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Into Death's Arms

Page 18

by Mary Milligan

  She picked up on the third ring. “I want to meet him,” I said softly. I waited for her to answer I would not hold it against her if she told me no. She had a right to feel protective. I knew for a fact I wasn’t going to be introducing Dayton or Laith to any other Ao anytime soon.

  She was hesitant. That showed just how smart Laurna really was. “Mace are you sure? I mean you can’t kill my boyfriend it would seriously damage our relationship.” Her voice was soft but she meant what she said if I killed her boyfriend, we wouldn’t be friends anymore.

  “Yeah, and I promise I’ll be good. I just want to know that you’re in good hands you know,” I admitted feeling a little queasy. I prayed she didn’t make me explain myself I wasn’t feeling up to the whole I might love a Vampire so I guess it’s okay that you love a Vampire thing it was still just too weird for me.

  Her voice couldn’t have carried more joy. “I am Macy, I really am. He’s everything I ever wanted and everything I didn’t know to look for,” she confided. Wow! That was certainly a ringing endorsement. But, I just couldn’t help but notice she’d just described how I was starting to think about one fabulously sexy black haired Vamp myself.

  “Call me back and let me know when and where okay?” I asked unsure of how to deal with her absolute surety.

  “Okay,” She hung up.

  That night I sat in one of those little hibachi restaurants you know where the cook right on the table. Laurna sat next to me and Donovan sat, looking somewhat like a small hill, across from me. We were the only three at the table. Laurna beamed at both of us.

  I studied the menu. Laurna chattered happily. Donovan watched me like a hawk. Every so often looking over at Laurna, it was those moments when his gaze slid to her like his eyes couldn’t bear to be bereft of the sight of her any longer that convinced me she really was going to be okay. Because when his eyes lit upon her, I could see his entire soul in his eyes. Those lime green orbs would light up like the sun reflected off the snow. Bright almost blinding in its intensity.

  The man fixing our food barely spoke English Laurna had arranged it that way on purpose. “So do Vampires marry or what?” I asked unsure if I was asking for Laurna or myself.

  He raised one big brown eyebrow. “We mate like the Ao although we do tend to marry as well. The Ao rarely marry even though they try to pretend they are more human than we,” he answered. His voice was low, dark, and scary as hell I hadn’t imagined that the first night we met.

  “No, I suppose we don’t.” I took a sip of my green tea, “but it still isn’t the same thing. So spill,” I waved a hand at him.

  Laurna was frowning at me. “We…” he paused searching for the right words. “Usually we wait for the right person. Our soul mate, sometimes not.” He ran his finger along the edge of his water glass. “We know when it is the right person, not always right away, but there is a strong physical attraction even in the beginning. As if that person were the North Star and you, the Vampires that is, were metal clippings.” He sighed, “It’s like this slow draw that pulls you toward them. Until you become magnetized, you know, and you can’t seem to do anything but drift north.” He looked at Laurna again and I could totally see how she was indeed his North Star.

  “What happens if you lose your mate?” I asked softly, judging by the look in his eyes the moment before it couldn’t be good but I wanted to know. If I rejected Tameron, what was I condemning him to?

  I saw the big Vampires Adam’s apple Mike. “Like the metal clipping cut them off from the source of magnetization and they slowly die becoming once again inanimate things. I’ve never known a Vampire to survive the loss of his mate,” he answered gravely. Great, just fucking great, I was stuck with Tameron or he’d die. I had no doubt in my mind I was the man’s mate I sometime, I mean all the times, yeah, all the time doubted he was my mate but not vice versa.

  “What will happen when Laurna grows old,” I asked. I know curiosity killed the cat, but what’s the point of having nine lives if you can’t fudge one now and again.

  His eyes hit her again and the pain there was so virulent that I actually felt it for a moment. “I won’t survive her long,” he shook his head.

  She frowned, “Don’t say that.” She held out her plate and the hibachi chef piled veggies onto it.

  He smiled gently down at her. “There would be no point to existence without you my pet.” He handed her the soy sauce before she had a chance to ask for it. She rolled her eyes.

  I bit my lip unsure of how to ask the next question. I took a bite of steak and chewed while I thought. “Would it be the same if…if,” I know I blushed, “What if she had never acknowledged your claim on her? I mean if she fought tooth and nail to not be your mate?” I finally got out in a big rush of breath.

  One of those dark eyebrows rose. “It would make very little difference; a mate is a mate, just like with the Ao.” His tone was a little smug. I decided to ignore it.

  Laurna took his hand, “That’s funny, how could I resist a man like Ash,” he gazed adoringly at their joined hands. How could you not? I thought he still reminded me of a serial killer, cold, hard, sterile, except for those brief moments when he laid eyes on his mate, Laurna.

  “I don’t believe we have been talking about you and I at all have we AoD,” he asked. I could have lied but what was the point?

  I shook my head, “no… not really.”

  “Oh… Macy,” Laurna exclaimed breathlessly. She looked so pleased. I wish I felt half as pleased as she felt. I was still confused but I couldn’t just let Dayton fade away could I? Besides I was an Ao I was pretty sure he was my mate would I survive his death. My father had survived for me but I didn’t have anything like a child to hold onto. Suddenly the image of mini Dayton’s running around flashed in my mind. I had to admit I liked that.

  Donovan who had before then just been picking at his food suddenly dug in smiling a smile so wide I didn’t know how anybody missed seeing his fangs. Damn mind readers!

  “Can we keep this conversation to ourselves,” I asked self-consciously. They both nodded in agreement.

  Chapter 16

  It had been two days since the last time I’d seen Dayton and I was feeling antsy. I craved his presence almost like an addict craves his drugs. I shrugged it off; this was normal classic signs of an Ao bonding. I told my overwrought brain to leave me be.

  It didn’t do much good.

  I rode up to his apartment in that tiny elevator. I hate elevator music. They never play what you want to hear. I tapped my foot impatiently. This time I really had dressed to impress. I wore a little red strapless dress, with an empire waist. It made my breasts look bigger, most importantly though I pinned all my hair on top of my head, leaving my neck and shoulders completely bare. Underneath I wore my prettiest white lingerie. I was nervous. I laughed at myself. I hunted down the monsters and felt nothing more intrusive than anticipation. I wanted to impress this Vampire so badly though that I felt nervous.

  The doors slid open and his secretary looked up. Her face was a mask of panic. She started waving her hands around and rushed towards me. “Not now,” she begged.

  I considered. “What’s he doing?” I asked quietly.

  She frowned she didn’t want to answer me that was sure, “He’s in the middle of a meeting with the other Vampire leaders.” She said like I was supposed to know what that meant. I didn’t but I could fake it with the best of them. So, I nodded knowingly.

  “You don’t want me to bug him do you?” I asked cautiously biting my lower lip. I could do this. Really, I could.

  She shook her head no so hard I was sure her brains were rattling around in there.

  I cocked my head sideways and asked. “Can you get me into his private rooms?” I could actually see the thought process behind her eyes she really didn’t want to answer that question. “Can ya?” I asked biting my bottom lip again. Oh, if I could get into that room tonight was going to be so much fun.

  She looked around guiltily
. Oh yeah she could get into his rooms or at least knew how.

  I smiled, “Let me in his private rooms and I won’t bug him, promise.” I held up two fingers like a boy scout.

  She frowned, little wrinkles formed around her mouth. She must frown a lot to have permanent lines like that. I knew I was the cause of a lot of her frowning lately and felt kind of bad. “I don’t think…” she started but I interrupted her.

  “Yeah, it’s the only way your gonna keep me out of that board room and I know you don’t want me in there and you can always tell him I’m in there when he comes out. I mean I don’t mind you warning him or anything. I was just thinking you didn’t want me to disturb him but…” I headed toward the door. I held my hand out in front of me like I was going to shove the door open any second.

  Her eyes grew wide. “NO! I’ll tell you how to get in,” she practically screamed I could see panic in her eyes. I was really tempted to just peek into the room and make sure he was alright I didn’t like how nervous she was. I concentrated on her. Her thoughts seemed chased themselves across her face kind of like an agitated little terrier.

  I flinched; Jesus that woman needed a Prozac or something. Did Prozac work on Vampires? Well at least she was loyal enough to Tameron that she was worried I was going to screw something up. I was okay with that. I even understood why she didn’t want the other Vampires to see me with him. I mean really how would that explanation go? Why yes, I’m this really powerful Vampire but my girlfriend kills our kind.

  Don’t worry she isn’t here for you.

  I was a smart girl. I could see how that would be a concern. She sighed heavily. “All YOU have to do is go to the scanner.” She emphasized the you with a little too much oomph and I had to wonder if the only reason she didn’t like me was that I was an Ao.

  Was Dayton’s secretary attracted to him? Oh, that was a stupid question anything female with a pulse found Dayton attractive. The true question was did I need to kill his secretary? The question that followed that like a chaser was when had I become the jealous sort? “He had it changed so you could access his rooms last time you were here.” I couldn’t help myself I smiled like a cat in the cream. He wanted me to be able to get to him. I liked that.

  And, maybe just maybe his secretary could live; after all, she couldn’t get into his rooms that meant something.

  I stalked over to the door to his and looked into the retinal scanner. A little red light rolled over my eye then presto the door slid open. Ha. I was so excited I practically ran in. I waved good-bye to the poor harangued secretary and shut the door tight. Her face was a mask of irritation but I was still grinning ear to ear as I explored Dayton’s place.

  I realized I’d been here a couple of times but never really paid any attention to the place. It was palatial. Huge was just not a good enough descriptor.

  The front room I guess you might call it a foyer but I’d never been in a foyer quiet so big, held a closet, a white leather couch, a coffee table and two white chairs to match the couch. The floor was carpeted in a cream-colored carpet that was so thick my high-heels sank in.

  On the left was a dining room. High-backed hard wood chairs adorned a table that could easily have seated twelve. The wood gleamed like oil on water.

  To the right was another living room this one set up around a massive flat panel TV. I thought about all his interviews and wondered if he’d ever sat in here and watched himself on TV. Or did he just laze back and watch football like every other male in America?

  Through a small hallway at the back of the living room was a bathroom and further down the hall was his bedroom.

  Finally, a room I remembered clearly. His bed was huge, sinful really. A dark blue satin comforter covered it. Near the head board pillows in different shades of blue satin were scattered about. On either side of the bed were nightstands. One had a book lying with the spine facing up holding his page. The other was empty. The closet was on one side of the room the master bath on the other both had double doors leading to them. I rifled through his closet, which was great fun. All his clothes were neatly pressed and hung up. I had a terrible urge to run through and mess up his system but didn’t. Instead, I slid one of his dark red silk shirts from a hanger and smiled a wicked smile. He had more blue shirts than red but I looked awful in blue. My skin tone was too pale; it left me looking like a corpse. I slid out of my dress and hung it on the hanger. Then I took off my white lacy bra and hung it up with the dress. Finally, I slid my arms into Dayton’s fancy shirt. The silk was cool against my skin reminding me of Dayton’s touch. I wondered how long he’d be in that meeting. I was ready for him to come home, well not quite. I kicked off my shoes next to a pair of his. Then I returned to the bedroom. I slipped under the very warm comforter and waited for Dayton to return.

  I dozed for a bit; I’m not sure how long, as Dayton didn’t have a clock in his room. I woke to the sound of footsteps and I sat up.

  Dayton was glowing again. That soft amber light filled up the room. “Macyn,” he asked as if confused his voice low and soft in the slight glow of the room, the light his eyes were throwing off, “What are you doing in my room,” he asked hesitantly. “In my bed,” his voice was suddenly rough. Then he was moving swiftly across the room like a stalking animal. “Are you hurt,” he demanded his voice edged with concern. I nearly laughed. Only I couldn’t manage any sound past the sudden lump in my throat.

  God he was beautiful. He had removed his jacket and had been in the process of unbuttoning his shirt when he’d discovered me. A good expanse of his lovely chest was bared to me. I watched the smooth muscles contract as he rushed to my side.

  I shook my head no. I couldn’t seem to look in his eyes. Great I was mute. How had that happened? He stopped, took a deep breath through his nose, scenting the air, and hissed, “You’re wearing my shirt.” This time I managed to shake my head up and down. I was doing great with all the nonverbal here. “Why,” he searched my face, for what I wasn’t sure.

  I licked my lips that had suddenly gone very dry. I kept telling myself I want this. I am going through with this. “I…” My voice just didn’t want to cooperate. “I thought you’d like it better than what I was wearing.” I stated flatly. I so sucked! Why couldn’t I be all sultry or something no I got nervous and my brain shut down.

  He ran an agitated hand through his hair. “Mace, I can’t do this tonight. I am too tired to try to figure you out and having you toss me across the room again just isn’t appealing to me right now,” his voice was low, sad even. I had done that to him, I felt bad about that. I really did, I wished I’d never done that but wasn’t sure how to tell him.

  I put out my hand. I briefly wished my hands looked like Laurna’s or Deanna’s, that woman had beautiful hands, mine were rough, the nails trimmed short. “Come to bed,” I surged to my knees the hem of his shirt brushed my thighs. I liked how much bigger than me he was.

  He closed his eyes. “I mean it,” he said softly, “as much as I enjoy our little games, I don’t think I can bear your rejection tonight, my sweet.” He turned and walked into the closet. I closed my own eyes. Rejection stung, no wonder he was so cranky, but I had brought it on myself and the only way to fix it was to let him know I was serious.

  “You don’t like the shirt,” I asked pitching my voice to carry across the small space to the closet; I was still kneeling on the bed. I heard him huff in that giant closet of his. I unbuttoned it and let it slither down my back slowly. If I could hear Laurna, having a telephone conversation outside my house I was sure my Vampire could hear the silk kissing my skin as it fell from my body. He stepped into the room. I don’t mean he walked in from the closet I mean one minute he was not there the next he was. I knelt there with his shirt pooled around my knees. “Is this better,” I asked softly running my hand down where the line of buttons had been.

  He growled.

  The sound reverberated around the room. “Macyn,” his voice was pained, “What are you doing,” he devoured
me with his eyes but didn’t step any closer.

  I pouted. “I thought it was fairly obvious. I could paint you a sign.” I suggested. “Oh, better yet…” I placed my right hand on my throat, ran my fingers along my jugular, my pulse beneath my fingers was frantic. His eyes were riveted to my hand. His fangs lengthened.

  My hand coasted across my collarbone. He licked his lips. I paused. He didn’t even draw in a breath. Then I allowed my hand to continue its downward glide, sliding across pale skin, until my fingertips came to rest on my very hard nipple. He started breathing again. Air was escaping him in short hard gasps. Like he’d been running too fast for too long. I found my own breathing was a little ragged. I pinched the hard little peak.

  He lunged, knocking me onto my back. His large body pinned me with my knees tucked under my body. His big hands closed around my wrists and pinned them above my head. I cried out. It wasn’t a cry of pain. God, he was so big and so sexy above me like that. He looked down at me his eyes were amber pools of light. I couldn’t make out a pupil at all. His thoughts fell in on me like puzzle pieces dropped to the floor. Need this, want this, Macyn! With that last thought, something seemed to click inside his mind because his body burst into action his mouth covered mine, his teeth scraping against mine, his tongue delving deeply.


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