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Island Thyme Cafe (Madrona Island Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Andrea Hurst

  Now more than ever he wanted this relationship to work. After tonight, he was sure he would be a good father to the baby and Lindsey. If Jude would have him, he would get down on one knee and propose to her as soon as she returned. Tomorrow he would go shopping for a ring at the custom jeweler on the South end of the island and think of some special way to propose.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ryan jumped into his morning shower in hopes it would wake him up. He’d slept hard last night after all the commotion with Mitchell. Now, a feeling of dread shot through him. His muscles tightened even as the hot water pounded on his shoulders. He had betrayed Jude’s trust. He had told Lindsey what Jude had specifically asked him not to. Mitchell wasn’t the great guy that Lindsey had thought he was. He hoped Jude would understand that the circumstances had warranted his actions.

  When he turned the water off, he heard his cell phone buzz. He grabbed a towel and leaned over to see his phone on the counter. It was a text from Lindsey.

  “Come to breakfast. Wait to call my mom till we talk. Okay?”

  He texted back that he’d be right there, then dried off and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt before heading over to Jude’s apartment. He knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Lindsey said.

  The fragrant smells made his stomach growl. He walked toward the kitchen, “You need any help?”

  “No. You go sit down,” Lindsey said. “You’re always the chef. I’m serving breakfast this morning.”

  Ryan took a chair at the dining table. It was set with fresh flowers, silverware, cloth napkins, and wide square plates. “Hmm, something smells good,” he said.

  “You bet it does. Smoked salmon and cream cheese omelet, French roast coffee, local and organic of course, crispy apple smoked bacon, and fresh-baked chocolate chip scones.”

  “Scones? You have been busy this morning,” Ryan said.

  “I just woke up early, filled with energy. Thought I’d cook breakfast.”

  “I’m happy to hear it,” Ryan said.

  He watched her pour two mugs of steaming coffee and bring them over to the table. She placed them beside the crystal goblets of ice water. “Do you want any fruit or juice?” she asked.

  “No, I think we’ve got quite enough here.”

  Lindsey dished out the food and brought the plates to the table. “Dig in.”

  Ryan ate a few forkfuls of the fluffy eggs and sipped the deep, rich coffee. “Delicious,” he said between bites.

  Lindsey popped a slice of bacon in her mouth. “Taste the crisp I got on the bacon. It’s so good,” Lindsey said.

  “You had a good teacher,” Ryan said.

  Lindsey pretended to scowl. “I know.”

  “But you picked everything up so fast,” Ryan said. “You really are quite skilled in the kitchen.”

  “I was thinking,” Lindsey said, “you think I’d have a shot at the Food Network? You know I kind of like the movie stuff, and I like cooking. Maybe TV?”

  “Sure thing,” Ryan said. For a moment he hesitated, remembering his good friend and all his success as a celebrity chef, and then the drugs and scandal. But Lindsey was tough and had his and her mother’s love behind her. “It can be a hard life, Lindsey,” he said.” It can be hard to keep your feet on the ground. But you’re a pretty level-headed kid most of the time.”

  “I’m not a kid,” Lindsey said. “I’m twenty years old. Twenty-one soon enough.”

  Ryan dipped his scone into the last of the egg mixture on his plate and savored the flavors in his mouth. The windows were open and he could hear the seagulls outside screaming and diving for mussels they could drop on the pier to break open for a fresh breakfast.

  “Lindsey,” he said, “I really think we should let Jude know what happened last night before she gets home.”

  “I did,” Lindsey said, I thought I should call her, that she should hear it from me. But it went right to voice mail. They probably took the early ferry.”

  Lindsey looked at the clock at the same time as Ryan. It was just a little before nine. “Then they’ll be here in a few hours.”

  “That was a good thing you did reaching out to her. Why don’t you try again?”

  “What do you think she’ll say?”

  “I don’t know,” Ryan said, “but I know she loves you.”

  Ryan brought the dishes into the kitchen and placed them under running water. He tried not to make too much noise so he could hear the conversation. Lindsey was out on the deck, but the glass doors were open. Of course he could only hear one side of the conversation. He heard her skipping a little bit of the story, but she got out that her dad had been here and he’d wanted her to go with him. “And I didn’t,” Lindsey said quite loudly. “He got a little crazy.”

  Crazy, Ryan thought. That was certainly the right word. Drunk, crazy, and vicious.

  He scrubbed the pot a little more fiercely thinking of Mitchel. “I’m okay mom,” he heard her say. Then he heard his name. “Ryan was there for me. Yes, he’s a good guy. We’re fine. Don’t rush.”

  Upon hearing those words, Ryan couldn’t help but smile. He knew Jude would certainly rush home now. He loaded the dishwasher and then stopped when he heard Lindsey say, “I love you,” to her mom. It was the first time he’d heard her say that to Jude, and it made everything worth it.

  Lindsey walked back in and joined him in the kitchen, putting away the dishes that he’d dried.

  Unable to wait any longer, Ryan turned the water off and faced her. “So?”

  “I told her what happened. I told her that I didn’t want to go with him and you took good care of me and everything’s fine, right?”

  “Right,” Ryan said. “You didn’t tell her anything else?”

  “I did tell her I knew more of the truth now, but when she gets home I’m going to ask her to tell me the whole story. I . . . I hope she won’t be too upset.”

  Ryan dreaded hearing what was going to happen when Jude found out he’d broken her confidence. “You mean because I told you about your dad?”

  “I’m really glad you did, and I think it’s time my mom told me herself. If she says anything about you, I’ll take full responsibility.”

  “That’s good to know,” Ryan said, “but I’m the one that made the decision.”

  “It was a good decision, you’ll see. But maybe it would be best if you weren’t here when my mom gets home, so I can talk to her first.”

  “I think I should be here too. At least when she first arrives,” Ryan said. “I want her to know that I take responsibility for what I did.”

  “All right. I’m going to clean myself up a little. You might want to do the same. She laughed in a kidding way.

  “Do I look that bad?”

  “Hmm, no you never look bad, Ryan, but you know that ponytail could use a little work.”

  Ryan tugged on his hair. “Well I just threw it together when you invited me over for breakfast.”

  Lindsey laughed. “Go on. She’ll be home in an hour so. When you hear her pull in, just come on over.”

  “Okay will do.”

  Ryan walked back to his apartment and sat on the sofa to wait for Jude’s return. Worry crept into his thoughts. What if this was the final breaking of trust between him and Jude? After the way he’d acted when she told him she was pregnant, he wouldn’t blame her if she ended things between them. And now this? But he would explain to her that when she first told him about the baby, he’d been shocked. And afraid. Not of the commitment or his love for Jude, but afraid he wouldn’t be a good enough dad. Or husband.

  “Face it,” he told himself, “when things got tough in the past, you never stuck around that long before.” But he was absolutely sure now that Jude was the woman he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He would face the challenges ahead of them, and hope and pray s
he would understand that everything he’d said and done to protect Lindsey, he done out of his love for Jude.

  Jude pulled into her driveway, grabbed her suitcase, and headed upstairs. She was anxious to find out exactly what had happened with Mitchell and Lindsey. Her daughter assured her on the phone that everything was fine, but Jude was not convinced. As she reached the top of the landing, she saw Ryan walking out of his apartment toward her. “What happened?”

  Ryan put his arm around her. “Everything’s fine now. Come on in. Lindsey’s waiting.”

  “Wait,” she said. “Can’t you brief me a little?”

  “Lindsey wants to be the one to tell you everything. I’ll be right there with answers to any questions you may have.” Ryan took the suitcase from her. “Go on in. You must be tired from the trip.”

  “Not really. I’m just nervous,” Jude said.

  When they walked in, Lindsey jumped up from the couch and gave Jude a hug. “Did you have fun?”

  Jude thought for a moment. “Actually, we did. We had a great time. It’s absolutely beautiful. I’d love for the three of us to go there some day, but honestly, I really need to know what happened with Mitchell.”

  “Why don’t you sit down, Mom,” Lindsey said pointing to the couch.

  Jude took a seat and folded her arms across her chest. “Ryan,” she said, “after Lindsey’s call this morning, it made me wonder why you didn’t call me last night.”

  Ryan sat down across from her. “By the time everything was settled, it was close to midnight.”

  Jude’s heart softened a little when she saw the concern in his eyes.

  “I didn’t want to upset you,” Ryan said. “I knew you wouldn’t sleep and there was no way off that island that late except by helicopter. Besides, you were coming home in the morning already. I hope I made the right decision.”

  “You’re right,” Jude said. “I would have had to be scraped off the ceiling from anxiety if you’d told me about it last night.”

  “You needed a vacation, Mom. We both decided to wait. And you need to take care of yourself,” Lindsey said, “with the baby coming and everything.”

  Jude patted her belly and smiled. “I am a bit more tired than normal, so thanks.” She looked at both of their concerned faces. They looked nervous and hopeful for her approval. “You made a good choice by waiting,” she said, “but I want you to tell me everything that happened.”

  “You want something to drink first?” Lindsey asked.

  “I just want the whole story.”

  Ryan looked over at Lindsey and nodded.

  Lindsey pushed back her hair and shuffled around in her seat. “Remember when that whole thing with Ryan trending on Twitter happened? I was pretty upset, so I emailed Dad.” She grimaced. “Kind of a distress call to his yacht. I wanted to get off the island, escape. I thought I could just hang out and cruise in the sun before the last few weeks before school starts.”

  “Oh,” Jude said. “I’m sorry you were that upset.”

  “It didn’t last. I was just pissed and thought maybe you two didn’t want me around. I didn’t think Dad would even answer.”

  “But he did.” Jude felt her heart beating hard in her chest. She’d come so close to losing the closeness she’d built with her daughter.”

  “No. He never did answer. Then I completely forgot about him until I saw them dock last night.”

  “Them?” Jude said.

  “Dad and Kimberly. His newest wife.”

  “They showed up in the late afternoon,” Ryan said. “Lindsey went down there to talk to them and I followed. I met Mitchell, but I don’t think he was too happy to see me there.”

  “Oh I’m sure that was a great joy,” Jude said.

  “Well, we can talk more about that later,” Ryan said. “He obviously had his eye on Lindsey and a plan in place.”

  “He sure timed it well,” Jude said. “How did he know I’d be gone?”

  “I don’t know,” Lindsey said. “I didn’t tell him.”

  Jude threw up her hands. “Your dad always did seem to know how to get what he wanted. And then what happened?”

  Lindsey told her the story of how the day had unfolded.

  Jude shuddered just thinking of her daughter on the yacht with her drunk father. “Thank you for being there, Ryan. It means a lot to me.”

  A smile spread across Ryan’s face. “And to me,” he said.

  “And me,” Lindsey said. “Especially later when we went back for dinner and Dad took a swing at him and almost fell over.”

  “What? Are you all right Ryan?”

  “Fine,” he said. “Mitchell was out of his depth and very intoxicated.”

  Lindsey nodded. “Ryan told him we weren’t going anywhere with him. Dad said some not very nice things about you, and this place, and that I needed to pack my bags and go with him immediately.” She turned to Ryan. “He was great Mom. Ryan stepped in and told Dad there was no way that I was going anywhere with him. And I told him too! Then when we tried to leave, he threatened me.”

  Jude was shaking with anger. “He threatened you?” she asked.

  Ryan spoke up. “He didn’t want to take no for an answer. “But there was no way I was going to let him take Lindsey, especially in the condition he was in. And certainly not without your permission.”

  Ryan is such a good man, Jude thought. How could I have ever have doubted him? What if he’d been gone when Mitchell arrived? But she didn’t need to worry about that because Ryan had been there, and Lindsey had made a good choice herself.

  “How did you finally get Mitchell to leave?”

  “Well,” Lindsey said, drawing out the word. “Ryan said some things.”

  “I’m sorry, Jude. Everything was intensifying and Mitchell was standing his ground. I told him that if he didn’t get out of here now, that I would tell his daughter about his shady agreement with you.”

  Jude faltered. He’d broken her confidence, but he’d saved her daughter.

  “I said what I needed to say to get him to leave. I think we’ve heard the last from Mitchell for a while.”

  “Phew.” Jude let out a big breath. “You did what you needed to do. I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn’t been here, Ryan.”

  “But I was here,” Ryan said. “I always will be if you’ll let me. I’m really sorry about what I had to say and what came out after.”

  “After?” Jude asked.

  “Mom, don’t be mad at Ryan. I was a mess, crying. He kept telling me to wait for you, but I needed to know the truth about my dad. I begged Ryan. I’m sorry now that I wasn’t there for you, Mom. That I believed Dad at all. But Ryan loves you, and his words to me made all the difference.”

  Jude stared at Ryan, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. “How much did you tell her?” Jude asked.

  When he looked up, Jude saw only love in his eyes. “Just enough to know that her father was not the man that she . . .”

  Lindsey looked at her, tears welling in her eyes. “Please tell me the truth,” Mom.

  Jude felt her stomach churn. Had she made the right decision back then? “Lindsey, I wanted to tell you but I . . . I didn’t want you having resentment towards your dad or ill feelings. It was hard enough not having him here most of the time, and you seemed so happy to finally have a relationship with him.”

  “I think I understand,” Lindsey said, “but I’m not a child now and I need you to tell me everything.”

  “You’re right. You deserve to know everything, and you will.”

  Jude glanced at Ryan. His face had gone white. “Ryan, you look like you’re going to pass out on us. I understand why you told her. And I thank you. It should have come from me sooner.”

  “I’m so relieved to hear that,” he said. “If I’d lost you on top of everything . . .”

  “You’re not going to lose me Ryan, especially now.”

  He sat down beside her and took her into his arms. “I love you so much, Jude. I’m sorry for the way I acted about the baby. I was afraid, but I think I will make a good dad.” He turned to Lindsey. “And with your daughter’s blessing, I’d like to be a good husband if you’ll let me.”

  Jude’s breath caught when his eyes met hers, looking through to her very core. Lindsey gasped beside them.

  “Are . . . Are you asking me to marry you?” Jude asked.

  Ryan’s smile was radiant. “Absolutely. I know this isn’t very romantic, but I’ll make it up to you. I don’t want to rush you but . . . . He put his hand on her belly.”

  “I will,” Jude said, throwing her arms around him. “Don’t worry about rushing. Doing it soon is a good idea. But I don’t want to jump into a wedding, and I don’t want anything big. The café is all booked for the last week of August. A nice, quiet, little ceremony in September sounds wonderful.”

  “But then I won’t be here, Mom, I’ll be back at school,” Lindsey said.

  “Oh, right,” Jude said. “This is all happening so fast. We’ll figure it out.”

  Ryan stood. “I’ll whip something up downstairs and give you two a little time to talk alone before you come down.”

  Lindsey jumped off the couch and pulled her mother with her. “Group hug to celebrate,” she said.

  Jude threw her arms around Lindsey and then motioned for Ryan to join them. For a moment she remembered the young eagles they saw on Orcas, learning to fly with their mother, gliding back and forth across the sky. All the struggles had led to here and now, and the three of them were learning to fly together.


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