page 15

by Andrea Hurst

  “Dad and Ryan are very different,” Lindsey said, as if reading her mind. “Ryan spends time with you and me instead of just spending money to impress like Dad does. He sees you as a person, not just arm candy. I think Ryan will make a great dad.”

  “I do, too,” Jude said. “But it’s such a big decision. I want to take a few days away with Lily and Kyla and think about it before I tell him. Would you wait, and not say anything until then?”

  “Of course, Mom. I won’t say a word.”

  “Lily and Kyla and I are going to go off for a few days. We’ll be leaving Friday. You think you’ll be okay?”

  “Sure. It’s just a few bruises and bumps. I’ll rest today. I’ll be fine tomorrow.”

  “Ryan will be here, and he’ll take care of anything you need.”

  “Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.”

  “All right,” Jude said. She went to pat her daughter on the hand, and then thought better of it. “I’d like to hug you, but I’m not sure where you’re hurt.”

  Lindsey put her arms out. “Just a soft one.”

  Jude hugged her daughter gently. “I love you, Lindsey.”

  “I love you, Mom. Don’t worry, it’s all going to be okay.”

  Jude couldn’t believe Lindsey was reassuring her. “Yes, it will,” Jude said. “Now you go on and get back in bed. Do you have a good book?”

  “Marco’s been giving me lots of books to read. I think he’s trying to broaden my reading horizon.”

  “Marco’s a great guy.”

  “I know,” Lindsey said. “Too bad he’s in love with Becca.”

  “I saw a couple cute guys at your bedside the other night,” Jude said.

  Lindsey smiled again. “Yeah, especially the doctor. How old do you think he is?”

  “Quite a bit older than you, if he’s been through medical school,” Jude said.

  “Yeah, I know, but the male nurses looked a little younger.” A grin crossed her face. “Maybe while you’re gone, I’ll go over and have breakfast at the coffee shop in the hospital. I hear they have great pancakes.”

  “You do that,” Jude said. “In fact, you can tell me all about it when I get back from my trip.”

  Jude watched Lindsey walk back toward her room. Her daughter was here, living with her for the summer, and they were getting along. The first hurdle of telling her daughter about her pregnancy had gone fantastically well. She longed to tell Ryan, but she wanted the few days away with her friends at Orcas Island to get things clear in her mind. Either way, she was having this baby, and she knew she would be a good mother, even if she had to do it alone.

  Chapter Twenty

  The sun drifted down over the horizon and a cool breeze wafted across Ryan’s face as the night sky deepened to indigo over the vineyard. With the movie shoot finally over, the wrap party would be held at Luke’s winery tonight. After which, Ryan smiled, the cast and crew would be leaving very soon. It couldn’t be soon enough. Each time the door opened at the café, Ryan prayed it wouldn’t be Peyton again with some other scheme. But Peyton had gotten exactly what she wanted: the publicity and leverage against her philandering husband. Since Ryan was no longer of use to her, she’d been thankfully ignoring him. But so did Jude, at first. Peyton had done her damage, and now she would be leaving him and Jude behind in her deadly wake. It was hard for Ryan not to want to poison the food that was going to Peyton’s elaborately decorated spot at the table.

  He let out a deep breath and all his negative thoughts with it. He didn’t want his resentments flowing into the food he’d so artfully prepared in Luke and Kyla’s beautiful farmhouse kitchen. Lindsey was acting as sous chef, and they’d hired multiple servers for the evening as well.

  Luke surveyed the plates and counted them. There were going to be fifty people, cast and crew. On the winery grounds under the pear trees, with a full view of the vineyard, Ian and Luke had set up the long wooden tables with colorful woven runners across them. Bouquets of fresh flowers mixed with fresh rosemary that Kyla had picked and arranged, surrounded thick white candles in glass holders. Silverware were wrapped in white cloth napkins and tied with fresh sprigs of lavender. Everything was extra perfect for this warm August night. Tiny lights glimmered from the trees, and soon everyone would be there and the final scene would be complete.

  Luke walked in looking a bit panicked. “Everything ready?” he asked.

  Ryan nodded. “Got the wine pairings organized with the courses, whites chilling on the tables in ice, and the reds are open to breathe.

  “We are ready then,” Luke said. “We just need the people.”

  “Well, they’ll be coming soon enough. Lily’s here.”

  Lily hustled through the front door, carrying platters of baked desserts. It was definitely an island affair. Ian’s son, Jason, getting taller by the minute, came running in with his arms full, followed by Ian with more platters.

  “Hey, do you need any help? I can carry stuff,” Jason said.

  “Thank goodness we got Shirley and Don to watch the baby,” Lily said as Ryan took the trays. “I’m going to go join Jude and Kyla to help set up the outside bar.”

  Jason stood tall. “I’m not a baby. I came to help.”

  “And we can use your help,” Ryan said. “I’ve got something for you to do. The butter. It needs to be put out on the table. It’s in those little silver dishes that are shaped like shells. Just put one above every two place settings right near the flowers.”

  “I can do it,” Jason said. He took the butter tray and headed outside, walking slowly to balance everything.

  Lindsey rushed over to help him. “I’ll be your assistant,” she said with a smile that warmed Ryan’s heart.

  Bailey romped around the floor playing with a bone Ryan had given him. Again, Ryan imagined how nice it would be to own his own home—be married to the love of his life, have a child, and even a dog. He patted Bailey on the head and sighed. It was probably something he would never have.

  Car doors slammed and conversation and laughter carried from the parking area to the deck where Ryan stood sipping iced tea. A white Lincoln limousine curved around the road and parked near the tables. The tuxedo-clad driver walked around and opened the door for Peyton. Flanked on both sides by well-dressed men, she emerged in a slinky silver evening gown that clung to her body like skin.

  Ryan stepped back into the house. He had no intention of making any contact with her again. One last night and she would be gone. He hoped the publicity would die down so the people in town would stop staring at him and politely and not so politely asking questions. At least Jude believed him now, and that was all that mattered. Even Lily went out of her way to be kind to him. Kyla had come to him and said, “I understand. I know what this publicity thing is like.”

  They were all standing behind him, and that meant a lot. His heart flipped at the thought that he could still lose Jude. He would make it up to her after all of this was over. That was the most important thing.

  The string quartet began playing, signaling Ryan that most people were seated now. Butter sizzled, water boiled for pasta, and smells of fresh herbs filled the air. Waiters in crisp, white shirts lined up at the kitchen door, and the activity in the room doubled as Ryan and Lindsey prepped the food.

  Ian popped his head in the door. “I’m heading out with Luke to handle the wine pairings. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Lindsey waved. “Will do.”

  With perfect precision, the dinner service moved forward smoother than Ryan had hoped. Course after course went out with no returns. Each plate was flawlessly executed with local meats and vegetables and paired perfectly with one of Luke’s vineyard’s offerings. Finally the last set of waiters retrieved the last tray of dessert plates and left the kitchen.

  Lindsey clapped her hands, “We did it!”

  Ryan gave h
er a high five. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”

  They stepped out onto the expansive deck and looked down at the scene below.

  The sound of laughter and loud, boisterous toasts filled the air. What a relief he didn’t have to be down there, where he’d have to paste on a fake smile and mingle with the guests. Instead he could hole up in the kitchen where he felt much more at ease.

  Suddenly the piercing sound of a helicopter drowned out everything else.

  “Is that a medevac?” Lindsey asked.

  When a person on the island needed to be transported to the main hospital in Seattle, the island doctors would have to send for the medevac helicopter. It always worried Ryan when he heard that sound, hoping it wasn’t somebody he knew, and he always sent good thoughts to whoever it was.

  As it approached just overhead, the sound about deafened them and they covered their ears. It looked like the helicopter was going to land in the open field outside the main vineyard. Sure enough, down it went very slowly until it touched ground. One man jumped out the door and bent down as he exited under the whirling blades. As he ran toward the dinner party, Ryan saw he was well dressed and certainly not for a medical emergency. The man stopped to brush himself off. Then he straightened back his shoulders. His hurried pace slowed as he got closer. The man wore khaki linen pants and a powder blue jacket that set off his deep tan. As he got closer, Ryan thought he might know him. He looked familiar, especially the dark hair with the greying at the temples.

  As the man made his grand entrance, the tables quieted and all heads turned as he sauntered up behind Peyton. Ryan knew that face. It was Todd Chase, the actor. Peyton rose, tossing her hair and striking a pose. Ryan could see her mouth open in surprise, her proud stance and how she turned her back to Todd, pretending that her husband was not even there.

  There was a stir among the guests as they recognized him. When Todd Chase turned Peyton around to face him, Ryan almost wished he could hear what Todd was saying. The compelling drama continued to build. There wasn’t a sound as the scene unfolded and the actor pulled his wife into his arms and into a passionate kiss. There was no mistaking it was mutual, long, and sensual. Todd took Peyton by the hand, and without a backward glance, they ran back toward the helicopter.

  “What an exit,” Ryan said.

  Lindsey sighed. “So romantic.”

  Ryan had to laugh to himself. And so staged. So this is what it was all about. Make Todd jealous over Ryan so he’d dump his young mistress, come running back and sweep Peyton into his arms and off into the sunset. It all made perfect sense now. Perhaps Jude would believe everything he had told her after seeing this.

  Ryan watched Todd escort Peyton up the steps into the helicopter and off they flew. Applause burst out from everyone at the tables, including the serving people as the happy ending unfolded and the helicopter took the air.

  All Ryan could think was that it was finally, finally over. He left Lindsey on the deck and went back inside. Ian was sitting at the bar sipping a glass of wine with Luke. The three men looked at each other.

  Ian shrugged. “Wow, that was some gesture. I hope our wives aren’t expecting helicopters next.”

  Ryan laughed, opened a craft beer, and sat down to join them. “What a night.”

  The helicopter had just taken off, the Princess rescued by Prince Charming on a White Horse, or in this case, a private helicopter. All the three women could do was stare.

  “Well, that was some exit,” Kyla said.

  “He swept her off her feet,” Lily said with a sigh.

  “Just the scene Peyton wanted to star in,” Jude said. “All that coming after Ryan. Her sneaky ploys to get her husband back. And she didn’t care who she hurt to do it.”

  “Some people will stop at nothing, especially those with no conscience,” Kyla said.

  Jude was glad that the dinner was finally over and things would return to their normal summer intensity. The bar at the party was now closed and she was free to wander, but she had kept her distance, greeting people as she needed to, saying her goodbyes, but staying on the sidelines with Lily and Kyla.

  “All this time,” Jude said, “I let my past cloud my judgment and didn’t believe Ryan when he was trying to tell me that Peyton was putting on a show.”

  “I’ll grab a bottle of wine and we can go sit on the deck overlooking the koi pond and unwind,” Kyla said. “What can I get you to drink, Jude?”

  “Just water,” she said.

  Jude and Lily stepped onto the deck and happily dropped into comfortable Adirondack chairs to wait for Kyla. It had been an exhausting night.

  “Well, that’s one soap opera that’s finally over,” Kyla said when she returned. She handed them each their drinks and sat down.

  Jude gazed at the fish in the pond. The sparkly lights in the oak trees glistened on the water’s surface, making it appear as though the fish were swimming in liquid gold. “He was telling the truth,” she said, “and I was too afraid to believe him.”

  Lily sighed. “Trust is hard to earn and so easy to lose. Don’t beat yourself up, Jude. With all the stress of the filming, your teenage daughter being with you for the summer, and being pregnant, I think you handled things pretty well.”

  “And,” Kyla said, “there were so many intrigues going on besides the movie plot, none of us could keep up. They have to finish shooting the rest of the movie on another island, and surely there will be delays now. I bet the director is pretty upset after this little scene tonight carried off his leading lady.”

  “Well,” Jude said, “as long as she’s gone, I’m happy.”

  “I hear they’re painting the town back to specifications starting tomorrow. Did you ask for a different color for the cafe?” Kyla asked.

  “No, I just asked them to put it back the way it was, kind of that pretty barn red, fresh white trim. I had thought of leaving it white, but I want everything the way it was before.”

  “I get it,” Kyla said. “I asked them to do a little bit of lavender trim, might as well get the most out of this.”

  Lily threw her arms back and yawned. “This is a late night for me.”

  “Is little Gwyn still keeping you awake?” Jude asked

  “She’s almost sleeping through the night. Thank goodness we have all the help that we do. Shirley has been wonderful, but I’m still a little worried about Betty. She was so sick from the chemo, but at least she’s up and about now.”

  “I’ll have to bring over some ginger tea to comfort her,” Kyla said, “She is in good spirits, and you know how Betty is, nothing’s going to get her down. I think she’s going to beat this.”

  “I hope so, too,” Lily said. “I stop by most days to bring her some scones, see if I can tempt her appetite a little. She’s never been a big eater to begin with.”

  “Speaking of eating and sleeping,” Kyla said looking at Jude, “how’s the nausea?”

  “It’s good to know why I’m feeling sick every morning,” Jude said, “The doctor says I’m due in the spring. Luckily, I’m not showing much yet. But I’m still not out of danger for a miscarriage. I had one after Lindsey was born, and at my age there’s more risk.”

  “Lots of women have children after forty and do just fine,” Kyla said.

  Lily patted Kyla’s hand. “And under thirty too!” she said.

  Kyla smiled. “We’ll see.”

  Jude yawned and stretched out her arms. “Ryan hasn’t been spending the night in a while. Even though we’re reconciled, we’re taking it slow. He has no idea. I don’t know how he’d feel about being a dad.”

  “How do you feel about being a mom?” Lily asked.

  “I haven’t really let myself think about it much yet. It’s still a shock,” Jude said. “I did tell Lindsey.”

  Lily perked up. “What did she say?”

  “She took it s
urprisingly well, but I’m not sure I want to raise another child alone again.”

  “What do you mean alone?” Kyla said, “You have Ryan.”

  “Do I?” Jude said, “Do I really? Even now that I know he was telling the truth about Peyton, how do I know for sure he’ll stay once the baby is born. And as you know, Ryan has a history of being a runner.”

  Lily shook her head. “He wouldn’t run. He seems content, and he’s obviously in love with you.”

  Jude leaned back in her chair and rested her eyes for a second. Perhaps Lily was right. “He told me he was happy here, happier than he’s ever been. Between the hormones and the stress, I just don’t know what to believe.”

  “I understand,” Kyla said, “but you have a second chance here with a really good man and a new baby.”

  “I will tell you, new babies are pretty special. Oh,” Lily said, putting her hand on Kyla’s arm. “I’m sorry Kyla, I know you and Luke have been trying.”

  “Don’t worry.” Kyla said. “Things have been looking up for us too. I’ve been feeling great, so who knows? Maybe we’ll all be sharing baby secrets soon.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Lily said.

  Jude continued to look out at the pond. A baby? When would she tell Ryan? She knew now that he had been telling her the truth. But did she know everything now? Why hadn’t he told her sooner if he loved her? That was the real question . . . did he love her? But she couldn’t wait much longer or he would find out from someone else. A soft breeze raised goosebumps on Jude’s arm and caused Lily to draw in her shawl.

  “So, I have some news,” Kyla said, “My agent called and it looks like my product line is a go. We got a sponsor for the natural beauty aging line.”

  “Who?” Lily asked.

  A smile crept over Kyla’s face. “None other than former model, Darcy Devereux.”

  “You?” Jude said. “Of course that makes sense.”


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