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A Rescued Heart (Rescued Heart Romance)

Page 22

by Replogle, Natalie

  “No. What?”

  “Remember his high school girlfriend, Erica?” Ava nodded. “She moved back into town earlier in the summer and they ran into each other at our high school reunion last month. Jake said that they have been going out every weekend since.”

  “The last I heard, Jake had plans to move to Chicago.” Jake had a big goal to try and get hired byThe Chicago Tribune. When he broke the news to her family, she expressed her genuine excitement, but hid her deep sadness in having him leave.

  “I think Erica has stalled those plans for now.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” Ava was slightly hurt. If Josh even dropped the bombshell that Lucy was dating, too, without telling her, she’d go nuts.

  “You’ve had a hectic month. I’m sure he planned to tell you soon. I can tell he’s excited, but doesn’t want to make a big deal about it. I just told you so you’d have more to focus on than my dating life.”

  “Ha, very funny, I’m not that bad …” She stopped when he raised his eyebrows and they laughed in unison over the truth.

  Josh looked down at his watch. “Whoa, it’s getting late, we’d better go.”

  Ava grabbed her purse that could stop traffic with its bright red color. “I’m sorry, do you have other plans?” She asked, slightly disappointed.

  “Err … no, I just thought we should get going in case someone needs our table.”

  Ava looked around at the empty tables surrounding them. “Okay,” she muttered, confused.

  They decided to stop and get some ice cream at their family’s favorite spot before they headed back to her apartment to hang out for the rest of the evening.

  “Oh man,” Josh exclaimed as soon as he turned on the engine. “I forgot my guitar and song list at church. Do you mind if we stop there first? I want to practice some more tonight.”

  “That’s fine, it’s only seven o’clock. We’ve got all night to pack on the calories.” Ice cream was her guilty pleasure.

  The church was on the way and they reached the parking lot in no time. Josh parked the car in the empty parking lot and shut off the engine.

  “My list is on the computer so it might take a while. Why don’t you come in with me?”

  Ava unbuckled her seat belt, thankful she didn’t have to stay by herself. The church sat in the rougher part of town and they’d had a few more attempted break-ins this year since the economy dipped down. “Okay,” she agreed with no rebuttal.

  Their church had character from the years it had stood. Matt and Ava had decided to start attending her church together. She offered to go with him to his, but he wanted to go with her family. He didn’t have the connections at his church that she had developed at hers.

  As they headed down the hallway toward the offices Josh came to a halt. “Oh, could you do me a favor? I left my guitar in the sanctuary on the stage. Could you go get it for me while I boot up my computer?”

  “Sure. I’ll meet you in your office.” Ava turned around and headed to the sanctuary.

  She opened the door, took a step inside, and froze in place. She gasped in awe at the sight before her.

  The entire stage was covered in white candles illuminating the room. The candles illuminated so brightly, lights weren’t even necessary. Alo

  ng both sides of the aisle candles lit a path up to the stage. Soft piano music played and filled the room with its soothing sound.

  The middle of the stage held a vision of Ava’s greatest treasure on earth—Matthew. He stood in the center of the stage wearing a black tuxedo.

  “Matthew.” She could barely speak his name. His smile beamed across the room, right to her heart. She smiled back as the prick of her tears threatening to become visible.

  He walked down the steps and stopped at the bottom, waiting for her to join him. She walked toward him, never taking her eyes off his face.

  He held out his hand when she approached and she couldn’t get to him fast enough. Ava slipped her hand into his and he raised her shaking hand to kiss the top.

  “Hi, beautiful.” His voice was tender and thick with emotion.

  “Hi,” she answered back, surprised she was capable of speaking. He led her up the stairs, back to his original spot.

  Ava’s heart glowed as bright as the candles that surrounded them, while her pulse thumped rapidly.

  “Ava, I’m completely and wholeheartedly in love with you. The way you make me feel when I’m with you is indescribable. You bring so much joy into my life. You are beautiful, kind, compassionate, strong, funny, and smart. You are my haven in the craziness of life. Your love for the Lord is proven by the way you walk in His Word and how your life shines as a beacon of His truth.”

  He stopped and brushed off the tears streaming down her cheeks. Ava tried to speak through the way she looked at him, so he could see how much she returned his love.

  “You were dealt a shocking heartbreak and for that I am truly sorry. But I’m so thankful the Lord spared you from entering into that life and instead gave you to me. My love for you is much more than a feeling, it reaches beyond the excitement I feel when you enter a room or how my heart beats faster with the softness of your lips.”

  He leaned in and kissed her with such sweetness. “My love for you is founded on God’s love for you. I respect you and desire to do whatever is best for you. I’m committed to you in the good times and the bad.”

  He took both her hands into his and dropped to one knee.

  “I love you, Ava Noel Williams. I have loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you and I will love you until the day I meet our Maker. You were made for me, and with you by my side I am a complete and content man.”

  He reached into his pocket and brought out a sparking diamond ring between his thumb and finger.

  Ava gasped at his choice. It was perfect, just like he was for her. She bit her lower lip, hoping it would help stop the cry that wanted to escape.

  “Marry me, Ava. Become my wife and grow old with me.”

  As soon as his words were out she dropped to her knees and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times, yes!” She finally allowed the tears to come and her body shook as she cried in his arms.

  There was no doubt, no fear, no what ifs … only joy and absolute peace.

  Ava pulled back once her emotions were under control. “I love you, Matthew.”

  “And I love you.” He took her shaking left hand. “So let’s make this official.” He slid the ring on her finger and it fit perfectly in place.

  “Do you want to know why I proposed to you here?”


  “There are a few reasons.” He stood and helped her up, keeping their hands laced together. “First, I wanted to do it in the place where I would eventually make you my bride. Second, because I had a good connection. And third, because I wanted you to see the joy on my face as you walked down the aisle toward me. I wanted to give you the moment that was long ago stolen. You needed to know that this is where I wanted to be.”

  Ava shook her head in disbelief. “Wow, sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. I’m not sure if that’s scary or really romantic.”

  He pulled her into his arms and dipped her back before she even had a chance to stop him. He brought his lips to hers, making a point. When he finished, he whispered into her ear, “I’d say romantic, but to each their own.”

  He pulled her back up and she took a moment to catch her bearings. Ava touched his shoulder. “Honey, you’d better be careful. That is your bad shoulder. Hey, where is your sling?”

  “That old thing, it didn’t go well with my outfit.”

  She frowned.

  “I have it with me and I’ll put it back on later, Warden.”

  “All right, but I’m on to you, Thompson.” She smiled, looking over his tux. “Speaking of, you look quite handsome. Compared to you, I look like a sack of potatoes.” Ava looked down at her simple jean sundress. At least she had makeup on.

p; “Well, you’re in luck, because I really like potatoes.” He winked and she couldn’t help but laugh at his corny joke. She would be laughing at them for many years to come.

  They moved and sat down on the first step. He wrapped his arm around her waist while she looked down at her ring. “Thanks for not running,” he admitted.

  “You thought I would say no?”

  “No, but the thought did cross my mind. I do know you well, but sometimes you’re full of surprises and I’m not sure what to expect.”

  “Where would the fun be if you knew all my moves? The excitement is in the mystery, right? I can’t let you get lazy. I have to keep you on your toes.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Women.”

  Ava positioned herself to face him more directly. It was time to put all joking aside. He needed to know the truth. “I’m sorry you had even a second of doubt that I would say no. I want nothing more than to marry you and become your wife. I’m not going anywhere, unless it is with you.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way because I need you to go with me somewhere now.”

  Ava sat back in surprise. He was always pulling something out of his hat. “Where?”

  “To the engagement party that is waiting for us at your parents’ house.”

  He laughed at her shocked facial expression.

  “What! When did you plan this?”

  “I’ve been working on it since I got home from the hospital. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve had some time on my hands. Plus, your mom, Lucy, and Jules were more than willing to help.” He chuckled. “Actually, I didn’t really have a choice.”

  “Hmmm, a little over-confident, aren’t we? What if I had said no?” she provoked.

  He caught on to her teasing. “Oh well, I had a backup plan for that. We weren’t leaving until you said yes. I can be very convincing when I need to be.” His smile made her melt.

  Ava took his face in her hands and kissed him. She stopped when the sparkles coming from her left hand became overly distracting. She tilted her palm facing downward so she could take a peek at the ring again. A large princess cut diamond with a small row of tiny diamonds on each side shimmered back at her.

  “Matt, this ring is exactly what I would have picked out. Thank you.” She wiggled her fingers to see it shine from the light of the candles.

  “You are just dying to show that off, aren’t you?”

  “You didn’t show it to anybody?” Ava thought for sure he would have showed it to someone in her family already.

  He smiled proudly. “Nope, I knew you would want the honor. I won’t say it was easy. Lucy did her best to break me, but I held on strong.” He made a fist and flexed his arm.

  Ava clapped her hands in delight. “Yay, can we go? I can’t wait to go celebrate with everyone.”

  “Yes, but first we need to blow out all these candles.” He looked around the sanctuary. “We should get there in about an hour.” She laughed at his joke but wondered how long it really would take. “Plus, I want to change out of this penguin suit for the festivities. A campfire’s universal dress code is far from a tux.”

  Ava saw his face show disbelief that he had slipped her some crucial information. “Ooh, we’re having a campfire!” she exclaimed in great enthusiasm. “Who all is going to be there?” Ava thought now would be the best time to press for more information while he was aggravated with himself.

  “Listen, I had one slip, but I’m back on top of my game. You’re not getting anything more out of me, babe.” He crossed his arms and pressed his lips together, affirming his stance on the subject. He tried his best, but he couldn’t keep his grin covered.

  Ava kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. She soaked in her last few moments of looking over the room and all the work he’d put into making this her dream come true.

  Matt interrupted while she committed the sight to memory. “What do you say we go get this party started? We have a lot to celebrate … and this is just the beginning.”

  He kissed the top of her head and stood. He turned and took both her hands into his and pulled her up. They stood on different steps which put their heights at eye level. Ava took the opportunity that presented itself and threw her arms around his neck. He let out a huff of breath, not expecting her tight hold, but brought his arms around her waist with the same tightness. Ava clung to him, silently thanking God for rescuing her heart and creating this incredible man that chose her to love.

  Natalie Replogle is a busy stay-at-home mom of three young kids and a wife to her heartthrob, Greg. She enjoys escaping the glamorous life of dirty diapers, dishes, and laundry to lose herself in writing novels drenched in romance and suspense. She and her family reside in Northern Indiana. You can connect with Natalie on-line at

  Coming soon

  Matt and Ava’s story continues in:

  A Rescued Life

  As Matt and Ava’s wedding approaches their relationship is stretched by circumstances that put a wedge between them. In an unforeseen moment, Ava finds herself the target of a dangerous man with a corrupt past that blames her for getting in the way of what he wants. Matt returns back to work, caught between finding the balance of being the attentive man Ava deserves and his need to keep her safe. When Ava turns up missing can he find her in time or will they lose their happily ever after?

  Scroll down to read an exciting excerpt!

  Excerpt from A Rescued Life

  The bank closed in a half hour, but the loan officer agreed to fit them in to quickly go over options. Matt looked at Ava as they sat crammed into the tiny office just outside of the lobby. He had been eager to bring up this idea, and her reaction did not disappoint.

  It made him happy to be able to give Ava the home she had always wanted. With her by his side, he’d be happy living in a shed, but a home to start their life out together excited him. Except for the large price tag staring back at him, taunting him to panic. Was it getting hot in here or was it just him? His throat tightened as though he had a tie on, choking his airway. He mentally shook off his apprehension. The time had come to strap on his big boy boots and be in debt for what would feel like the rest of his life.

  A loud shout interrupted in the lobby as screams followed.

  Matt sprang from his cushioned chair, his hand automatically going to the gun strapped to his side. He slid tactically beside the elongated window adjacent to the door that exposed the chaotic lobby. Keeping out of view, he managed to still be able to see two masked gunmen standing in the middle of the tile floor waving their guns around. The muffled sound of them shouting at the people to get down on the floor made its way into the enclosed room.

  He watched the shock work its way through Ava’s terrified features. Matt wished he could take a moment and comfort Ava, reassure her that everything would be okay, that he would protect her. But time did not stand on their side. One of the gunmen headed toward them already.

  Pulling his shirt down further to ensure his gun stayed hidden, he put his plan into action. “Ava, get under the desk and call 911 after we leave.” Ava scrambled around the desk and stuffed herself underneath the dark mahogany as he made eye contact with the loan officer. “Mr. Kline, I need as much information about the layout of this bank as fast as you can give it to me.”




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