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Fake Marriage Act

Page 10

by Lulu Pratt

  “I hate that someone has to die for her to live,” I said. “I just wish I was a match.”

  “I know you do,” he sighed. “We wish you were commutable too, it would make things safer and more secure for your mother. We’re going to take good care of her here, but I need you to know that if she doesn’t get a donor within thirty days, she’ll be sent home. Of course, we’ll see that she has the necessary machines, and hospice care, of course. She just can’t stay here indefinitely. Some patients feel a lot more secure being at home anyway. For right now though, she is safe and sound right here with us. I prefer to have her here so if something goes wrong, we’re right here to help her.”

  “No, I completely agree,” I said. “I think the best place for her right now is here, even though she may fight us on it. Even if I was able to take her home and care for her, I wouldn’t know what do in an emergency.”

  “Good, then go on back in, stay as long as you like, and when she is up and stable, even if it’s days from now, we’ll go into all the details of everything, okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you,” I said, shaking his hand.

  When I walked back into the room, Ryan was at my mother’s bedside, helping her to sit up in the bed. She was awake and had asked to wait on the pain medication for a little while. She wanted to be awake and alert to talk to her family first. The nurse had agreed and left us alone in the room. I walked over to her bed and took her hand, smiling at her with tears in my eyes.

  “There will be none of that,” she said. “I’m not dead yet, sweetie. Don’t go bringing me down with your sappiness.”

  I laughed and leaned over, laying my head on her chest. She stroked the back of my hair and looked at me with caring eyes as I stood back up. Ryan pulled the covers up on her and smiled.

  “I’ll let you have some time, I’ll just be out in the hallway,” he said. “If you need anything, I’ll be right there, just holler for me, I’ll come knocking down the door if I have to.”

  “Nonsense,” my mother said, grabbing his hand. “You don’t need to give us any private time, we’re fine.

  I was beyond upset, and my worrying went from ten to a thousand every time I looked at her struggling through the disease that was slowly killing her. Ryan reached his other hand across the bed and took mine in it, pursing his lips. Thankful was insufficient to describe the gratitude I felt for having Ryan there, and that he stayed with me. I wasn’t nearly as strong as I liked to pretend to be and sitting there in that hospital room I felt pretty sure that he was the only thing holding me in one piece.

  “I saw you when you first came in last night,” my mother said. “I was just high as a kite on morphine and ended up going to sleep instead of saying hello. Ryan, you have been so amazing over the last twenty-four hours. Not only have you taken care of me, and helped the nurses with me, you have stayed right here, standing next to my daughter and comforting her in a really difficult time. I know men who have been married to their wives for thirty years who wouldn’t do that. Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure, Carolyn” he smiled. “And like I told her, family is family, even if it’s not blood related. I will be here for anything either of you need.”

  “That brings me to my next point,” she said. “I want the two of you to go on home for a little while. I am not gonna kick the bucket today, I have some fight still left in me. You need to get some rest, you don’t want to have bags under your eyes on the TV.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “But I want to be here for you. You’re my momma and I love you.”

  “And I love you, honey, but you need rest, too,” she smiled. “I can’t take care of you if you collapse from exhaustion.”

  “I think your mom might have a point there,” Ryan said, looking over at me.

  “Traitor,” I chuckled.

  “Maybe, but it’s because I care about you,” he said. “It’s important that you keep your wits about you, stay strong, vibrant and ready to go. That way, when your mom gets that transplant, you can be in the right mind, well rested, and ready to nurse her back to health.”

  “And the same goes for Ryan,” my mother said. “He needs to rest, because he just pledged himself to this family while you got the show going on, and I’m holding him to that. He will be responsible for taking care of you while you take care of me. I know you’re stubborn, so it will take someone with patience.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I laughed. “You two are ganging up on me over here.”

  “Nah, we’re just caring about you,” he said, with a smile.

  “All right,” I replied, leaning forward and kissing my mom on the cheek. “They better call me with any news. You get some rest, and I’ll be back real soon.”

  “Of course,” she smiled. “Now, back to my pain meds and those amazing naps.

  We left the hospital and headed straight back to the house. I didn’t say a lot, but Ryan stayed right there with me the whole time. He really cared about me and my mother, and that meant a lot to me. When we got back he waited in the bedroom while I took a shower, and then he got in while I was changing my clothes. When he came out he helped me into the bed, then he pulled the covers up to my chin and kissed me on the forehead. I fell asleep feeling nothing but love.



  I didn’t sleep well that night, lying there calming Mira through whatever nightmares she was having. She tossed and turned, but never fully woke up, and I could tell that her mother being in the hospital had taken a serious toll on her. As I laid there in the bed, waiting for the alarm to go off, I looked over at her, thinking about how badly I wanted to protect her. That was a new feeling for me. I’d never experienced this need to protect before, but I sure was now. I wanted to protect Mira from anything and everything. I wanted to take away her worry and concern about her mom, to make her feel better, but I knew I couldn’t, and the best thing for me to do was to just stick by her side.

  Evelyn was there bright and early, waiting for us to come down. Mira moved slowly, but she was moving. There had been no update on her mom, other than that she was resting comfortably at the hospital. We got downstairs, where Evelyn looked at Mira with a dramatic pout and opened her arms wide with a warm and caring hug. Mira seemed incapable of fighting anything off that morning, and simply walked over, laid her head on Evelyn’s shoulder and sighed.

  “I have an idea,” Evelyn said, suddenly shifting gears. “Instead of doing our briefing here, especially since things have changed, why don’t we go get some brunch? We can fill those bellies before you head off to the hospital.”

  “Personally, I think that’s a fantastic idea,” I replied. “Especially since you really weren’t interested in eating once you got to the hospital yesterday. At least I’ll know you’ve been fed at least once.”

  “Actually, that sounds really nice,” Mira smiled sweetly. “I am pretty hungry, and it will give me a chance to get fortified and brighten my mood before I go in to see my mom. I don’t want her to see me stressed out, it clearly only raises her own anxiety.”

  “Perfect,” Evelyn said, grabbing her bag. “Let’s take the limo, and I’ll have them drop you off and pick you up from the hospital.”

  That settled, I followed them out to the car, climbing inside and sitting close to Mira. She sighed and looked over at me with an intentional effort to smile, as Evelyn gave the driver directions. Everything seemed to be hard that day, but once we got settled in at the restaurant I could see Mira start to relax a bit. Evelyn rattled on and on about the ratings, the popularity of the show, and how people were dying for more. They had just released the third episode, so they were pretty far behind real life, but that was apparently how these shows worked.

  “You are doing really well, better than I expected since it’s your first time working in a production environment,” Evelyn said, stirring her tea. “I feel so blessed that I got two really good people for the series. I hope you both are enjoying your time on the show, even though things have be
en less than perfect in your private life.”

  “It’s definitely a learning experience,” Mira smiled.

  “Oh,” Evelyn groaned looking at her phone as it vibrated on the table. “I have to take this call, I’m sorry. Excuse me for just a moment.”

  We watched as Evelyn scurried off out of the restaurant, answering her phone outside. She looked like she was flipping out to whoever it was, and we just sat there, entertained for a moment just watching.

  “You think she’ll have a heart attack?” Mira asked.

  “Maybe not today, but it’s a distinct possibility in her future,” I laughed.

  “Listen,” Mira said, turning to me. “I wanted to thank you again for staying at the hospital with me. You being there for me and for my mom meant a lot to me. I have to be honest, it’s not something I expected from you, and I’m sorry for misjudging you like that. I didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt and just assumed you would bail. I realized that I’ve been going through this on my own for so long that I’d forgotten what it was like to have someone with me who had my back. It was really nice, and I wanted to make sure that you knew that.”

  “It’s really no problem,” I smiled. “Besides, it’s what husbands are supposed to do. Your mom, she is really an amazing woman, and I can’t help but see some of my own mother in her.”

  “Really?” Mira smiled. “What was she like?”

  “She was bright, spirited and really tough,” I explained. “She raised me on her own like your mom did, and she loved me with every fiber of her being. I never realized how many things she sacrificed for me until I was older. By that point though, it was too late, and she was very close to the end of her life. Losing her was really tough, but it was her memory and her strength that forced me to keep going. Honestly, during those times, I didn’t think I would be able to move on, but it was her voice that kept me going, that and the copious amounts of bourbon that Miles brought over.”

  Mira chuckled, and I could tell she restrained herself from any snide comments. I appreciated it, knowing Miles was not her favorite person, but he was a good guy, and he cared about me like a brother. I wished he had acted differently, like the man he really was, so that he and Mira could have got along better. It was what it was though, and we couldn’t go backward in time.

  “Your mom does sound a lot like my mom,” she said, resting her chin on her hand. “I think last night you won my mom over for good. She is pretty much in love with the idea of you in our lives. She knows what it takes for a man to give up anything to be there for a woman, and that impressed her a lot.”

  “I’m glad she’s starting to like me,” I smiled. “I don’t want to keep her waiting to see me, I mean you, so why don’t we round up Ms. Owens, and head on over there so I can impress her even more.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Mira laughed, shaking her head. “I’ll get the check if you will wrangle Evelyn.”

  “You got it,” I smiled.

  It took a minute for me to get Evelyn off the phone and in the right mindset, but once she was we headed to the hospital. She dropped us off at the door and waved goodbye as we walked inside. When we got upstairs they were getting Carolyn out of bed to do a little walking, so I waited in the hallway until she was ready. I wasn’t lying to Mira when I said that I didn’t mind, I really didn’t. This was kind of like having my mom back in a way. I was taught when I was just a young boy that when you get married, you support your wife one hundred percent. Though this whole thing may end in just a few months, Mira was still my wife, and she needed me more than ever right now. Growing up with a single mom will definitely make you see the world differently when it comes to relationships.

  I never thought I would find myself in this situation to begin with, but I made the choice to go on the show knowing full well I was picking up a wife in the process. Sure, I planned on leaving as soon as I possibly could, but at that time I imagined a self-centered bitch who would stab me in the back as much as look at me. What I didn’t expect to find was Mira, sweet and innocent, loving, caring and full of life. My original plan of walking away and screwing my TV ‘wife’ was no longer looking viable. I was a jerk sometimes, but not that big of a jerk. What would be the point? As I saw it, I had nothing to lose by staying, and the last thing I wanted was for her and the rest of the world to think I was a total douche for leaving her when her mother was desperately ill. It wasn’t an option on moral or personal grounds.

  “Well, hello there, young man.” Carolyn said, as she walked slowly out of the door. “Apparently they want me to get some exercise.”

  “Oh yeah?” I smiled. “You gonna do a little tap dancing? Maybe run five miles?”

  “Five?” she scoffed. “I am training for a triathlon. At this rate I will be ready in about three hundred years.”

  “Hey, better late than never,” I smiled.

  Mira chuckled and held onto her mom’s arm as we walked up and down the hallway. It was actually a really nice visit, one that I didn’t see myself enjoying in the least. By the time Carolyn had done six laps around the floor though, she was exhausted. We sat around her room, talking to her, watching TV, and waiting while she took intermittent naps. We hung out with her while she ate dinner, and then got ready to go. I was proud of Mira for being able to walk away for the evening, but I knew it was hard on her. She wanted to stay right there with her mom, but it wasn’t the best thing for either of them. I called the car as she said goodnight to her mom.

  We walked quietly through the hospital, smiling at the nurses, and reflecting on our day there. When we reached the front entrance, the car was waiting out front, so we hopped inside and directed the driver to the nearest pizza joint. We got a large stuffed-crust pepperoni pizza and took it back to the house to relax.

  “Why don’t you throw in a movie?” I said, from the kitchen, gathering plates and such.

  “The next Lord of the Rings?” she yelled back.

  “You know the way to my heart,” I laughed.

  We ate pizza and lip synced the words to the movie, laughing at each other. It was nice and relaxing, something that we both needed after everything that had been going on. After we’d stuffed ourselves with pizza, we settled back onto the couch where she curled into me. I lifted my arm and put it around her shoulders, pulling her in close, feeling the warmth of her body. She looked up at me and smiled, her eyes beginning to darken. I smoothed the hair back off her forehead and leaned down, gently kissing her lips. I’d planned for it to be just one kiss, but once my lips touched hers there was no holding back. The sweet taste of her mouth sent electricity bolting through my body, and all I wanted was her.

  She whimpered softly, reaching her face up for more, moving from her butt to her knees. She lifted up, wrapping her hands around my face, and leaning in, kissing me even harder. She was breathless and so was I, feeling our bodies pressing against each other, her hard nipples pushing through her shirt. I turned my body and cupped her face, running my tongue across her lips. I wanted her and there was nothing I could do to stop it. She needed me, something that I hadn’t felt before, but the idea of it was both warming and arousing. To think this beautiful woman was putting her faith in me — to take her mind to another level, to please her body, to take her into my arms — was powerful on a whole other level.

  I pulled back from her kiss and bit my lips, reaching forward and turning off the TV. Standing up, I adjusted myself before reaching down and taking her hand. Without a word I walked her out of the living room and to the staircase. This was her time to be pleasured.



  All the lights were off in the house and I let Ryan lead me, his strong hand grasping mine as he pulled me through the house to the stairs. My bare feet tiptoed across the cold marble floors, knowing that I was headed right to where I wanted to be. Everything had been so stressful, so confusing, but in that moment it all cleared away and nothing had been more simplistic in my life. I wanted Ryan, I wanted him fully,
in ways that I had never wanted a man before. I wanted him to take my whole body, pull it in, pleasure it, be pleasured by it, and rock me into the morning light, wrapped in his strong arms.

  I stared at him as we walked through the quiet house and up the stairs, feeling the lust beginning to boil deep down in my body. I bit my bottom lip, feeling Ryan’s thumb rubbing over the back of my hand as he pulled me to the bedroom. It was like a dream, only better, and this time we knew each other more, we understood each other a bit better, and he knew exactly what to do to me to make me forget all about my troubles for a while. As we entered the bedroom, I shut the door behind us and stared as he stood in the middle of the room, a look of lust on his face. I could barely contain myself, wanting him, needing him, and just staring at that amazing body in front of me.

  He had gone from a man I barely knew, to my knight in shining armor. He was there for me in this difficult time in my life, and more importantly, he was there for my mother. He had proved himself to be a man of stature and strength, and that white knight halo over his head made me want him even more than I had before. I breathed heavily, my shoulders moving up and down as I stood there, watching him pull his shirt over his head, flexing those strong pecs, his body almost glistening in the night light coming in through the windows. I could feel the heat pulsing between my legs and my panties soaked with desire. Everything in me wanted to jump into his arms and wrap my legs around him, but I knew this time took attention.

  He lifted his hand and waved for me to come closer. I stepped forward, feeling the soft rug under my feet, moving closer and closer. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone in my life, and I could tell he felt the same way. As I approached, he reached out, cupping my face and pulling me hard against him. He leaned forward and opened his mouth, kissing me wildly and passionately. My knees were weak beneath me and I feared I would sink to the ground, and that was just from the way his tongue felt in my mouth. I could only imagine what I’d be feeling next.


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