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Devil Hills: #1 Scarlet, Lexi & Lily

Page 23

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  A low snort came from Alexis. “My brother is strong and scares people, but he’s not the brightest brick in the load. I wanted facts. We have enough territory. We have several good businesses and Caro and I manage our funds very well. I’m what you’d call tight-fisted so I don’t allow them to throw money away on stupid shit, not when we have a pack to take care of.”

  “And believe me when I say we have more than enough of our own males we definitely don’t need to be poaching them from other packs,” Ronnie tilted her cup up thoughtfully. “But when we started asking questions…very carefully…it didn’t start in our pack.”

  “We know. A much smaller pack with a man who doesn’t seem to have ethics, morals or scruples,” Lexi said quietly.

  “Accurate description,” Alexis said with a nod.

  “You’ve had run-ins with him in the past?”

  “Several. He’s about forty and I think searching for some kind of power ride. This is his third attempt to take over some of the smaller packs,” Caroline sighed thickly. “His females are…worn…abused, I think. Somehow I had an idiot idea that wouldn’t exist in the shifter world, but…it does. We’ve offered asylum to some…they’re too frightened to consider it. My brother hasn’t found a strong mate yet. He’s a good Alpha, but letting this guy convince him of this scheme…”

  “It never seems to change,” Scarlet said sadly. “His attempt to rally a couple packs with the intent of messing with my peace has become an issue.”

  “Who are the other packs?” Caroline asked thoughtfully, listening to the answer and nodding. “Pliable. Stupid. Small.”

  “Also explains where Jack and the others have been disappearing to now and then,” Alexis crunched the coffee cup in her hand. “They know we don’t put up with that crap. We have pups to raise and plenty of territory. Who the hell are they trying to prove shit to?”

  “Get the right leader and they stop thinking,” Lily offered flatly. “I suppose it depends on the incentive being offered to them.”

  “Never thought I’d see a human and feline with the Daniels’ pack,” Ronnie commented, looking from one to the other. “No offense intended,” she added hastily.

  “None taken. Part of that happened because of this takeover mess,” Lexi admitted easily. “My uncle runs the James pack and…let’s say, he decided he wanted me in more than his pack. So I went to some long-time friends.”

  “Kind of our own pack,” Lily said softly. “And enter the Daniels’ boys…who do not understand the word boundaries.”

  A peaceful kind of relaxation centered around them when the females all laughed at the notion of a male comprehending boundaries.

  “Why’d you call us?” Caroline asked finally.

  “We researched and you have the most leveled headed reputation,” Lexi answered with a simple shrug. “James is my half uncle, he’s full wolf. He’s cruel and his females are pretty much the same. Probably a reason why his pack is so small. But he’s not the one running things. Trying to pull them together.”

  “Abe Morrison isn’t the friendly type,” Alexis agreed.

  “We basically wanted to make an assessment and alliance, of sorts,” Scarlet said simply. “I don’t have anything against someone from you pack falling in love with someone in ours, but having them troll for a reason other than…bothers me.”

  Caroline nodded. “I appreciate the honesty. So we have our two solid, secure packs and the three smaller ones made up of mean, lazy shifters who find it easier to steal than work for their pack.”

  “And someone trying to cause trouble for us both,” Lily concluded flatly.

  “We’ll talk to the council. Using the younger females was wrong. And trying to drag us into a pack war is unacceptable,” Caroline shook her head. “Two of the females on the council are relatives and much brighter than my brother, alpha or not.” She held her palm out to Scarlet. “From one female to the other, our packs are not going to be dragged into war.”

  Scarlet took her hand firmly, pulling her phone out and tapping in numbers being rattled off and offering her own in return.

  “Now I just have to get to the root of the problem,” Scarlet stood up and stretched, watching two of them wander back into the coffee shop. “How do you stop power mad morons?”

  “More power and sadly, violence,” Caroline said simply, receiving a nod from Lily. “No one’s bothered with them because frankly, we don’t give a shit about them. They’re lazy and slimy. All the females we spoke with…none of them went to the other packs. They all headed for the Daniels,” she laughed. “And were promptly ignored. Those boys are focused…” she seemed to consider her next statement with a glance at her friends, their eyes lowered and a hint of amusement on their faces. “Some of the girls even thought they might not be interested in females.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “They have their moments,” Scarlet agreed, recalling her nights with Lucas. Focused was definitely one word she’d use for him when he had his mind set on something and it involved her. “As for the other…believe me…”

  “Oh, I just can’t wait to share that information,” Lexi laughed, imagining Elis’ reaction.

  “I’ve met them. Social things and business,” Caroline nodded. “Congratulations. They’re good people.” She told them sincerely.

  “Will you have trouble because of this, Caroline?” Lily slid both hands into her jean pockets. “If there’s anything we can do, please, just let us know.”

  “By the time I get back, the council will be dealing with it. Aunt Allie does not tolerate subterfuge or greed. My brother will be back pedaling so fast he won’t see the wall. What he doesn’t realize is…the idiot’s setting himself up to be replaced. Him and the others involved will be pushed out for something that threatens the pups this way,” she sighed. “I can’t think what he wanted so bad to try this.”

  “Only thing we can come up with is pack money and territory,” Lexi watched their faces as her answer resonated with them. “I just can’t think of another answer. I’m not as used to pack rules or….or why these things happen, though.”

  “Power and money,” Alexis rejoined the small group, a fresh coffee held out to her friend. “Some things never change. Righteous fighting is one thing, defending is good, but not provoking just to prove you’re stronger and…and putting kids in danger.”

  “You drive, I’ll call Aunt Allie and get this thing started. Won’t surprise me if she’s heard bits of this already,” Caroline nodded to the group. “I’ll be in touch, Scarlet. Nice meeting you.”

  “Thank you for your help with this,” Scarlet said sincerely, breathing a long sigh as they walked off.

  “Research pays off,” Lexi said with a long breath.

  “Dealing with smart, reasonable people helps,” Lily commented as they walked toward the wagon. “It’s the unreasonable ones that are a pain.”

  “The problem is with the other three packs, neither male or female are reasonable,” Lexi sighed, chirping the wagon and frowning. “How can I be pissed off at Eli when the car is so happy?”

  Since no one had an answer for that one, they just laughed and got inside.

  “I’m sure he likes your whiney, irrational attachment to this car,” Lily commented when they were on the road. She ignored the glower from Lexi and chuckled.

  “Lucas thinks it’s funny listening to Eli try and explain to himself how he fell in love with a cat,” Scarlet teased with a wink at Lily.

  “Probably the same as me grasping a dog as a mate,” Lexi mumbled testily.

  “You think we should have bought something?” Lily asked.

  “We did. Coffee,” Scarlet answered, legs stretched out and eyes closed. “I’m thinking the intimidation factor will work on the other three packs. They couldn’t survive if the two of us joined forces against them. Are you going to let Eli mark you?”

  A momentary gulp and a pair of glaring eyes from Lily made Scarlet wince.

  “Not…while she’s
fucking driving!” Lily growled.

  “Sorry. It’d just be easier if she did. James would be eliminated hard and fast because it makes her part of this pack then,” Scarlet shrugged and settled back in her corner. “Sorry, Lex.”

  “You aren’t marked,” Lexi said after a long minute, glancing at Lily.

  “Do humans do that?” Lily wasn’t too keen on getting bitten. “Seriously. A ring would work just as well.”

  “Not in their world,” Lexi growled over at her. “It wouldn’t be recognized by creeps like my uncle and you know it.”

  “We haven’t talked about the mark we each have,” Scarlet said with a little shrug, her eyes still closed. “I think we’re both still working on how serious this is. It’s way past the pair bonding, I know that. He’s afraid I’ll run. Still. That’s what the fight was about last night…mostly. He’s got some idea I’m fragile.”

  “You’re a modern kind of girl,” Lily remarked with a little shrug. “You could do the first marking, Lexi. Unlike you two, I don’t have the fangs for that step. But hell, there are times in the middle of…the whole thing…when biting something is not out of the question,” she admitted with a low, contented sigh.

  “Then you run into the whole – is this what he wants?” Lexi glanced into the mirror, frowning to herself as she sped up slightly. “I guess they go through the same doubt or it’d be done already. It’s a little weird how the marking sends out a barrier kind of thing that says hands off to other males.”

  “That’s the part I don’t get,” Lily had watched her friends’ eyes on the mirrors. “Problem?”

  “Not sure,” Lexi answered, trying to sound calm. “Same small two door since we left the coffee shop.”

  “You think they set us up?” Lily adjusted herself and caught sight of the black car three vehicles back. “Take us in for a rest stop, Lex.”

  “I don’t think they did. But their males might be curious.” Scarlet straightened up in the seat. “Girls just having coffee…such untrusting souls.”

  “I don’t think they’re from that pack. I’d be more inclined to think they’re from Morrison’s or James’ Pack,” Lexi commented, easing the nicely responsive wagon into a parking slot of the busy rest stop.

  “Three directions,” Lily instructed with a cheerful, misleading grin at her friends. “I’m taking the open walking space…and the tires.”

  “Restroom,” Lexi answered, stepping from the car and tucking the keys into her pocket. “Be careful.”

  “Leaves coffee for me,” Scarlet stretched, casually getting the lay of the spaces around them. “Be back in five.”

  Lily walked along the stretch of path through the pine trees. People walked dogs and chased little kids around the playground equipment. The two from the car were young, she guessed just past twenty.

  One went toward the coffee shop, the other tried staying where he could see her and the entrance to the restroom. She kept her eyes on him, smiling to herself when Lexi came out of the restroom and split off in another direction.

  He must have decided the cougar was the best one to watch and followed Lexi, allowing Lily to swing around the other side and bend down right near their rear tire. First one and then the other, she eased the slim tool into the sidewall and released the air.

  She was sitting comfortably in the front seat when the coffee was handed to her through the window. Scarlet and Lily watched Lexi come out of the restaurant with a small bag in her hands, the shimmering pale tan hair bound back into a ponytail and bouncing happily along behind her.

  “Sandwiches. I’m starving,” Lexi handed the bag to Lily and started the wagon, fastened her belt and glanced over at the two young males jumping into their car and waiting.

  “They don’t smell like the females.”

  “Totally different pack,” Lexi commented. “And not James, either. I don’t recognize it,” she took one of the muffins filled with ham and cheese and bit down hungrily. “So what do you think they’re after? They didn’t make a move on any of us.”

  “Spying, most likely,” Lily said around a mouthful of sandwich.

  “Logic says they want the Daniels’ pack property and bank account to divide up,” Scarlet looked at Lexi with a frown around her picking at her sandwich. “But why would James be searching so hard for you?”

  “We don’t know he is now,” Lexi offered with a shrug. “It’s not like packs are handed down from one to another. When my parents died, he took the pack but I’d been out of it since college. They only accepted me because of relatives,” she wrapped the paper and tossed it into the bag before starting the wagon and heading back to the highway that crossed the mountains.

  “You have a tiny percentage of wolf in your DNA,” Scarlet reminded her.

  “Grandparents…I suppose…never thought much about it,” Lexi chuckled when she watched the smaller car grind to a halt on the side of the road, both back tires flat. “Hmmm…maybe we should offer to help them.”

  “Yeah, where’s your phone?” Lily asked, accepting the bright and glossy lime green phone from Lexi. “Gee…I bet you can see this from space.”

  “You know us cats like shiny things,” Lexi grinned.

  “You don’t have your uncle programmed in here,” Lily said after a few minutes.

  “Ewwww…and why the heck would I? I do not go out of my way to speak to that man. I never have,” Lexi informed her.

  “Here…try this…I found his number yesterday in some pack paperwork Lucas has in his office,” Scarlet tossed her phone toward the front.

  “My, my…and you just figured it would come in handy?” Lily asked, the look on Lexi’s face making her laugh.

  “Why are you two bothering with him?”

  “Want answers, go to the source,” Scarlet said with a shrug.

  “You seriously want to talk to James? And you expect the answers to be honest?” Lexi looked over at Lily and frowned.

  “I think we can intimidate much better in person than on the phone,” Scarlet remarked casually, sighing when the tiny yelp came from Lexi. “Honestly…”

  “Did you have alcohol in that coffee?” Lily shifted and stared at Scarlet. “You really think we’re going to be free to go visit James? I’m going to be amazed if they don’t already know where we’ve been.”

  “They, of course, being our new and tenuous relationships with the Daniels’ males,” Lexi sighed heavily. “I really just don’t handle the whole protect me from myself thing well. It has a tendency to make me want to be reckless and that’s a really new feeling for me.”

  “Beware world,” Lily taunted with a low chuckle. She watched the ponytail flipping and laughed. “I’d also bet they’re pacing their offices waiting for word that we’re back inside our boundaries.” She lifted the small pack she carried with her wallet and phone and removed the phone. “Yep…oh, look…messages.”

  “Open mine,” Lexi gestured to the floor where her own pack sat, a tiny grimace on her face. They’d all turned their phones off before they left town. “Damn watchers.”

  “They’re on alert because of the James thing, Lexi,” Scarlet relaxed in the corner of the backseat, legs stretched out on the seat. “They’ll get over it. Besides, make-up sex is really hot.”

  Lexi groaned, glancing over at Lily. “How many?”

  “I bet Scarlet gets the most,” Lily pushed her hand to the back seat, ignoring the grumble from Scarlet before the phone was slapped into her palm. “Yep…wins hands down. We need to find out who’s on the border watching us.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Give,” Scarlet took the phone back and flipped it open, scanning down a list in her directory. She held it to her ear listening patiently. “Abe Morrison, please. Scarlet Matthews. Of course I’ll wait, thank you so much.”

  “I seriously hate that tone,” Lily ground her teeth, listening to the sugary light voice of her friend.

  Scarlet laid the phone on her thigh and tapped the speaker button.

  “Miss Matth
ews? This is quite a surprise,” came the low, sultry voice through the phone.

  “Honestly? You send young she-wolfs into my territory to entice our males and it’s a surprise to you that I’m calling you on it?” Scarlet kept her tone light, airy.

  “I’ve heard a great deal about you the last few weeks. I’m looking forward to meeting you. As for the enticing females who have wandered onto your territory, I hadn’t heard a complaint from anyone,” he told her with all the arrogance that was natural to him. “We’re a small pack.”

  “Then why farm out your females? Standard rules are the female then becomes part of her mate’s pack.”

  “Or both packs could form an alliance.”

  Scarlet grinned at the path she was leading him along.

  “Really? And what might we need an alliance from? I don’t mind your females visiting, since we have two of the nicest tourist towns in the mountains, but I do find it disturbing when they attempt to set their sights on males already taken.”

  “As far as I know, that hasn’t happened. I had even heard that you are still on the market, despite the lengthy and annoying pair-bonding.”

  “You don’t want to take me on, Mr. Morrison. It wouldn’t end well for you,” she laughed at the gagging faces Lily was making. “And as far as an alliance goes, I don’t believe we have anything to consider. I’ve had an investigation conducted and I don’t like the way you treat your females. I’m honestly surprised you’ve not had your throat slit by now…or at the very least, your balls amputated.”

  Lily clapped a palm over Lexi’s mouth.

  The laugh that echoed through the phone and around the small space of the wagon was coarse and hinted at a perverse delight that was chilling.

  “You are a delightful bundle, Scarlet. Somehow I knew you would be,” the deep laugh made her cringe.

  It had seemed like a good idea at the time. But something eerie in his voice was making her skin crawl.

  “What are you after, Mr. Morrison?”

  “Are you now speaking for the pack, Scarlet? Your Alpha defers this to you?”


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