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A Rescued Heart (Rescued Heart Romance)

Page 12

by Replogle, Natalie

  “Have you looked in a mirror?”

  “Is it that bad?”

  “I still think you’re beautiful.”

  “You don’t count. Your opinion is biased.” She stepped close to him again and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Her words were muffled against his chest.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not yet.”


  “How’s Kim?”

  “On her way to the hospital, but that’s all I know.” Her face tensed from his answer. Together they looked back toward the closet where the other officer was helping Tessa out. Her big brown eyes glistened from the tears. No child should ever have to deal with this kind of fear.

  “What happens with Tessa now?”

  “She can go to the hospital with us. I don’t think Kim’s injuries will keep her there more than a night, if that. Tessa can just stay with us there. It would do her good to be with her mom right now.” The poor girl just needed the comfort and presence of her mom. They would have to call CPS, but Matt decided to drop that bomb on Ava later. Chances were good that nothing would become of it and Tessa would be able to stay with Kim, but they had to follow protocol.

  “Is this the end? Will Ray be out of their lives now?” Ava looked up at him with such hope and he struggled with the lack of response he could give.

  “That’s up to Kim.” Another officer entered the room and interrupted their conversation.

  “We’re wrapping it up downstairs. We’d like to take your statement now.” He looked over at Ava and she frowned.

  Matt stepped in, trying to make both sides happy. “Why don’t we all head to the hospital now, get Ava checked out and cleaned up, and then we can get her statement?” An hour’s delay on her statement wasn’t going to affect her memory. It would be etched in her mind for quite a while.

  “Sounds good, I’ll meet you over at the hospital,” the officer agreed and walked back downstairs.

  Matt looked over at Tessa who sat on her bed with her arms crossed over her little chest. “Ava, why don’t you help Tessa pack a few things for the hospital? On the way we’ll stop at your apartment and get you a change of clothes.”

  “Okay.” She agreed and his heart squeezed when her voice quivered.

  “I’ll see you downstairs.” He turned to walk away but she grabbed hold of his hand. He smiled and squeezed it. “I won’t be far.”

  She smiled back and reluctantly released his hand. He wanted to lean in and kiss her, but it wouldn’t be appropriate. While on the job he needed to separate his emotions.

  Matt reached the bottom of the stairs and felt like he truly exhaled for the first time since hearing the dispatcher’s call for help. He walked around the house again, trying to get a feel for what had happened this afternoon. He found one of the officers outside and asked for a briefing. He wanted to be prepared before Ava gave her statement later. By the sound of things, it was going to be a long night.

  The summer raced along quicker than Ava had anticipated and she couldn’t believe that it had reached mid-July already. She and Matt had been spending more and more time together and their relationship had deepened. She knew where her heart stood … and it simply terrified her.

  Over the last couple weeks since Kim had been released from the hospital they had spent many hours helping her to get back on her feet again. Ray was still in jail but would be released soon. Kim remained steadfast on her promise to not let him return to her house, but only time would tell. She had started attending the abuse support group and yesterday marked her first counseling session. Watching Kim make an effort to turn her life around gave Ava hope that this situation could turn out successful.

  Ava’s bruise had faded quickly and the only sign from the horrible afternoon she experienced came from a pasty yellow tint covering her right cheekbone. Last weekend she joined Matt at the department’s annual barbeque cookout for the officers and their families. Ava enjoyed meeting everyone that Matt worked with but couldn’t help notice how much they knew about her. He talked about her with his friends … a lot. What did that mean? She spent most of the evening watching Matt and Derek in their prime with their one-liners and common interests. She could see why they were so close.

  Earlier in the week she had mentioned to Matt that she wanted to paint her spare room. Yesterday morning he showed up in painting clothes with roller and brushes in hand. They went to the store and picked out a tan color and got to work. It was nice to have his company, and the fact that he could move the heavy furniture without grunting or breaking a sweat was an added bonus. They were able to get the room all done in one day and their exhaustion showed. This morning Lucy came over and helped her rearrange the room to look more organized instead of looking like the room just threw up furniture.

  Tonight Matt had planned an entire evening for her and kept her clueless as to what he had in store. He had not staged a surprise date in a while. She was taken off guard when he mentioned it yesterday while painting. Matt said to dress comfortable and to come with an appetite. He left a map with her and said to meet him at the place marked at seven o’clock. Ava dressed in a purple tank top, jean Capri’s and flip-flops. She left her hair down because she could tell he liked it best that way.

  Matt’s directions led her to a fishing lake north of town. Ava had never been to this area before. The lake did not have the popular appeal because the surrounding land was mostly wooded and privately owned. She found the path on the map that he indicated that she should take. As she trudged up a little hill a metal sign hung between rusted chains that connected to wooden posts that read “No Trespassing.” Underneath the sign a piece of paper with handwritten marker stated, “Except for Ava.”

  She laughed.

  The directions said to take the path until it curved and there she would see a small clearing on the right. The walk lasted longer than she thought it would, but she enjoyed the peaceful surroundings, despite a few attacks from mosquitoes.

  As she picked up her pace she passed a small sand beach to the left that went into the lake. The water sparkled from the sun as the tiny waves lapped against sand. She stopped a moment to appreciate the quaint area, she could picture little kids making sand castles and running into the water.

  Looking up the trail the clearing came into view. When she reached the grass knoll, she gazed over and held her breath. Matt stood at the top of the small hill, holding a red rose in his hand. On the ground he had a blanket spread out with a picnic basket in one corner. He had tiki torches lit all around the area and soothing music playing from his iPod.

  “Matt … ,” she quietly gasped.

  “Hi.” His voice was thick, drenched in emotion. He came toward her and took her hand, leading her back up to the blanket. “Happy half birthday.”

  “What?” Ava looked down to see a small birthday cake and wrapped presents off to the side.

  He helped her sit down. “You said that you liked your birthday on Christmas Eve but sometimes felt overlooked and wished when you were a kid that you could have had it in the summer. So, today we are celebrating your half birthday. And trust me, you will not be overlooked.”

  “Oh Matt, what did I ever do to deserve you? I don’t even know what to say, it’s so thoughtful and perfect. Thank you!” She put her arms around his neck and just held him, silently thanking God for him. She instinctively knew that whatever was inside those boxes, they would be the best gifts she would ever be given.

  Reluctantly she released him, not sure what more to say. She was relieved when he started first. “So what do you want to do first? We can eat or you could open your gifts,” he said while wiping away a tear that had exposed itself down the side of her face.

  “Well, I can always eat.”

  “You’re in luck because I had this amazing chef make us dinner tonight.” He smiled while opening up the picnic basket.

  “Lucy was in on your plan?”

/>   “Yeah, I told her what I had planned and she insisted on making the food. She has become quite the asset when it comes to you.”

  “I’ve noticed.” She grabbed the plates and utensils from him and began to lay them out.

  His kiss interrupted her process. He pulled away, but Ava put her hand behind his head and drew him back. He dropped the Tupperware he held in his hand and brought her up to sit on his lap. The kiss was innocent, but not lacking in desire. She cupped his face with her hands while he had one arm around her waist, stroking her hair with his free hand.

  Out of pure force, Ava pulled back. They sat still, their eyes locked on each other and she thought her heart would burst. She’d been burying these feeling for some time and all her security would be blown apart if she shared them with him.

  Ava’s nerves exploded when she identified her deep feelings reflected back in his eyes. Breaking their stare, she moved back to her spot on the blanket. “So what do we have to eat?”

  He looked at her with concern for a split second, but let the abruptness pass. He pulled out a bag that kept the food warm and out came grilled chicken with a salsa mix on top, sliced baked potatoes, asparagus and garlic bread.

  While they ate, Matt explained to her that he had a friend of the family who owned this spot and that is why he was able to have the picnic there. After dinner they had cake and finished off with her opening her gifts.

  The first was a CD she wanted. Next she opened the exact purse she had been saving up for. “How did you know I wanted this?” she asked in disbelief. He even had it right down to the color.

  “I called Jules last week to ask her if there was something you mentioned that you wanted. She said that when you two were out shopping earlier you showed her this purse. She went to the store and picked it out for me and dropped it off at my apartment the other day.”

  “You are very sneaky and quite resourceful.”

  “It comes with the job.”

  “I guess I should never underestimate you.”

  “Now you’re learning.”

  He handed her the last gift. A small black velvet box. Her stomach began to bubble up in her throat. She opened the box slowly. The open lid revealed two diamond earrings shining back at her.

  “Oh Matt, they’re beautiful.”

  They must have cost him a fortune. Ava put them on, glad she had forgotten to put on any earrings when getting ready and pulled her hair back a bit so he could see them. “How do they look?”

  “I can’t really concentrate on them next to your face.” Matt leaned over and kissed her cheek. He took her hand and kissed the top. His hands held a slight tremor. It was strange for her to see him so obviously unsettled.

  He looked toward the lake, watching the sun creep towards the tops of the trees. Looking back at her, he stroked her face with a shaking thumb. “I love you, Ava,” he whispered softly.

  Those should have been the best three words she’d ever heard, but instead she panicked. It was the bomb she knew was coming, but it still caused damage. Under duress she removed his hand and stood. “I um … I …” Her voice thickened. “I …” She turned and started walking away.

  Ava’s heart screamed to turn back around and declare her love, but her head shouted louder, yelling “Run!” So she did. She ran, despite her blurred vision from the tears, down to the little beach she’d seen earlier.

  What was wrong with her? She loved Matt. Reaching the water’s edge, she wrapped her arms around her waist and let the tears of fear flow.

  Matt stayed seated while she ran away. She needed space and he would give it to her. He anticipated it would be hard for her to hear those words, but he had not expected this. He thought for sure she felt the same way, but maybe he assumed wrong.

  He cleaned up their dinner and finally made his way down the path where she had headed. He found her standing at the beach, looking out over the water. He paused briefly, not sure he was ready for the answer his question would bring. “Ava, what’s wrong?”

  She glanced back at him and turned away again, but she didn’t ask him to leave. He took that as a good sign and sauntered to her side.

  Her words came out in a burst. “I know you think you love me now, but what if that changes? What if you start to have feelings for someone else? What if you realize I’m not who you’re supposed to be with? What if …”

  “Ava,” he said, interrupting her. “I’mnotTim. I know that you had such a horrible experience with him and for that I am truly sorry, butI am not Tim. The past is the past and there is nothing we can do to change it.”

  He had never spoken with such frustration toward her. It made him mad to be compared to another man, and especially to Tim.

  He paced back and forth to blow off steam before positioning himself to stand in front of her. “You and me,” he took his finger and pointed back and forth between them, “that is what matters. This is now.”

  “It’s easy to say that now, Matt.”


  “Because our relationship is new and exciting.”

  “Compared to old and comfortable?”

  “Don’t make fun.”

  “I’m not.” He ran his fingers through his hair, not sure where to go from here. “I’m not saying that I’ll never hurt or disappoint you, because I’m only human. Iwillfail you, Ava. As for the future, Idon’t know what it holds. I know what I want it to be, but for now, I only know that I love you.”

  She looked down and moved the sand around with her foot. Her silence was killing him. “I’m scared,” she finally whispered.

  He exhaled, keeping his frustration in check. “I know. If you’re upset because you’re afraid then you need to hear and understand that I’m not going anywhere. You have to trust that God, not me, will take care of your heart. However, if you’re upset because you don’t have the same feelings in return, than please just put me out of my misery.”

  He turned and walked down the beach a few steps, keeping his back to her and rubbing his forehead with his fingers. He needed to breathe and remember that Ava was still weighted down from the bondage of her past, but it didn’t take away his feelings of weakness, doubt, and potential rejection.

  Matt didn’t know what else to do but pray. This relationship wasn’t going to work on Matt’s efforts alone. Ava needed to trust God before she would ever be able to trust him. It would be a process and she would surely stumble along the way, but was she ready? Was he pushing her too soon?

  Her arms slid around him from behind as she laid her head on his back. They stood motionless surrounded by a chorus of grasshoppers until she kissed the back of his neck and walked around to face him.

  “Matt, I’m sorry I took a beautiful moment and ruined it. Everything you just said to me was true and I’m sorry that I allowed my past to affect what we have right now.”

  She touched the side of his face. “I panicked because my feelings for you are so real and intense, but you’re right, I don’t need to be afraid. I know there will be times that I’ll struggle and be tempted to let those negative thoughts in, but I’m hoping that you’ll still be there right beside me, encouraging me along the way.”

  She flashed him her puppy dog eyes and he couldn’t resist. He pulled her into his arms. “Ava, of course I’ll stand alongside you. All I’ve ever wanted is for you to want me.”

  “I love you, Matthew.”

  He closed his eyes in relief and then opened them, smiling. “I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.”

  “Can you humor me and say it again to me? I want to really enjoy it this time.”

  He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet so they were eye level. “I love you.” Then he kissed her like it was the first time their lips had met.

  Ava walked along the eight-foot table, doing a mental check list that every detail had been set for the abuse support group meeting. The aroma of spaghetti and garlic bread made her stomach rumble. The group had their meetings once a month at the chu
rch and a few women from the congregation volunteered to bring in dinner for everyone. They all had different gifts. Whether they spoke to the group, watched the kids, counseled, or brought in food, each service held importance.

  Tonight’s meeting had been sparked by an idea Ava had at the last planning session. As ideas bounced around the room, Ava voiced that it would be useful for the women if they attended a meeting that touched on the side of the law enforcement. Most women in the group had already made steps to hold their abusers responsible for their actions. However, the women had started to invite other women that were caught in ruts and hadn’t yet broken free from their abusers. They needed support and encouragement as they teetered on the fence on what to do.

  Ava’s idea came to a unanimous vote of yes, and she had the resources to make it happen. Tonight Matt and a fellow officer were coming to talk to the group. They wanted to encourage the women that the law was on their side by showing that they cared about their safety and wanted to help and to share what steps needed to be taken when pressing charges and how to file for a restraining order.

  Her heart melted as she remembered the conversation she and Matt had had earlier in the week about which points needed to be highlighted and stressed. He wanted the women that came tonight to be as comfortable as possible.

  Matt came up with the suggestion that he should bring a female officer with him, that it might help break the ice. That maybe the women in the group would respond better and feel more comfortable with a fellow woman in the room. He also proposed that he come in civilian clothes and not drive his squad car. It might make some of the woman nervous to see him in uniform and the squad car parked outside the church.

  Just one more reason why she loved him. Wow. She loved him. Ava was still trying to get used to that fact. She caught herself smiling at the thought of him. Checking the wall clock, she scolded herself for not staying on course as she noticed that the group would be trickling in soon. Making her way toward the lobby to welcome the women, she met up with Matt and his fellow officer.


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