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Into Death's Arms

Page 20

by Mary Milligan

  Then he crossed the room put his arms around me and we were standing in my front yard. I didn’t have time to be impressed with his means of travel. Laurna lay across Donovan’s lap. Blood flowed from four large claw marks through her stomach. I felt dizzy. “Get her inside,” Dayton ordered. Donovan looked up.

  His eyes were black all pupil and empty like his soul had fled or died. He stood and carried my best friend’s limp form toward the house. The house itself was a mess.

  Shifters obviously, Laith was gone his blood however still stained the walls. My brother, those bastards had taken my brother and they had killed my soul’s sister. I felt my power growing; it whipped through the house like my rage in my mind. “Put her on the bed,” Dayton was still talking to Donovan. I followed numbly. Donovan did what he was told like a wooden puppet. “Macyn,” Dayton said. I watched Laurna’s body sink into the comforter. “Macyn,” he snapped. I looked up at him. “I think we can heal her.” He said. He thought? Wasn’t he a fucking AoLi? Wait she wasn’t already dead. I nodded, trying to figure out why he wasn’t making with the healing already. “I don’t have the power by myself but together…” he shrugged. “It will leave us both weakened for a time.”

  “So get on with it,” I growled. He nodded.

  He reached out toward Laurna with one hand. He took my hand with the other. “I trust you to watch over us, Donovan.” He said softly. He began to glow. White light spilled from his eyes, his fingertips, and low on his belly where the tree of life sat. Donovan’s eyes widened but to his credit he nodded once pulled a very scary looking knife from his jacket and moved to the doorway. No one was getting past that big bastard. I watched the power soak into Laurna watched as her breaths became less shallow.

  Dizziness assaulted me as blood ceased to flow from those claw marks. I never got to see the wounds close. I passed out before the healing was done.

  I woke in my own bed to the sound of men screaming at one another. “Damn it Caden she’s too worn out for this shit right now,” Dayton yelled. I could hear him as he worked himself into a fury. I heard scuffling in the hallway. They were fighting. I hoped it hadn’t gotten to bladed weapons yet.

  “She’s my fucking daughter, Vampire; you don’t get to tell me what she’s too worn out for. Move out of the way or I’m going to finish this between us once and for fucking all,” my dad’s voice reverberated through the house. I heard something big hit the hallway wall.

  I wondered briefly if hiding under the covers until they went away was an option but I knew that tone. My father was seriously going to kill Dayton if I didn’t get my ass up. I didn’t want them killing each other. I didn’t even want them fighting each other. I wanted peace, how that for an oxymoron the AoD who wants peace?

  I slid from the bed and took a moment as the world kind of slid off kilter for a moment. I got my balance back and drew a deep breath. “Would you two kindly stop fucking screaming while my head feels like I’ve got very industrious miners going to work on my cerebral cortex,” I screamed my voice was rough and cracked halfway through the sentence. I was gratified when they shut up.

  Until they, both burst into my room Dayton through a patch of darkness and dad through the door. The door actually flew off the hinges and hit the far wall.

  Dayton’s eyes were worried as he rushed toward me. His mouth was bleeding a little and his shirt was torn. “You should not be standing yet my love.” He swept me into his arms and tried to put me back into bed. I was being stubborn and wasn’t going to let go of his neck.

  My father looked like he was going to explode. One of his green eyes was surrounded by a very lovely shade of blue and was beginning to swell. “WHAT is going on here,” he shouted. I cringed; God was he always this loud? He seemed twice as loud and twice as big when he was pissed.

  I couldn’t deal with him right now, I needed a minute so…“Laurna,” I asked looking into Dayton’s eyes. I ignored my father, my hero, and waited breathlessly for my lover’s answer.

  He brushed my hair from my eyes. “She is in the hospital but they said she will recover swiftly,” He said softly. “You did well. We healed most of her wounds.”

  I sagged with relief. “My brother,” I asked. I was so worried about Laith. No one had taken care of him since my mother died. I had promised to look after him. I’d failed him. I’d failed her. Funny wasn’t that just what he’d said about mom?

  He shook his head, “We still don’t know.”

  My father had crowded closer glaring at Dayton. “What brother? You’re an only child Macyn.” My father growled. “What have you done to her you fucking…” as dad moved around so he could see me more clearly he was suddenly struck silent. “Macyn are you wearing Dayton’s shirt,” he asked clearly shocked.

  Not as shocked as I was hearing him call Dayton by his first name though. I gave a short bark of laughter. I was embarrassed I wasn’t ready to deal with this yet but he obviously wanted to get into it so I smiled up at him. “Yeah, I am. Oh, Dad, shit where are my manners? I’d like you to meet my AoLi.” I was still dizzy, “Shocked,” I asked brightly, I think all the trauma done to my body recently was affecting my brain. I never would have spoken to my dad like that otherwise. “Yeah, me too, seems someone forgot to mention the whole AoLi slash Vampire thing to me when they were warning me repeatedly to stay away from Dayton Tameron.” I kicked out my feet so I could stand I was feeling a whole lot better and I wanted to be standing between my AoLi and my father. I glared at my father. All the while Dayton kept trying to shove me back into bed.

  He ran his big hands through his hair a sure sign of agitation. “Macyn, Tameron can make you think…”

  Oh, no I was not going to let him damage my self-confidence now that I’d finally gotten some. “Yeah, how fucking pathetic do you think I am?” I asked interrupting him. I moved forward aggressively. Dayton had my arm and was gently urging me back in the other direction but I ignored him. “Like I can’t push one puny Vamp from my mind if I wanted to?” I damn near hissed I’d had enough of this you’re just a little girl thing. For a while, he’d had me believing it. Sure, I was a girl but I was also an AoD just the same as him. I had less experience but I had my AoLi at my side, which made me so much more powerful than any other AoD my age.

  My father’s mouth fell open. Then snapped shut making a popping kind of sound, “I can’t even keep the bastard from my mind Macyn how do you expect to be able to,” he asked angrily.

  I frowned back at Dayton. “Give him back his hair.” I demanded. Dayton made a face like he was going to argue. I sent him images of the previous day not the end of the day but the glorious hours before.

  “You don’t play fair.” He snarled and disappeared into the darkness.

  “You can’t block Dayton because he has your hair or blood or something real personal. An item so personal it makes in nearly impossible to block him out.” I explained to my father as if he were the student and I the teacher. For a moment, our roles reversed. It was an uncomfortable feeling. A moment later Dayton returned with a lock of auburn hair clenched in his fist. He threw it at my father’s feet. My father stood there looking at the lock like he’d been gut punched.

  I snorted, and turned to my love. “I’m going after Laith. Are you coming with me?” I asked softly. I might demand he give my father that which already belonged to him but I wouldn’t demand the leader of the Vampire species march into battle with me against the Shifters.

  Dayton smiled warmly. “I will follow thee unto the ends of the Earth.” He said softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  My father made a sharp sound behind me. I turned back to see him staring at us as if we’d sprouted extra heads. “No,” he growled. “You can’t do this Macyn he is a Vampire a blood sucking corpse,” He hissed.

  I made a face at him. “He’s not a corpse anymore than I am believe me if he were dead I’d know it by now. I can’t believe you let that particular human myth into this conversation. Yes, he is a Vampire, yes
he does drink blood, mostly mine lately.” I blushed just a little. “But he isn’t a corpse and he doesn’t like that particular myth so lay off.” I snarled at him. I guess I was being particularly believable because he looked over at Dayton.

  My father’s face was the picture of disbelief, “You really are her AoLi,” he asked shock laced his tone but the truth shone through his eyes in the form of pain.

  “I would have spared you this old friend if I could have.” Dayton said regret tinged his voice. Hey? No, regretting me I turned back to him. A burst of laughter sprang from his mouth. “Now I have angered my AoD.” He put a calming hand on me. “I do not regret you Macyn only that you being my AoD cause someone who was once my friend such pain.” Well okay then, I thought, slightly mollified. I didn’t want my dad to hurt either.

  “NO! I don’t believe any of this,” he grabbed my arm and tried to drag me to him, “You can’t possibly believe that thing is your AoLi! Do you know how many people he’s killed,” he shook me. I heard Dayton growl behind us.

  I jerked my arm free. “I don’t have time for this Dad, Laurna was nearly killed, and my brother was taken by Shifters I have to go. And for the record, yeah, I do know how many. I can read his mind. I’ve killed more Shadow-born than he’s killed humans. How’s that for a double standard?” I stepped into Dayton’s arms, “Take me home so we can decide what we are going to do next.”

  He nodded once and reached for me. “Wait,” My father exclaimed. I looked back at him. “What do you mean your brother?” he asked in a very small voice. One I’d never heard come from my father before.

  I took a deep breath. “I am not an only child. I am your only child but Iris had another.” He shook his head in denial, “Kinsley’s son,” I let the words I knew would devastate him fall from my mouth like lead.

  I watched while my father’s hands began to shake. “I don’t believe it.” He whispered I could hear in his voice he did.

  I sighed softly. “I remember him dad. She used to take me to visit him. She really loved him.” His eyes grew wide with horror. He looked up at me and for the first time in my life, he looked unsure. “I’m sorry daddy.” Moving away from Dayton I wrapped my arms around him. He put out a hand warding me off and stormed from the room.

  I blinked in rapid succession for a few minutes not sure what to do. Should I follow? Did I want to? He reappeared before I could make up my mind. He held up a picture. The same picture in fact that Laith had shown me the day I learned he was my brother. “This is him,” he asked roughly. I nodded, still unsure of what to do.

  “Why, why would she hide this from me,” he growled. He wrapped his arms around me and dragged me to the floor. Silently tear tracked down his cheeks, no sound emerged. Emotions chased themselves across his face, finally settling on despair. Weeping doesn’t begin to describe what happened next. His body was racked with horrific tearing sounds.

  “Why wouldn’t she have told me,” he asked through the sounds. Regret laced his every word, “Why would she think I wouldn’t understand? I spent all these years wonder who the… fuck… who he was and he was her son,” he looked down at the photo. “Why did she feel she had to hide from me? I never had a chance to protect her she wouldn’t let me.” He looked up at me his green eyes shining with pain.

  I had sunk to floor with him because he was huge and had his arms wrapped around my shoulders. I wiped the tears from his eyes. “She never really learned to trust.” I kissed his forehead. My poor father so much in love with someone who never could give him that last little piece of herself. “I’m lucky you protected me from growing up like that. I’ve always had someone to trust.” I brushed his hair back. “But the Shifters took her little boy, my brother, and I am going to get him back.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. He nodded. Inner fire seemed to light him up. “Hell yeah, we are,” he growled. He glared at Dayton and I guessed we weren’t done with that little argument yet but at least I could have the AoD’s assistance saving my brother. Beggars couldn’t be choosers right?

  Chapter 18

  We were having only one small problem with my whole let’s go get Laith plan. The God damned Shifters had gone into hiding. It was like they knew we were out for blood and didn’t want to play, well that and every once and a while my dad would launch himself at Dayton and try desperately to make himself the only man in my life again.

  The Vampire in question sat on the couch. My dad eyeballed him as he came into the room again. Nearby Donovan spoke on the phone with one of their Vampires who was supposed to know where we could find some Shifters. He growled and slammed the phone shut. He shook his head no.

  My father set out a tray of meat based hors d’oeuvres; he cooked when he was frustrated. Donovan watching him warily, guess he wasn’t so sure about being served food by a guy who’d been trying to kill his species for a couple hundred years. I couldn’t say I blamed him. I took a ham roll and popped it into my mouth.

  Dayton followed suit. The whole Vamps don’t eat thing was a myth. They could they just didn’t have to and honestly who would cook for themselves if they didn’t have to? I sure as hell wouldn’t. I had to eat or I’d die and I still couldn’t cook.

  He made an appreciative noise. I understood my dad was a god in the kitchen. Donovan’s brown eyebrows climbed into his hairline and he tentatively picked up one of the little meat rolls. He took a small dainty bite. I turned away so he wouldn’t see me laughing at him. “Well they’re all hiding. What do we do now?” I asked I was getting pissed. Earlier we had all gone out into the streets we’d all come up empty handed. Dayton had warned his people to stay off the streets the Ao were out and they were pissed.

  While he’d spoken to individual representatives on the phone, he had assured them it hadn’t been the Vampires to piss us off so badly while hinting we weren’t terribly bright and might not discriminate. Now we were stuck and we were waiting. Natural enemies don’t wait well together.

  I saw my reflection in the TV and had an idea. I sat down heavily next to Dayton. “Watch me close, if I start to bleed or seize up or anything pull me out,” I whispered to him. I didn’t announce what I was going to do I didn’t think my father would like it. Hell, I wasn’t sure I liked it but didn’t really see any other option.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated hard enough I thought something in my head might pop. Nikissos? I focused on the Dream-walker. I felt his response immediately.

  AoD? His mind brushed mine. Nausea assailed me. This is not safe whilst you are awake. He informed me. No shit, I thought to myself. My head felt like someone was hitting me repeatedly with a two-ton boulder.

  Where is my brother? I asked hoping their friendship would make him answer.

  I felt his anger. Kinsley has him.

  Really? I thought but didn’t say it. I know, where? I asked. I couldn’t get out much more than that I was feeling violently ill.

  You can’t be thinking what you appear to be thinking. He hissed It’s insane.

  I laughed, See you know me well. Where? I was getting impatient and allowed that to run into my mental voice.

  He sighed, You don’t have long. His father plans to execute him this evening.

  Well then, hurry the fuck up and tell me how to get there. I hissed at him. He did filling my head with a map. Leaving me feeling like a pint sized Ziploc trying to hold a gallon full of gravy.

  I rushed back to consciousness with my prize. I opened my eyes. Dayton was leaning over me I was laid out flat on the couch. “Gonna vomit…” I announced. Dad held out a wastebasket and I lost the contents of my stomach.

  Right, no more non-verbal communication with Dream-walkers while conscious it made me sick. “I know where he is,” I managed to gasp out before I threw up again. My dad stared at me as if I’d grown an extra head. Dayton smiled delighted with me and my bizarre ability.

  “How do you know where he is?” My dad asked as he went to the safe.

  I shrugged, “I umm dream walked a Dream
-walker and he told me.” I said frowning.

  My father’s forehead creased like he was getting a headache and who could blame him? I’d thrown his whole life into disarray.

  Weapons were distributed. I smiled at the sight of the AoD standing side by side with two Vampires. My mom would have been pleased.

  We tromped through the Golden Gate Recreational Park. I know I should have guessed lots of open land. I wondered if the Park rangers knew there was a whole gaggle of Shifters living up here. I thought they’d be at Kinsley’s place but turns out, they wanted to be outdoors for their little gathering.

  Dayton had wanted to call in more Vamps but I pointed out that I didn’t feel like being stabbed in the back because the Vamps in question weren’t entirely sure about my loyalties. Then of course, my dad had pointed out that though he wouldn’t kill his daughters AoLi or his wife’s son didn’t mean he wouldn’t still hunt the other Shadow-born. Donovan was watching him closely. I’d work on him later.

  Dayton carried a blade very similar to my dads. Donovan carried a couple of pistols, which had surprised me. Dayton had said it showed just how young he was. He’d growled at Dayton. He had several knives stowed on his person. He was angry; he wanted blood for what they’d done to Laurna. I almost felt sorry for the Shifters, almost. We didn’t try to hide. It’s hard to hide at night when you are glowing bright white with righteous anger.

  The Shifters had built a fire. They were turned toward us as we walked toward them. They stood together in groups of four or five around the fire like they were waiting for something. Maybe they were. Kinsley stepped forward his black hair had grown to his shoulders since the last time I’d seen him his black eyes gleamed with hatred in the reflection of our glow. He looked confused to see Dayton so obviously consorting with the enemy. Nevertheless, he didn’t stay that way for long. “Tameron,” he snarled, “You wanna take your boy there and leave this is between me and the AoD.”


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