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Essential Master (Doms of Napa Valley)

Page 8

by Trace, Dakota

  A flush crossed Sabella’s face. “Of course, Master.” Then she rose smoothly to her feet.

  “Shall we?” Ethan gestured for Zebadiah to precede him.

  “Sure. Might as well get this out of the way.” He moved down the hall towards the back door where a figure was barely visible through the screen door.

  “Yes.” Zebadiah pushed open the door.

  A young pretty lady in a dark uniform turned to face him. “Are you Zebadiah Pellegrino?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Is there something I can help you with?”

  She pulled a sheaf of papers out of her courier’s bag. “You’ve been served.” Pressing the papers into his chest, she turned on her heel and left.

  “What is it?” Ethan joined him on the porch, watching as the courier went back to her car. Moments later she pulled away, passing Davis as he pulled into the drive.

  Zebadiah fumbled with the papers. “I have no idea. I’ve never been served before.” He pried open the envelope. Finally freeing the papers, he scanned them. His good mood disappeared as he read. A low growl erupted from him. “Fucking bitch.” His fingers crinkled around the documents.

  “Who’s a bitch?” Davis asked, as he came up the walk his briefcase in hand.

  “Allison.” Zebadiah handed the papers to Davis. “She’s suing me for the value of the contents in my safety deposit box. I either give her ten grand or half of everything in the box including the contract.”

  “But that’s all of your savings!” Ethan slammed his hand down on the porch railing. “There’s no way she can demand that. The plans for your bakery…”

  “Are gone if I have to pay her.” He sank down on the stoop, cradling his head between his hands. “Perhaps it’s for the best. There was no guarantee I’d have been able to make it a go and if I give her the money, she’d at least be out of my life.”

  “Whoa!” Davis held up his hand. “Paying her off isn’t a surefire promise she’ll stay gone, Zeb. Let me look this over and I’ll see what I can do. She’s just trying to intimidate you.”

  He slowly stood. “But her name was on the safety deposit box. In court there’ll be no way to prove she didn’t put the money in there.”

  Davis gazed at him steadily. “Was it her money?”

  Zeb shook his head. “No, it’s mine. I saved every penny I had and put it in there. Allison never gave me any money. She said it made submissives willful if they had access to money. I suppose it does….”

  “Like hell it does!”

  Zebadiah stiffened. He’d never heard such a tone come from Ethan. Glancing at his friend, a tendril of fear worked through him. With his bare chest heaving, wearing only his loose white pants and his dark eyes snapping, the man looked like an avenging angel bent on destruction.

  “I’m sick and tired of you thinking what that woman said about being a submissive is gospel. Each Dom is different, and as long as the safety rules are obeyed, there’s no one true way. Her demands were just another way to control you and keep you dependent on her.” Ethan stepped closer until there was mere inches between them. “Have you ever seen me treat Bella in such a fashion?”

  Zebadiah quickly shook his head, reminding himself this was his friend. He wouldn’t hurt him. “No…”

  Ethan cut off his answer. “That’s because I’d never dream of it. She has her own money, and we discuss all things financial. To give total financial control over to another is foolish in today’s age. If something would happen to the Master, the submissive is left floundering. Hell, most Doms I know don’t want that responsibility; unless it’s something their submissive particularly wants. Even then they discuss it or make arrangements to have their sub taken care of if something would happen. I can’t believe you’d honestly let Allison control the purse strings - you’re smarter than that!”

  When Ethan moved forward, his face a mask of anger, Zebadiah flinched and stumbled backwards. If it hadn’t been for Davis, he’d have tumbled down the steps.

  “Ethan!” Davis stepped between them, his huge body separating them. “You’re scaring him. Knock it off! He fucked up and knows it. You’re not making this better.”

  Ethan stilled, then horror filled his eyes. “I…shit…I didn’t mean to…” Stepping around Davis, he slowly approached Zebadiah.

  Biting his lip, Zebadiah stood his ground.

  “Look, Zeb. I didn’t mean to blow up at you.” He tucked one of his dreadlocks behind his ear. “It’s just…I’ve met more than one submissive who gave that kind of control over to a Dom, and then later fell apart when the Dom dumped them or heaven forbid, the Dom died. They’re devastated because their masters are gone, and then to make matters worse they have no money….and it pisses me off. I understand the need to submit but to do so in such a manner …it just seems self-destructive to me.”

  Zebadiah forced himself to relax. “It is. I might’ve been a fool, but I wasn’t that stupid. I’m a submissive, not a doormat, Ethan, and there are few things I’ve always demanded and that’s one of them. No matter who I serve, I’m not about to give up my financial independence to anyone.” Pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes and suddenly feeling exhausted, he moved back to the door. “Don’t worry about it, Ethan. No harm, no foul. I’m going to go lay down. My head is aching again.”

  Entering the house, he wandered down the hall towards his bedroom. He was so tired of dealing with issues resulting from Allison’s crap, and Ethan’s blow up was only the final straw. If he thought it would do any good, he’d just walk away from Napa and never return. But his heart protested the idea. Nicky and Steph were here. Did he want to give up what he might have with them just because Allison was being a bitch, and he was under stress?

  * * * *

  Pushing through the crowd, Steph carried two bottles of icy water back to the table where Nicky was signing books. He’d been at it more than an hour, but he still had a ready smile on his face for each reader as they stepped up to talk to him for a few minutes. Even as much as she loved watching him work, she couldn’t wait until the awards dinner was over tonight, and they were able to go back to their room. Then they could make their nightly call to Zebadiah. It’d become a ritual of sorts since the attack. Every night, either she or Nicky would call and they’d talk for an hour or so, sometimes even longer if Nicky didn’t have an early engagement. They’d never gotten to know a third this way, becoming his friend first, but even as hard as it made Nicky, and as wet as it made her, she was enjoying the process. Especially since Nicky tosses me to the bed and fucks my brains out after every conversation.

  “Excuse me, are you Stephanie McKeown?”

  The voice came from her left, and drew Steph out of her thoughts. No one, other than the staff at the conference hall, knew her full name. Turning to face the woman, she pasted a pleasant smile on her face as she took in the petite little blonde dressed in casual summer weight dress. “Yes, I’m Stephanie.”

  “Good, then you’ve been served.” She handed Stephanie an envelope, before disappearing back into the crowd.

  How weird. It wasn’t the first time she’d ever been served, but since she’d gone private to be Nicky’s full time guard, it had been rare. Tucking the envelope into the over-sized pocket on her blazer, she returned to the signing table, setting one of the bottles at Nicky’s elbow before resuming her position behind him, scanning the crowd to keep an eye out for threats. Not that she expected any, but past experience had taught her normal women could turn into lust-stricken harlots when confronted with their favorite erotic romance author - especially if said author happened to be male. More than once she’d had to rescue Nicky or part of his person from some fan who just had to have a souvenir.

  A few minutes later, the production assistant for the conference stepped out of the crowd and approached her. As Elizebetta stopped next to her, Steph smiled at the spunky brunette. They’d worked more than one conference together and the woman’s no nonsense approach appealed to Steph’s own ‘no fuss, no muss’ a
pproach to security.

  “Elizebetta. Staying out of trouble?” She kept her voice low as the woman joined her.

  The brunette chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “Trouble? Hell, I swear it follows me around.” Elizebetta pulled a piece of paper off her clipboard and handed it to Steph. “Here’s your itinerary for tonight. I had to juggle a few of the other authors coming on before Nicholaus.”

  “Thanks.” She accepted the paper. Last minute changes at these things were the norm. “I’ll be sure to let Nicky know.” She glanced down at the schedule and was happy to see the new schedule gave them a longer break before the final night’s dinner. Time enough to call Zeb if they choose and not be rushed to dress for the banquet awards.

  “Speaking of him, he looks like he’s got another great turn out. I swear these women eat him up each time he makes an appearance. I could be mistaken, but there’s more here tonight than last time.”

  “Probably because they’re all hoping they can play Sonja to his Thane.” Steph replied naming off the main characters of His Reluctant Desire.

  “They can keep dreaming, because last time I checked - he was taken.”

  A sound of longing escaped the other woman. “Ah but it still doesn’t keep them from hoping.” Elizebetta laid a hand on Steph’s sleeve. “I honestly don’t know how he does it. Each book seems to get better than the last. I read Thane and Sonja’s story in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down.”

  Steph chuckled. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard such gushing over Nicky’s work. Not that she normally read his stuff - other than the kinky, hot sex scenes. Those she used for inspiration. But the rest of the book? Uh-un-no way was she touching any other part of his writing. She loved him to death, but she left well enough alone. She wasn’t going to interfere with Nicky’s creative process. The one and only time he’d bounced ideas off her, it’d ended up with her having a warm bottom and Nicky a serious case of writer’s block. Nope, it was just better that she be his silent muse.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. He does have a way with words.” Especially those he growls into my ear as he fucks me. Her nipples tightened and her womb quivered. She glanced at the watch on her wrist. Dammit, tonight couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Nine

  Stretched out on his bed, Zebadiah laid looking up at the ceiling, his cock half hard against his thigh as he waited for his cell phone to ring. His bad mood from earlier had been whisked away when he’d received a text from Steph, saying they’d be calling earlier than they’d originally agree upon. Something about a change in their schedule, but just like Pavlov’s dog, his body readied itself for their talk. It was as if hearing Nicky’s voice was enough to get his engines running. And heaven help if Steph got bossy on the phone. He’d nearly creamed his pants during their last call, when she’d scolded him for not texting her back earlier in the day. She’d understood, of course, texting while driving was dangerous, but the firm tone she’d used had gone straight to his dick. Had me so hot, I jerked off as soon as they hung up. He pressed his hand against his bare cock as his phone chirped. He hadn’t bothered with clothing after his shower.

  Pressing the talk button, he answered it. “Hello?”

  “How’s my Sexy today?” Steph’s voice radiated happiness and Zeb found himself smiling, despite the fact his cock hardened further at the sound.

  “I’m here.” He removed his hand before he was tempted to do more than press. “So how’s the conference going? Nicky get mobbed yet?”

  “Not if them ‘hos know what’s good for them.” Her vehemence had Zeb chuckling. “He’ll be out in a minute, he’s showering for tonight’s awards dinner. He’s up for a couple of awards. Hottest Male and Best BDSM scene or some things like that.”

  Biting down hard on his lip was the only way Zeb was able to contain his groan as Steph continued on.

  “Wonder if they realize the reason his stuff is so hot is because he pulls on personal experience.”

  Shit, she’s killing me here. “Who knows? I know he writes some serious hot shit.” He wasn’t about to admit he’d gone out and bought every book he could find in the week they’d been gone. Sure his cards had felt the burn of it, but he’d wanted to know more about the intriguing man who’d captured his attention.

  “Ah, has someone been doing some extra-curricular reading?” Steph teased. “I’m gonna tell Nicky he’s got another closet junkie…”

  His face flushed. The last thing he wanted Nicky thinking was he was some kind of stalker, or was with him because of what the man wrote. “Ah…that’s not necessary…”

  “What’s not necessary?” Nicky’s voice filled his ear. The man was obviously out of the shower.

  “Someone else might just be hooked on your work….…Nicky!” Her glee turned into a squeal. “No…don’t. I’m not your personal towel…”

  Tipping his head back, Zeb smothered his groan as the sudden image of a very naked Nicky rubbing his body all over Steph’s filled his mind. The resulting chuckles and squeals filtering through the phone weren’t helping. His dick throbbed and his nuts pulled up. Reaching down, he gave them a gentle tug. He wasn’t going to do this. Perhaps he should get up and put some shorts on. He was just getting ready to move off the bed when Steph came back on panting.

  “That will teach that big lug to try dry himself off on me.”

  “Ah, but who ended up wet - and is now gonna have to change before the dinner?” Nicky’s voice held a note of smugness in it, which sent a chill racing down his spine.

  “Bastard.” Stephanie’s retort came from further away, as if she’d moved away from the phone.

  “You still there, il mio colibrì?”

  “Yeah, I’m here…” Hard and aching, but he wasn’t about to tell Nicky that.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. She was lying across the bed in this slinky little black number she knows drives me crazy….as well as half the population of Vegas…and I just couldn’t let her go out in it.” He chuckled. “She knows that dress is for me alone. I don’t know why she packs it. Every time I manage to find a way to keep her from wearing it.”

  Licking his lips, Zeb tried to imagine what was so special about the dress that Nicky went to such lengths. “Must be some helluva dress.”

  “Fuck, you have no idea. It’s strapless and shows off her tits, while the top of it cinches tight around her waist before falling over those hips clear down to the floor. It’s made out of some sparkly material I can’t help but touch.”

  “Sounds like a classic black dress.”

  Nicky groaned. “Nothing classic about it, Zeb. Not only is it backless, it also has a split up the side that’s so high, if she breaths wrong it shows off her sexy garters and thigh highs. I swear she loves teasing me. Just like she is right now. Evil little wench knows we can’t do anything, and is strutting around in just her underwear.”

  “Oh quit bitchin’, Nicky, you were the one who got me all wet. Besides making you all hot and bothered is part of being your sub. Why else do you think I lug that dress to each conference. I’m hoping for a repeat of the last time I managed to keep it on for more than five minutes.”

  Zeb struggled to contain his groan. They were killing him. Fuck! His hand dropped to his dick and he gave it a hard squeeze, as Nicky chuckled evilly and promised something better than a repeat if she brought it again. When he threatened to warm her ass if she didn’t put some clothing on, Zeb whimpered. “Please…”

  “Hey, we’re not fighting, Zebadiah…what’s wrong?”

  “Noth…nothing.” Nicky’s concern wasn’t lost on him, but Steph’s sexy giggle had pushed him over the edge. Tugging his lip between his teeth, he slid his hand up and down his length. If he was quiet, they wouldn’t know. They’d never guess he was stroking his cock and getting off on their voices.

  “Are you sure? You don’t sound like yourself. We’re just screwing around. You know how Steph is.” The gruff tone Nicky used didn’t surprise Zeb. He knew his friend wouldn�
��t hurt Steph. In a way, Nicky reminded him of a big teddy bear. Gentle despite his size.

  “Yeah, I’m fine…” He kept his voice steady as his fist slowly picked up speed. Damned if it didn’t feel good. All he needed now was to hear Nicky or Steph. “…so Steph was saying…you had a good turnout…” He clenched his jaw, as the words came out a bit more raspy than he’d intended.

  “Yeah. The line stayed full the entire time of the signing. My hand aches like a bitch from signing all those books, but I’ll have Steph massage it later tonight. She always knows how to work the kinks out…”

  Zeb’s breath caught in his throat as his hand moved faster.

  * * * *

  Nicky covered the mouthpiece of the phone as Steph dropped to her knees next to him. When she reached for his zipper, he hissed at her. “What are you doing?”

  She flashed a smile at him. “Getting you ready for dinner, Master.” Then she tugged his cock out of the silk slacks he’d donned. He immediately went from half hard to fully erect under her gentle touch. His breath hissed as she lapped at the head. Her pretty blue eyes were mischievous. “Just make sure you keep talking to him. He’ll never know. Besides think how hard you’ll come - knowing he’s totally unaware?”

  “Fuck.” He grabbed her head, as she slid her mouth down his length. The little minx was using his own fantasy against him. He never should have mentioned he’d been tempted, more than once, to jerk off while talking to Zeb. How hot he thought it would be to come while the man talked about something innocent like his bakery. He should’ve realized his submissive would do everything she could to make sure his fantasy came true. But instead of calling a halt to her play, he was helpless as his blood had rushed south. And damned if he could summon the willpower to pull away from her talented mouth.

  Uncovering the mouthpiece, he tried to remember what he and Zeb had been talking about. Oh yeah, the signing and Steph rubbing his aching hands. “I was really surprised the first time she…ah, did it.” He gasped when Steph pulled up, tightening her lips as she slid back up until they formed a tight ring around the tip of him, and her tongue washed over his glans.


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