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Erotica- Forever His/ Spanking

Page 5

by Skylar Faye

  Her expression softened and she gave him a reassuring smile then shifted from behind Maybelle. “I won’t leave without talking about it with you first. I just got lonely. Missed you…” She clamped her mouth shut as if she hadn’t wanted to admit she’d missed him.

  His gaze held hers and he forgot everyone else in the diner. Her reluctant admission touched him in ways nothing else had in a very long time. “Missed me even after…” He didn’t finish the thought, but was sure she understood.

  A blush slid over her face, but she shot him a killing look. Yep, she knew he meant even after he’d spanked her sexy little bottom. He remembered every second of the experience. The feminine scent of her, especially when she’d become aroused. Every small gasp she’d made, every breathless sigh, every tiny sob. And the pleasing sight of her reddened flesh…oh, yes, he remembered that. He also recalled telling her to have dinner ready at 5, only he’d had to leave before then.

  He glanced at the wall above the cash register, 2:30. “You best be getting back to the ranch, darlin’, if you’re going to have the meal on the table by 5.”

  Irritation snapped in her eyes. “I’ve got some casseroles--”

  She’d made casseroles while he was gone. She didn’t really like to cook, so she really had been bored. The idea warmed him even more. He didn’t want to focus on that right now. “I’m not in the mood for a casserole.” He hated the way hurt whispered across her face for an instant.

  But she stuck her chin out in that cute, stubborn way of hers. “There’s lasagna or chicken cacciatore,” she stated as if that might tempt him.

  Damn, he liked lasagna, but he found that he liked testing her, pushing her buttons more. “I don’t want a casserole of any kind.”

  “You’re being a real stinker today, Seth,” Maybelle inserted. She cocked her head and studied him, slowly smiling as if she had discovered something. Then she glanced at Teri and grinned at the way the younger woman had thinned her lips and was tapping a toe in annoyance. “You two need to take this discussion somewhere else. I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Yeah, the place looks real busy,” Seth countered, but he concentrated on Teri. “Maybelle’s right. We need to head home.”

  Again, Teri’s expression softened, probably in response to the huskiness he hadn’t been able to keep out of his tone. “I need to stop by the grocery store first.”

  He wanted her back in his home, wanted to be with her, but he bit down on his disappointment. “Fine. I’ll see you at the ranch. Just don’t take too long.” He left the diner before he made an even bigger fool of himself. She was doing crazy things to him and he didn’t like it.

  * * *

  Teri took her time getting groceries, overloading the cart before she realized what she’d done. As she picked out a pie to add as a special treat, she thought about Seth’s odd appearance at the diner. He’d suddenly shown up and been testy, commanding at first. “You’re not leaving until I say so.” Oh really! Just because she’d let him boss her around at times, let him spank her, he thought he could always tell her what to do? Okay, she probably had given him that impression. Actually, she kind of liked the dominant side of him. It made her feel…cared for? Wanted? Wasn’t that peculiar!

  She carefully balanced an apple pie on her pile of groceries. There had been something else “odd” about Seth, something slightly wild, barely tamed. The intense look in his eyes? The strained look to his beard stubbled face? She couldn’t quite decide what it had been, maybe all of it together. And he had emanated a raw animalistic sexuality that had sent shivers of desire through her. Her attraction to him was growing stronger every day…even when he wasn’t around. She sensed he was fighting it as well. She should leave. Today. Forget these groceries; forget going back for her few belongings. Just get in the pickup truck and head on down the road.

  The rapid staccato of heels heading in her direction snared her attention. In the next instant a model-thin, long-legged woman stopped next to her cart. Perfectly coiffed brunette hair surrounded what might have been a beautiful face if not for the anger pinching it. “You’re Seth’s housekeeper, aren’t you?”

  She’d said the word “housekeeper” as if she’d meant something far more slimy…like “slut.” Teri recognized the woman’s voice from the phone call the other day. Seth’s ex-wife, the one everyone in town—at least Maybelle and the Dunston sisters—detested. Maybe she could accidentally run one of the cart’s wheels over her sandaled foot. No, too tacky.

  “I am.” She attempted to push the basket down the aisle.

  The woman latched onto the side and stopped her progress. “I told you to have Seth call me. He hasn’t.”

  Teri sent her most fierce glower in Sarah’s direction. “I told him. Evidently he doesn’t want to call you.” She shrugged. “Not my problem. Yours.”

  “These little games of his will only cost him more.” Sarah released the cart, but continued to look down her nose at Teri. “When I’m finished with him, he won’t even have the money to pay your measly salary. If he pays you that way.”

  It occurred to her that the woman saw her as competition for the husband she no longer wanted except to torment. Time to bring her down a notch. “Jealous much?”

  “Of you? Hardly.” Sarah snorted and stood taller, thrusting out her less-than-impressive chest. “Seth needs a real woman, not a…near child.”

  Okay, she’d had enough. Teri took a quick glance around to make sure they were alone and then lowered her voice. “Honey, I’m a long way from being a ‘child.’” She allowed Seth’s ex to see an older side of her—though still something easily in the mortal range of reality—that of a still attractive woman in her 60s. The change came and went in a second.

  Sarah paled and backed away, blinking in disbelief. “You…you…”

  “Don’t mess with me again,” Teri said quietly, firmly. “And leave Seth alone, too.” She could have forced the command into Sarah’s mind, but decided to leave it at a threat.

  Although she took another step backward, the color returned to Sarah’s face. “You can’t tell me what to do about my husband.”

  “Ex-husband.” Teri corrected with a smile. “Seth is my--”

  “Your what?” Seth’s familiar deep voice questioned as he walked up behind her. He didn’t sound angry, more amused.

  Surprised and curious, because Teri had never heard him sound anything close to being amused, she turned to face him. A hint of amusement lingered in the depths of his dark eyes, but it morphed into heat as he held her gaze. She trembled from the force of it and from her body’s instant reaction to him. She wanted him. Now.

  “You can play kissy-face with your lover later, Seth. I want to talk to you.”

  “Kissy-face?” Teri asked on a laugh. “I wish.” Then she felt her face heat as she realized what she’d admitted. Yes, she wanted him to kiss her again. But what she really wanted was something much more intimate, much more…well, naughty. She looked away from him, not wanting him to see her desire, focused instead on Sarah.

  Sarah’s eyes narrowed.

  But before she could speak, Seth moved between them. “I’ll thank you not to harass my employees any more. Not my men, which you and your lawyer have tried to do. Including Walker.” He glanced at Teri, something heated still in his gaze. “And not my housekeeper.”

  Teri found his protectiveness sweet, unnecessary, but endearing. She did take exception to his emphasized ‘housekeeper’ word choice, although that was her position. But what else was she to him? Not his lover, which was kind of too bad. Not his friend, which he didn’t seem to have many of. No, she really was a temporary employee, a woman passing through his life. Oddly, that made her sad.

  “I’ll make an appointment for you with my lawyer for tomorrow. His secretary will let you know the time.” Sarah gifted him with a challenging look and started to move away.


  She faced him, mouth tight as she bit out, “No?”

; He stretched to his full intimidating height. “I’m done with your manipulations. The divorce papers were signed months ago. I was much more generous than I needed to be, and I’ve given you money since then that was not required.” He blew out a deep breath. “We. Are. Done.”

  Sarah’s eyes flashed in fury. “You can’t talk to me this way. We--”

  “We nothing! Stay away from me. Stay away from my men, my friends, and Teri.”

  Teri moved next to him and put a hand on his forearm, where his muscles were tight. He glanced down at her, his nostrils flaring, eyes darkening. She saw the same wild edge she’d seen in him earlier. She could even smell it, something indescribable but potent. “I really need to go check out now. Some of this is refrigerated stuff.” An excuse to break up this prickly party.

  He seemed to calm down, the tenseness draining away. “Yes. Go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

  She didn’t like the idea of leaving him alone with his ex-wife. Jealous? Well, yes. But she also didn’t like or trust the other woman. “Why don’t you come with me now?”

  At first he frowned, that whole I-don’t-like-being-told-what-to-do-thing. Then he gave a curt nod and pushed the basket toward the front of the store. Sarah tried to call after him, but he ignored her. Teri trailed after him, smiling.

  Until he stopped for a second, lowered his voice, and said directly to her, “Enjoy sitting on the way home, because you won’t later.”

  “What did I…” She gave up questioning him as he headed for the check-out counter. It would be a waste of breath anyway. He’d made up his mind to spank her and that would be that. Stubborn man. Still, she tingled all over in anticipation. Good and bad.

  * * *

  Seth put the last of the canned goods away in the pantry. Only a few feet from him, Teri closed the lid of the chest freezer at the end of the small room off the kitchen. Being this close to her was driving him slowly crazy. Her scent was almost more than he could stand at the moment. Arousal. Even after he’d all but said he planned to spank her. She wantsme. He knew it with every fiber of his being and it was making his wolf dangerously close to bursting free. He should have stayed away longer, until the beast in him no longer skimmed just below the surface.

  “Are you all right?” She stepped beside him, touched his arm with her small, delicate hand.

  He jerked away. Hell! How could he punish her for leaving him—okay, she hadn’t really, but that was beside the point—when he couldn’t stand even her lightest touch? He couldn’t put his hand on her bare bottom without… He growled low in his throat and strode out of the too small room.

  She was right behind him. “Did you just growl at me?”

  He couldn’t look at her, couldn’t let her see the animal in him too near coming out. The man in him wanted to toss her to the floor, spread her legs, and drive into her warm body. His wolf wanted her on all fours, wanted to pound into her over and over. Both would play rough, both would be too much for such a delicate woman.

  “Go to your room,” he gritted out, desperate to get more distance between them. If he could calm down, if he could stop thinking with his cock….

  She didn’t move. “Please. Let me help you if I can. I know there’s something wrong with you.”

  His shoulders tightened. His cock hardened even more. Her gentle concern was unmanning him. No one had worried about him in years. Not after his mate had died all those years ago and he’d abandoned his pack. No one had searched for him, tried to bring him back. Did he blame them? No. Did he want to go back and fight the new alpha to take back his role as leader? No. But he was tired of being alone, of sleeping alone. Sarah had been a stupid mistake, made because he’d let his sexual needs had gotten the better of him. He couldn’t do that again. Wouldn’t.

  “I’m fine. I don’t pay you to worry about me.” He bit the words out and hated the way they sounded even to him.

  “You’re such a liar,” she countered, surprising him, ignoring the comment about paying her. “You are not all right. Whatever is bothering you is more than your ex-wife harassing you and your men. Talk to me. Please, Seth.”

  Her quietly spoken ‘please’ nearly brought him to his knees. He turned and let her see the barely controlled frustration in him. He clenched his hands at his sides to keep from pulling her against him. “You over-step your bounds.”

  The tiny woman shrugged one shoulder, which drew his gaze to her breasts. They were impressive for one so small. He longed to taste them, to lick his way around them, to….

  He forced the heated thoughts aside. “Why do you push me? I already plan to--”

  “Yes, I know,” she interrupted. “You plan to turn me over your knee and warm my bottom. Yada, yada, yada. I will get over that unpleasantness.”

  “Yada, yada, yada?” He couldn’t keep the amusement from crashing through his irritation. “You dare much, little one. I can make that unpleasantness very unpleasant. ”

  Annoyance flashed in her eyes and she straightened. “I’m sure you can. But do not think you can truly intimidate me. I submit to your dominance because I choose to. Remember that.”

  He studied her for a second, thought about what she’d said. “You had never been spanked before, correct? Yet you didn’t fight going over my knee. It hurt. Yet you don’t fear feeling the flat of my hand again.”

  “This is what you want to talk about, instead of what is troubling you?” She cocked her head and seemed to study him back. A standoff of sorts.

  “Yes. Explain yourself.” He felt less edgy now, more curious, intrigued.

  “No, I had never been spanked before. Never really punished in any manner. The experience was…odd. Painful, but not for long. More embarrassing than painful, really.”

  He liked the way she faced him, talked to him honestly. “Yes, being bent over someone’s lap, having your bottom bared was probably embarrassing.” He’d never actually thought about it. His focus had always been on delivering the needed discipline.

  “No ‘probably’ to it. The experience is embarrassing. Knowing you saw my bare bottom spread over your lap. Knowing you could see…well, my private place. Yes, embarrassing.” Her pretty cheeks had turned pink, which made him think of her pert bottom in exactly the position she described. His cock pushed at his jeans again and he longed to turn that sweet butt red, then he would shove between those hot cheeks and….

  “I can tell where your thoughts have strayed, cowboy. Along a very naughty path.” She moved in front of him, letting him sense her desire as well. “We need to do this. Today. It’s time.”

  Seth swallowed hard. His wolf wanted desperately to come out, wanted to take control. His voice had a low growl to it as he said, “This could be dangerous.”

  He shouldn’t do this, any of it. He should go back to the line shack for a few more days until the strength of his desire cooled some. Maybe then he could be around her again without wanting to go all alpha on her.

  Her eyes widened for a second, but then she smiled. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Darlin’, you should be.” He cupped her face, looked deep into her gaze. “You really should be.”

  He felt her shudder and almost changed his mind. When she didn’t move away, he said in resignation, “Spanking first.”

  She seemed pleased with his decision and went up on her toes. She kissed his beard-roughened cheek before walking out of the room. “I’ll be waiting for you,” she called over her shoulder.

  It was his turn to shudder. They were going to cross a boundary line and he wasn’t sure that would be good. Hadn’t he earlier reminded himself that he wasn’t going to get involved with another woman for a good long while? If not, he’d meant to.

  “I need to check in with Walker, and then I’ll find you.” If he managed to regain some sense when he left the house, he’d stay clear of her.

  * * *

  Should she do this? Or should she go back to her bedroom, lock the door, and pack her things? Yes, to the first. No, she wouldn
’t to the latter. She’d lived a very long time and not because she’d always taken the easy way. Seth Stevenson was a difficult man, a contrary man, a sexy man. She missed having good raunchy sex. Was that how she thought it would be with him? Yes. Something about him warned her he would be a passionate lover, bordering on the wild side. None of her husbands had come close to that, a few of her lovers had. But it had been too long a time since she’d had a man really take charge, really light her fires.

  Her body hummed in anticipation as she walked into his bedroom. Spanking first. Too bad about that, but she’d survive. Especially with her eye on the prize. She crawled onto his rumpled bed, inhaled his scent, and her clit pulsed. The feel of the cool sheets against her naked body fully brought her aroused senses to awareness. This is where he slept, only fifty or so feet from her bed. This is where he would warm her bottom…and then warm the rest of her.

  Heavy steps sounded on the stairway. Without her sensitive hearing, she wouldn’t have noticed them. He hadn’t stayed away long, for which she was happy. She wanted all of the nonsense he intended to do over with so they could finally get to what both of them had needed almost from the first day they’d met. She crossed her arms in front of her and lay her head between them, waiting.

  She heard him stop in the doorway to her room and then he drew closer. His breath caught when he strode into the room and spotted her. She was pretty sure he hadn’t expected to find her naked and submissively waiting on his bed.

  “When I give discipline, I’m the one in charge. You need to learn that,” he said grimly.

  Teri craned her head to look at him, noted the tension in his big body. He was breathing hard; his erection shoving at the front of his jeans. Yet aroused or not, he disliked not being in control. “I only wanted to--”

  “Unman me even more.” His hands moved to unbuckle his belt.

  She watched in fascination as he pulled it from the loops, as he doubled it and held the buckle in his hand. Her mouth watered. “I don’t understand. Unman?”


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