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Island Thyme Cafe (Madrona Island Series Book 3)

Page 22

by Andrea Hurst

  The owner of the restaurant ran out holding a magnum of Champagne “Félicitations à vous, let us all drink to the lovers, les amoureux.”

  A waitress handed Jude and Ryan glasses bubbling with the non-alcoholic champagne and led the toast, “Congratulations! To your happiness!”

  Jude toasted and placed her glass on the table. She held her hand up and admired the ring.

  Ryan pointed to the band. “I had the jeweler carve some of the strands to look like sprigs of thyme and place the marquise diamond right in the middle.”

  “How clever,” she said, brushing her fingers over the strands.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Ryan said. “We could knock out the dividing wall between our apartments and make my bedroom the nursery.”

  “What a great idea.” Jude could see them decorating the new baby’s room and then going back to the bedroom they shared together as husband and wife. “Shall we go soon,” she said. Jude wanted to be alone with Ryan, to hold him in her arms, and finally let go and open her heart completely.”

  “One other thing,” he said.

  “More?” Jude put her hand to her heart. “Not sure I can take it.”

  Ryan grinned. “You said you wanted a quiet, small wedding. So how does a honeymoon cruise to Alaska and being married by the sea captain sound? It is Lindsey pre-approved as well.”

  “Perfect. I’ve always dreamt of seeing Glacier Bay and the coastal towns.” She stopped and came down to earth for a second. “When would we go? What about Lindsey and school?”

  “I already thought of that and booked all three of us a flight to Anchorage. Lindsey will join us for a few days on the cruise for the ceremony, and then when we port in Juneau, she can fly back to school. We will continue on for another week and celebrate our honeymoon.”

  Jude looked at him in wonder. She’d never believed she would find a man like this. Or that she would ever heal from the pain of her past and open her heart again. Now here she was about to marry Ryan, welcome another child, have Lindsey at her side, and be a happy family again.


  Grandpa John surveyed the gathering from his favorite spot on the porch swing of the bed and breakfast’s wrap-around porch. Golds, reds, and yellows tinged the leaves like a watercolor painting welcoming the late fall. Although the chilled air called for a jacket, the day cooperated with not a rain cloud in sight. Gretel’s tail thumped on the porch by his feet, and he reached down and scratched the dog’s head.

  Mary rushed out the front door carrying a tray of food. “John,” she said, “what are you doing sitting on the porch? Come join the party.”

  “I’ll be along soon. Just resting my feet.”

  He watched her move through the crowd. It seemed everyone in town was here for Jude’s fortieth birthday. A few days ago, they’d celebrated Lily and Ian’s first wedding anniversary. His grandson, Ian, was easy to spot, carrying sweet Gwyn in his arms. His great-granddaughter, no less. Lily was at Ian’s side, her head on his shoulder as they watched the musicians on the lawn. Grandpa John scanned the area for Jason.

  “Surprise!” Jason said, popping up on the porch. The boy ran over and wrapped his arms around John with a tight squeeze.

  “I love you, Grandpa.”

  “Love you too. Are you having a good time?”

  Jason fidgeted on the porch. “There aren’t many kids here. When do you think we can eat the cake?”

  John laughed. “I’m sure it will be soon.” He pointed to a boy who’d just arrived with his mom. “Isn’t that your friend from school?”

  Jason perked up. “I’ll see you later Grandpa.”

  He dashed off with his youthful energy sparking around him. John wondered if he himself even had the energy to get out bed some days. He was getting old. No doubt about it. For a moment he felt Maggie’s warm presence beside him on the old swing. He closed his eyes and imagined the sweet scent of gardenias that lingered wherever she went.

  “Oh Maggie,” he whispered. “I wish you were here to see all of this.”

  A soft laugh trickled inside his head. Maggie’s laugh. She was here, in his heart, in his soul. “Look Maggie,” he told her silently. “You granddaughter, Lily, is so happy now, and a mother. And you don’t have to worry about Jude. She found a darn good man. Married and a baby coming too. Even Lindsey will be home for Christmas.”

  Laughter and song lyrics filled the air, bringing him back from his drifting. In the distance he saw Becca and Marco dancing. New love, and Shirley and her new husband dancing beside them. Old love. He’d had it with Maggie.

  John sighed. The pain of loss never left him, but he’d made a promise to Maggie to watch over those she left behind. And he’d kept it.

  “How you doing?” Betty asked. Zinger pounced up the steps in front of her and barked at Gretel to play. John was glad to see some color back in her cheeks.

  “How are you doing is the question,” John said. “I saw you mowing the lawn yesterday. Did the doctor okay that?”

  Betty snickered. “The doctor told me I could come do his next! Full remission, she said.”

  “I don’t know how you do it, Betty. You’re a tough one.”

  “Don’t know what else I’d do,” she said. “Can’t just lay down and die, I wouldn’t know how.” She started down the steps and turned. “And I’ve got so much to do, including wishing that girl a Happy Birthday.”

  “More power to you,” John said.

  Gretel finally rose, tempted by Zinger to play. “Go ahead,” he told the dog, waving her on.

  “See you later,” Betty called behind her.

  Betty and Shirley had been his neighbors for years. Time had flown by, so many memories. For a moment he was back with Maggie, and the party was for the grand opening of the Madrona Island Bed & Breakfast so many years ago. He could see Maggie cutting the ribbon with a radiant smile on her face. John looked out expecting to see Maggie in the crowd.

  “Time to sing Happy Birthday,” Ryan called out. “Come over all and join us.”

  Everyone gathered around the cake. John rose slowly and walked over toward all his friends and neighbors. Kyla motioned for him to join her and Luke, and of course their dog Bailey who was happily wagging his tail. Another happy couple. Oh Maggie, I wish you were here to celebrate with us, he thought.

  Voices rose in the chorus, “Happy Birthday to Jude!”

  The sheriff patted John on the shoulder. “Good to see you here.”

  John nodded. “And you.” Everywhere he looked he saw someone he knew. Someone who had touched their lives. There was, Kelly, the reporter, taking pictures of the party for the paper, Audrey the librarian, and Cherise from the art gallery where Ian sold his work. Under the old apple tree, the dogs played in the fall leaves. And for a moment all was well with the world.

  He had kept his promise to Maggie, to watch over them all. He’d seen them open to love and all the pain that can go with it. But what else was there that really mattered? Just love.

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  If you’ve missed any of the series here is a summary below.

  Book One – The Guestbook


  Evocative and heartfelt, The Guestbook is the profound story of one woman’s journey toward hope, renewal and a second chance at love on a lush Pacific Northwest island. Curl up with your favorite cup of cocoa and enjoy.

  ~Anjali Banerjee - author of Imaginary Men and Haunting Jasmine said about this women’s fiction romance

; Fleeing her picture-perfect marriage among the privileged set of Brentwood and the wreckage of a failed marriage, Lily Parkins decides to move to the only place that still holds happy memories, her grandmother’s old farmhouse. The lush and majestic setting of the Pacific Northwest calls to her and offers a place of refuge and perhaps renewal. Her grandmother has passed away, leaving the Madrona Island Bed & Breakfast Inn to Lily. Left with only an old guestbook as her guide–a curious book full of letters, recipes, and glimpses into her family history–Lily is determined to embrace her newfound independence and recreate herself, one page at a time. With the help of the quirky island residents she has befriended, she slowly finds the strength to seek out happiness on her own terms. But as soon as she has sworn off men and is standing on her own two feet, Lily meets Ian, the alluring artist who lives next door, and her new life is suddenly thrown off course. The last thing she wants to do right now is to open her heart to another man. Ultimately, Lily must decide if it’s worth giving up her soul for security or risking everything to follow her heart in this romantic love story.

  Book Two – Tea & Comfort

  This second volume features the puzzling yet sensuous, Kyla Nolan. The story unravels the mystery behind her hasty departure from her glamorous New York life as a top model and her transformation to shop proprietor, herbalist, and local tea leaf reader on Madrona Island. Follow her battle with a reoccurring illness and the return of Lucas, the wealthy winery owner and former fiancé whom she left behind. Can a love that was so based on outside trappings survive illness and loss? With a touch of the paranormal, and her island friends, Kyla comes to terms with her fears and her heart’s longings.

  Book Three – Island Thyme Café

  Recipes from the book Island Thyme Cafe

  Lily’s Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Chicken


  1 package of sliced bacon

  2 cups thick-sliced mushrooms

  2 cups fresh spinach leaves

  1 package of sliced Provolone cheese (smoked or plain)

  Fresh Thyme sprigs

  Salt, pepper, and garlic flakes

  Medium/large boneless, skinless chicken breasts


  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. While the oven is preheating, cook bacon (two to three pieces per chicken breast) on the stove for about 3–4 minutes until slightly cooked, but bacon is still soft. Pat dry with paper towels and put aside.

  Wash off the chicken with cold water. With a small, sharp, knife, cut into chicken from the side to create a deep pocket in the center. Spread the chicken open. Put in a layer of raw mushrooms. Next, cover in a thick layer of spinach. Finally, cover both of these with strips of Provolone slices, approximately one slice per chicken breast. Salt, pepper, and garlic the inside. Fold the chicken closed tight as you can. Wrap each breast in at least two slices of bacon.

  Put chicken in a deep-dish pan. Fill the bottom of pan surrounding chicken with thick sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, garlic. Place fresh thyme sprigs on mushrooms and chicken. Bake until center of chicken is cooked, approximately 45 minutes or until done.

  Chef Ryan’s Island Thyme & Sea Salt Butter

  This butter can be served at the table for buttering bread or rolls, or used to cook with over chicken or pasta.


  2 sticks of unsalted sweet butter softened

  ¼ cup fresh minced thyme

  Salt to taste, approximately 1 tsp.

  1/2 garlic glove chopped fine


  Combine all ingredients and mold into preferred shape. Chill in refrigerator, or leave out at room temperature to serve. This is also great to use for cooking poultry, pasta, etc.

  Jude’s Magic Hot Cocoa


  3 ½ cups of whole milk

  1 cup of whipping cream

  ½ cup of sugar

  1/3 cup Hershey’s Unsweetened Cocoa Powder. We recommend Pernigotti Ilcacao Amaro, the best Italian cocoa powder. Can be ordered on

  ¼ teaspoon Cinnamon

  1/8 to ¼ teaspoon culinary lavender to taste

  ½ tablespoon pure vanilla


  Put the milk and cream in a pot on medium heat and warm. Slowly add sugar and mix well, add cocoa and mix with a whisk to keep from burning and to get all the chocolate off the sides and blended. Add all other ingredients and continue stirring until warmed.

  Serve immediately. Approximately 4 servings

  Strawberry or Blackberry Thyme Lemonade


  1 cup sugar or to taste, honey can be used instead

  4–6 sprigs fresh thyme, plus more for garnishing

  1 ½ to 2 - cups strawberries or blackberries, cleaned and sliced

  10–12 fresh-squeezed lemons

  1 cup water


  In a small pot, add a cup of water, the sugar and thyme. Bring to a low boil and cook, stirring lightly until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool and remove the thyme.

  Combine the above mixture with the berries, lemon juice, and 5–6 cups cold water in a large pitcher. Chill for 30 minutes or more. Serve over ice, garnished with fresh thyme sprigs.


  This was a bittersweet book for me to write. I enjoyed returning to Madrona Island to complete the third book in the trilogy, but it was hard to type “the end.” I’d like to thank the numerous people who supported me on this writing journey, and all the readers who kept encouraging me to finish Island Thyme Café.

  Special thanks to: Rebecca Berus for her expertise with plotting and for sharing brainstorming walks on the cliffs of Fort Casey while I worked out the storyline. To Sean Fletcher for his encouragement during the dark moments of writer’s block. To my developmental editor, Cate Perry, for her unwavering support and friendship.

  To Justin Hurst for believing in me.

  And to my Beta readers for their fast and thorough reading of the initial manuscript, a heartfelt thanks to Cameron Chandler and Sheila Myers. To Jean Galiana, who has read and made excellent suggestions for all three books in the series, a big thank you!

  A very special nod to my plot party gang: Audrey Mackaman, Sean Fletcher, and Rebecca Berus.

  And to my expert virtual assistant who keeps me organized, Geneva Agnos

  Last but not least, gratitude to my beloved dachshund, Ferdie, for making sure all the dogs on Madrona Island were included.

  Author Bio

  When not writing, visiting local farmer’s markets, or indulging her love for dark chocolate, Andrea enjoys working with other authors as a developmental editor and workshop leader. Her passion for books drives her to write stories that take readers on a journey to another place and leave them with an unforgettable impression. She lives with her rescue dachshund, Ferdie, in the Pacific Northwest, on an island much like the fictional Madrona, with all of its natural beauty and small town charm.

  Her published books include the Amazon bestseller, The Guestbook, Tea & Comfort, and Island Thyme Café. Her other publications are Always with You, The Lazy Dog’s Guide to Enlightenment and Everybody’s Natural Foods Cookbook, and she co-authored A Book of Miracles: Inspiring True Stories of Healing, Gratitude, and Love with Dr. Bernie Siegel.

  To be alerted of upcoming new releases and receive contest and giveaway notifications, please follow her on Facebook where she shares beautiful pictures of the island, new recipes and, of course, photos of Ferdie. Newsletter subscribers enjoy special bonus content as well.

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