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Page 24

by Brandy L Rivers

  “I’m not rushing. I had to go through so damned many memories, I’m worried she’s going to stumble on someone she really cares about and I won’t be able to convince her it’s over with them.” He rubbed at his face.

  Bran moved to the kitchen. “Never happening. She’s mated to you. So stop that shit. Evangeline said Savon should still feel the bond while sleeping.”

  “Fine, sorry. Just hate coming down here when I know she can’t.”

  “She will,” Bran promised. “Now eat something, while I go sit with my sister for a few. Without you. You’ve had far more time with her than I have.”

  He looked up the stairs. “As soon as I’m done stuffing my face, I’ll be back there.”

  “I know.” Bran squeezed his shoulder, then pulled him into a hug. “I trust you with her. But I need a little time with Savon.”

  He nodded, understanding passing over his features.

  Turning, Bran started for the stairs. Evangeline smiled, her expression soft. He hoped that was a good sign. He didn’t want to do anything to push a relationship forward in the midst of chaos, but hope would take him a long way.

  Bran sat down beside Savon and took her hand. “Look, we haven’t gotten a chance to just hang out, and I’m sorry. Shit, I was a fool and I thought this road would be easier. But damn it, Sis, I miss you.”

  Nothing, and he didn’t really expect any response.

  He sighed. “Nate’s going to come back up here and take up the rest of the night at any minute. I just wanted to steal a few moments to say I love you, and I’d do anything to have you back. I miss you. Really, I do.”

  Her fingers flexed slightly, squeezing.

  He leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Come back to us. I know, tomorrow when they break the curse, but it’s not just Nate who wants you to come back. I do too.”

  Nate stepped into the room. He wore a sad smile. “I hate this.”

  “Yeah. I can imagine. I’ll be downstairs. I’ll let Evangeline have my old bed.”

  “She’ll fall for you, sooner or later. I see the way she’s softening toward you.”

  “Not concerned with that right now. Let’s get our pack on track, then I can worry about whether or not Evangeline and I can have a future.” Bran hopped up. “I’ll get her settled, then make up the couch.”

  “Want me to tell Savon anything?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, I think she heard. She’s there. Just not able to surface. Love her, that’s all I ask.”

  “Got that covered,” Nate promised.

  * * * *

  Evangeline stared at a book, trying to read, but her attention kept swaying to Bran.

  He stopped at her side. “Why don’t I show you the bed you’ll be sleeping in.”

  She glanced away. Was that a rejection?

  Bran perched on the arm of her chair. “Hey, what’s going through your head? Is it because I’m putting you in another room?”

  “Maybe,” she admitted.

  His brown eyes delved into hers. “Figured that was a big enough game changer. I’d rather wait until I have your full trust. We waited this long, a little longer won’t kill me. Besides, I grew up in this home, and with my sister in her situation, I don’t want to cheapen what we have by rushing it.”

  Evangeline melted. “When this is over, you and I are going on a real date. Somewhere far from here.”

  “Tell me when. I’ll be there.” He offered his hand, and she took it, loving the warmth that traveled up her arm.

  She stood and leaned closer. “I need a taste to tide me over until then.”

  Bran let out a low rumble as he dipped his head and captured her lips in an agonizingly tender kiss that ignited a slow burn. He stepped back with a twinkle in his eye. “Let me take you to your room. I mean what I said. I want this to be about us when I claim you. I won’t want any possible interruptions.”

  Her heart fluttered. “I like this side of you.”

  “There’s not a side of you I don’t like. Now come on. Hopefully, Savon’s friend will be here early.”

  * * * *

  Nate walked back to her. She’d been going through her warehouse of paintings in her memory since he’d woken up. She’d painted a little of everything throughout the years, but there were so many of Nate.

  She stood at one she’d done in kindergarten. At least that was what Nate told her. She still couldn’t remember anything. Seeing the places in her memory didn’t bring them back. Not really.

  But that painting told her everything she needed to know. Little girl with messy red curls, a boy with shaggy hair that fell in his face. White and lavender surrounded them, shining from them.

  A bond, from when they were young. She knew it was her and Nate. He seemed worried she would push him away, but she wanted to pull him closer.

  Hands wrapped around her waist, his breath fanned across her cheek. “Hey, Sav. Missed you.”

  “Missed you more.” She turned in his arms. “I loved you then. Think you loved me too.”

  “You remember?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Not exactly, but I see it in the paintings. In all of them.” Motioning around the warehouse, she laughed softly. “Somewhere inside I knew it then. I had to. I kept painting it. I must be a serious pain in the ass. Why do you put up with me?”

  He laughed, pulling her tighter. “God, I love you, Savon. And you aren’t a pain. Yes, you’re stubborn, and you get an idea in your head and rarely budge, but that’s part of what I love.”

  “What do you love about me?”

  “Everything.” He took her hand and pulled her toward a couch near the corner. Once seated, he turned to her. “You see the world in beautiful shades. You share your vision with us. You love deeply and completely. And you stand by what you believe. You’re free in a way I never felt. You inspire me constantly. And being with you makes life worthwhile, even when everything is falling apart around me.”

  “But you were so far away,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, but finding you always set me at ease. Even when I saw you with someone else.”

  She stilled, her eyes wide. “You watched me with other people?”

  “Didn’t stay when you were with someone, but knowing you were okay always set me at ease.”

  “Was I always okay?”

  Nate shook his head. “You were sad a lot, lonely. Even when you were surrounded by people.”

  That first painting entered her mind. “Must have missed you terribly. I wish I could remember.”

  “Hope you feel the same when you do.”

  “We share a bond. I know you being a werewolf makes it more, but, Nate, this feeling isn’t new. It’s the only thing I remember. This constant longing to be with you.” She moved closer, and he accepted her into his arms. He’d stay a few hours, be gone fifteen minutes, and come back to her.

  The corners of his mouth twitched, his expression softened. “You do?”

  “Mmhmm, which is why I don’t know why I pushed you away so long.”

  “Told you why. All I can do is make up for it for the rest of my life.”

  “How about just love me. That’s all I want.”

  He leaned toward her and kissed her slowly. He wanted her awake, in his arms, wanted to worship her in reality, not just a dream.

  She reached for his pants. He didn’t have the willpower to deny her. Anything she wanted, he would give.

  Chapter 33

  By the time the bell rang the next morning, Nate was frustrated. Evangeline refused to let him go upstairs. Bran was running blocker. Bastard had a good amount of height and muscle on him, and he wasn’t going to fight his brother.

  He stormed to the door and came face to face with Nikolai. A growl ripped from his lips as he pushed past the tall woman he barely registered.

  The woman lifted her hand, and he rose off the floor and back, suspended two feet above the ground.

  He bared his
teeth. “Get out of this home.”

  Nikolai’s brow arched.

  The woman stepped inside, a smirk on her face. Crow’s feet crinkled her eyes, and steel gray and mahogany framed her otherwise youthful face. “Careful, Nathan Taggert. I’m Ceridwen Murdock. And this is Nikolai’s twin brother, Mircea. Don’t worry, he isn’t rotten to the core. And his daughter, Nadya, who will help Savon learn everything the other sorcerers were afraid to teach her, including her father.”

  Nate sniffed the air. The scent was similar, but different enough. His eyes narrowed. “Twin? He’ll break Nikolai’s curse?”

  “If you promise not to bite,” the look-a-like offered in a thick accent.

  “Sorry. He tried to kill my mate.”

  “Which is why I’m here, to free her from his spell.”

  Bran hurried down the stairs. “Everything good?”

  “Will be. Someone call Tremaine,” Ceridwen stated. She released the spell.

  Nate kept his distance, not ready to trust him.

  Mircea stepped inside and motioned for someone else to follow.

  A young girl with black hair and pale gray eyes stepped into the room. The air seemed charged. Much the same way it always felt when Savon stepped into a room.

  She met Nate’s gaze, then ducked her head, a blush spreading across her cheeks. “You’re hers, aren’t you?”

  “If you mean Savon’s, then yes.”

  “You’re very strong. I understand she is in her own way. You’re a good match.”

  “Thanks,” he answered, the word dragged out.

  Mircea chuckled. “Shall we?”


  Bran held up his phone and walked into the kitchen.

  Nate took them upstairs.

  Savon jerked, her hands twitching, her legs flexing.

  Evangeline looked at each of them. Then she focused on Nate. “Savon is restless. As soon as Mircea breaks the curse, you can go back in.”

  “How much time have you spent in her dreams?” Ceridwen asked with a wry smile.

  “Not enough,” he muttered.

  Evangeline rolled her eyes. “He’s been up and moving for half an hour. That’s the longest he’s been up since soon after he brought her back here. He may have been up a total of two hours since then.”

  “How long has she been under?”

  “Around forty hours.”

  “Let’s work this magic, then Ceri can take us to the motel. After she has some rest, we’d all like to talk to Savon,” Mircea offered.

  Nate bit his tongue to keep himself quiet.

  Mircea held up his hands. “I’ll need to sit beside her and touch her face. That’s it. And you need to rein in your wolf if he gets antsy.”

  “The man might be worse,” Bran muttered.

  Mircea chuckled. “Him too.” He sat beside Savon, without touching her, until he reached for her face. He placed his fingers on her forehead and chanted in another language.

  Reds pulsed from Savon’s chest, crimson and scarlet, then wisped up like smoke. Her body relaxed and Mircea moved away from the bed.

  “Her memories should come flowing back. We’ll be nearby.”

  “Thank you,” Nate said.

  “You’re welcome. Hopefully she hasn’t retreated so far she’s hard to find.”

  Evangeline shook her head. “He’s worked hard to bring her toward the surface.”

  “Then hurry. It will be best if you’re there through the memories.” Mircea stepped into the hall, followed by Nadya.

  Ceridwen smiled. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you.” She stepped out of the room.

  “We’ll take care of the others when they get here.”

  Nate curled around Savon and dove in. He found Savon where he’d left her, only the memory surrounding her had changed.

  Nikolai was over her, pinning her, his hand wrapped around her throat while he tried to shove her legs open.

  She screamed, pure terror in her voice. Grays and reds flowed around her while only black surrounded the bastard.

  Savon got her hands on his chest and screamed a spell. She rolled him to the floor and touched the couch. It erupted in flames as she scrambled away, pulling her clothes into place before running out of the house. She walked down the street and glanced back to see people gathering as tears fell down her face.

  Nate stepped in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. “Sav, I’m here.”

  She swallowed hard. “I remember everything. Why do you love me, Nate? I’m not what you think I am.”

  “Because you killed the asshole who meant to steal your freedom?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve let horrible things happen I could have prevented.”

  “Like?” he whispered.

  “Let the spirits destroy those who’ve hurt me.”

  “They hurt you.”

  She shook her head. “They didn’t deserve to die. I could have stopped the entities, but I let them do as they pleased, knowing the outcome.”

  “Sav, that’s not your fault. You didn’t send them after the person. And maybe, they deserved worse.”

  “I’m not a god.”

  “Exactly. Just because you can influence other beings doesn’t mean you have to. That’s why so many people are afraid of sorcery. You have the ability to control things no one can see. And you don’t force them to comply. It’s not your fault.”

  “I could have stopped them, though.”

  “Were they good people?”

  She shook her head. “But I let them die because I was hurt or angry.”

  “I’ll be honest. There have been wolves who started battles they couldn’t win. I could have put them back together. I didn’t. They were wrong, and they were never going to learn how wrong. Instead of fixing them, I let them die. I’d do it again.”

  “You aren’t afraid you’ll hurt me and I’ll let the spirits rip you apart?”

  “Not in the slightest.” Honest truth. “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  “Do you think my beast would ever hurt you?”

  She smiled. “He likes me.”

  “My wolf?” he asked, wrapping his hands around her waist as he stepped closer.

  Her eyes twinkled as she dipped her head. “As much as you do.”

  “I love you, Savon.”

  “So did Nikolai, but he didn’t like me. He was obsessed.”

  “I like everything about you.” He leaned down to steal a kiss.

  She melted against him and whispered against his lips, “Help me find the way out.”

  Stepping back, he took her hand and walked to the edge of her mind. He stopped, looking over. “Now we step through.”

  She did, pulling him with her.

  * * * *

  Waking up was easy. She’d tried two different times after he’d left earlier, out of pure frustration. Savon didn’t want to be alone, she wanted to cling to Nate.

  Her eyes opened, and she rolled into Nate’s embrace.

  He caught her face, grazing his thumb over her cheek. “Having you in my arms while awake is better than in your dreams.”

  “A million times over,” she replied.

  He took a slow kiss, then leaned back when someone cleared their throat.

  Bran interrupted. “You’re not alone. In fact, you have a house full of people, and we have a ton to discuss.”

  Evangeline popped her head into the room. “That was easy.”

  Savon laughed. “Nate did bring me almost to the top. I guess.” She shook her head. “Who’s here?”

  “Ceridwen, Mircea, Nadya, Tremaine, Robert, Preston, and Frannie are all downstairs. Then us.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Take a shower. Then come down. You’ll have a thermos of soup you should drink before joining us. It will be on your dresser.” Evangeline stepped out of the room.

  Nate appeared before her and scooped h
er into his arms. “Let me take care of you.”

  “Hurry,” Bran stated.

  Savon dropped her head to Nate’s chest, then leaned back to capture his attention. “We should hurry.”

  Light danced through his eyes as he carried her into the bathroom and stood her before the shower. He reached in, flipped it on, then straightened to rid her of the tank because she was already shoving her sweats down. His followed, then his shirt. He banded his arms around her waist and lifted her off her feet.

  She pushed at his chest. “I’m not incapable.”

  He sighed. “You should be weak after being under for nearly two days. I’m the doctor. Let me make sure you’re really okay.”

  “Can’t argue with that,” she murmured. She stood her ground when he released her, wanting to prove she was fine. A wave of dizziness hit her, but she stood rigid, watching as he kneaded her shoulders.

  The world stilled and she melted under his touch. “So good at that.”

  He grinned. “Came from long hours of practice on you.”

  He’d massage her back for hours, just to be able to touch her while her parents were around. “Still worried about what I’ll think?”

  He shook his head. “You?”

  “With Old Lady Murdock down there, maybe. She knows most of my secrets. She could change your mind.”

  “Doubt it. She seems to like me. But you should know, Nikolai’s twin is downstairs.”


  “Needed someone from Nikolai’s clan to free you from his curse.”

  “Right. Didn’t know he had a brother, much less a twin. Just proves how little I knew about him.”

  “Didn’t you ever ask?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. Just like he never asked about my family. Didn’t matter. We lived in the present. At least I did.”

  “We can live in the present,” he promised.

  * * * *

  There seemed to be more people at Savon’s when Robert translocated Tremaine and Preston into the living room. He locked gazes with the spitting image of Nikolai, except, he had a few light scars on his face.

  “Tell me he’s related to our problem,” Tremaine asked calmly.


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