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Out for Blood

Page 27

by S. J. Rozan

  “Am I really going to have to listen to this?”

  “You know it’s true,” I said again.

  “What I know is, you did some pretty incredible stuff and saved my life.”

  “If I hadn’t gone after Kevin years ago—”

  “Right, you should have just let him walk away from beating a girl to death.”

  “What I should have done was let Hal beat Kevin to death.”

  “You’re not serious.”

  “Wouldn’t that have been better?”

  “Who made you God?”

  I started to shift on the couch, stopped when I realized there was no percentage in it: comfortable was just something I wasn’t going to be. “Every time I take a case,” I said, “every time I come down on one side or the other without knowing the consequences, aren’t I playing God?”

  “If you were God you’d know the consequences.”

  “That’s what I said: playing. Like Kevin.”

  “No. Kevin was playing because Kevin’s insane. Make sense, Bill. When do we ever know the consequences? Every time you walk out your front door, you could be changing someone’s life. Are you going to stay home forever, then? Except maybe that will change someone’s life. Oh no! Now what?”

  I lifted the cigarette again. “I’m too out of it to argue with that.”

  “Then try this: I don’t blame you for anything that happened. Neither does anybody else.”



  “Lu, for Lei-lei?”


  “Your mother?”

  “You think she knows? Are you crazy?”

  “Where does she think you were all day? Or last night when you were at St. Vincent’s?”

  “Working, and at Mary’s. Don’t change the subject. No one blames you. But—”

  “I knew there’d be a ‘but.’ ”

  “But, if you start this stuff again, kicking yourself, doing the it’s-all-my-fault dance? Avoiding me the way you do when things go wrong? Then it’s over.”

  “What are you—” Dude? You know what she’s talking about.

  “I can’t deal with that anymore. If you disappear to meditate on what a screwup you are, this time you’re gone for good.”

  I brought the cigarette up. After such a massive effort there was no point in a polite puff; I drew in a lungful, coughed it out. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the room seemed sharper, brighter.

  “Where are you?” I said.

  “I told you. Home.”

  “That bakery near you. The Tai-Pan. They still make that great coffee?”

  “Why wouldn’t they?”

  “Well, could you pick me up one on your way over?”

  A pause. “I’m coming over?”

  So many answers, so many possible games to play. But only one thing I really meant, so I said it: “I hope so.”


  My agent, Steve Axelrod

  My editor, Keith Kahla

  Betsy Harding, Royal Huber, and Tom Savage, for setting me on the right track

  Pat Picciarelli, for keeping me out of trouble

  Steve Blier, Hillary Brown, Monty Freeman, Max Rudin, James Russell, and Amy Schatz, for years of weekends

  David Dubal, for inspiration

  Jonathan Santlofer, for support

  Nancy Ennis, for coffee

  Tom Savage, again, for his way with names

  Ed King and Tom Phillips, the world’s best runners-up

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9781407079936

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  Published in 2010 by Ebury Press, an imprint of Ebury Publishing

  A Random House Group Company

  First published in 2010 in the US by St Martins Press as On the Line

  Copyright © 2010 by S.J. Rozan

  S.J. Rozan has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner

  The Random House Group Limited Reg. No. 954009

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  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN 9780091936372

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