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Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily

Page 18

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Lucas knew his hand was wound in the dark chestnut curls several mind shattering minutes later. He knew it had been his intent to stop her. Somewhere deep in his mind, anyway. But each time her tongue swirled and stroked; each time she suckled and fluttered her tongue around the sensitive ridge his mind shut down and his hips arched.

  He felt the sharp edge of her nails along the inside of his thigh, her fingers caressing and learning the shape of the fullness as his body tightened. Her name echoed in the quiet of the small cabin, his cock jumping and erupting several times before his body lapsed to a boneless gel on the bed.

  He knew he was in his cabin with the woman he chose as his mate.

  And he knew he’d never felt better in his life.

  They both lay on their backs, fingers entwined and both working to collect oxygen. Lucas more than Scarlet. At the moment. He wasn’t sure how long it took for his eyes to uncross, her head tipped to the side only to see a very satisfied grin on her face when she faced him.

  “You’re looking sexy as hell and very pleased with yourself,” Lucas shifted to his side, a palm holding up his head while the other trailed a slow, lazy path between her breasts. Around each of the firm mounds and over the top, grinning at the taut peaks he provoked into life.

  “Hmm…I think I am. Pleased with myself, that is,” Scarlet shivered and sighed. “I never thought of myself as sexy before.”

  “Oh, believe me…you are.”

  “I used to dream about you,” she admitted softly, the surprise on his face making her smile. “And the sexy things I wanted to do. With you.”

  “You’re perfect for me,” he assured her, leaning over and dragging his tongue hotly around one nipple. “I really don’t want to, but we have to go back. I’ve got afternoon appointments…” he fell back on the bed when she abruptly bolted upright.

  “Oh, my god! I told them…I’ve got to go!” Scarlet was out of the bed, collecting her clothes and swearing when she had to run down the stairs to get her shirts. She threw his at him, catching him laughing and in the face with his shirt.

  The bathroom door slammed behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Lucas was laughing but dressed when she came tearing out of the bathroom, running damp fingers through her hair and scowling at him. He caught the palm she aimed at his stomach and pulled her close, his mouth taking her for a long, slow trip down memory lane.

  “I’ll get you back to town. Relax. And I will let you know what’s going on, I promise,” Lucas saw the question in her eyes. “I’m glad you’re with me, Scarlet. And you won’t be left out of what we do but it’s hard to pretend I wouldn’t worry. I know Eli and Jess feel the same.”

  “I know…” She let her fingers hold the open edges of his shirt. “I know Lex is pissed. It’s…hard…she’s going to want to face him, Lucas. And Lily will be right there with her.”

  “And you,” he said softly, nodding and kissing her. He held out her jacket and reached for his before lifting the keys from the floor.

  “She hoped he would just lose interest. But that was before we knew he was using her for something else,” Scarlet shivered in the sharp winds coming down from the mountains. It was just after one and storm clouds were filling the sky in thick dark layers. “He likes to play odds and hope pieces fall into place. That makes him dangerous and careless.”

  “Careless, agreed,” Lucas guided the large pick-up along the road to town.

  “Would you tell me what you’re planning?” She turned to face him, studying the completely emotionless features.

  “Right now we’re just upping patrols and watching. We don’t want their territory. We don’t need it. Even if our population tripled, we have enough territory to expand the town and be fine.”

  “Where does his territory begin?” Scarlet frowned. “I need a map.”

  “He’s off to the north of Seattle, Scarlet. Nowhere near here. We’ve asked some questions and got some numbers and…” Lucas dragged one hand through his hair, raking the straw colored strands back from his forehead. “It’s an insane move on his part. The only thing we can come up with is he’s trying to use Lexi as a bargaining chip. He knows we won’t give her to him, so to stop a pack war, he takes a chunk of land.”

  “You won’t let that happen.”

  “He doesn’t have the backing, Scarlet,” he pulled before the internet café, Lexi waving at them from their table near a window.

  “There has to be more. Something missing,” Scarlet shook her head and pushed the door wide, stopping when his palm came out to take her hand. She looked around at him, one of his brows up patiently before he released her palm and tapped his cheek. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” She laughed but leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You’re a nut.”

  “But I’m your nut,” he returned with a little wink. “I’ll see you at home later,” his fingers went out to quickly grip hers once more. “Be careful, Scarlet. Please.”

  She nodded and stepped onto the concrete, striding into the café as he drove off. She bought a large coffee and sandwich before going to join her friends.

  “Got delayed?”

  “More like got laid,” Lily teased with a chuckle at the scowl.

  “I can smell him all over you,” Lexi peered up through her lashes with a little grin. “I personally find great sex rather exhilarating. You ever wonder how we can be such close friends and discussing the great sex we have makes us uncomfortable?”

  “I find it fascinating that each of them fits us…individually,” Lily admitted quietly. “And a little scary. He looks at me like I’m the best thing in his whole world and…” She shook her head, staring down into her coffee. “I start thinking of the quickest way out of town.”

  “You’ve never been the one afraid of anything,” Lexi said, her palm out to touch her friend’s shoulder. “I always want to be like you…but with claws.”

  Lily laughed, a trace of her discomfort sliding away. It had taken her a long time before she realized, fight it as she might, her friends had made it into her heart, regardless of the wall she’d erected.

  She wasn’t sure how or when it happened. When her parents were killed, something seemed to break inside her for a long, long time.

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Lily said after a long, quiet minute.

  “Then I guess you take a chance,” Scarlet said simply. “Like the rest of us.”

  “So besides playing grab butt with Lucas,” Lexi winked at Lily. “Did you learn anything?” She hastily added. “About the pack issues, I mean.”

  “I learned that sex book we read when we were nineteen seriously made an indent in my psyche,” she murmured with a chuckle.

  Lily closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Lexi bit her lower lip in an effort to keep her mouth closed.

  “That was the last time we downed two bottles of wine on a Friday night,” Lily sighed and shook her head.

  “I have to agree, though…” Lexi sighed. “I did learn a lot from that book. Now I got someone to practice on.”

  “You’re seriously lucky I like you guys,” but Lily grinned at them, the three of them bursting into giggles for several minutes before sobering.

  Scarlet stared around her absently, taking in the people and how they watched the three of them.

  “I learned his territory doesn’t even border theirs. I learned Lucas and the council are just as confused as we are about why he’s doing this,” she sighed and leaned back. “And I know I do not care for the way people watch us constantly.”

  “Well…” Lexi began slyly. “While you were having a nooner with Lucas, we wandered through a great deal of the town and shops. People are very willing to talk, especially when Lily glares at them,” she chuckled softly.

  “We learned that not all of the people under the pack’s protection are shifters and not all are wolves,” Lily mentioned casually, keeping her voice low and face neutral. “They stare because having all the Daniels’ men fi
nd mates at once has thrown a very large crimp into local politics. It would appear…that behind the scenes and until we talk to the guys we won’t know…but it seems some of the council were attempting for alliances with other packs by using them as bait.”

  Scarlet looked from one to the other, her frown deepening. “They wanted to use them like…like some old medieval bargaining chip? Mate them with strangers. According to Lucas, even if they tripled the population, they bought enough land eons ago to handle the increase easily. They have no arguments with any of the close packs because of the large expanse of property separating things. So unless visiting, there’s no clashing between them.”

  “So pretty much what they’re looking for…” Lexi sighed and leaned to the side, smiling at the people who cast a secretive glance in their direction now and then.

  “Are the signs that we’ve been marked,” Scarlet filled in with a set of puffed up cheeks. “So I should show them my shoulder? Or Lucas should bare his?”

  “The whole pain thing is a tad annoying,” Lexi mumbled.

  “Unless and until that happens, they’re still fair game. As far as the females and the council are concerned. As far as the guys…” Scarlet smiled. “They aren’t interested in anyone but us.”

  “But that doesn’t stop the dickering,” Lily shook her head, green eyes narrowed a little from one to the other. “I can’t believe they wouldn’t know, though.”

  “Well, that one is answered easily enough,” Scarlet opened her phone and tapped the button she’d programmed. “Lucas…I’m sorry for interrupting anything, but were you aware that the council was working to bargain you three off with other packs?” Her eyes went wide. “No. Just information…of course we don’t think that…oh good grief,” Scarlet rolled her eyes and ended the call. “Umm…no, he didn’t know. And right now I wouldn’t want to be on the council.”

  Lexi opened her phone and tapped the number she had for Eli.

  “Hi, Eli…do you have a few minutes?” Lexi asked quietly, listening to the sexy voice that promised her all the time in the world. “Alright. I need you to be calm.”

  “That’s not the way to keep him calm,” Lily whispered with a laugh.

  “Take a deep breath. Did you know the council is using you three to dangle before eligible daughters in other packs for alliances?” She winced, the phone bouncing out a little from her head. “This is not you being calm…breathe…no I’m not joking…Lily and I went around town talking to people. Yes, I am sure. No, we’re at the internet café in town. Alright…I will. I will! We are being very careful, I promise. Okay…bye.”

  “Well…two down…I’m pretty sure they didn’t have a clue.” Lily said dryly. “So now we have another piece to the puzzle. I think we need some information on the people on the council.”

  “Computer,” Lexi lifted her glass and drained the melted smoothie, tossing the cup into the trash behind her. “I’ve got my stuff at Eli’s. Let’s go there. He’s out in the field today.”

  “We don’t have transport,” Lily mentioned casually, zipping her jacket and refilling her cup before leaving the shop.

  “Oh, please,” Lexi rolled her eyes and put her palms together with a gleeful clutch. “I bet you could get Jess’s SUV just by blinking those big green eyes at him.”

  “I could bite you,” Lily threw back with a snarl, sweeping past her and toward the corner leading to the medical offices.

  “Naw, you like me. I make you laugh,” Lexi chided.

  “You make me want to bite you,” Lily confirmed again, shoving the door to Jess’s office inward and looking around the large room filled with people of all ages. She moved straight to the front desk. “I need to see Jess.”

  “Please,” Scarlet said from her side, nudging Lily with her hip. “Manners,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “He’s with a patient at the moment. Can I tell him who you are?”

  “Where’s his office? I just need the car keys,” Lily strode to the gate and went through, ignoring the two assistants and the receptionist running after her. “He leaves them in his pocket,” she said striding into his office and looking around, spotting the jacket he’d worn that morning. She patted it down and held up a set of keys. “Got ‘em.”

  “Miss, you cannot…”

  “Grace, go find Dr. Daniels.”

  “Just tell him Lily took the car keys and I’ll meet him at home later,” Lily ignored them and shook her head, heading down hall when Jess came out with a patient file and a frown.

  “Lily?” He stopped and waited for her to turn and stride up to him, surprise on his face when she put her palms up on his face and went to her toes, kissing him soundly. Jess kept the urge to groan inside him, the sweet bow of her mouth dragging temptingly across his mouth as the kiss reluctantly ended.

  “I need the car for a bit,” she dangled the keys and winked at him. “Let your staff know I’m safe to have around. I’ll see you later.” She started to turn and stopped, turning to look at him. “This thing about marking a mate…how do people know? I mean, I get the engagement ring thing…” she wiggled her fingers. “Oh, look, she’s engaged. But how do they know when you’ve marked someone? Do you like…glow or something?”

  “Lily!” Scarlet hissed behind her.

  “You better tell him,” Lexi glanced around, the assistants and receptionist had vanished, but she didn’t doubt they were listening.

  “Tell me what?” Jess took a step toward them. “The marking thing…” He shrugged. “It’s not just word of mouth. The scent is there. It’s mostly tradition? I haven’t thought about it. What’s this about?”

  Lily dragged in a deep breath, meeting his gaze. “We found out the council might have been trying to form alliances with other packs using you and your brothers as mating bait.”

  Silence filled the hallway. Jess looked from one to the other, expecting one of them to smile and tell him it was all a joke.

  “You’re not serious.”

  Scarlet watched the slow anger build in his face, lashes narrowed and jaw tensing. If the town knew, how could the three of them have been so clueless?

  “Have eligible mates been parading before you the last month or so?” Lily asked, wondering what or how a human could mark her territory. She was thinking a nice tattoo on his ass, but no one but her would see that one. Something must have showed in her expression because she felt Lexi grab the back of her jacket and pull.

  “I…mates? I’ve been busy with school starting and cold season,” Jess looked from one to the other. “You’re serious?” He said in that low, very controlled voice, his free hand up and rubbing the back of his neck.

  Scarlet saw the approach of one of the assistants, a woman about their age with a decided baby bump and carrying several files. She looked at the three of them and settled on Scarlet.

  “Candace Morton,” she began with a crooked grin and head shaking at Jess. “He’s usually with patients. It’s pretty non-stop here but the last three weeks there have been a lot of woman asking questions. Never getting appointments or anything. And never leaving names.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” Jess stared at her and then back at Lily.

  “Why? We thought they were just nosy visitors to the town. They aren’t local people,” she shrugged, offering him a grin. “Besides, we all knew you weren’t interested.” She winked at Lily. “He was waiting for the right woman to come along obviously.” She reached for the folder in his hand and replaced it with two others before heading back to the front of the office.

  “You get a little involved in your work,” Lily said without a trace of ridicule, a softness in her eyes that was there for him. She stepped up to him and kissed him again. “I’ll see you later. Be careful, Jess.”

  His palm was out to quickly snag hers. “What are you three doing?”

  “Scouting business locations…listening to gossip and enjoying being mates to the three top wolves in the territory,” she teased with a chuckle. She ope
ned the zipper down her jacket, showing him her harness. “We’ll be alright.”

  “Business locations?” Jess walked with them toward the front of the office, glancing absently at the names on the folders he held.

  “Amelia tells me this town needs a nursery and master gardener,” Lily decided she liked the excitement in his eyes. “I’ll see you tonight at home. Bye.” She pulled the keys to the SUV from her pocket and looked at the other two. “Let’s go.”

  “Thanks, Jess.” Lexi waved and ran to catch the others.

  “Okay,” Scarlet slid into the front seat, fastened her belt and turned her back to the window, waiting for the others to get inside. “Jess didn’t notice because he’s seriously wrapped up in his work. Lucas focused on the annoying pair who were local and associated with members of the council.”

  “And he’s busy with the ranch and his own career,” Lexi nodded, following the path. “I know Eli’s been working on increasing the stock on the ranch and spent the last month and a half meeting with restaurants and markets wanting to sign on to purchase the meats they process as well as the processing plant they’re enlarging.”

  “So it’s more than possible they were just too involved to really pay attention to women coming on to them,” Scarlet frowned at the little bark of a laugh Lily let loose with as she guided the SUV toward Eli’s house. “What?”

  “Really? Guys too busy to notice girls throwing themselves at them? Come on…seriously?” Lily arched one brow skeptically.

  “It’s not like they’re fourteen, Lily,” Scarlet scowled. “C’mon. And we – at our advanced age – are single because we don’t notice or care about the males that throw themselves at our feet? Why is it so hard to consider? Besides, according to Lucas, if the females making moves on them were young, they seriously weren’t interested.”

  “Because they’re guys,” Lexi answered for her, meeting her dark eyes in the mirror. “However…giving them the innocent until proven guilty thing…we need to talk to Amelia. She’ll have the gossip going around town.”


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