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Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily

Page 8

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Shock filled her face as she straightened herself, bringing her hands up and pushing against his chest. It was then she noticed people watching them.

  “Oh my god,” she whispered, red tinting her face as she pushed it against his chest. “We should have sold tickets!”

  “I seriously doubt they’re shocked. Do you have things you want to put upstairs? We might as well head out to Lucas’s,” he stepped back, wincing and adjusting his jeans with a sigh. The things guys do to torture themselves.

  “I thought I’d just take the bike out there. I don’t want it left here…”

  “I’ll take the SUV out of the garage and you can put it in there. It’s a double long, the length of the building, so there’s plenty of room, Lily,” Jess pulled a key ring from his pocket, striding toward the right side of the building, one finger up and pushing only slightly fogged glasses up his nose.

  Jess stepped from the SUV and closed the door, following as she expertly rode the bike into the long, wide garage he’d had built next to the building. He hit the light switch and closed the door behind him, striding across the concrete and taking one of the plain black backpacks she lifted from inside the bags on the sides of her bike.

  “We can go upstairs through here,” he took her palm, another part of him realizing again how small she was, her hand engulfed by his. He led her up the inside stairs and into the kitchen. “The spare bedroom is up here,” he continued walking up another set of stairs next to the kitchen. “Private bath,” he nodded to the right and dropped her pack on the bed.

  “I’d really love a long shower and to change clothes,” she had almost stopped breathing, afraid of inhaling more of the exotic scent that was Jess Daniels.

  “We have time, Lily. I’ll be downstairs. I have patient files to make notes on and review.”

  Lily dropped her jacket over a chair and pulled clothes from one of the packs, striding into the bathroom without looking back. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes.

  What had she felt? Other than the loss of dignity and her knees?

  She’d never known a guy who could look at her and make her wet and breathless. She’d never allowed herself that kind of weakness.

  She stood up with a long sigh, slowly pulling clothes and boots free, setting a pile aside to toss into the laundry before gathering her bag of lotions and soaps and shampoos and stepping into the very large bathroom.

  She looked around, eyes landing on the walk-in shower stall, complete with built in seat. Her eyes landed on the panel next to the door and a low whimper slipped from her lips.

  Wolves seriously knew how to shower in style. She set the temperature to a hundred and watched water spray from both sides. Two jets, she thought, stepping beneath the steaming water and sighing. Palms went flat against the tiles, her head hanging, allowing the hot water to drench her.

  She was doomed.

  Coincidence, she growled as she pulled a pair of comfortable black cotton pants up her legs, arms fitting into the loose tee shirt before falling back onto the bed.

  He’d gone below, leaving her alone.

  It was all coincidence that he had a killer body and a killer shower system.

  Pure coincidence. She shoved her feet into cushiony sneakers and headed downstairs, eyes taking in the layout and spacious open area.

  Was she a guest? Lips were pulled into a taut bow as she went into the kitchen, opened and looked through cabinets until she found glasses. She had a tall glass of iced water in her hand when she saw him at a large desk, hands moving over a keyboard. She could see text reflected in his glasses, his face intent and attention total. But she knew he was aware of her as she moved closer, the twitching of his nostrils almost making her smile.

  Lily curled into the corner of the large, thick cushions on the sofa, her head against the back and eyes closed. If anyone had told her she’d feel this comfortable, this safe with a guy she just met that morning, she’d send them for therapy without blinking. She listened to the rhythmic typing and didn’t notice the glass of water removed from her hand or the quilt that was laid over her.

  Jess went back to his desk, one long leg stretched out in front of him as he filled in patient records his office manager had sent him.

  She fit him. A human. Each sound she made as she curled against the back of the sofa rippled through him while he worked, checking the time now and then. He finished his notes and removed his glasses, set the alarm on the computer and went to the sofa.

  She must be exhausted because she barely moved when he stretched out on the outside, gathering her against him. She curled into his arm with tiny, sexy mumbles that really made Jess question his sanity.

  The only redeeming thought before sleep claimed him was that he’d seen the same stunned, captive expressions on the faces of his brothers.

  And none of them was fighting it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Connie watched the couple leave the pick-up truck, Lucas lifting two large bags from the bed and following a much faster, broadly grinning Scarlet.

  “Hi, Connie!” Scarlet waved lightly. “Don’t worry about the stuff. I’ll deal with it after I change clothes.”

  Connie nodded and waited for Lucas. “Now that is a very less than happy face,” she commented with a little chuckle.

  “She’s having a sleep over,” he said through his teeth.

  “A sleepover,” Connie repeated with a little laugh.

  “Don’t ask, okay.”

  “I’ve had phone calls most of the morning,” Connie leaned against the counter, hands in the pockets of her jeans. “When the Daniels boys decide to light up the town, they do it in style.”

  “And you heard about the coyotes that hit Jess?”

  She nodded. “Part of the story. He was brought into town looking pretty bad by a little blonde on a big motorcycle wearing black leather. The blonde, not the bike. Reports say she’s sweet and innocent looking. At first. And she scares people.”

  “Hell, she scares me,” he said with a laugh, feeling a little lighter, he sighed. If this made Scarlet smile, he’d survive. “Her name is Lily Gaines and believe it or not, Jess doesn’t even blink.”

  “And the cat?”

  Lucas pushed a long breath of air through lips that puckered. “People sure like to talk. Her name is Lexi Baker and her uncle is Mitch James,” he saw the instant recognition. “You’re familiar with the name.”

  “Call your father, Lucas,” Connie stood up and lifted the straw bag she carried, hitching it on her shoulder and walking to the door.

  “We’ll be alright tomorrow, Connie. I think Scarlet will be making breakfast,” he shook his head. “And probably lunch for our guests. Hell, if she convinces her friends to move in, I might never get rid of my brothers again.”

  “Call your father, Lucas. He’s very familiar with Mitch James and it wasn’t a friendly rivalry.” She lifted a slender palm with a wave before the door closed behind her.

  “This just keeps getting better and better,” Lucas pushed against the counter, stopping when he realized she’d come down and was watching him.

  He straightened up, circling his neck on his shoulders and taking in a dark haired woman wearing an emerald green satin tank top that stopped just above her waist and a matching pair of pants that stopped at her calves. Her feet were bare and the short, dark curls sparkled with the residue of her shower. A slim lace strap of her bra showed when the tops strap slid along her shoulder cap to her arm.

  “Lucas? Are you alright?” Scarlet stepped forward, her palm up and on his face. It was only one and she had a lot of cooking and baking to do. She should have known it was a mistake to touch him. He was warm and his scent broke through and attacked her senses.

  “You staked a claim, Scarlet,” Lucas felt his heart thumping, his throat drying from the effort to drag air into his lungs beneath the stare of those deliciously dark eyes.

  “I…it’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” She knew it was an answer, but n
ot the right one. Not for either of them.

  “You thought you wouldn’t know what to do,” he said gruffly, closing the space between them and inhaling all the fresh, alive scents surrounding her. “Don’t run from me, Scarlet…please.”

  “Do you remember when we met?” She asked softly, shivering when his palms went to her waist and there was no more space between them.

  “You came to Jess’s aid before me or Eli could get there. Always had his nose in a book, even then. We never managed to teach him to focus on things around him instead of something puzzling him, even now,” Lucas recalled with a smile down at her. “He hadn’t learned to shift yet…never was much of a fighter.”

  “You were with that girl with red hair and…a well-developed chest,” she said delicately. “I didn’t think you even saw me.”

  Lucas laughed, his lips brushing her forehead. “Scarlet…you had hair down to your ass...the biggest, darkest most gorgeous eyes I’d ever seen on a girl. You wore jeans and shirts way too big for you…and wailed on Bobby with these tight little fists and skinny…”

  “Okay, okay…you noticed me,” Scarlet lowered her eyes to his throat, her eyes closing against the heat striking her cheeks.

  “And I’ve never forgotten you,” he brought his palm beneath her chin, tipping it up and covering her mouth before she could respond, before she could back away.

  He needed this, he needed her.

  Lucas was working hard to control himself, working hard to keep his kiss gentle and teasing; awakening and arousing. All the while the wolf in him was lying beneath the surface, the heat of passion crushing his intentions. A low, hungry growl broke from his lips when she returned the pressure, her palms pressing against his chest and around his neck, her body against his hard form.

  Scarlet let all the inhibitions she’d gathered around her slip away in his arms. They’d been there for protection. Shielding. She didn’t need anything like that with Lucas. Instincts took over, her fingers spearing the longish hair and holding his mouth in place for a long, searing kiss.

  When she pulled her lips from his, the only thing in her mind was to taste him, inhale his scent and keep it in a precious memory box inside her. Full lips kissed over his jaw, her tongue touching the hard pulsing in his throat before her teeth nipped and nipped again a little lower when his hands stroked down her body, pressing her against him. She felt each of his fingers in her hips when he gripped her there, her body tilting to stroke the hard erection straining against the fabric of his jeans.

  She felt the momentary panic, the girl in her wanted to run and hide and she brought her hands down to his chest. Her head shook slowly, her forehead against him, the hard pounding of his heart echoing her own.

  “I also know there were life things we both had to go through to get here. I’m only sorry I wasn’t there…”

  “Lucas…I…please, don’t.”

  “It’s alright,” he breathed raggedly, his eyes closed as he worked to absorb the shudder racing through him. “It’s alright, Scarlet,” his mouth moved next to her ear. “We can go slowly.” He backed up, his palm moving to force her chin back, forced her to meet his eyes. “It’s alright. I’m not a kid. I have control and I respect the word no. Trust me, Scarlet.”

  “I…umm…I have to cook things,” she nodded and hastily moved into the kitchen, pots, pans and bowls brought out quickly.

  “I’m going to check the fence. Eli and Jess know the code, so it’ll be locked down.” He stopped moving when she spoke his name.

  “Lucas.” Scarlet didn’t turn to face him after saying his name. “I had a crush on you,” she shot the words out in a soft rush. “I thought…I thought if I helped Jess you’d notice me,” she said softly.

  “It worked, Scarlet,” he said with a grin that neither of them really noticed. He pulled his phone out when it sounded, walking and talking as he grabbed up a jacket and went to the patio doors. “Hi, dad…yeah, I was expecting your call.”

  “Your mother and aunt are concerned enough to make me consider going back to work,” Alex Daniels told his eldest son dryly.

  “At thirty-five I had this idiot notion my life was my problem,” Lucas returned, his laugh low and just as sarcastic.

  “Yeah, well, dream on, kid.” His father chuckled richly.

  “I didn’t know there was anything…” Lucas stopped, one hand up and on his neck, face tipped up to the mid-September sun. “I only met Lexi at lunch. I didn’t know anything until a couple hours ago. Then I get home and Connie says to tell you.”

  “I know. Believe me. Your mother has gotten phone calls from every one of her friends about the women that snagged the Daniels’ boys. Thanks to technology, she even has photos,” he said with a long sigh. “Tomorrow, Lucas. Bring your brothers and the girls at noon. Your mother is cooking.”

  “She has that in common with Scarlet,” he murmured with a sigh. So much for a quiet fall weekend chasing Scarlet around in the forest. “Noon.”

  Lucas stared at the silent, closed phone wondering at what point your family stays out of your life. Obviously not anytime soon, he thought.

  Eli really wasn’t sure she was going to survive this. He didn’t know the story behind it, but having this battered old imported wagon towed was taking a serious toll on Lexi Baker.

  He watched a pair of colorful sneakers pound a path repeatedly on the ground next to the gravel and was grateful Toby had the patience he was renowned for. He could envision her in a cage, pacing before the bars with a similar expression on her face.

  Torn between snarling and whimpering.

  The older man placated and soothed her as he pulled the wagon onto his flatbed, promising to take good care of it for her.

  Eli took her shoulders and turned her toward the house with a little shove.

  “Let me talk to Toby, you go get something cold to drink, Lexi,” he watched the expression on her face, wondering if she was going to hyperventilate but she finally nodded and went inside with one last look over her shoulder at the deep blue wagon. He shook his head and walked up to the window of the truck. “I don’t care what it costs, Toby. Fix everything that needs done, replace everything worn out and make it safe.”

  “You got it, Eli, might take a few weeks to get all the parts. She’s pretty worn out,” he told him.

  “Don’t care. I’ll take care of Lexi, you take care of her car,” he thumped the side of the truck.

  “And some tires with tread?” He suggested with a hint of diplomacy.

  “Something good for the rain around here. Lexi will be staying on,” Eli said confidently. “Thanks.”

  “Pleasure doing business with you,” Toby told him with a nod.

  He wasn’t surprised that she was pacing the living area when he went inside, wide green eyes pinned him in place.

  “How long do you think it’ll take?”

  “Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?”

  “I…” she thought about that, shoulders slumping momentarily. “No. I guess not,” she resumed pacing. “I’m not happy, Eli, that Jess was hurt. Not just hurt, four people beat on him! Because of me.”

  “Trust me, Jess can handle himself when he’s not distracted with doctor stuff,” Eli shrugged out of his jacket and perched on the edge of one of the stools, arms crossed over his chest. He decided watching her pace wasn’t such a bad activity.

  Although another part of him really wouldn’t mind some other activities with her. Images of the long, lean cat, curved and seductive would be in his head for a very long time.

  Lexi thought about that, frowning at the low growl from Eli.

  Her pacing stopped and she walked over to him.

  She was positive the growl came from him. She leaned a little closer, peering into the slightly fogged pale green eyes.

  “You okay in there?” Full lips were pulled into a taut bow, very aware of his special scent assaulting her senses. She never cared much for that powerful wolf scent, other than as a warning to be somewhere
else. But on him…something about his scent seemed to stick in her. Lexi held her breath when he bent forward, the side of his face dragged against her throat and shoulder.

  “No…no, I’m really not, Lexi,” he inhaled deeply while he was next to her throat, his tongue out and trailing a long, slow line from her ear to her shoulder until she took a hasty step back.

  “Eli…really…” she shivered and went back to pacing, shoving the sensual stroke from her brain for the moment. “Boundaries…canines have no boundaries.”

  “I should have let you seduce me last night,” he said with a sigh, leaning back and going back to watching her. He’d just pretend he wasn’t hard as a rock just from being near her.

  “Let…I…that would have seriously been considered taking advantage of me, you know,” Lexi wasn’t sure on that line since she evidently knew what she was after. She looked over to see one brow arched at her comment. She shrugged. “Alright, I might have been sober, but I definitely was not in my right mind.”

  “And what are you calling it, Lexi?”

  Something in his voice brought her pacing to a stop, her head turned slowly to see him standing up and moving toward her.

  “Oh, no…don’t you do that…that thing…”

  “What thing is that?”

  “That…that…dog stalking thing…Eli…” Lexi dragged her tongue around her lips, unaware of the sensual effect it was having on the male watching her. She brought her hand up, one finger warning as her eyes skirted the area.

  “You think you can outrun me, Lexi?”

  “I think you’re attempting to intimidate me.”

  “Do I frighten you?”

  “No, of course not,” she answered instantly, honestly, meeting his gaze and then realizing her mistake. She barely felt his hand close around her neck, his fingers massaging and moving onto her head to pull the band free holding her hair captive.

  She wanted to pretend the low mew that escaped wasn’t her when he speared his fingers through her hair seconds before his mouth covered hers.


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