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Fake Marriage Act

Page 48

by Lulu Pratt

  “My nose doesn’t scrunch,” I deny, shaking my head as he walks to his desk, opening his drawer before handing me a card.

  “What’s this?” I ask, as the heavy black American Express falls into my hand.

  “Use this for anything you buy.”

  “No, Logan,” I say sternly, placing the card on his desk.

  “Ava.” He says my name like it’s a warning.

  “I’ll go to Australia, but I don’t need your assistant or your money to get ready. You’re already paying for the whole trip, and I may make you buy me something while we’re there,” I wink, and his face lights up.

  It’s strange to me how excited he gets at the idea of spoiling me.

  “I have to go get ready,” I say, walking over to kiss him one last time before I leave.

  “I’ll text you all the details,” he calls after me as I walk to the lobby. Glancing back as I open the door, I see the million-dollar smile I love so much, plastered on his face. Just knowing that I’ve brought him such joy makes me feel like the richest woman in the world.

  His assistant nervously smiles at me as I make my way through the reception area, most likely fearing that Logan will be mad at her for how I barged in after ignoring her warning about his important meeting.

  For a second, I think to tell her she’s got nothing to worry about, but decide it best for her to discover that on her own.

  Logan’s office now looks like reflective glass from this side of the wall, but I know he’s watching me, so I wink just before I leave, hoping he sees me.

  Chapter 22


  Racing in and out of my bedroom, trying to process all that’s happened today, I can barely make sense of what’s going on. What I do know is that I’m packing for a trip to Australia, and Logan will be picking me up first thing in the morning.

  The more I get into my packing, the more I realize I could have really used Logan’s assistant, because there’s so much I need to do and even more things I can’t find.

  While I’m regretting not taking Jennifer with me, I have no different feelings regarding turning down the money he offered. Why does he think that money can solve every problem and make everyone love and forgive him?

  It must be some type of complex he’s developed from being wealthy all his life, but we’ll have to break that if there’s ever going to be a chance for us to work as a couple.

  Spoiling me is great whenever we are together, but I don’t need him to take care of me like I am some sort of dependent. I have my own life, and livelihood, despite what he’s used to. Women he date must leech off him, but I’m not that type of person and he’ll have to learn to respect my boundaries.

  As my thoughts begin to wander, I realize what I’m doing – plotting out how we can have a successful and healthy relationship, when I’ve just spent the better half of our time together explaining why that was impossible.

  I’m a complete headcase when it comes to Logan, but for some strange reason, I enjoy every second of the confusion, just wondering what will happen next. Exciting is a complete understatement, because everything with him is an adventure, and he never ceases to amaze me.

  Although he’s only a few years older than me, he seems to be so much more experienced. The way he controls my body when we’re together is a bit scary. I can barely think, but that’s beside the point, because when Logan’s near, thinking is the least of my desires.

  Our sexual chemistry is off the charts and then some. It’s like I’ve never had sex until Istanbul, the way my body craves him with such a primal hunger I can barely function.

  Even now, I want even more of him, a yearning I’ve never felt before.

  Shaking my head to force the images from our rendezvous in his office to the back of my mind, I focus on the long list I’ve made to make sure I don’t forget anything.

  Picking through my lingerie drawer, I grab every bathing suit I can get my hands on before searching for the matching cover-ups. After rummaging through my closet and dresser, I realize I can’t find my sheer, black Prada dress I like to wear over my favorite bikini. Then I remember letting Petra borrow it on her last vacation. Knowing she’s left for the day, I go into her room in search of my only piece of designer clothing.

  Petra’s room is always full of clutter, so I carefully step over her stacks of papers along with her scattered clothing. Skimming through her closet, I don’t spot my dress, but I know it must be here somewhere.

  Scourging through her drawer of underwear, I make my way to her swim suits, and just before I’m ready to give up, I feel the familiar softness of my dress. Tugging at the corner of fabric, careful to remove it without disturbing her suits, a sparkling flash flies from the dress as soon as it’s in my arms, followed by a clank on the wooden floors.

  A glimmering piece of jewelry sticks out like a sore thumb amidst the chaos in her room, and I kneel to inspect it. My eyes widen taking in the many jewels of what looks to be an antique brooch.

  There are plenty of things I don’t know about Petra, but her style isn’t one of them. After knowing each other for years, I can tell you if a dress is Petra’s style without hesitation, and this brooch is nothing she would ever wear.

  I have limited time to pack, so I decide to place the jewelry back at the bottom of her drawer before returning to my task, but my mind never truly leaves that discovery as I wonder what she could be into.

  This rift of ours has lasted longer than any other argument we’ve had, and while I’ve hoped to find some resolution, time hasn’t been on our side. Between our conflicting schedules, and my lack of urgency, we’ve allowed the awkwardness to fester, and with me leaving for Australia tomorrow, it will have to continue a bit longer.

  At last I send her a text letting her know I would be away for a few days, although I decided against telling her where I was going or who I was traveling with. Her response was pleasant, just like all our interactions have been lately, but it was nothing like our normal camaraderie.

  Every friendship goes through phases, and this was just one of ours. The way she talked about Logan really hurt my feelings, and although I wasn’t willing to share that with her, or my reasoning behind it, I wanted her to understand my position.

  Checking off items on my list as I place them into my crowded suitcase, I decide to have a sit-down conversation with Petra once she returns from her night out. She’s my best friend, and I want it to remain that way. Besides, we’re more than friends – we’re business partners and housemates, so we have no choice but to figure this out.

  By the time my suitcase is stuffed with so many clothes I can barely close it, it’s halfway through the night, and Petra still hasn’t come home. My eyelids grow heavy as sleep washes over me without a sign from her.

  When my alarm wakes me up, I tiptoe to her bedroom, but there’s still no sign of her, so I get ready for Logan to pick me up.

  My nerves are on overdrive like I’m preparing for a first date as I blow dry my hair before applying make-up. Typically, I travel in comfortable athletic apparel, but everything is much more relaxed on the private jet, so I opt instead for a cute yellow chiffon maxi dress.

  When my doorbell rings, I’m ready and ecstatic to see Logan, but instead it’s his driver, and he must see the look of disappointment on my face, because he quickly offers an explanation.

  “Mr. Draper had an important call, but he’s waiting for you.” He motions to the Bentley, and I smile, hoping I didn’t offend him.

  “Is this your only bag?” he asks before carrying my heavy suitcase down the stairs, placing it in the trunk and holding the door open for me.

  Logan stares at his Blackberry and has his finger against his ear as he speaks, “If I cared, I would’ve asked for an update, Dan. Obviously, I don’t,” he says curtly into the phone as I slide into the seat next to him.

  Trying not to disturb him, I leave a bit of space between us, looking straight ahead to give him his privacy.

  “Hold on!�
� he growls, pressing a button on his phone before turning to me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just didn’t want to bother you,” I assure him quickly, but he seems less than accepting.

  “You’ll never be bothering me. I just have to handle this, and then I’m all yours,” he briskly kisses my lips before returning to the call.

  The pads of his fingertips skate over the sensitive skin of my thigh before he grips me tightly, effortlessly pulling me until I’m pressed against his side.

  My breathing is anything but steady as the driver inches through traffic before pulling onto a less-packed expressway. Logan’s hand continues to massage my leg as he resumes his call, and as always, my body comes alive to his touch.

  “You’ve given me a lot of excuses, and you know how I handle that. Luckily for you, I’m in a good mood. I’ll be unreachable for a while, but once I get to Australia, I’d like the resolution in my email.” Logan ends the call before lifting me into his lap.

  “I’m sorry, gorgeous. My app team is driving me crazy,” he groans before nuzzling my neck. “Did you pack enough in that gigantic suitcase?”

  “A girl needs options, you know.”

  “I told you they have stores in Sydney, and you said I get to spoil you,” he bites his bottom lip, and the butterflies in my belly go wild.

  “I did not say that, Logan.”

  “In so many words!” he loudly maintains before gripping my chin with his hand to bring my lips to his.

  In his arms, I feel complete safety and security, and under his gaze I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. Every second with him seems to move slower as life becomes a dream-like state.

  “I missed you last night,” he whispers on my lips.

  “I missed you too,” I pinch my lips together stop the grin from spreading.

  “Why didn’t we spend the night together?”

  “Because I needed to pack, silly!” I tap the tip of his nose with my index finger as he dips me back, tickling my neck with his mouth while I howl in laughter.

  “You’ve never been to Sydney, right?” he asks once he pulls me back upright.

  “Nope!” I answer out of breath.


  “Why is that good?”

  “Another first. I like to witness you seeing new places,” he pauses, but I can tell there’s more to his thought.

  “I want to take you everywhere,” he finally adds, and I kiss him with all the passion and desire I feel, since I won’t be able to really express my feelings to him physically until we get to Australia.

  Chapter 23


  “Would you like any Champagne?” the stewardess asks just after takeoff.

  “Want some wine?” I ask Ava, and she eagerly smiles.

  With a nod to the stewardess, she smiles before leaving us alone to prepare our order. Ava looks incredible in a long yellow dress that leaves much to the imagination, with a subtle peek of cleavage.

  “Am I allowed to know why you’re traveling to Australia?” she asks, twirling her hair around her finger as she tends to do when she’s nervous.

  “Of course,” I answer quickly as Jane places our glasses of wine on the small table between us.

  “Thank you,” Ava smiles brightly and Jane seems to appreciate her politeness before leaving us.

  “A hotel,” I continue our conversation.

  “You have a hotel in Australia?” she asks with wide eyes as I chuckle softly at her excitement.

  “Not yet, but that’s what these meetings are for. I’ll only be an investor, but I’m not sure if it’s a good fit yet,” I openly tell her about my business, something I’m notoriously secretive about.

  With Ava, I just don’t want her to feel closed off about anything. I know she worries about the start of our relationship, so I constantly walk on eggshells.

  Although I’ve never been on one, Ava always makes me feel like I’m proving my worth in a job interview, hoping to dazzle her with my expertise. At any moment, she could tell me I’m not the right fit, or who she thought I was, and this continuous uncertainty is beginning to drive me crazy. I want her to be mine without question.

  “Oh, so it’s not even built yet?” she asks.

  “No, it won’t be built for another five years.”

  “You like doing this, don’t you?”

  “Doing what? Flying?” I look around the jet, trying to understand her.

  “No, I mean business. You like jetting around the world, taking meetings, building new businesses, you know, the whole thing.”

  “Oh, well, kind of. I like closing the deals, so when it’s complete, I’m happy. This part of it – the actual meetings, negotiations and traveling, was getting boring. I was thinking of transitioning the business to get away from it,” I confess what I haven’t even told my business partners.

  “And what happened?” She prods further, sipping her wine.

  “You.” I say flatly, and she almost chokes.


  “Yeah, in Istanbul I felt like I could do this forever. It’s not so much the meetings and the negotiations as much as it is the lack of something afterwards. It was different coming back to the suite knowing you were there,” I look over to her, hoping I’ve explained myself well, but shock and doubt cover her face.

  “Logan, you can obviously have your pick of women who would love this,” she waves her hand around before adding, “you had to have considered the option to bring someone else along before.”

  “As a matter of fact, my assistant suggested it recently. And you’re right, I have a reputation of being with plenty of women who I think would all be happy to accompany me to the moon if I asked,” I smirk as she smiles at my candidness. “But I’ve never wanted to come home to any of those women, Ava. Only you,” I watch as her cheeks redden, her eyes darting to look anywhere but in my direction.

  “Logan, you don’t have to say these things,” she whispers, turning her hazel eyes to me.

  “I know. Don’t you think I would have let this all go if I could have? After our trip, I haven’t been able to think of anything but you.” I run my fingers through my hair in exasperation.

  This entire process is draining beyond levels. This woman has dominated my thoughts and actions for weeks, yet she still has no idea how much she means to me. After all these years, and the women who have come and gone, I never imagined I’d be convincing someone to be with me the way I have with Ava.

  Sure, I convoluted the trust by swindling my way into her life under a false narrative, but everything else has been nothing but the truth, and her doubting that is beyond frustrating.

  My words don’t seem to adequately express my thoughts, and as Jane approaches again, this time for our lunch orders, I feel a bit disadvantaged.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask Ava, and the look she gives me wakes my cock.

  “No, I’m fine,” she answers politely, but the real response was in her eyes – a different type of hunger.

  “Maybe later, Jane,” I dismiss her before returning my attention to Ava.

  “How do you see this going?” I confront her uneasiness.

  “The trip?”

  “Sure. The trip, and then after the trip. How do you see it playing out?”

  “I don’t know. I thought we were going to spend this time to figure it out. All night I thought of the answer to that question, and the truth is, I don’t know. I feel torn between what I feel and what I think, but it’s difficult to rationalize either stance.”

  “How do you feel?” I ask, and she looks at me with a determined look on her face.

  “I feel like there could really be something between us, and I want to see where it goes.”

  “And what do you think?” I push further, desperate to know what’s running through her mind.

  “I think that you put me in a difficult position. Before all of this, I was attracted to you and thought you felt the same way to me, but then you hired me and made me do
ubt that. It’s been confusing. Overwhelming. Exhausting even. More than anything, I’ve been in a blur, like I can’t make sense of it all,” she rambles a bit.

  “Do you trust me?” I ask a question that’s been plaguing me for days.

  “Yes,” she sighs and I feel the tension roll off my back before she adds, “but I don’t know if I should.”

  A pit forms in my stomach knowing how much she’s fighting her desire, but how can I come between her and her own doubts?

  We both gulp our wine as our thoughts drown our words, leaving silence in their place.

  Ava being on the trip must mean something. It’s at least indication of some potential she feels exists. Reminding myself that this is a positive sign that there is in fact hope for us, my mind races with ways I can minimize her uncertainty about me.

  My reputation was always what I figured would ruin a relationship in my future, but never did it occur to me that it would be my idiotic need to have everything when and where I wanted.

  In the back of my mind, I thought there was a possibility my hiring Ava could be romantic, regardless of how self-centered that is. At the end of the day, I refused to take no for an answer, and pursued her to no avail so that we could have a chance.

  Besides, I swept her off her feet during the trip. She was smitten in Istanbul, but it seems that she’s forgotten all that for some silly ethics.

  “Ava, it’s not like you were my shrink,” I continue to justify the morality of our history together.

  “Don’t do that, Logan. You don’t have to discount what I do just to make it fit with what you want.” She rolls her eyes.

  “That’s not what I’m saying at all. It’s just that, I needed to tell you all that I did. I’ve never told anyone else that, and I’m not sure I would have done it on a regular date,” I divulge, referring to the few professional sessions we had, as well as the intimate conversations we shared in Turkey and Greece.

  “That’s where the ethics get murky, because if you wouldn’t have told me those things normally, it’s kind of like I shouldn’t know.”


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