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Max Temptation

Page 7

by Jackson, Khelsey

  Back in her office, she placed her hot Black Tie down and sat in her chair. She just wanted the day to be over with, and yes go home to her men. She was just happy her boss wasn’t there yet, she didn’t feel like getting yelled at.

  Chapter Seven

  Five o'clock came too soon, and most of the office staff had left. Megan still didn’t get yelled at from her boss, he never came back to work. At the law office, people would start to leave at about four-thirty, usually leaving her and her boss as the last ones to leave. There was a security guard, and she knew if she wanted he would walk her to her car. She pulled out her phone, and called Jennifer.

  “Megan!” her best friend yelled, and she smiled.

  “Are you okay?” she asked and when she heard the babies crying in the background her smile widen.

  “You bet, hey I was going to call you. I wanted to know what happened with the sexy Detective Moore.”

  Megan laughed, that was why they were best friends. They understood each other and loved one another no matter what. “I need to tell you something, but I want to tell you in person not on the phone.”

  “Holy shit, you’re pregnant!”

  “What? No! Why would that be your first thought?” She wasn’t ready to have children, not yet.

  “Fine I was going to invite you and your men over. I want to meet Jax and I want to warn him.”

  Megan rolled her eyes, she loved that Jennifer wanted to protect her, but she didn’t need it. “I can’t speak for them, but I will be there. Love you Jen, bye,” she said and then hung up. When she walked out of her office, she stopped when she saw two men standing by the elevators. Max was the first to start to move toward her, and she grinned as she met him half way. She dropped her purse and wrapped her arms around his neck, she stood on her tippy toes to kiss him. She needed to feel what he made her feel, right then. She felt as if she was losing herself.

  Max wrapped his arms around her back and pressed her closer to his hard, warm body. When he was with her she felt…loved. She hadn’t felt love in a long time and it was amazing.

  He was the one to pull away from her and she kept her eyes shut. “Megan, are you okay?”

  She nodded, and opened her eyes. “Yeah, I need to go and talk to Jennifer. I want to tell her that Joe is back.” She didn’t worry too much about her friend because she had Phoenix, but her ex was irrational.

  “Phoenix called me, inviting all of us over for dinner.”

  She nodded and moved out of his arms, she glanced past the man who had stolen her heart to his twin brother. He was about twenty feet from them, with an unreadable face. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Okay well we’ll meet you there.” Max lean down and kissed her cheek, but she didn’t take her eyes from Jax.

  “Actually I think I want to ride with Megan.” Jax spoke for the first time, and it caused goose bumps to cover her body.

  Max looked at her over his shoulder, and she nodded.

  “Its fine,” she said and smiled at him and he nodded.

  She watched Max disappear when the elevator doors closed, but her heart didn’t return to a normal speed because she felt eyes on her. She turned her attention the Jax and his dark green eyes were on her.

  “You are in love my brother, aren’t you?”

  She bit her bottom lip, but didn’t answer, because she hadn’t said what she felt for Max out loud.

  Jax grinned that wicked grin of his that held so much promise behind it. “I hope one day you will look at me like that.” He walked toward her, and picked up her bag that still lay by her feet. When he stood up straight she felt the undeniable pull to him. She reached up and ran her fingers down the stubble on his jawline.

  “Maybe if you play your cards right, you’ll get that look.” She winked at him and swayed her hips as she moved past him knowing he was watching her. She smiled when she heard his laughter behind her, and in the elevator they didn’t speak. She never was the type to be nervous, but he had her beyond nervous.

  * * *

  Max parked his car outside Phoenix’s house, and smiled because he was one-hundred percent in love with Megan. The only thing he was worried about was her ex-boyfriend. What he found out about Joe made his blood boil, and his protective instincts flared to life. She was the reason he wanted to be a better man, she gave his life meaning he hadn’t known he needed. He got out of his car, and walked up the walkway to the front door. He didn’t need to knock because Mark greeted him.

  “Max,” the older man said as he held the door open. He had been with Phoenix since he’d known his oldest friend.

  “Hey where is Phoenix? I need to talk to him alone.” He wanted to get his advice on what he was feeling because it wasn’t that long ago he went thought this.

  “He’s in his office upstairs.”

  Max nodded and ran up the stairs to the office. He didn’t knock when he entered, because Phoenix would have known he was there.

  Phoenix was sitting behind his desk with his eyebrows arched. “What the hell is going on with you? You look like shit.”

  Max narrowed his eyes, and walked toward the bar. He needed something strong to calm him down. His heart was beating so fast he was afraid it was going to break through his chest. He reached for a crystal glass the amber liquid poured flawlessly and he drank it down as if it was nothing. “I remember it wasn’t long ago you were where I am standing. The only thing that is different, my girl isn’t pregnant.”

  “You are in love with Megan?” Max turned around to face his friend. “If you have learned anything from me, then don’t let her go. Don’t be afraid to tell her what she means to you.” Phoenix had almost lost Jennifer because he was scared he would lost his soul for her, and he would have if she wasn’t a Nephilim. Having angel blood in her saved her soul to never be drained.

  “I don’t understand what I am feeling, I do want her in my life.” He believed what he said, and Phoenix shook his head as he laughed.

  “Can you see your life without her?”

  He couldn’t, his chest ached when he tried to think what his life would be like.

  “I am telling you to tell her, don’t hold anything back.”

  “I need to figure what I feel before I tell her, I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Phoenix just blinked at him then shook his head. “Whatever,” he said as he studied Max’s face. “What else is going on?”

  Max sighed and pour more of the Whisky. “Do you know about Megan’s past?”

  Phoenix liked to do complete background checks on people and Max figured he’d done one on Jennifer’s best friend. Phoenix stood up, and walked toward his black filing cabinet. He pulled out the second drawer and drew out a blue folder that said, ‘MEGAN H.’ on the outside. He walked over to Max and handed him the heavy folder. “This is what I have on her.”

  He glanced down at it, but didn’t open it. He wouldn’t betray her trust like that. If he wanted to know something, he would wait for her to tell him. “I don’t want to look, I just wanted to know if you know about Joe Roman.”

  Phoenix’s eyes darkened, and he slowly nodded. “I do,” he said, his voice deep and dangerous. “My wife told me most of what I know about him.”

  “He is back and after Megan.”

  * * *

  Megan pulled out into traffic, she felt Jax staring at her and it made her feel uncomfortable, even more so because she was driving his car. He looked at her as if he was undressing her and was doing naughty things to him.

  “So…will you let me take you out?”

  She glanced quickly at him, and saw him grinning.

  Her throat went dry, and she wondered if Max would be okay with it. She knew he wanted her to be his and Jax’s. “Like on a date?” she asked and bit her bottom lip. She was happy when the light turned red in front of her, because she got to look at the handsome man sitting next to her. He looked so much like Max, but yet different. His hair was long, wavy, and black and looked like silk. She wanted to run her finger
s through it.

  “Yeah, like a date, but just us. I want to get to know you.”

  He was confusing, because he said he didn’t know what he wanted. “I thought you didn’t want this, you weren’t looking for the long haul.” She tore her eyes away from his perfectly sculpted face and back at the road.

  “I don’t know what I want, not completely at least. But I do know I want to know what it’s like to be loved.”

  Max had told her that his father raised him, but at the time he hadn’t mentioned he had a twin. He’d told her that his mother died during childbirth. She didn’t know if she could deal with a new relationship, but there was something about Jax she couldn’t explain. She liked that he was playful with her. Max was too when it was just them and he desired her naked. But with Jax he seemed to enjoy making her giggle like a school girl.

  “Just don’t hurt me,” she said and heard her own desperation in her voice. She was terrified that after everything was said and done she would be left alone and shattered.

  She glanced at him when she felt a warm hand on her leg, and his face was serious. “Megan, I don’t want to hurt you, but you need to teach me. I have never been with the same woman more than once and most of the time I didn’t care enough to get her name. I want you to be different, but you aren’t the only one that is scared.”

  She didn’t say anything else as she drove because frankly she didn’t know what to say. She parked Jax’s car next to Max’s, and got out before Jax could help her out. The front door flew open and Jennifer filled the doorway.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me that Joe was back?”

  There were only a few times Megan saw her best friend pissed off, and this was one of those times. Jennifer stood there glaring at her with her hands on her hips and tapping her left foot. That was her give away that she was beyond pissed, she was fuming.

  “Jen that is what I wanted to tell you. I thought I should tell you in person not on the phone.” She took a couple of steps toward her, but Jennifer didn’t move an inch. Megan sighed, “Please don’t be mad at me, I hate it when you’re mad at me.”

  That was what undid Jennifer, she covered her face with her hands and sobbed loudly. Megan rushed to her and wrapped her arms around her, she held on to Jennifer tightly as she cried on her shoulder. She looked behind her best friend and saw Max and Phoenix watching them. Phoenix looked like he wanted to rip someone’s head off, which was his normal look. But Max looked…broken, she wasn’t entirely sure.

  “Shh,” she said as he ran her hand down her best friends back. “I’ll be okay. I do have two strong incubi that want to protect me.”

  Jennifer lifted her head and Megan wiped away her tears. “Last time he almost…killed you.” Megan nodded not wanting to deny it. “I can’t live without you, Megan. Who would I go to when Phoenix pisses me off, and who would tell me, ‘you’re the one that married the sex god so live with it,’?”

  That made Megan smile because she needed Jennifer as much as she needed her. “Let’s go inside, please.”

  Jennifer nodded and reached down to take Megan’s hand in hers. They walked in the house with Jax behind them, and Max and Phoenix staring at them. Max mouthed ‘sorry’ to her and she nodded. She was pretty sure he didn’t tell her that she eavesdropped in on when he told Phoenix.

  “Phoenix I need to talk to my best friend alone. Why don’t you get Max and Jax some drinks?”

  When Megan and Jennifer walked past the men, Phoenix grabbed Jennifer’s free hand and pulled her to him. He held her with one arm around her waist and the other hand was moving her dark hair out of her face. “Are you okay, darling?” he asked and lowered his forehead to hers.

  Megan’s chest hurt as she watched her best friend’s love show on her on her face. She’d never thought that Phoenix was that affectionate, but he was and it made her want that in her life. She knew Max cared for her and even said he was ‘falling for her’, but she wanted more.

  She glanced behind the newly married couple to where her men stood, two set of green eyes were glued on her. She wondered if she could have that with both of them because she couldn’t picture her life without Jax now. She wouldn’t go as far as saying she was in love with him yet, because that would be stupid of her, but she liked him and hungered for him.

  Jennifer turned around and reached for her hand again, she pulled Megan out of the room to the living room. Megan told her friend everything.

  Chapter Eight

  After dinner they said their goodbyes and walked outside. Max placed his hand out in front of her, leaving her to be the one to decide if she wanted to take it, she didn’t have to think about it. She placed her hand in his and he drew her into him, his heat radiated from his body to hers. She loved how he held her as if she were going to vanish.

  “We need to talk when we get home.” He brushed his nose against hers, and her heart swelled when he said ‘home’.

  She nodded because she needed to get something off of her chest. “Jax, I think you should ride with Max. I want to be alone for a little bit.” Max stiffened and she looked at him.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think you should be alone right now. Not until your ex is found.” For a few minutes she’d forgotten he was back, and after her.

  She closed her eyes and nodded. “Okay,” she said and tried to move away from Max, but he tightened his arms around her. He smiled down at her and it caused her heart to race, he knew the affect he had on her and didn’t care.

  “Jax, could you drive my car back in one piece?” Max was the one to break their intense eye contact.

  “Hey, I’m a better driver than you, brother.” Jax said and both she and Max turned to face him. “Besides that, Megan’s driving mine, if you’ll recall.”

  She smiled tenderly at him, because she was going to tell them she was willing to give their irrational relationship a shot.

  Max handed his brother his keys and then turned toward Megan, his eyebrows rose when he looked at her. “I think you should let me drive, you had a little too much to drink at dinner.” She had because when she told Jennifer everything about what had happened in the past twenty-four hours she realized she was in love and needed to tell Max. She was horrible at admitting her feelings, she always had been.

  She nodded, and handed him the keys to Jax’s car. Before she could walk away, Jax’s arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her close against his hard body. He looked her deep in her eyes, and she would have fallen on her ass if he hadn’t been holding onto her. He glanced down at her lips and licked his own, when he glanced back up to her eyes she saw utter desire. He framed her face with his large hands and slowly lowered his sweet hot lips to hers. Their kiss started slow and sweet, his fingers tightened in her hair as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His wicked tongue flicked along her lips and licked across, she opened her mouth for him and he groaned into her mouth.

  She couldn’t take anymore because she wanted to rip off his clothes and fuck him right there in her best friend’s driveway. She was happy to see that she affected him too, because they were both breathless.

  “What are you doing to me?” he said as he rested his forehead against hers, and she smiled.

  “I could ask you the same question,” she said as she moved away from him. She glanced at Max wondering if she would see him upset, but that wasn’t what she saw. He was grinning from ear to ear. Jax’s hand tangled with hers and he walked her to the car. He opened the door for her and she got in.

  When Max got in the car she turned her head to the side to look at him. He was still smiling, and she bit her lip. “Max?” she asked and he glanced at her as he started to drive away from Phoenix’s house. She took a deep breath, but kept her eyes on him as he turned his attention back driving. “Why are you okay with sharing me?”

  “Because you deserve to be loved by as many people as possible.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him even though he couldn’t see her. “More than you and Jax?”

/>   He looked at her and shook his head before looking back at the road. “No, I know I can share well with my brother. But no one else.” They pulled up to a red light, and he turned his head to the side to look at her. “And from what I saw of that kiss, I would say you want more with him too.”

  It felt weird to be talking to him about another man, but she nodded. “I think I do, he is different than you.”

  Max grinned at her. “He is more outgoing, I know.”

  She reached her hand across to lay it on his leg, he placed his hand on top of hers. “Max,” she said and he glanced up at her. “I…lo-” she was cut off when someone hit the car. She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt right. She had the strap behind her because she hated it when it cut into her shoulder. Her head it the dashboard, and she screamed.

  “Shit,” Max said and she looked over at him. She felt a warm liquid trickling down her face, she saw him staring at her. He reached for her, but her eyes went to the man standing outside the driver side door.

  Joe Roman was stand there with a gun pointed at the man she loved. His short blonde hair was slicked back away from his devilishly handsome face. His crystal blue eyes were on her as he smirked at her.

  “Out of the car,” Joe said and she looked back at Max, he shook his head. “Do it now or I will shoot him.” She closed her eyes knowing he would do it without thinking about it twice. She grabbed her purse and got out of the car. She quickly glanced around for Max’s car. She knew Jax was behind them and wondered where he was. The street was normally busy and she wondered where the other cars were.

  She walked toward the drive side door to stand next to Max, he reached for her hand and she gladly took his. She turned her attention back to her ex-boyfriend. She had once loved him. At least she’d thought she had. “Joe, you don’t need the gun we can talk without it,” she said as she placed her free hand on her purse, and he laughed.

  “Meg, I would never hurt you again. I learned my lesson when I lost you, but your doctor has to go.” He stepped closer to her and Max and she shook her head.


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