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Jock's Baby

Page 11

by Roxeanne Rolling

  Just when I think all hope is lost, and she’s going to make me come first, she starts moaning wildly and arching her back.

  She’s coming.

  I don’t think I’ve ever felt more joy in my life. First of all, I just love seeing her come. Second, I can come now!

  It’s not just like I’d feel guilty if she came first. I really seriously desire that she experiences pleasure, more pleasure than me if possible.

  Fuck, am I becoming a selfless lover or something?

  I groan crazily as I pump one final time into her, my cock basically exploding inside her, deep, where it’s buried up to the hilt of my thick shaft.

  She seems like the pleasure is still running through her. My body feels lighter, but completely depleted.

  I fall next to her on the bed, one arm stretched across her naked stomach.

  “Fuck,” I say.

  “That was incredible, Jeff,” she says, sounding barely awake.

  “You liked it?”

  She nods at me, looking up at me with her big eyes.

  I look down and see my cock starting to grow again.

  Fuck, I can’t even stay a whole minute next to her beautiful naked form without getting erect again, even though I feel like I just shot my brains right through my cock.

  “You’re getting turned on again?” she says, a wild look in her eyes.

  I nod, and take my cock lightly in my hand, stroking it just slightly. It’s still super sensitive after the sex, so the slightest movement on it feels incredible and almost far too powerful.

  “I love seeing you stroke your gigantic cock,” she says.

  “Really?” I say.

  She nods again, looking kind of wild, with her hair all around her. I love it when her hair is messy and wild like that. It makes me feel like anything is possible, that we could live just the two of us like savages in the jungle, fucking our brains out all day and night, foraging for our food.

  I don’t know where these strange fantasies come from sometimes, but they flow through and just leave again like nothing happened.

  “Fuck me again,” she says. “I’m not done with your cock. I still need it.”

  She rolls over, so that she’s on her belly, with her pert ass sticking straight up in the air.

  Oh fuck. Like I’m going to be able to resist that?

  I can see the sides of her breasts that are smushed slightly into the mattress.

  Oh my God, she looks so fucking hot. How many times can I think this? How does the thought never get old? Her beauty can never bore me, and can never die.

  I’m on top of her, my cock sinking slowly down into her pussy, which is as tight and wet as ever, deliciously warm. Oh fuck….

  I’m pounding against her pert ass now as my cock sinks deliciously deep into her pussy. She’s got her arms underneath her, fondling her breasts.

  I love the way she looks on her stomach like this, and I love the feel of her legs against mine, our naked flesh bleeding together just perfectly.

  Oh fuck, I’m about to come.

  But I can’t stop. I keep pounding away, sinking farther and farther in each time.

  Just when I think I can’t hold out any more, she starts coming, shrieking into the pillow.

  Oh fuck it’s hot the way she’s moaning and screaming and writhing.

  My cock unleashes its fury deep inside her.

  I stay still for as long as I think I safely can without the condom overflowing, then I pull out and remove the condom, tying it up.

  “That was nice,” she says, smiling at me.

  “Not as nice as you,” I say.

  “Why do you think I’m nice?”

  I get back onto the bed and she tucks her head under my arm and lays it on my chest. I can feel the weight of her head as my chest goes up and down, still moving fast with my breathing.

  “You’re nice in that you fuck me nice,” she says, starting to giggle, like it’s the funniest thing in the whole world.

  And the weird thing is that right now it is the funniest thing in the world, and I fall into laughter myself.

  “Wow,” she says. “That was incredible. I didn’t know you could fuck like that.”

  “I didn’t know I could either,” I say.

  “What, you don’t use these tricks on all your girls?”

  “All my girls? There’s no one else, Lexi. I thought you knew that.”



  I was hoping he’d say there’s no one else, and that’s exactly what he said.

  I beam at him and he beams back at me.

  He looks so hot lying there, all sweaty and muscular. I forget for a moment that he just played and won one of the most important football games of his life. But that doesn’t seem to be of any importance to him right now, and I love that, for him, I’m the most important thing in his world right now.

  I forget for a moment that he’s Mia’s father and he still doesn’t know. Shit, I forgot how much that’s been eating me up inside. I’ve got to tell him. I really do. But if I tell him now, I know the news that I’ve been hiding this secret from him is going to completely shatter this blissful post coital moment between us.

  And any other time I want to tell him, I’m going to shatter some moment.

  What if I shatter the moment too much, and then I can never get him back?

  My inner mind goes from a state of calm to completely turmoil. Why didn’t I just tell him back when it happened? That would have made everything so much easier.

  Oh yeah, he was busy getting arrested for fighting outside of a bar, and just generally being a complete asshole. It seems like he’s changed a lot though in this past year. I don’t know if it’s just being with me that’s changed him, or something else.

  Suddenly, Fred’s face pops into my mind’s eye.

  “Oh fuck…” I say, groaning.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” says Jeff, raising his head a little to look me in my eyes, where I know tears are already forming, despite my best attempts to hold them back.

  “It’s this guy at work,” I say. “He told me today that he knows about us.”

  “What? How could he know that?”

  I’m really crying for real now. The tears are just pouring out of my eyes.

  “It’s all my fault,” I say, trying to wipe away some of the tears. “He didn’t know, but he suspected it. And as soon as I asked him how he knew, then he knew that he was really onto something. He’s going to destroy us both. I’m not going to have a job soon and Mia’s going to grow up just like me, horribly in debt and everything, without any opportunities.”

  Jeff’s patting me on the shoulder, and stroking my hair.

  “It’s going to be OK,” he says. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “That’s easy for you to say,” I say, starting to get a little mad, and some edge and bite comes into my voice. “If the news comes out, you’re still going to have your job. You’ll just suffer a little bit of a set back with your notoriety and reputation, but you’ll still be playing football for The Tanks and making a gazillion dollars a year. I’m not going to have anything, and no one else will hire me.”

  “Listen, Lexi,” says Jeff, speaking in a calm voice. “How’s he going to denounce you? He’s going to risk his own job, and I’m sure it wouldn’t look good for him to be a rat. It’s going to be too obvious that he’s just trying to get your position, right?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, but I’m already feeling a little calmer. “You’ve got kind of a point, but what’s stopping him from just doing it anonymously?”

  “And then what? There’s no proof, right? Are the journalists going to follow us around? Sorry, but I don’t think we’re that big of a deal, Lexi.”

  “I may not be,” I say. “But you are. You’re pretty famous, you know?”

  He nods his head slightly, and looks slightly embarrassed, which just makes him a little more endearing to me
, some how. He looks cute when he’s a little embarrassed.

  “I know what I’ll do,” he says. “I’ll find this Fred guy and show him that he’s only got one choice, and that’s to keep his stupid rat mouth shut.”

  “What are you going to do? You mean you’re going to beat him up? As the lawyer who’s supposed to be suing you, I have to say I really don’t think that’s a good idea at all.”

  “What’s the difference?” he says. “How are they going to find out? How is anyone going to find out?”

  “Fred’s a lawyer,” I say. “Hell, he probably walks around with a voice recorder in his pocket just for situations like that.”

  “Hmm,” says Jeff. “There’s got to be some kind of solution.”

  “No,” I say, feeling completely despairing again. “There’s nothing to do. We’re screwed. I should just resign now. I mean, anyway, what are my other options. I’m really feeling a lot of pressure from work to beat you into the ground during this case, but then you’re going to be screwed, right?”

  “I think you should do what you have to do,” says Jeff. “Don’t worry about me. It’s time I paid for what I did. Even though I didn’t bring that knife, and I mean honestly I didn’t bring it. I was just disarming the guy.”

  “You mean you want me to really hand you your ass on a platter?” I say.

  “Whatever it takes,” says Jeff. “My career’s going to survive even if I lose this case. I mean, it’s not ideal, obviously, but I’ll probably keep playing football. Anyway, it seems like it’s more important for you to win than it is for me. I hope you win, really, I do, and I’d even go so far as to admit guilt if the team would let me. The lawyers are giving me little sessions on how I need to behave and what I need to say.”

  “They’re not supposed to do that,” I say, frowning. “You really would do that for me?”

  “Yeah,” says Jeff, giving me a kiss.

  I kiss him back.

  “You’re so sweet,” I say.

  We fall asleep together, cuddling in the bed.

  I wake up before Jeff in the morning and slowly move his arm so that I can get up, hoping not to disturb him.

  I find some coffee in the kitchen that’s frankly a complete mess and make some for the both of us in a coffee maker that looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in years. Of course, first, I have to clean the coffee maker completely with vinegar and water. I guess that’s the mother in me, or maybe just the woman.

  There are beer cans scattered around the apartment, and some empty pizza boxes.

  Jeff may have matured since last year, but he’s still got a long way to go.

  I sip my coffee as I sit at the kitchen table, looking out at the city buildings with the sun just starting to glint off them. Boston really can be a beautiful city. Even in the winter, I suppose.

  I’m feeling calmer this morning, but my problems are coming back. Sure, last night was wild and wonderful with Jeff, but it was just an escape. Now I have to go back to my regular life, where Fred is threatening me at work, where I have to take care of Mia and work a full time and very demanding job, where Jeff doesn’t know Mia’s his daughter, and where a million other things seem to be happening. Not to mention the biggest problem of all, which his that I’m supposed to be handing Jeff’s ass to him in court. And if I don’t, I’m probably going to lose my job. New partners at the law firm don’t lose their first cases—they simply don’t do it. And if they do, you never see them at the law firm again.

  I’d be a complete disgrace if I lost. But how can I do that to Jeff? Last night, he told me more about what happened that night, and I have to admit, he was in the wrong to go mess with the fans’ car, but he didn’t bring the knife. I saw in his eyes that he was telling the truth, and now I have no doubts.

  How, in my good conscious, can I try to convince the court that Jeff did have that knife and intended to use it, when I know for a fact, when I know deep down in my heart, that he didn’t want to do anything like that, when he was just defending himself against some knife-wielding punks?

  Also, how can I do that to the man I’m starting to have some real feelings for?

  It’s crazy that this started out as a one-night stand. All I wanted to do was release some stress, and instead I’m starting to feel like we’re getting seriously emotionally involved.

  But this is just stupid of me—can a guy like Jeff really commit to one woman? Sure, he says he’s never met anyone like me, but can I really believe it?

  “Hey, baby,” says Jeff, coming into the kitchen from the bedroom, wearing his jeans with just a tight white t-shirt.

  It’s like all my fears suddenly fly away. He’s just so fucking hot.

  Then again, here the fears come again—how can I fight him in court, a guy this hot?

  “You always get up so early?” says Jeff.

  “I’ve had to a for a while now, with Mia,” I say.

  “That must be really tough, taking care of a kid,” says Jeff, taking a sip of his coffee. “Hey,” he says. “This tastes really good. What’d you do? Buy some new coffee? Bring your own grinder?”

  “I just cleaned it is all,” I say, chuckling a little. “That thing was really gross. All I did was clean it a bit with some vinegar.”

  “Nice trick,” says Jeff.

  He’s looking at me like he’s still waiting for an answer.

  “Yeah,” I say. “It’s really tough. Sometimes I don’t know how I do it.”

  “Where’s your daughter now?”

  “She’s with my mom,” I say.

  “Does she know about me?”

  “The whole story,” I say. But I don’t add: “She even knows your Mia’s father.”

  But maybe I should add it.

  My heart is suddenly beating very, very fast, and I feel like I’m sweating.

  “Are you OK?” says Jeff.

  I open my mouth, my jaw hanging down. I need to say it.

  But I can’t!

  The words won’t come out.

  My mind is just running and running: “He’s going to be furious with you. You’ll never see him again, and he’s the best man you’ve ever found. Don’t do it, Lexi!” I’m just screaming this at myself in my head.

  But another part of me, a part deep down, is telling me that I need to tell him.

  What the hell am I playing at anyway?

  I’m getting really angry with myself.

  “You OK? Lexi? Can you hear me?”

  “What?” I say.

  “You’re OK?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I’m fine.”

  “I was talking to you and you weren’t responding.”

  “Oh,” I say. “Sorry, I guess I was just thinking.”

  I know my body isn’t going to let me tell Jeff the truth, no matter how important I know it is that he knows. I need to tell him. But, when?

  We kiss and say goodbye, and I walk out to the street before realizing that I don’t have my car with me. Jeff drove me, so I have to go back and knock on his door, and ask him for a ride home.

  “Actually,” I say. “Could you drop me off at my mom’s? She’ll be able to give me a ride to my place, and that way I can pick up Mia. I have to go to work, even though the office isn’t technically open today. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

  “A lot of work to do if you want to beat me into the proverbial legal ground,” says Jeff, chuckling, while he adjusts the mirrors in his car.

  I nod my head, but don’t say anything.

  The thought of facing Jeff and his lawyers in court is making me feel nauseous—the same type of physical feeling as if I was carsick.

  “Why don’t I just give you and Mia a ride back to your place?” says Jeff.

  “No!” I say, without realizing how strange my objection probably sounds. Jeff hasn’t met Mia yet, and I’m terrified he’s somehow going to recognize that she’s his. But shouldn’t he know? Why am I so terrified?

nbsp; Now I remember. Jeff may be acting nice now, but just a year ago he was a real prick, and certainly not mature enough to be a father to my daughter.

  “What’s wrong?” says Jeff. “Did I say something bad?”

  This is just going to make him more suspicious, though, I think to myself. He’s going to realize that I don’t want him meeting my daughter.

  “It’s fine,” I say. “I just thought I saw an accident waiting to happen with that green car up ahead.”

  “You mean the one that’s just driving slowly in the right hand lane?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “I thought I saw it swerve, but I guess I was just imagining things.”

  “I guess so,” says Jeff. “You sure you feel OK? Or maybe I just kept you up too late last night?” He looks over at me and smirks.

  “I think that’s it,” I say, putting my hand on his inner thigh. Am I trying to distract him?

  I discreetly move my hand to his crotch, where I keep it resting on his cock that begins to grow harder and harder. I start rubbing it slowly.

  “You’d better stop,” says Jeff, moving my hand away. “Or we really are going to have an accident.”

  “I just couldn’t resist,” I say.

  “Where do we turn?” says Jeff.

  “Take the exit here,” I say.

  Jeff takes the exit and I explain to him how to get to my mom’s house. This is a part of the city that looks more like the suburbs, with plenty of space between the houses. Everyone else in the neighborhood has their yards impeccably manicured. My mom’s is the only house on the block that has overgrown weeds and long grass.

  “It’s the messy one there,” I say, pointing out my mom’s house. It’s a little embarrassing. One of the shudders on the front of the house is missing. I don’t know why my mom hasn’t fixed it. She has enough money with her social security checks. I guess it’s because she’s a bit of an old hippie, and she never really felt that appearances and things like that are that important.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say. “I’ll just grab Mia and be back out.”


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