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Jock's Baby

Page 26

by Roxeanne Rolling

  Since this is way different from my normal life, I’m determined to enjoy it fully. I mean I’m not the kind of girl who’s usually overly impressed with luxury, but for once in my life I don’t see any harm in sitting back, relaxing, and letting them bring me food and drinks. I promise myself that the next time someone offers me a beverage I’m going to accept it, and not only that but request the most expensive, absurd thing I can think of. Maybe champagne!

  Wow, champagne, Rebecca, I tell myself—really going over the edge, really living large. If Luke was here, he’d tell me that was an excellent example of American sarcasm.

  Thinking about Luke, I must have drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I know, I’m waking up and the cabin’s completely darkened.

  Immediately, the stewardess is at my side.

  “Hmpm,” I mumble.

  She smiles politely.

  “Did I fall asleep?” I say, realizing as I say this that it’s a stupid question. Of course I was asleep.

  “Yes,” she says. “We’re actually about to land. You were asleep nearly the entire flight.”

  “I guess it’s these comfortable chairs,” I say. Well, that and I was up half the night with Jill packing and trying on clothing to bring with me.

  “We’ll be landing shortly,” she says, before retiring to the front cabin. Not a word about fastening seat belts and raising tray tables. I guess this is what you get flying the royal airlines—not bad, I always hated all that junk from the loud speaker that ruined the movies I was watching.

  I look down, and realize I’ve got to change. I grab my bag and head to the bathroom. Wow, it’s nicer then the bathrooms at the nicest hotels.

  I don’t want to show up to the palace wearing leggings, so I throw on a dress Jill helped me pick out. It does look decidedly American, but perhaps still appropriate for a palace.

  The landing is unusually smooth—either the pilot is very skilled, or there’s something special about the plane. I’m going to go with both guesses.

  The stewardess and pilot both help me off the plane, and the there’s a line of strangely-dressed Liserian soldiers in a line saluting me as I walk past.

  Eugene’s here to greet me, it seems, but despite spinning my head around at all angles, I can’t see Luke anywhere.

  “So good to see you, Miss Rebecca,” says Eugene, extending his hand for me to shake.

  I give him a big hug instead, and he looks a little embarrassed.

  “So Luke couldn’t make it?”

  Eugene clasps his hands together in a way that makes me worried. “I’m afraid he had another engagement,” he says. “But he sends his warm regards.”

  Sheesh, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten warm regards from Luke before, unless that’s a code word for his dick or something.

  Eugene laughs, as if I’ve just told a joke, and for a split second I wonder if he’s telepathic and heard what was going on in my head.

  Eugene leads me to a sleek limousine parked just fifty feet from the plane.

  “What about customs?” I say.

  Eugene laughs again. “I’m customs,” he says. “In this case, at least. Would you like some wine?”

  “Everybody seems to be trying to get me drunk,” I say. “Ever since I got on the plane.”

  He doesn’t catch the joke, and seems to take it very seriously. “It’s just a normal Liserian custom,” he says.

  The weather’s colder than I had expected, and now I wish I wore something a little warmer. It feels like it’s in the low 60s, and for the first time I take a moment to really look around. I wish we’d arrived during the daytime, to get a better look at the surroundings, since I can see immense mountain ranges all around me. It’s a good thing I brought my hiking gear, because with mountains like those, there’s no way in hell I’m staying inside some place the whole trip.

  “So Luke’s still in trouble with his dad?” I say, sitting opposite Eugene in the limousine.

  He laughs, and explains that here in Liseria Luke’s dad is strictly referred to as the King.

  “No problem,” I say. “But you still didn’t answer my question.”

  “Well, yes, in a manner of speaking. Luke’s behavior has a way of becoming, well, publicized widely, shall we say.”

  “I’ve read the articles, Eugene,” I say. “No need to beat around the bush with me.”

  Eugene nods.



  This is the most boring shit I’ve ever sat through. We’re in one of the conference rooms, with my father at the hat, wearing his ridiculous crown, and glaring at all his advisors, who are reading through thick stacks of papers.

  I’m checking my watch.

  “Do you need to be somewhere, son?” says my father.

  “Actually, yeah, I was going to meet my friend who we’re flying in from the states.”

  “That can wait,” he says, and returns to looking at his papers.

  The voices drone on and ne.

  “Actually,” I say. “She’s an official royal guest. She has the initiation and we even flew her over on one of the royal jets. It wouldn’t look good if no one’s there to greet her.”

  “But you sent Eugene, didn’t you?”

  I nod.

  “Every guest doesn’t need a personal member of the royal family to greet them,” says my father, sternly.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” I say, in English, just to annoy my father.

  “English will not be spoken!”

  “Whatever,” I say, in English, getting up. “I’ve had enough of this.”

  “Sit down right now!”

  But I get up anyway, and push my chair slowly in under the conference table, taking my time, and calmly walking towards the door. I know my father’s not going to risk some kind of family scene in front of all these advisors. He has to maintain a strong image after all.

  “Fine,” he says, trying to save face. “Maybe it’d be better if you do meet her. You’re not doing us any good here, anyway.”

  My face is boiling with rage when he says that, but I force myself to walk out of the room and ignore the comment.

  Fuck, I can’t wait to see Rebecca. She looked so fucking hot on the computer screen. It’s been driving me crazy thinking about her all day. I can’t wait again to feel her body against mine, not to mention have her mouth gather around my cock…

  I grab my cell phone from my pocket and dial Eugene.

  “What’s the word?” I say, in English. I want to keep up my English use so I don’t forget it. I want it to sound fresh to Rebecca.

  “We’ve just arrived, and we’re headed in to the West Gate right now.”

  I hang up the phone and start jogging through the palace.

  Shit, all this old stuff in the palace really gets me down. The whole palace is so fucking depressing. There’s barely any light that gets in, and along the walls there are all these old weapons from the middle ages, and dark pictures of my ancestors. As far as I can figure out, all they ever did was exploit the poor and enrich themselves. I’ve studied Liserian history as much as anyone else, and I’ve never read a single good thing they did, unless you count keeping their kingdom small enough that it wasn’t enticing for other countries to invade.

  I’m jogging now towards the gate and I see her coming up, with Eugene carrying one of her small bags. But she’s carrying her own trusty large camping wilderness backpack. Fuck, I like that she’s carrying it herself, and it contrasts perfectly with the thin sexy dress she’s wearing. Perhaps a little cold for Liseria right now, but shit I don’t care.

  Her hair is cascading around her breasts, I’m trying to see if I can catch some erect nipples poking through the fabric. The dress swishes around her thighs and doesn’t end until her ankles—royal proper, for sure, but also fucking sexy.

  She’s running as fast as she can towards me, with the big backpack slowing her down only a little, a huge fucking smil
e lighting up her face. Her eyes are the fucking sexiest thing about her right now.

  We collide and fall into an embrace. I’m kissing her, and pushing her hair back behind her head, one hand on her skull, holding her close to me. My other hand instinctively starts working along her body, and she’s kissing me back as hard as she can. We’re both already breathless, and our breathing seems to fall into that breathless sexual excitement phase for a moment as we continue to make out.

  Eugene coughs, and we keep going until he coughs again. “We’d better install Miss Rebecca in her room.”

  “Oh,” she says, sounding disappointed, as she pulls away from me a little and re-shoulders her massive backpack. “I thought I’d be staying in your room, Luke.”

  I give her a wink. “Royal policy, typical bullshit,” I say. “But there’s no reason we can’t sneak out for some sleepovers.”

  “Plenty of sleepovers, I hope,” she says, winking back at me.

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” says Eugene, but giving us a smile all the same.

  “You’re not too bad, you know that, Eugene,” I say, clapping him heartily on the back.

  I convince Rebecca to let me take her backpack, and fuck is it heavy. “What you got in here?” I say to her.

  “Just the regular stuff. And some camping gear, I suppose. I thought maybe we could do some Liserian camping.”

  “Sounds great,” I say. “There’s plenty of woods. I can take you out for a tour of the grounds first thing tomorrow.” It’s already 11pm, and right now all I can think about is getting deep inside Rebecca. I don’t want to complicate that with trying to show her the grounds in the dark, although now that I think about it that might be a fun little romp for the two of us, out in the woods. But my cock’s already hard and aching. I need her very soon—no time left for messing around pretending we’re going out for a walk. Who’s going to believe that I’m showing her the grounds in the pitch-black darkness, anyway?

  We walk her to her room, with Eugene insisting that we take her on some little detours to show her some of the Liserian royal bullshit displayed on the walls.

  She acts politely interested, but I can tell that medieval weapons aren’t exactly her thing. Fuck, who can blame her?

  “Wow,” she says, when we get into the grand hall, which is full of tapestries hanging on the walls, all the way up to the high, vaulted ceiling, where stained-glassed windows let light in during the day. “This is incredible.”

  “I guess it’s OK for an old pile of rocks.”

  “It’s sure pretty,” she says, gazing all around.

  “Come on,” I say, grabbing her around the waist. “Let’s show you to your royal accommodations.”

  She tucks her head down towards my shoulder and giggles into me. I love the feeling of her warm body against mine.

  Eugene helps install her in her room, giving her a brief little tour, showing her where the bathroom and closet are—that kind of stuff.

  “All right, Eugene,” I say, trying to hurry this up. I just can’t wait to…well, to get inside her. Fuck, I want her so bad. I’m pretty sure my erection is quite visible poking up through the dress pants I had to wear for the royal briefing, so I cross my hands in front of my crotch to hide it a little from Eugene. “I think she’s got it. I’ll handle it from here.”

  “Very good, sir,” says Eugene. “But remember, you’re both eating with the king and queen tomorrow for lunch. They’re very eager to meet you, Rebecca.”

  That’s a crock of shit if I’ve ever heard one. They technically need to meet with Rebecca since she’s a royal guest, but I know for sure that my dad at least isn’t excited about meeting her. My mom on the other hand has always had a slight fascination with all things American, so she very well might be excited to meet this American I’ve brought back home. That reminds me, I haven’t spoken to her since I got back—I’ve been too embarrassed to face her, given my antics that are well recorded in print for her and everyone else to see.

  “Goodnight, Eugene,” says Rebecca, sweetly, smiling at him.

  I close the door behind him, almost slamming it closed in my hasty excitement.

  “Finally,” I say.

  “He’s just trying to be helpful.”

  “I know, but I just can’t wait.”

  “Wait for what?” she says, giving me a wicked smile. She knows exactly what I mean.

  “To have you,” I say, my voice dropping a couple octaves involuntarily into a growl.

  She comes over to me and her hands are all over me. We’re not wasting any time this time. It’s only been a couple days but it’s been too fucking long.

  “It’s been too fucking long,” she says.

  “I was just thinking the same exact thing,” I say.

  Her hands are on my cock, gripping it tightly through my pants.

  My hands are on her hips. I spin her around, and bite her neck gently. She moans, and we walk together another foot towards the old stone wall made of big roughly hewn boulders.

  “I’ve never been fucked in a castle before,” she says, as she points her head up towards the ceiling slightly, arching her back, making her look sexier than ever.

  “Technically it’s a palace,” I say.

  “Same thing,” she says.

  I have to agree. I can’t remember what the difference is right now, and I sure as fuck don’t care.

  My hands are moving down her hips, and now I run them up under her dress, feeling her soft and muscular flesh beneath the dress.

  I find a nice juicy surprise when my hands get all the way up to her crotch.

  “No panties,” I say. “I fucking like it.”

  “I didn’t want to wear them,” she says.

  This doesn’t quite make sense right now but I think I get the gist. When I’m really turned on, I doubt I always make sense when I’m going for good dirty talk. I guess she’s the same way. I mean it’s not like I can expect her to hold a perfectly coherent conversation when I’m fucking her.

  “You wanted to be ready for me, is that it?” I whisper into her ear.

  “Yes,” she moans, as my hand comes around the front and starts massaging her lips. She’s already quite wet, and after a couple minutes of light touching, I penetrate her with one finger, using a knuckle to grind lightly into her clit.

  “That feels so good,” she says, moaning, her face inches away from the rock wall. Her breasts are just barely touching the wall.

  I’m conscious of not grinding up against her too hard, since I don’t want her to hurt herself against the rough wall.

  But I can’t contain my erection any more, and I drop by pants, letting them fall down around my knees, but not before getting a condom from my pocket and sliding it up and over my cock.

  “I need your cock,” she moans.

  “On it’s way,” I say, before realizing that’s kind of a dumb thing to say. Fuck it, though, I’m almost inside her.

  I can almost feel her around my cock before I get inside—that’s how much I’m longing and aching for her.

  My cock goes into her easily, and now she’s bracing herself against the wall with her hands so she won’t bump her body into it.

  I plunge into her hard and soon she’s moaning and demanding I fuck her harder and faster.

  I’m going into her faster than I ever have before, holding onto her hips as I’m trying to go faster and faster. Fuck, she feels so fucking good.

  Her dress is still on, but I’ve already gotten her tits out of the top, with her bra halfway off, and they stick entirely out of the dress, held up slightly by the dress’s fabric. I can just see the sides of them as I plunge into her from behind but fuck do they look hot. I wish I could touch them right now, but I’ve got to hold onto her hips to keep fucking her as fast as I am.

  I’m holding the skirt portion of her dress up with my hands, pinning it against her hips. Fuck does she look hot in this dress. There’s
something incredibly sexy about her wearing such a prim and proper dress as I fuck her against this rough wall from behind.

  She starts moaning wildly as she comes, and an instant later I’m freezing, my cock buried deep inside her, my come bursting out of my cock and filling my condom.

  “Wow,” she says, turning around, my cock sliding out of her, and kissing me deeply and sloppily on the mouth. Her dress is completely disarranged, and her hair is wild looking. There’s a crazy sexy look in her eyes that shines at me.

  “That was so hot,” she says.

  “It was,” I say, pulling up my pants, and looking around for my shirt.

  “Aren’t you going to stay and cuddle with me?”

  “Fuck, I’d really like to. But you don’t know how strict they’re being with me right now. I’m lucky I could steal away from this long. They’re watching my every move right now.” It’s fucking true, unfortunately. I’d like nothing more than to just continue to fuck her throughout the night, and sure, some cuddling in between wouldn’t be bad either.

  She looks upset.

  “You’re not bad, are you?” I say. “I’m sorry, but things are pretty fucked up and weird around here in the palace, especially right now, with the fallout from my American trip.”

  “No, it’s OK,” she says, but her eyes look sad.

  “I’ll see you first thing tomorrow, OK? I’ll show you around the palace during the daylight.”

  “OK,” she says, and we kiss goodnight, but I sense some sadness lingering around her.



  I watch Luke leave, and then the first tear falls from my eye. I thought he was going to risk everything to see me, no matter what the consequences are. I can’t help but feeling hurt. But then I start questioning myself as I change into my pajamas: maybe I have unreasonable expectations for him. We haven’t even talked about whether we’re exclusive, let alone dating. So far it’s just been a lot of hot fucking, but I just know there’s something there—there’s something real that’s between us, something more than a spark, something electrical, powerful and magnetic.


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