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Heart Thief

Page 23

by Taylor Dean

  I approach the stovetop and give the pot of spaghetti sauce a stir as the doorbell rings.

  It’s Ryker, joining us for dinner, as he always does on Tuesday nights.

  I swing open the door. “Hi Ryker, come on in.”

  He’s still in his suit, as usual, even though it’s now seven at night. He doesn’t even look work-worn. Not a single hair is out of place. He catches the eyes of women all the time. He’s dated about twelve more ladies since Zane and I married. He simply can’t find The One. He’s never sure and can never make a decision. Always falling, never the fallen. I know that side of him well.

  “Is she already in bed?” he asks, without so much as a hello. He’s holding a cute little pink bear.

  “I’m not sure. Zane’s putting her down.”

  “That means no. He can’t resist playing with her.”

  He heads for the stairs, bounding up them quickly.

  I take them slow and easy for the two-hundredth time today. While I love our three-story Victorian home, the stairs will be the death of me. They do keep me in shape, though. I barely found out I’m pregnant with our second child and I don’t remember the stairs being this hard the last time I was dealing with early pregnancy symptoms.

  During my last pregnancy, I was petrified of the postpartum stage. After my bout with the Great Big Dark, I feared feeling that way again. I knew it was common during the weeks after a baby was born and I wasted so much of my time worrying over it.

  It didn’t happen. I was fine. I don’t have time to dwell on it this time around, but it does cross my mind now and again. Zane always says we’ll face it together if it happens.

  I love that man.

  I hear giggling before I even reach the door of Ella’s room. Sure enough, our angelic six-month old is wide awake, sitting on the floor next to her father and uncle while they play peek-a-boo with her, using the new pink bear as the BOO.

  Ella’s in her pajamas, freshly bathed. At least Zane has her halfway ready for bedtime.

  Ryker’s elegant suit jacket has been tossed aside in a crumpled pile, and he’s distorting his face in the weirdest ways as he attempts to earn a giggle from Ella. She’s sitting on the floor in her straight-back position, thoroughly entertained.

  My little girl. She’s brought me so much happiness. It’s more than my heart can contain. Zane was right about that.

  My eyes rest on Zane. He’s already in his jeans and t-shirt for the evening, looking happy and relaxed. A warm tingle rushes through my body, a burst of love so strong it devours me. He’s my person, the one who makes me happy, the one who animates me.

  I took a chance and married him after dating for only six months. No regrets. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. No doubt about that. We had fifteen months together before we found out we were expecting our first baby. It was our honeymoon period, the time that grounded us as a couple. It was a time of healing, a time filled with lots of love and laughter. It was exactly what I needed.

  When Ella giggles so hard, her face turns red, he laughs aloud, his smile huge. I never tire of watching him with her.

  That man is captivated with his daughter. Our little girl is going to be able to sweet talk her daddy into whatever her heart pleases. We’re in so much trouble.

  I’m going to have to be the bad guy in her life, the one who sets all the rules. I can see it coming.

  But I’m not worried. I love how much Zane loves our daughter. It makes me love him even more.

  When he’s not obsessed with Ella, he’s obsessed with me. I believe that’s why I’m prego again already. Go figure. That’s how the birds and the bees work. There are consequences.

  That’s okay. We love our cute little consequences, born and unborn. I also love the birds and the bees. We both do. A little too much.

  Zane’s eyes catch me standing in the doorway and I swear his brown eyes turn into melted chocolate at the sight of me. I love it.

  Or maybe that’s me craving chocolate. Never can tell nowadays.

  His attention quickly shifts to the other love of his life. Both Ryker and Zane are enraptured.

  “Hey guys, dinner will be ready soon.”

  No response. It’s like I’m not even there.

  “We’re having mud cakes with a few rocks on the side.”

  “Okay,” Zane says, tickling Ella. “Sounds great. Be down in a few.”

  A few means thirty minutes when it comes to his playtime with Ella.

  Ryker shoots me a worried frown. He was paying attention, after all.

  “Just kidding. Spaghetti and meatballs.”

  He sends me a thumbs up.

  “Okay, I’m gonna take Artie for a quick walk. I think I’ll rob the corner market while I’m out. Would you like me to steal anything for you?”

  “I’m good. Thanks, sweetheart.”

  Zane is now flat on his back, taking Ella for an airplane ride on his bent legs. She giggles whenever she flies toward Uncle Ryker, especially when he makes a show of acting like she’s crashing into him. She smiles at me when she sees me, her chubby hand reaching out in an attempt to wave. But she doesn’t cry for me. She’s such a Daddy’s girl.

  “I’ll take a few twenties,” Ryker tells me.

  He’s working on his humor. Go, Ryker. “You got it. The rest is mine though. Steal your own loot.”

  Ryker snaps his fingers and swings his arm in a gosh-darn-it way. Hey, he’s trying. Even his temper has mellowed. We rarely see cruel-humored Ryker anymore. Although, I wouldn’t want to work for him in the business world. His nickname at Martel Investments is The Shark.

  I can’t help but smile as I head downstairs. My distracted man is busy having playtime with his daughter. I won’t disturb him again.

  The decision to invite Ryker over for dinner was a tough one at first. Zane has always wanted a relationship with his brother. Naturally, he felt wary, after everything that went down between them. I was too. And I’m not going to lie, the first few dinners were phenomenally awkward. Zane always asked me to check his back after Ryker left, to make sure there wasn’t a knife sticking in it. He was joking, of course. But there was an element of truth to the fear. We both knew we couldn’t trust him. It had to be earned.

  The more we tried to keep up good relations, the more the two relaxed in each other’s company. It had a twofold effect. It improved their sibling relationship and it improved their working relationship. Win-win.

  The arrival of Ella sealed the deal. Ryker is now the doting uncle and the relationship between the two brothers is undergoing a metamorphosis. I don’t think they’ll ever be best buddies. But they’re both trying and that’s the best they can do after a lifetime of being poisoned by their mother/stepmother toward each other.

  Ryker finally admitted to us that he’d been told all of his life that Zane wanted what he had, that he had to protect himself, to fight back. It was so ingrained into his subconscious, it took him a while to realize how untrue it was. He even apologized to Zane. The damage is slowly being undone. Their father would be pleased.

  I take Artie out for a quick walk, but decide to linger in the warm sunshine for a bit. Zane and Ryker need their time with Ella, and I won’t hurry them.

  When I return thirty or so minutes later, the house is quiet. I check on the spaghetti sauce and head upstairs again. I find Zane holding Ella, rocking her up and down in outstretched arms, one hand supporting her neck, the other her bum. It’s like he’s a human swing. He calls it his magic bounce. Since she was a newborn, he’s been able to get her to sleep in no time with this method. Nothing’s changed now, except she’s six months and weighs a lot more. He says it’s a better workout than weights. His bulging biceps don’t lie. Or ever stop staring at me.

  Ryker’s standing next to him. They’re both watching her eyelids get heavier and heavier. They mimic silent cheers when the blink gets longer. I won’t use the word adorable to their faces, because men don’t want to be called adorable. But it is. It’s stinkin’ a
dorable. Just saying.

  Ryker leaves the room, pounding his heart with his fist twice as he exits. I watch Zane slowly set Ella in her crib. She’s one lucky little girl. She gets rocked to sleep every single night by her daddy.

  I’m even luckier. I get to be held all night in his arms.

  When he turns and sees me watching him, he imitates my happy dance, which always makes me dissolve into laughter.

  “For the record, that’s not how I look when I do my happy dance.”

  “Oh, it’s dead on. I practiced in front of the mirror to get it right.”

  We leave the room and Zane closes the door. He holds me tight for a few minutes. “Mmm, I missed you today.” He nuzzles my neck. “I’m so jealous. You get all day with Ella and she gets all day with you.”

  “At least me and you get all night.”

  “Good point.” He gently massages my back.

  “It’s fun to be with her all day. I love my life. She’s a happy little thing.”

  “Right?” He pats my belly. “I hope Ella Two will be just as happy.”

  “No guarantees. Colic is a thing. And Ella could be a fella this time around.”

  He laughs at my silly rhyme. “No worries. My magic bounce will beat colic every time.”

  “You do have the magic touch, Mr. Martel.”

  “Yeah?” he says, raising his eyebrows. “How would you like to enjoy that magic touch this evening?”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  He presses his lips to mine, and we get lost in each other for a moment or two. “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you too.”

  So much love. Truly more than my heart can contain.

  We hear Ryker say from downstairs, “I can hear you guys. Knock it off.”

  Zane and I join Ryker downstairs, unapologetic for our actions. I serve dinner and we settle at the table, making fast work of our meal amidst light conversation.

  “Delicious as always, Mila.”

  “Thank you, Ryker.”

  Ryker clears his throat. “So, I spent the early evening with my mother. Trying to teach her to budget her money is highly frustrating.”

  “She should be set for life, shouldn’t she?” Zane asks.

  “You would think. You gave her the house and she has a healthy bank account. I helped her invest her money. Technically, she can live off the money she earns from her investments.”

  “So, what’s the problem?” Zane says, sneaking one more piece of French bread.

  “Spending. She can’t avoid three little words.”

  “What words are those?” I ask.

  “Add To Cart.”

  “Ryker,” I say, holding out my fist for him to bump. “You made a funny. That was a good one.”

  “I know. I’ve been waiting all night to say it.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” I tell him.

  Zane shakes his head at our banter. “Seriously, are you worried about her, Ryker?”

  “If she runs out of money, she’ll expect me to support her. So, yes.”

  Zane and Ryker discuss different methods of helping her budget her money while we clear our plates and load the dishwasher together.

  I feel for Ryker. Debra’s not an easy woman. She’s been given much more than she deserves. Zane felt at peace with giving her the family home. He promised his father he would help look after her. It was his way of honoring that promise. He now feels absolved of any and all responsibility towards her, however. As a matter of fact, he’s done with her.

  She gave up on trying to frame Zane for embezzlement. I think her lawyers finally talked some sense into her and made her realize she was lucky she wasn’t in jail, and if she pursued her ridiculous case, that’s exactly where she’d find herself.

  Other than giving her the house, we keep our distance and let Ryker handle his mother. Every once in a while, he vents about his frustrations. He used to be such a momma’s boy. The transition has been tough on him, but he stands up to her and doesn’t put up with any guff.

  “By the way, are you still seeing Evie?” Zane asks as we settle on the couch, each with a mug of herb tea, and enjoying the plate of cookies on the coffee table.

  Good time for a subject change.

  Ryker’s face clouds. “Yeah. It’s going well, but she wants me to take her dancing Friday night.” He sighs heavily.

  Zane guffaws. “Uh-oh. That’s right up there with Indiana Jones’ fear of snakes.”

  “Exactly. Do you think . . . do you think maybe you could give me a few tips, Mila? Do you mind, Zane? I don’t want to blow it.”

  “Whoa,” I say. “If you’re willing to dance, that means you really like this girl.”

  “I do.” A deer in the headlight’s expression takes over his face. “And I’m petrified.”

  Zane jumps to his feet. “Watch and learn, Ryker. You got this.” He pulls out his phone and clicks on a song. It’s Next to Me by Imagine Dragons. It has a great beat for waltzing around the room and I admit, we’ve danced to it plenty of times in the privacy of our own home. He uses it as foreplay. Because Zane is romantic like that. And I love it. And him. So much.

  Zane holds out his hand to me. “Dance with me, baby. I wanna hold you in my arms.”

  I look at Ryker. “No, don’t say that.”

  Ryker shakes his head. “I won’t. No way.”

  Zane leans closer to me. “It’s worked in the past. Like a charm.”

  I bite my lip. “True.”

  Zane gives me his seductive smile, the one that’s only for me, the one that makes me melt.

  I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. Dramatically, in time to the beat of the music, he pushes my lower back and snaps our bodies together.

  “Don’t do that either unless you want to get slapped,” I tell Ryker.

  “Nope, nope, nope,” Ryker mumbles to himself.

  Zane waltzes me around the room, holding me so close, it’s scandalous. I forget we have an audience and get lost in the moment.

  When the music ends, Zane whispers in my ear, “To be continued.”

  We share a smile as he steps away, holding my hands. I am putty in his. He gets me. Every time. “That’s how it’s done, bro.”

  I turn to Ryker. “It is. Listen to him. He knows what he’s talking about.”

  Ryker’s face is ashen. “I can’t do that. There’s no way.”

  “Yes, you can.” Zane walks over to Ryker, restarts the music, and holds his hand out to him. “C’mon, I’ll teach you.”

  “No freakin’ way. I’m not dancing with you.”

  “Yes, you are. You gotta practice your moves.”

  “Do it, Ryker. You don’t want to step on her toes. It’ll ruin the moment.”

  I stand back as Ryker gives in and stands stiffly in Zane’s arms. “This is stupid.”

  “Now, just move in a circle and let the beat carry you away. Hold her tight and look in her eyes. This isn’t a dance contest, it’s all about you and her. That’s all you gotta know.”

  They start moving around the room and I head for the stairs.

  “I’m out, guys. You’re on your own.”

  Early pregnancy fatigue has me beat. I pause halfway up and watch Zane and his brother dancing awkwardly together.

  “Is this right?” Ryker asks.

  “Yep. You’re doing great.”

  I can’t hide a smile and a burst of laughter at the sight.

  At the same time, warmth fills my soul. Zane has a family, a family that adores him.

  The prince has become a king.

  A Note from Taylor Dean


  You might be wondering why I decided to include a small snippet about situational depression toward the end of this book.

  After all, it’s . . . depressing. And no one wants to read something that makes them feel depressed.

  While I tried to keep it light, I believe it’s an important topic that should be discussed. People should be encouraged to talk about t
heir mental health. It shouldn’t be taboo, and no one should feel shame over it. Keeping it to ourselves is the worst thing we can do.

  Two years ago, I found myself facing a health issue that left me very depressed and wondering what was wrong with me.

  In HEART THIEF, I write about situational depression from my point of view, from my experience with it. I didn’t try to portray a technically accurate depiction of textbook depression. Just my truth, pure and simple. I can’t speak to anyone else’s experience, nor was it my intention to provide medical advice or easy answers.

  Everyone is different, and every situation should be handled differently. It’s not a simple issue with a simple cure.

  My only hope is that the overriding message the reader is left with is to reach out, seek help, and don’t keep it to yourself. That’s what helped me get through it.

  If reading this book helps just one person survive it, then I will be happy.

  Life changes are tough. Know that you’re not alone.

  – Taylor

  Thank you for reading Heart Thief.

  If you enjoyed this book, you’ll also enjoy the other two standalone books in the Love Under Wraps series.

  December 2019: Rules are made to be Broken

  I’ve loved Will Henderson from the first day I laid eyes on him. But I made a solemn promise that same day. I would never, ever date Will Henderson.

  For almost a decade, Charlotte Dubois has loved Will Henderson from afar, squelching her heart's silent yearnings. But no way could she date her best friend Kelsey’s brother. Their whole friendship is based on one rule: No friend of Kelsey can ever date Will. Instead, Charlotte has watched him date and break more hearts than should be legal.

  Will Henderson never got over that stolen kiss he shared with Charlotte years ago—though he's tried valiantly to rid his system of his sister's best friend.

  When circumstances bring the two into each other’s arms again, Will wants to convince Charlotte to break the rules and take a chance on him. But to do so, they will have to hide their relationship from the ones they love most.


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