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Page 32

by John Evans

  "It's alright, Per," said Adelpha. "She was just overcome by all the passion. I'm going to have to look at that spell before I use it again. Don't worry. Tessa will be fine."

  Per shook his head to clear it and suddenly realized that he was naked. He moved over to stand behind a high-backed chair. Adelpha chuckled at his embarrassment.

  "Oh, Per," she admonished and waved a hand at him. An exquisite robe of dark green velvet appeared around him.

  "Thank you," he said, astonished by the magical appearance of the robe. "No offense, but why are you here?"

  "Well, let's see," said Adelpha, touching a finger to her chin. "It is my temple. Tessa works for me. Oh, and she called out to me five times. Does that answer your question?"

  Tessa moaned and snuggled her head against Adelpha's lap. Adelphasmiled down at the girl and stroked her hair. "This girl has potential," said Adelpha. "Tell Bargan to promote her."

  "Um, wouldn't that be a little awkward," wavered Per. "Me giving orders to your priest? Maybe you should tell him yourself. You have met him, haven't you?"

  Adelpha shrugged a shoulder. "I've watched him. He's extremely competent, so there's never been a need to meet him."

  "No offense again, but everyone needs personal encouragement and a pat on the back now and then," said Per.

  She smiled. "You're right, of course." Adelpha muttered under her breath and waved her arms. In the twinkling of an eye, Per was seated on the bed with Tessa's head on his lap. Adelpha was now standing where he had been.

  "Since my High Priest is ‘resting' now, it would be a good time to visit him in his dreams," said Adelpha. "Let Tessa rest. She has done more than what was expected of her and she needs to regain her strength." And with that, the goddess disappeared.

  Chapter 14: An Experiment In Lust

  With Tessa sleeping, Per quietly left the bedroom and went back into the bath. There he met the valet coming back in carrying Per's freshly cleaned stack of clothes. The servant placed the clothing on a table and informed Per that His Grace would like to see Per in about three hours. The man asked Per if there was anything he wanted or needed. Per grinned and asked where the chamber pot was. The valet, without a flicker of an eyebrow, retrieved a pot from under a table and wait unobtrusively, while Per took a leak.

  "Sir, would you care for something to eat? I can have some food and drink sent up."

  “Is it alright if I go down to the kitchen dressed like this?" he asked, touching the green robe. “I don’t wish to disturb the lady."

  "Sir, you would not believe the state of dress - or undress - that goes on in these halls,” the man said, his face perfectly straight. “Please, follow me."

  Per followed the servant down to the kitchen where he met the cook, a heavy, round woman with a bright cheerful face, who was only too happy to slice him a plate of cold roast beef with some pan bread on the side. The cook handed a tankard to a young bootboy and playfully hustled him down to the cellar to draw Per some ale to go with his meal. She then cleaned off a spot for Per to sit at the kitchen table. The boy returned with the tankard and plunked it down beside Per. The cook looked at the boy suspiciously.

  "Breathe," she commanded the boy and he breathed into her face.

  Smelling no alcohol, the cook smiled, tussled the boy's hair and sent him off to do his other duties. The boy laughed and tried to straighten back his hair with little effect. The kitchen was a warm place and Per could tell that the servants were happy and well-cared for. He finished off his plate and was relaxing with his ale when the brunette and the redhead walked into the kitchen. Both were dressed in plain skirts and blouses with shawls draped over their shoulders.

  They both stopped, shocked to see him there and then both of them blushed bright red in remembrance. The cook yelled at them for blocking the doorway and then shooed them over to the table to sit next to Per. Two plates soon appeared in front of the girls and they began to pick at their food, keeping their eyes cast downward.

  "Please, be at ease," Per said, smiling. "I feel that we should be introduced. I'm Per Devon."

  "It's a pleasure," replied the brunette, then realizing what she said, blushed all the way up to her hair roots and could not get out another word.

  The redhead laughed and turned to Per. “My name is Molla and the silent one with her foot in her mouth is Lyra. She is correct, it was a pleasure. That has never happened before. Was it you and your friends doing?"

  "If you're talking about the shared experiences, no," answered Per. "We had nothing to do with it. Probably someone testing out a new spell."

  "Well, as long as they don't do it too often," commented Molla. "A lot of people that come here have problems that should be private and would be extremely upset if that spell was used on them."

  "How did you end up with Tessa?" asked Lyra. "She's just a bathmaid. I thought Gretta was supposed to be with you."

  "Tessa offered to take her place and I accepted," said Per.

  "So, how big are you?" asked Lyra quickly, bringing a gasp and a light slap on the arm from Molla.

  Per laughed and said, "It's alright. I'm seven and a half feet tall and around three hundred-seventy-five pounds." He lowered his voice and leaned closer to the two women. "If it's down below you mean, I'm twelve inches long and two and a half inches across."

  Both girls looked at him in amazement. They then both blew out their breath and fanned their faces to drive away the heat they felt. Per leaned back as the cook approached.

  "How are we doing here?" she asked cheerfully. Her face then turned serious. "Lyra, how's that young boy of yours?"

  "His cold is no better," said Lyra. "That racking cough keeps him up all hours of the night. If he got some rest and sleep, I know he'd get better."

  "My potion isn't working?" asked the cook in dismay.

  "Unfortunately not," replied Lyra.

  "Can I help?" asked Per.

  The cook looked at him skeptically. "What can you do?"

  "My mother was an herbalist and taught me some of her art," replied Per. He then went on to question Lyra about the type of cough the boy had, how old the boy was, and how long the boy has had the cough. He then asked the cook for permission to use her kitchen.

  "I'll pay for anything I use," he told the cook.

  "If it'll help the boy, I'll pay for it myself," retorted the cook tartly.

  Per cooked up two concoctions using herb, spices, fruit juice and a bit of brandy. He poured the syrupy mixtures into two different bottles and gave them to Lyra.

  "Listen carefully," he said. "Give two spoonfuls of the green bottle to your son before he goes to bed, only two. It will calm his cough and help him sleep. Do not give him anymore than two. In the morning and again at midday, give him two spoonfuls from the clear bottle. He'll cough more initially, but the medicine in the clear bottle is made to help him cough up the bile in his throat. He needs plenty of rest and lots of fluids. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir," replied Lyra. "Two spoonfuls from the green bottle before he goes to bed, then two spoonfuls from the clear bottle in the morning and two more from the clear bottle at midday."

  "Good," said Per. "Remember that he'll cough more when you give him the medicine from the clear bottle so don't be too concerned about it. If he's not better in five days, you will need to see a healer."

  "Thank you, sir," gushed Lyra, holding the bottles to her. "What do I owe you?"

  "Nothing," answered Per.

  "I won't take charity," said Lyra. "I insist on paying what I owe."

  "But I don't…" Per started to say. "Wait a minute."

  He looked around to see if anyone was listening. The cook had been pulled away by the butler and was deep in a conversation concerning dinner. Only Lyra and Molla were listening to him.

  "Lyra, if you want to repay me, you can do so by helping Tessa," said Per. "She told me she is only a bathmaid because she isn't good at oral sex. She gags, which causes her to bite. I know how good you are. Could you help her?

  Lyra broke out in a big smile. "She never told us why she never rose above bathmaid. She belongs to the religious order here, while Molla and I are contracted. Give me two months and she'll be able to take that huge cock of your completely down her throat and swallow every drop. Never fear, I'll teach her to be the best!"

  Thanking Per again, Lyra turned and went out the door. Molla turned to follow her, but then went back to Per. She motioned him to bend down. When he did so, she kissed him softly on the cheek. At the same time, she placed his hand on her breast and rubbed his cock through the robe. Per could feel the softness of her breast through her blouse.

  "A good man you are," she whispered in his ear. "Lyra was once indentured and swore never to place herself in that position again. Come and see me the next time you're in Cific and I'll repay Lyra's debt one-hundred fold."

  Molla squeezed Per's cock to emphasize her point and then strutted out the door, her hip swaying seductively. Per shook off his astonishment and decided it was time to get out of the kitchen. He wasted some time browsing in the library and roaming the halls before finally heading back upstairs to keep his appointment with Bargan.

  Bargan stood up and greeted Per with a knowing smile that he just could not hide. "Unique experience," the priest said as they sat down. "I had an interesting dream afterwards, so I know you were not responsible for it. You can tell me it's none of my business, but are you always overcome that way? I mean with the lust?"

  "Always," said Per, "Always after the first time I climax. That was why one of my friends left our company. She was a halfling and afraid I'd kill her when the lust overcame me. It's part of my ogre heritage."

  Bargan stayed silent, deep in thought, for awhile. He then turned back to Per. "I'd like to conduct an experiment. It should be pleasurable, but I don't know what is going to happen. Do you want to try it?"

  Per shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea what you have planned, but I trust you."

  "Good" said Bargan. "Tell me, and given your stamina I have to ask, have you had sex with any other woman since you left Tessa?"

  "Not really," said Per and he told Bargan of his encounter with Lyra and Molla in the kitchen.

  Bargan listened patiently and, when Per was done, went over and tugged on a bellpull. A servant quickly appeared and Bargan sent him to fetch the cook. The two men sat quietly until the cook appeared a few minutes later, huffing and puffing from her climb up the steps.

  "Yes, Your Grace?" she inquired as she stood in front of Bargan.

  "Why did you not inform me that Lyra's son was sick?" he asked her coldly.

  The smile vanished from the cook's face. "Lyra told us not to. She felt it was beneath your station and threatened to break off all ties with us if we did tell you. I had Betta watching the boy while Lyra was here this afternoon, Your Grace. She needed the work, it being just her and the boy."

  Bargan sighed and relaxed his posture. "I am well aware of Lyra's situation and Molla's and Betta's and yours as well. I care about you all. Have a healer go to Lyra's house tomorrow – no, scratch that, let's give Per's medicine a chance to work first. I want a report everyday at breakfast as to the boy's progress. I want you to ‘sneak' what you can in the way of food over to them. Inform the housekeeper that I have authorized the additional expense. Comments? Questions?"

  "Leave your name out of it?" asked the cook.

  "Goddess, yes!" exclaimed Bargan. "Lyra's proud enough to reject all our help if we are up front about helping her. We just have to be a little crooked in our dealings. Of course, if the boy takes a turn for the worse, send for a healer at once. I'll cover the cost."

  "Yes, Your Grace, thank you." With that, the cook left them alone in Bargan's study.

  "Molla's actions may have nullified the experiment," said Bargan, switching back to his original topic. "Do you still want to try it?"

  "Sure," said Per, a little confused.

  Bargan smiled and pulled the bellpull again. The same servant reappeared and Bargan sent him off with some whispered commands. Then he went over to a different door and held it open. Per rose to his feet and followed Bargan through two other rooms and down a set of private steps. Finally, Bargan opened a set of double doors and walked into a huge communal bath containing three steaming pools. Stone couches were strategically places around the room and shelves holding all types of bottles lined the walls. Separate individual tubs had been put around the pool area. No one else was in the room.

  "Pick a pool," Bargan said to Per. "We probably need a bath after the exercise we had earlier."

  "When does the experiment begin?" asked Per.


  Per shrugged and took off his robe. He gingerly sank into the hot water of one of the pools. Bargan took off his robes and climbed into another pool.

  "The pools are heated from underneath," Bargan told Per. "That keeps the water from cooling off."

  Per could respond, the doors opened and Tessa walked in wearing her short white robe followed by two men. She was carrying a large stack of towels, half of which she set down beside a tub near Per, whilst the men poured hot water into the two tubs and left.

  "I'm here, Your Grace," she said to Bargan, smiling and taking off her robe.

  "Thank you, Tessa," said Bargan, getting out of the pool and getting into the tub where she was standing.

  Per watched as Tessa poured water over Bargan and scrubbed his back. Her large breasts swung back and forth as she washed his hair and Per felt a stirring in his loins. Tessa washed his face and chest with a wet washcloth. Bargan then stood up to allow her to wash his legs. She squatted down exposing her pussy to Per as she soaped and washed his legs. Per's cock stiffened as Tessa's hands gently washed Bargan's cock and balls. Per was impressed that Bargan seemed unaffected by having a beautiful woman fondle his genitals. Both of them acted as if this occurred everyday.

  Tessa rose from her squatting position and used a pitcher to rinse the soap off Bargan. "Thank you, Tessa," he said as he stepped out of the tub onto a towel. "What do you think of our guest?"

  "Your Grace?" asked Tessa, confused by the question.

  "What do you think of our guest?" repeated Bargan as he walked back over to the pool he had been in and climbed in.

  "Uh, Your Grace" stammered Tessa, unsure of what to say. "He's a gentleman…uh, kind, considerate…" Her voice trailed off.

  "Did you know he was an herbalist?" asked Bargan. "That he brewed up some medicine for Lyra's sick boy? How when she asked how she could repay him, he said he didn't want anything?"

  "No, Your Grace, but it sounds like something he'd do," said Tessa. "Lyra would not, of course, accept anything for free," she added.

  "Indeed," agreed Bargan. "More on that later. Now, how is he as a lover?"

  "Impressive," said Tessa with gusto. "His cock is very large, his stamina is huge and his strength… his strength is beyond words. When he made love to me, he matched his strength to mine and did not overpower me."

  "And he did not force all of his penis into you?" asked Bargan with a slight smile.

  "Your Grace, I'm sure the same thing happened to the men as to the women," said Tessa. "You know what happened."

  "Yes, I know," said Bargan. "With a person like this, shouldn't our temple give him every pleasure possible, acolyte?"

  "Acolyte?" whispered Tessa, shocked by the word.

  "Acolyte," Bargan repeated. "I had a very nice dream and someone in our hierarchy seems interested in your future. You are now an acolyte. Please, don't neglect your duty."

  Tessa smiled broadly. She went over to a shelf and picked up several bottles which she carried over to Per's pool. She set the bottles down near the edge and then climbed in. Tessa sank down on her knees so that it appeared that her breasts were floating on the water as she turned to face Per.

  "Sir, I am here to give you what pleasure I can," she said her low, sultry voice.

  "Thank you," said Per. "However, you've already given me more pleasure
today than I could have imagined."

  Tessa floated over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her firm breasts pressed up against his chest. "Please, Per," she whispered in his ear. "It's my gift to you for what you did for Lyra and for my promotion."

  "I had nothing to do with your promotion," Per whispered back. "That was Bargan's decision."

  "Not entirely. If you had not come here, I would still be a bathmaid." Her hands reached down and found his hard cock. "Besides, you need the release."

  Tessa backed away from Per, smiling a wicked little smile. She readjusted her grip on his cock and began to pump it slowly up and down. Per closed his eyes, laid his head back and savored the expert touch of her hands. After a bit, she let go of his cock, eliciting a groan of disappointment from him. She leaned up against his chest again, nuzzling his ear.

  "I want all of you inside me," she said, rubbing her tits over his chest.

  "You can't," said Per. "I'd rip something open inside you."

  "Not if I took all of your cock up my ass," cooed Tessa in his ear.

  "You sure?" asked Per remembering her earlier fear, even though his cock gave a twitch at the suggestion.

  Tessa looked him in the eye and nodded her head vigorously. Her smile and eyes were bright in anticipation. Per smiled back and shook his head yes, with the full intention to stop if he caused her any pain. Tessa smiled even wider and stood up, water dripping off her breasts and pubic hair. She leaned over, giving Per a great look at her breasts hanging down in front of his eyes. She picked up a green bottle from the ones she had set beside the pool.

  "Please, stand up," she told Per, standing in front of him with the bottle in her hand.

  As he stood, Per’s hard cock stuck out straight in front of him, pointing at Tessa. Holding his large prick steady in one hand, she gingerly dripped oil onto it. After several drops came out, she smoothed them over his cock and then dripped a few more on before rubbing them over his prick. Bargan watched in amusement at her concentration.


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