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Saving Sara: Warriors Of Kelon Book 5

Page 2

by Castle, Angela

  Open her eyes? No, she wanted the wonderful pain-free warm dream to continue. Still, she felt compelled to obey the gentle command. She struggled to open her heavy eyelids. Soft lights flooded her senses, along with clean air. A sweet-smelling spice tickled her senses, making her body react and her stomach contract, not painfully, but making her aware of her hunger.

  Sara blinked to clear her vision, bringing in to focus the face hovering above her. Her gaze landed on his full lips, seeing them curve up in a friendly smile. She glanced up over his large angular nose to meet his dark almost black eyes. They had soft white rims and speckled. It was like gazing up into the night sky. His eyes were framed by thick, dark lashes and even thicker eyebrows. His cheekbones sat high and slightly angular, and his full lips appeared sensual, even though they were pressed together.

  Ink-black hair curled around large ears. Most of his hair appeared to be pulled back. Undoubtedly he was handsome, for an alien at least. So different from the ugly snouts of the creatures who held her captive for so long.

  “Hello, star shine.”

  He smiled wider, drawing her attention to his forehead. Although he looked human, she instantly knew parts of him weren’t.

  Confusion filled her mind, as memories of her captivity and torture at the hands of the Xersons came flooding back.

  Panic replaced the confusion. Her breathing accelerated and fear took hold. Who is this new alien and what will he do to me?

  The humanlike man’s smile fell, replaced with concern.

  “Shhhh, star shine, I can feel your fear. You do not need to be afraid anymore. You are safe, very safe. My name is Solron and I am a healer, or as the humans like to say, doctor.”

  One of his large hands stroked her hair, while the other took gentle hold of her hand. He lowered his large frame so he did not tower over her.

  “Calm now. My people are friends with humans—many human women live on our planet, Kelon. They are very happy and very safe.”

  “They are?”

  Still, she felt uncertain. She gazed up into his dark eyes, filled with concern as he studied her. Sara forced her body to relax and slowly her fear began to ease.

  There was something in the gentle way he spoke and she could feel the truth in his words. Humans, friends with aliens? It was a strange concept; just how long had she been away from Earth? It felt like a lifetime.

  “I know you can understand my words. I checked and you have a translator. Nod now if you understand me.”

  Sara nodded and his warm smile returned.

  “What is your name, star shine?”

  Sara tried to clear her throat to speak, but squeaked. Her throat felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls.

  He anticipated her need and released her hand to retrieve a little cup. He lifted her head to help her drink the sweet liquid; it soothed her throat.


  Again, she nodded before clearing her throat. “Sara Button.”

  “Sara Button, a beautiful name for such a beautiful female.”

  His smiled widened and she caught a glimpse of sharp white teeth.

  “I…where?” Her mind had trouble forming questions.

  “You are on a Kelon Starship, called the Linron.”

  “Home? Can I…go home?” Moisture welled in her eyes at thinking of her home, her family. Did they think she was dead? Had they given up hope of ever seeing her again? Warm and wet, her tears slid down the side of her face.

  When Solron bent over, she flinched, expecting a blow. Instead, he gently stroked the side of her face.

  “Do not fear my touch; never would I hurt you. I only heal, never harm.”

  Heal not harm, his soft words echoed in her head. She stared into his dark gaze. Slowly, she lifted her weak trembling hand, curling her smaller fingers around his. Was he telling the truth? Was she really safe? Would there be no more pain? More tears spilled down her cheeks. She struggled to comprehend the truth from the lies.

  The tenderness in his touch spoke more than words could. She saw kindness in his dark eyes. His touch brought comforting warmth and a feeling of safety. It was the first ounce of comfort she experienced in a long time.

  Still, she was helpless and at his mercy. She had no choice but to trust him. She wanted to, desperately. She didn’t want to be alone or afraid anymore.

  “We will take you home if that is your wish, but I want you fully recovered before we make the journey. It takes many Earth weeks to reach your planet.”

  Recovered. Would she ever really recover? No, she still wanted to curl up and die; she didn’t want to bear the memories of what she suffered. She released his hand and he gently wiped her tears.

  “It will be alright, star shine, I swear. I will take care of you. Just rest and regain your strength.”

  She nodded to confirm that she understood his words. He smiled warmly. She liked his youthful, handsome features: a boyish look with cute dimples when he smiled. He reminded her of home and the boy she had a crush on while she was studying at college. He, too, had little dimples in his cheeks when he smiled.

  Overwhelmed with memories of her home, the dam of her emotions broke, causing her to burst into loud, chest-heaving sobs. Desperately, she tried to hold in her blubbering. Her masters hated it when she sobbed in front of them. Panic gripped her, not wanting to upset her new masters. She flailed around in desperation and fear.

  “Shh, Sara, calm down.”

  Strong secure arms suddenly surrounded her, cuddled her against a hard muscled chest, yet, his embrace was gentle and warm.

  “Sorry, so sorry, I…I can’t…”

  “No, my precious little one, never be sorry. This was not your fault. I am here. I will keep you safe.” He didn’t demand or try to beat her into silence. He simply held her, making soothing sounds, stroking her hair and back until she calmed. She was too weak and sleepy to lift her head. She just lay against the gentle giant like a useless rag doll.

  Solron laid her back on the bed. “Rest now, Sara, you will feel stronger when you wake.”

  “Thank you for saving me,” she said, her whisper barely audible. Sara closed her eyes and tumbled into darkness.

  * * * *

  Agonizing pain, jolting from the shock collar like sharp needles stabbing through her body, made her every muscle jerk and dance. It also froze her vocal cords, silencing her screams which would have filled the room. Breathe, she couldn’t breathe. Her body convulsed like a fish out of water. Laughter met her pain and tears streamed down her face, before the darkness and oblivion fell.

  Sara bolted upright, her scream filling the room. A door whooshed open. She cringed in fright against the bright lights when they were switched on. She blinked to clear her vision, only to see a huge man burst into the room. He stood, towering over her. He growled low, his gaze darting about the room as if seeking a victim. A fresh wave of panic speared through her. She screamed again, scrambling backwards.

  She tumbled off a high bed, hitting the floor and landing heavily on her right arm. She whimpered from the pain spearing through her limb. The man advanced on her, peering over the bed she fell from.

  “Little human, what is wrong? Why did you scream?”

  His voice was deep and rough, reminding her of her tormentor, her master.

  She stared up at him, ignoring her throbbing arm, while pushing herself back with her feet in an effort to distance herself from the huge man in the menacing black uniform and sword.

  “Don’t hurt me; please, don’t hurt me…”

  He looked confused at her soft plea.

  Her back hit something, halting her retreat. She glanced around the room for an escape. She saw a little gap between the paneling. Twisting her body onto her hands and knees, she scuttled through the gap and away from the large man.

  He crouched down, peering into the gap.

  She pressed herself tighter into the corner, praying he couldn’t reach her and pull her out.

  “Little female, I will not ha
rm you. I am your guard, Borlon. Please, come out.”

  Why did she need a guard? To make sure she did not escape? Her eyes fixed on the blade attached to his belt. Her body shook in fear, knowing if he got his hands on her, he would hurt her. They always did.

  Others made false promises, but then laughed when her screams filled the room, while they tortured her for their amusement.

  More heavy footsteps sounded in the room. “Borlon, why are you on the floor? I had a report the female was screaming.”

  A deep, gruff voice boomed, making Sara cringe and shake harder.

  “She is hiding under the med paneling.”

  Borlon moved aside and another face appeared, peering at her.

  “Little human, I am Te-Commander Rell. I give you my solemn vow that no one will harm you.”

  “That is what I told her,” Borlon said. “She is frightened. I want to tear those Xerson dogs to pieces.” He growled again.

  “Do not growl and frighten her further. She suffered greatly at the hands of the Xerson. Go, fetch Solron.”

  More footsteps sounded in the room. “Te-Commander Rell, Borlon? My monitors alerted me of my patient’s elevated heart rate. Where is she? Where is Sara?”

  “Under here.”

  The two huge men moved back and away from her hiding space. Another crouched down. Right away she recognized his face and remembered waking up and his kindness toward her, his touch gentle without malice or cruelty. She remembered his name, Solron. He called himself a doctor.

  “Hello, Sara, what are you doing under there? There is no need to be afraid. Will you please come out?”

  She shook her head. Solron, she trusted, the others she didn’t. “No, they will hurt me,” she whispered, “make them go away, please.”

  Solron glanced up. “Commander, Borlon, would you mind leaving us? Sara is frightened by your presence.”

  She heard their grumbles of complaint and their boots on the floor, but they complied with Solron’s request. He turned his attention back to her, cocking his head slightly to the left and regarding her with a curious expression.

  “They are all gone; it is just you and me. Come, no one will harm you.” He reached out his hand towards her.

  She inched herself forward on her bottom and reached out her uninjured arm, placing her small pale fingers in his large darker hand. At the first moment of contact, she experienced a jolt of heat searing through her cold hand, seeping up through her arm spreading like slowly creeping lava.

  She never felt like this before. Yes, she had been cold, even before her abduction from her frigid Tasmanian farmland home. She jerked her hand back, staring at it, and the warmth filtered away. The sensations confused her.

  With care, he moved back, tugging her until she was out from the panel.

  She glanced around.

  “See, they are gone. I will introduce you to Te-Commander Rell. He is in command of the entire ship. Every crew member onboard would give their lives to see to your protection, Sara. Never would anyone on this ship harm you. Please believe that. All Kelon men have a fondness for human females.”


  “They have beauty to rival the galaxies themselves.”

  His smile made her breath catch. He was handsome, but even more so when he smiled.

  “Oh, um, okay.” She lowered her gaze, noticing his clothes were slightly rumpled. His shirt gaped open and she got a glimpse of his sleek tanned skin with fine muscle definition. His ink-black hair was unbound and fell about his shoulders, giving him a wilder, sexier look. Her breath hitched in her throat, not sure if beautiful was the right word to give to a man, well not this Kelon man, but she couldn’t help her attraction to this handsome alien.

  With one knee bent, he placed his hand on her arm and she winced in pain. Instantly he drew back and frowned.

  “Your arm is hurt. Did Borlon—”

  “No, I was scared. I fell off the bed and hurt myself.”

  “I should not have left you alone. I am sorry, Sara.”

  He stood and in one quick move scooped her up into his arms.

  “I had your monitors relayed to my quarters so I would be alerted if you woke during my sleep cycle.”

  He placed her on the bed before turning his back to her. He opened panels and drawers, then pulled out several instruments.

  “Sorry I woke you.” Sara bit down on her lower lip.

  “There is nothing to forgive, star shine; I am here whenever you need me.” He smiled warmly at her.

  She blinked, not knowing what to say. His smile soothed her like a soft blanket enfolding her.

  “Here, this will take away the pain.”

  He pressed something against the skin of her upper arm and it hissed. She felt nothing but relief as the pain in her arm melted away. Next, he ran a sleek black scanner, the size of a cigar tube, over her arm.

  “You have bruised your elbow joint, nothing serious. You will be fine.” He smiled reassuringly at her.

  Sara swallowed hard. “Thank you. I think I was having a bad dream when I awoke.”

  She stared into his dark eyes and didn’t flinch this time when he lifted his hand, and brushed away a wayward lock of her white-blond hair.

  “I am so sorry, star shine. I can only heal your physical injuries. I wish I could heal your memories and take away the pain of your suffering.”

  A lump formed in her throat. She didn’t want to cry again. She needed to think, to ask questions. “Why…why are you…you Kelons are friends with humans?”

  “Many Kelon men have claimed, or in your human terms, married human women and are now also proud parents. I have helped birth many twins.” He pulled his hand away and turned.

  “During the war, we protected your planet from attack and we now have a treaty with Earth, but it seems we did not protect your people well enough.”

  He glanced over his shoulder as he set down his scanner. He walked to another wall panel, then pressed it with his fingers to make it open. He pulled out a cup.

  “Do you know if there are other human women? We found you, but…”

  “I never saw anyone else, but I did hear them talk about breeding slaves; I…I was of no value to them, except to…amuse them.” Feelings of being unworthy and a burden washed over her. She lowered her head, not wanting this kind alien man to see her shame.

  “It should have never happened. I have examined you thoroughly, Sara, and I know you cannot have younglings.”

  Pain sliced through her chest. Why did it hurt so much to hear those words from his lips? Did he think less of her because of it? The Xersons did. All she was good for was a slave for them to torture for their amusement, then left to rot like yesterday’s trash.

  “I am useless to everyone.” Her voice was small, barely a whisper.

  Solron placed a finger under her chin, lifting it, his dark gaze penetrating, making her shiver and not from cold.

  “No, you are precious and beautiful. You are a human and a survivor. Feel pride in that.”

  He thought she was beautiful? Heat from his touch and his words spread through her, making her want to believe him with all her heart. No one had ever called her beautiful, let alone precious. She struggled to believe him.

  He removed his hand, before taking a step back and she mourned the loss of his heated touch. He placed a cup into her hands.

  “Drink this.”

  She raised her hand, curling her fingers around the cup and lifted it to drink, pondering what it was about Sorlon that made her belly quiver, despite her weakened state. It wasn’t just his kindness or saving her life. They could easily have left her to die on the space station.

  Sweet, thick liquid rushed over her tongue, reminding her of a honey and orange juice mix. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her from the lovely flavor.

  “Here.” Sorlon chuckled, taking the empty cup from her hands.

  Sara felt the rush of blood heating her cheeks from her overeager behavior. It was a sign of weakness to her m
asters. Any pleasure or comfort she showed, they would tease her about, and then they would deny her.

  Solron only smiled and refilled the cup from the open panel. Greedily, she accepted the second helping.

  “A little slower this time; we need to allow your stomach to adjust to having sustenance again.”

  She sipped, savoring the sweetness this time. “It’s very nice, what is it?”

  “A nutrient pack, but I flavored it. Otherwise the taste is rather bland. It has everything your body needs to help it return to a healthy state and weight.”

  She glanced down at her thin arms, covered by an overlarge black shirt. She never used to be so thin. She was always a little on the plump side.

  He leaned against the panel, watching her as she finished her drink. “We will have you eating solid foods before we reach Earth.”

  “When will that be?”

  “As you are doing much better, Te-Commander Rell has decided to continue the mission of searching Xerson and Federation bases, in case we find more abandoned humans and other species. It should take about three to four weeks, Earth time.”

  Abandoned, just as she was. “Why was I…”


  She nodded, handing the cup back.

  He took it from her and placed into the panel before closing the door. “The war is over. Kelons is a part of the Alliance. We have won the war over the Federation, and now we are left to clean up the mess the war and the Alliance left.”

  Chapter 3

  Alien war. The words bounced and her stomach rolled at the thought of Earth as a whole. If they were in a war against such aliens as the Xersons, they didn’t stand a chance. “Are, or were humans involved?” She heard the tremor in her own voice.

  He shook his head.

  “Earth became the war’s catalyst. Our last battle was fought over your planet and it is now a protected planet of the Alliance.”

  She almost felt dizzy from the flood of relief that knowing Earth was not involved, but they were a target.

  “Do not fear, humans were not directly involved. It is a long story, star shine, and you need to rest and take in more food,” he stated a little more firmly, as a father would to his child.


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