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Apocalypse No.3

Page 4

by A. J. Bennett

  Spielberg: Twitch used to have issues with seizures. When the blood fever hit, his seizures went away, but he developed a twitch in place of that. That’s why we call him twitch, obviously.

  Damian: ...And Denzel? What’s his story?

  Spielberg: Denzel was an actor or something. He actually went to the same school I did, but he graduated before I got there. I never got to do any work with him because he was off at college doing improv stuff.

  Damian: Cool, sounds like you guys really lost a lot when the fever hit.

  Spielberg: Yeah, What about you? What is your story?

  Damian: I was a soldier before all this happened. I was actually at ground zero for a short period of time.

  Spielberg: Ground zero?

  Damian: It means where the fever started. My base had been attacked, and our HQ that we were sent to for medical care was where patient zero was. Karber... Karber was his name. I guess you can say he was the first to spread the Blood Fever.

  Spielberg: That’s crazy. Well what else did you do in your past life?

  Damian: I guess now that there is no government I can actually tell you. Before I was stationed in Afghanistan where my base was attacked, I was part of an elite group of people who were “people retrieving experts.” If our government needed someone in another country, we would sneak in and snatch him before anyone blinked an eye.

  Spielberg: So you are probably the most bad ass person we could have come across?

  Damian: I guess that’s how you could put it if it makes you feel safer traveling with me.

  Denzel: Hey guys I have to use the bathroom!

  Damian: Okay, but stay close I do not need any of you kids getting lost.

  We were on our way to what used to be Manitou Springs. I always take the back roads, so we were traveling through old neighborhoods that have long been deserted, and it just so happens that when humans leave, animals take over. Denzel happened to choose the wrong time and place to have to use the bathroom. Upon his arrival to a secluded area to take a piss, he came face to face with an Elk who contracted the Blood Fever. In the old world an elk would have been something beautiful to encounter, but in our new world the blood fever makes animals more aggressive and nearly double the size. Males are the worst to run into because they lose the majority of their body fat and pack on a huge amount of muscle. The average elk used to be about five feet tall and eight feet long. Due to the mutation from the blood fever, they now average seven feet tall and can be up to ten feet long. Also, for some reason all animals lose fur from their mid torso down, so they look much different now. Denzel was very vulnerable and had no idea how to handle the situation, he immediately panicked and ran away, but the elk was much faster. I could see him running towards us screaming and then the elk caught up to him lowered his head and then shot it back up with Denzel on the antlers. Denzel was thrown against a tree and then to the ground. The elk continued towards Twitch, but I pulled out my pistol and put one shot in the elk’s front leg and then two into his skull. The creature blew out an eerie and ear shattering yelp before exhaling and laying limp. Twitch sat there shaking as the elk fell right at his feet. I could hear Denzel from behind the tree screaming loudly in agony. I ran over to him with the boys, and I knew right when I saw him that this would be a hard day for all of us. The two girls that were still with us shrieked and fell to the ground crying. Denzel had been thrown onto a piece of wood that went straight through the middle of his thigh. I fell to my knees and attempted to calm him down. I was in a puddle of blood that continued to run across the land like a coursing river.

  Twitch: Damian give him a shot like you gave me!

  Damian: I don't have any more Twitch, I gave the last one I had to you.

  Twitch: What do you mean? We can't save him?

  Damian: Unfortunately, no Twitch. I'm sorry.

  Denzel: Eh it’s okay Jodi, I just need a coffee break and then we can get back on set.

  Denzel had lost so much blood and hit the tree so hard that he lost track of where he was. He had mumbled a few more words and then took his last breath. He was gone.

  Chapter 19

  It was a long walk to Manitou, The boys walked with their heads down the whole way. The loss of Denzel really hit them hard, but hopefully I can help keep their heads from thinking about him. I'll let them take a little shopping spree with some money.

  Damian: Twitch, Berg, girls come here. I am giving you each three hundred dollars. Go buy stuff that you may need for the rest of the trip.

  The boys were very enthused and immediately ran off to get stuff. The girls however handed me my money back and said, "We don't need your money Damian. We have some family here that we are going to stay with. Thank you for all of your help."

  As long as they were safe I was happy. They walked away into the Markets and I never saw them again. I needed to pick up a few things of my own so I started shopping also. I was looking for a new pack because the one I have has a bunch of rips in it and it will not hold onto everything I have. I saw this little old man in a shop who had exactly what I needed. I walked up to him and grabbed the bag.

  Damian: How much for this sir?

  Shopkeeper: Well boy that bag there will cost you one thousand dollars or a Rolex.

  I quickly handed him eleven hundred dollars and took the bag. I have so much money because I go scavenge places that other people would not dare. Most city buildings have become homes for wolf packs, bears, and vicious birds. I came across a bank and with the skill set I had, I was able to get in and out with over two hundred thousand dollars. This is why I need a new pack. I don’t want my pack ripping open when I have all of this money in it. I walked around browsing waiting for the boys before I came across a very familiar item. It was a necklace that read "Charlotte". I know for a fact that this used to be Allen's because on the back of the necklace it had the same numbers that were on Allen's dog tags.

  Damian: Where did you get this?

  Shop owner: Some guy traded it to me. I didn't know who he was, just some guy who said he took it from a man long dead. If you ask me, looting the dead is disrespectful, but to each his own.

  It was sad to hear that someone raided his house and scavenged his place and took stuff from him while he was lying there dead. I guess some people in the world just don’t care about respect for others.

  "Damian look what I found!" Twitch shouted.

  He had found a compound bow that had only three arrows. Nevertheless it was a great find, because arrows can be easily made and reused unlike bullets.

  Twitch: I figured you could use it Damian. You know, when we are out traveling. It is much quieter than a gun. I had to give up my watch, but I think it was worth it.

  Damian: Where is Spielberg?

  Twitch: He was on his way back last time I checked.

  No sooner than he said that I could see Spielberg running from what looked like Crusaders.

  "Damian help!" Spielberg screamed.

  I figured I would give this new bow a try. I loaded an arrow, aimed, then I released and the arrow I shot soared right into the shin of one of the crusaders. A little low for my first shot, so I drew the next arrow and released. This time the arrow flew right into the throat of another crusader. There was one Crusader left and he managed to tackle Berg to the ground. The Crusader sat down on Berg's chest and was striking at him with a knife. I drew the last arrow, took a deep breath, and then let go. The arrow hit the Crusader right in the chest and you could see him fly off of Spielberg. While I was still looking at the guy that I just shot off of Berg, another Crusader popped out from behind me and went to strike me, but Twitch threw his arm out and stabbed him in the chest. His feet flew over his head and then he hit the ground with his entire weight. There was one other crusader who decided to run away and disappear in the crowd. I took off the paintball mask that the lowlife Twitch just stabbed was wearing. To my surprise it was a young boy. He couldn’t have been older than fifteen. Everything was happening so fast I didn
’t even notice that they were smaller than a man. One of the crusaders was bleeding from his mouth and said one final thing:

  “The Phoenix will get you. There is no place out of his rea..”

  I ran over to look at the other people I shot. All three of them were also children with ages ranging from eleven to fifteen. It was very surreal because they looked so peaceful with their young faces. So untouched by this world, and I shot them down like they were men. They were just kids…

  "We need to get out of here now!" I exclaimed.

  The boys and I started making our way towards Woodland Park through the pass. Hopefully we can find some sort of shelter before the night finds us.

  Chapter 20

  I didn’t want to keep traveling at night, but we have no choice right now. We are a little more than halfway to Woodland Park and we have to hurry so we can find some shelter. There have been no signs of any animals so far, so I am hoping that we will have good luck tonight. The boys are tired, but I know that they understand the importance of us having to keep moving. We are on our way to what used to be the super store that comes up right before the town of Woodland Park. I need more arrows for the bow due to the fact that we left Manitou so quickly and I didn’t have time to grab the arrows I used to kill those young boys. Those boys are haunting my mind. I know that what I did was right and that if I did not act we would have all mostly likely died at the hands of the Crusaders. I’m trying so hard to not feel guilty for their lives, but my conscience is yet again clouded by thoughts of another young child’s life being taken. It’s been a long time since I have been in this mindset.

  I can see the building I’ve been trying to reach, and my worst nightmares were realized. It has been turned into a B.V. camp... B.V. is short for Blood Vultures. These guys think that they have no rules. They are the anarchists of our society, which is ironic because of how little structure our once great nation now has. They kill with no regret, they steal without consideration, and they feed on the one thing that they shouldn't: Humans. They are still very human, but they are the lowest form of scum that you could ever come in contact with. From the looks of it, there are only about ten or twelve people in this camp.

  Damian: Okay boys, if we‘re gonna use this place as shelter tonight, we are going to have to clear this camp of these B.V.'s.

  Spielberg: Okay then what is the plan?

  Damian: We load up our guns, and take them very tactfully. I want you two to walk around and come at them from the front where they can see you, and I need you to be loud and obnoxious. I will sneak up from behind their camp and then, when I give the signal, which will be a flicker of my lighter three times, we will open fire on them and kill all of them. Do you both understand the plan?

  "Yes." They whispered.

  I headed towards the back of the building and I came across two of them. I ran quickly at them, I stabbed one in the throat and then I ran towards the other one and stabbed him in his right lung. I went around the corner and I could see the boys at the very front of the parking lot making their way towards the front of the store where the B.V.'s are partying around a very bright bonfire. I grab my lighter and then I flicker it three times. The boys start running towards the B.V.'s and start screaming and jumping and yelling profanities. I get my pistol and a knife out and then I start running towards the group and I start shooting. I shoot the two closest B.V.'s and then I run up to a third one and stab him in the shoulder and shoot him under his jaw with the gun aimed at his brain. The boys have successfully killed about five or six of them on their own. I continue running and I shoot one more B.V. until I hear,


  I quickly looked over toward the shout. Twitch had gotten himself captured. The B.V. had a knife to his neck and was threatening to kill him.

  Blood Vulture: Put the weapons down you motherfuckers, or I will peel this pretty boy’s face off with my blade.

  He proceeded to cut Twitch's throat just enough for it to bleed, but not deep enough to sever any arteries in his neck. I dropped my gun and so did Spielberg.

  Blood vulture: You're a bigger fool than I thought.

  He went for a big stroke to Twitch's throat, but before he could finish slitting Twitch's entire throat, a blade sliced open the side of the B.V.'s skull, killing him. Twitch pulled away with the minor injury to his neck. The body of the B.V. fell to the ground revealing the silhouette of a man in black.

  The man stepped forward and pulled off his hood.

  Dai: It has been a while Damian.

  It took me a second to make out a face, but as soon as I did I knew exactly who it was.

  Damian: Dustin?

  Dai: Yeah that is what I used to go by, but now I go by Dai.

  Damian: Dai huh? What are you doing out here?

  Dai: Probably the same thing you are, Damian. I was looking for supplies and shelter for the night, but I found you instead and had to save your life, Again.

  Damian: Well don't sound so arrogant Dai, I have had to save your life before also.

  It went silent and the boys looked at us with a look that suggested they were thinking that we were enemies. Dai smiled and gave me a hug.

  Dai: It has been too long brother.

  Damian: I know. The last time I saw you I think we were in Japan living with that fishing family. The father knew martial arts and taught us a few things. Obviously you have more experience than I do Dai. When I left I remember you stayed behind with the family and lived with them.

  Dai: Yeah I remember that. They were in danger from the North Koreans, so we had to stay down there in order to protect the smaller villages.

  Damian: Those were some crazy times man.

  As I finished up talking about Japan with Dai an arrow flew right into a post near me and Dai.

  Dai: And that would be James. He has been traveling with me. He is an expert marksman, particularly with a bow as you can see.

  I looked over at the building and he was sitting at the top with his legs dangling.

  "It's clear Dai!" James shouted.

  We headed inside the store to start making a shelter and settle in for the night. It was a paradise in this place. I guess the B.V's had accomplished quite a bit. The store seemed to be perfectly intact. There was barely any food, but everything else was stocked full. I gave Twitch a PI-19 pill and then instructed the boys to follow Dai and me to the camping section of the store. As we got closer to the camping supplies, James popped out and scared the boys nearly out of their shoes.

  James: You should have seen the look on your faces! Priceless!

  He turned to me and shook my hand, and it felt like a gorilla squeezing my hand. This guy was strong, and I think he will make a wonderful asset.

  James: Hey, I'm James.

  Damian: I’m Damian.

  James: So what are you guys doing in a B.V. camp?

  Damian: We are looking for shelter and supplies and we figured this place could provide both.

  James: Well that was the plan that me and Dai also cooked up, so I guess we think alike.

  Damian: Yah I guess so… Okay boys find a place above ground to sleep. The entrance to this place is wide open so animals may come in here, I need you off of the floor. I am going to stay up and keep watch and gather supplies for tomorrow.

  Spielberg: What do you mean?

  Damian: What do you mean, what do I mean Spielberg?

  Spielberg: Why can't we just stay here and make this our new home?

  Damian: This place is not safe Berg. If we stay here we risk the same thing happening to us that just happened to the B.V's. We will take all that we need and then leave.

  Spielberg: Ugh, Why do people have to be so evil and mess up good things.

  Dai: People are born to survive, some are better at it than others, but we do what we have to do to survive. Just remember that we had to interrupt the B.V's lives to survive this night.

  Spielberg: I guess your right Dai.

  I watched the boys fall asleep and they seeme
d to be more comfortable than I had ever seen them before. Maybe they felt a sense of security being under my watch. I could not imagine how it must be for these kids to run their own little society for god knows how long. Then this asshole Phoenix sends his men to slaughter their entire camp and rape all the women. These boys have seen too much too early and I think being with me helps them feel like they have some sort of normal father figure in their life. Maybe something more is being felt by me for these boys. Am I starting to feel like a father to them? All I wanted was to help them and get them somewhere safe, and now I am sitting here pondering whether or not I should have them call me Dad? I do not know how to proceed. I have been alone all of these years and now I find myself in a group hoping that all of them will see the next morning.

  I started gathering supplies for tomorrow and I feel like I hit the jackpot. I found three backpacks with the tags still on them, arrows for my bow, knives, mini shovels, personal tents, and the best find of all. There was a fully stocked case full of rifles and shotguns for hunting. I broke the glass and started grabbing guns out of them. I ran to the toy section to get a large wagon so that we could pull the guns and ammo behind us. I ended up filling up two wagons and three backpacks full of supplies. I felt that tonight the group accomplished something great. Now I just have to wait out the night and get these boys moving in the morning. I hope Dai and James will join us, maybe we can start our own camp somewhere and finally have some peace for once.


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