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Page 8

by John Evans

  Both girls knelt down together on the table before Melinar pushed Nyrandurril onto her back. She kissed her on the lips and worked her way down to Nyrandurril's pussy. Nyrandurril writhed and grasped Melinar's head as her tongue flicked out to lick at Nyrandurril's clit. After a few moments, Nyrandurril pulled Melinar up and kissed her, tasting her own juices on Melinar's lips and tongue. Nyrandurril continued to pull Melinar up and slid under her so she was looking direct at Melinar's pussy. She tentatively stuck out her tongue and began licking at Melinar's cunt. Melinar, still on all fours, shook as Nyrandurril's tongue penetrated her. Melinar forced herself up so that she was sitting on Nyrandurril's face.

  Her breathing became faster and she gripped and twisted her breasts as Nyrandurril continued to eat her out. Melinar suddenly swung off Nyrandurril, turned around and put her leg back over Nyrandurril's head. Lying on top of Nyrandurril, Melinar parted Nyrandurril's legs and dove right in to her pussy. Nyrandurril stiffened briefly and then went back to licking Melinar's cunt.

  Per's cock felt like it was going to burst. This was a fantasy he never even imagined. Then he saw Cedric move, bending under then table. Per tensed, tightening his grip on the knife. Cedric had pulled out a rectangular wood box which he now brought over to Melinar.

  “Melinar, look up,” he said, opening the box.

  Melinar raised her face from the pussy she was licking to look in stupefaction at the contents of the box.

  “Which one do you want?" asked Cedric.

  Per saw that the box was the one that they had opened in the storeroom. The assorted dildos lay in their nooks, arranged by size. He watched as Melinar reached out to touch a six inch ivory prick before lowering her head back to Nyrandurril's pussy.

  Cedric picked up the box and walked around to the opposite side of the table. He set the box on the table and pulled out a dildo. Per saw that this was not the one Melinar indicated, but rather one size bigger.

  “Nyrandurril, take this and suck on it,” ordered Cedric, handing the dildo to her.

  Nyrandurril stopped licking Melinar's cunt and took the dildo in both hands. She brought the ivory shaft up to her face and slid a couple of inches in between her parted lips. Cedric moved back to his chair and sat down, allowing Per to relax. From his perch, Per heard Nyrandurril nosily sucking on the dildo whilst Melinar lapped at her pussy.

  “Nyrandurril, rub it's length on Melinar's cunt," Cedric told her. “Get it covered with her juices and then push it into her.”

  Nyrandurril took the dildo out of her mouth and began rubbing it up and down Melinar's slit, rotating it every so often until it was coated with both saliva and pussy juice. Nyrandurril then turned it and poised its tip at the entrance to Melinar's cunt.

  Nyrandurril slowly pushed the dildo deep into Melinar and Per could see her cunt stretch wide to take it all. When Nyrandurril had the dildo halfway shoved in, Melinar's moans changed to grunts and groans, but she never raised her face from Nyrandurril's pussy. Finally, Nyrandurril pushed the entire length, except for about an inch or two, into Melinar. Melinar's body was tense and sweating. Her fingernails were dug into Nyrandurril's asscheeks and her thighs were quivering.

  “Fuck her with it,” orders Cedric.

  Nyrandurril eased out the ivory prick. Melinar visibly relaxed as the shaft left her and then tensed again as Nyrandurril shoved it back in. She grunted with the strain of having her pussy stretched with each stroke. She kept her head lowered and concentrated on licking Nyrandurril's cunt.

  Melinar's grunts soon became moans of passion as the dildo slid in and out of her. Nyrandurril's moans and breathing became heavier and she increased the tempo with which she fucked Melinar. Faster and faster, Nyrandurril pumped the dildo in and out until finally, she shoved it in to the hilt as she orgasmed. Nyrandurril's hips arched off the table as she screamed out her pleasure. Her entire body spasmed with the intensity of her climax, including the hand that still gripped the dildo. As she shook uncontrollably, the vibrations of her pleasure passed through the dildo to Melinar.

  Melinar's head suddenly snapped up and her body arched as she hit her own climax. Per watched as Melinar's juices rolled down the dildo to drip onto Nyrandurril's hand and face. She had a rolling series of orgasms before sliding off Nyrandurril onto the table. The dildo, still clenched in Nyrandurril's hand, slid out of Melinar's cunt with a wet, sucking sound.

  Nyrandurril, her eyes unfocused, brought the dildo up to her face to stare at it. She lowered it in a daze and proceeded to lick it clean before she too collapsed.

  Cedric sat back in his chair and waited a few minutes before telling the girls to get dressed. As soon as the girls were clothed, he rang for the guard to take the girls back to their room.

  “My apologies, Milord,” said Felinor as soon as the girls were gone. “I can see now that it will be worth the wait until tomorrow.”

  “No need to apologize,” replied Cedric, urbanely. “I am often misunderstood. Let's go find some wine and then to bed. Tomorrow is the performance and we don't want to be tired.”

  * * * * *

  Per awoke early the next morning and packed what supplies he had managed to scrounge. He wanted to get to breakfast early so he could help Helga serve Melinar and Nyrandurril. He was going to attack the guard and get the girls out into the courtyard so they could leave with the other field workers. But just before he entered the dining room, two guards stopped him.

  “Baron Cedric wants to see you now,” said one of them.

  Per ground his teeth in frustration, but was unable to do anything and so followed the two guards to the audience chamber. As he entered the room, he saw Cedric sitting at the table. Standing nearby was Lady Trearii, Helga and the blacksmith. Per, unsure of what was going on, kept his mouth shut.

  “I've been told that you disobeyed one of my guest's instructions, Per," said Cedric. “Is that correct?"

  “Me no get instructions,” replied Per, lapsing into his stupid act.

  “Are you saying that you did not get a note from Lady Trearii yesterday?" asked Cedric. “Helga told us she gave it to you at the forge and the blacksmith told us you threw it in the fire.”

  “What is note?" asked Per.

  “The paper Helga gave you,” said Cedric, starting to get angry. “You read it, disregarded it, and burned it.”

  “Me no read,” stated Per simply.

  Cedric stared at him in astonishment and the burst out laughing. Lady Trearii straightened up, her eyes blazing.

  “No wonder he didn't do as you asked. He can't read," laughed Cedric, clutching his sides. “Tell me, Helga, did you read the note to him?"

  “No, milord.”


  “No, milord,” answered the blacksmith. “In fact, he turned it over a couple of times as if trying to figure it out.”

  “He can't read," said Cedric, wiping the tears of mirth away from his face. “Unfortunately, I can't have my guests' orders disobeyed. Per, you are sentenced to one day in the stocks. Guards!"

  “Milord," said Helga. “It was my fault. I should have read the note to him. I should be the one to be punished.”

  “No. It was Per's duty to find out what the note said. You and the blacksmith are dismissed.”

  Helga looked at Per in sorrow as they left and the guards entered. Per turned towards Cedric.

  “No punish. Work in fields,” he said.

  “That is two days in the stocks for talking back,” said Cedric coldly.

  Before Per could protest again, he felt two spear points poke him in the back. Without another word, he was marched down to the courtyard and placed in the stocks. After the guards left, Per strained and pulled, but could not escape. Dread overtook him as he realized that he could not rescue Melinar and Nyrandurril. He shouted, cursed, and pleaded to anyone within earshot to free him. No one did.

  By midday, fatigued from trying to break free, Per slumped in the stocks defeated. Suddenly, he was looking down at a bucket of water and a

  “I'm sorry, Per. If I could get you out of there, I would,” he heard Helga say. “Here. Drink this.”

  She lifted the ladle of water up for him to drink. Per was just about to ask Helga to take a message to Melinar and Nyrandurril when a guard came by and chased Helga back to the kitchen.

  Per's morale sank even further as the day wore on. All too soon, he noticed that the third watch was being changed and he knew the girls were in serious trouble. Sunk low in his misery, Per did not at first hear the commotion at the front gate. When it finally registered, Per looked up to see Tenan and twenty armed men ride into the courtyard.

  “Tenan! Over here!" bellowed Per.

  Tenan looked around to see who was shouting his name. Spotting Per in the stocks, he slowly rode his horse over to him.

  “Boy, I can't leave you alone for a moment, can I?" said Tenan.

  “Damnit, Tenan. Let me out of here.”

  “You'd better curb that temper," said Tenan, getting down off his horse and unlocking the stocks. “This thing could turn on us quickly and we could find ourselves on the axeman's block. Come with me. I'll introduce you to the Overlord. If he talks to you, refer to him as Your Majesty.”

  “The Overlord?" asked Per in astonishment.

  “You didn't think I worked for the Baron, did you?" said Tenan, slyly.

  Tenan and Per walked over to the castle steps. Standing on the steps was a large man in gleaming armor giving orders to the men who came with Tenan.

  “Your Majesty, this is Per, the one I told you about,” said Tenan. “I found him in the stocks.”

  The Overlord nodded curtly and turned to the other men. “You two, go secure the gatehouse. You four, secure the guards who are off-duty. One-two-three-four-five-six, you six replace the guards on the walls. Disarm them and send them to the barracks. You four split into two groups and look for guards inside. You last four are with me.”

  “Your Majesty," said Per stepping forward. “We have to hurry. We need to get to the audience chamber now!"

  The Overlord looked down at Per from the top of the steps. Per felt his commanding presence and took a step back. “Lad, we aren't going anywhere until the castle is secured. I have no desire to fight my way in or out of this place.”

  “But, Your Majesty..,” Per started to complain.

  “Enough! Or you'll find yourself back in those stocks," commanded the Overlord. “Tenan, take this boy to his room and keep him there.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Tenan, with a bow. “C'mon, Per.”

  Per stared at the Overlord for a second before stomping off to his room with Tenan following close behind. Once there, Per paced up and down, worrying about what was happening in the castle. Tenan, an old campaigner, leaned against the wall closest to the door and closed his eyes.

  The night dragged on for Per. His imagination took hold as he thought about rescues and tragedies, each playing against the other. Just when he was about at his wit's end, there was a knock at the door.

  “Who is it?" asked Tenan, his eyes snapping open, his stance alert.

  “A message from the Overlord," was the reply.

  Tenan opened the door to find one of the Overlord's men standing there.

  “His Majesty states that the castle is secure and that the girls are safe. When we went into the audience chamber, they were standing on a table dressed in lewd costumes. The Overlord has placed them under guard. Tenan, he wants to see you. Per? You are ordered to remain in this room and not leave it. If you do, I'll be forced to put a guard at your door or lock you in the dungeon. Will you stay here until summoned?"

  “Yes, I'll stay here," replied Per, relieved that the girls were safe. The man and Tenan left and Per, knowing that there was nothing else he could do, settled down in his bed and slept.

  Chapter 3: Justice And Reward

  For the next two days, Per chafed at his confinement. His only distractions were Helga, who brought him his meals, and Tenan, who had stopped by once quickly to find out how he was.

  "Per, you should see who has arrived," said Helga when she brought his evening meal that night.

  "That's kind of hard for me to do," he snapped back angrily.

  "Oh, I know that," she replied, not offended. "What I mean is, I think the Overlord has been waiting for these people to arrive. It's his wife, Queen Shara, and several of his advisors. One of them is a magician, I think. You should see his wife! She is absolutely beautiful. Rumor has it that the Baron is a cousin of hers."

  The next morning, Per was summoned to the audience chamber. When he entered the room, he saw Cedric and Felinor sitting in chairs against one wall. Also present were the Overlord and a beautiful woman sitting beside him, who Per guessed to be Queen Shara. Per heard voices above him and knew without looking that there were people in the gallery.

  He strode forward and bowed to the Overlord and to the Queen. The Overlord's expression was unreadable, but when Per met the Queen's eyes, she flashed him such a look of hatred as he had never seen before.

  "Per, I am here to investigate serious allegations made against Baron Cedric and Sir Felinor," stated the Overlord. "Please tell us what you know of these matters."

  Per told his story, clearly and distinctly. He risked a quick glance at Cedric and Felinor and saw them both staring at him in open-mouthed astonishment. Even the Queen seemed taken aback, not so much as by what he was saying, but by the fact Per was able to put two sentences together. The only one who showed no emotion was the Overlord.

  By midday, Per had almost finished when the Overlord recessed for lunch and Per was allowed to meet Tenan.

  "The girls are fine," Tenan said as they sat down. "I've looked in on them both. The Overlord wanted to keep you separate until after you have given your testimony. Be careful after lunch. I'm sure Cedric, Felinor, and the Queen have some nasty surprises for you."

  "The Queen? Why the Queen?"

  "Cedric is her favorite cousin and was sent here to help establish a powerbase for her. The Overlord didn't marry her for love; the marriage was purely political, he needed it to cement his hold on this country.

  "The Queen has also been using her family to build up her own power. If she ever becomes powerful enough, we may find ourselves with a Queen and no Overlord. If Cedric falls because of you, she'll take it as a personal insult and will become your most bitter enemy."

  "I'm not afraid of her," said Per aloofly.

  "You'd better be," warned Tenan. "Now, I can't help you when you are in front of the Overlord. You have to stand on your own two feet. Let's eat. Oh, by the way, the Overlord had his priest use his healing powers to remove the drug from Melinar and Nyrandurril."

  Per ate lunch, relieved that the girls had been cured. He had been afraid that Cedric would have used the drug's effects to destroy the girls' testimonies. Afterwards, he went back to the audience chamber and finished telling the Overlord what had happened. When he had finished, the Overlord turned to Cedric and Felinor.

  "Baron Cedric, Sir Felinor. Do you have any questions to ask this man?" he inquired.

  Sir Felinor stood, pulled out a glove and threw it at Per.

  "Your Majesty, this man is a peasant and he lies like all peasants. His mind is as deformed as his body. He has no concept of truth. I challenge him to recant his words and I am ready to prove my innocence in a trial by combat," he said. "Pick up the glove, peasant, or recant. I am giving you the opportunity to tell the truth."

  "I told the truth," said Per.

  "I state that you lied," replied Felinor. "It is probably because of your upbringing that you cannot ascertain the truth. It is obvious just by looking at you that your mother sleeps with every sort of creature and animal."

  Per balled his fist in anger and bent down to grab the glove.

  "Per!" shouted the Overlord, stopping him short of the glove. "If you pick it up, the matter will be settled by combat. I can't interfere and Sir Felinor is a trained fighter."

  Per pic
ked up the glove and said, "So am I, Your Majesty. Since I was challenged, I will chose swords, shields and no armor for the trial."

  "No armor!" cried Sir Felinor. "Your Majesty, I protest. It..."

  "Protest all you like," said the Overlord, cutting him off. "The challenge was issued and accepted. I find no problems with the terms unless you want to withdraw the challenge, which means admitting your guilt."

  Felinor remained silent.

  "So be it," stated the Overlord. "The combat will commence in one hour in the courtyard. Tenan!"

  "Yes, Your Majesty?" replied Tenan from the gallery.

  "See to Per. You're his second. Make sure he knows what is going on"

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  The Overlord and Queen Shara stood and everyone bowed as they left the room. Everyone else, except Per, filed out of the room after them. As Cedric left, he turned to Per smiling and made a cutting motion across his throat. Per said nothing and waited while Tenan came down from the gallery.

  "Just what in the name of all the hells do you think you were doing?" cursed Tenan as he burst through the door. "Are you totally feeble-minded? We have the vases. We have the potter. The girls are safe and you throw it away on a whim!"

  "He insulted my mother," said Per quietly.

  Tenan took a deep breath to control himself. "Yes, he did. I was going to challenge him myself for that and cut off his dick by way of an apology to your mother. She's going to kill me no matter how this turns out. Come with me. I have something for you."

  Per followed him back to Tenan's room. There, Tenan reached under the bed and brought out a long, heavy box.

  "I brought this in case we needed it," Tenan said. "I think you need it now."

  Per undid the clasps and opened the box. Lying in the box was a sword. Light gleamed off its length and the brass-wired hilt shone. Per picked up the sword and saw a black leather scabbard underneath it. The sword was longer and heavier than the long sword Tenan wore but fitted his hand perfectly.

  "It's a bastard sword, sometimes called a hand-and-a-half sword. Humans can use it one-handed or two-handed. It was just your size so I modified the grip so that you can use it with one hand while carrying a shield in the other," said Tenan. "Now, let's go to the armory to find you a shield."


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