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Relic of the Gods: (Echoes of Fate Book 3)

Page 40

by Philip C. Quaintrell

  Thallan cried out when his own blade plunged through his gut and up into his chest.

  Asher was the first to detect the building energy inside of the elf, a force strong enough to crack stone. Gideon pulled the scimitar free and casually walked away, unaware of what was about to happen.

  “Get away from him!” Reyna yelled.

  Gideon was examining the emerald blade when the first rays of light began to glow from within Thallan’s wound. His eyes lost their golden hue, replaced by blinding, white light. To Asher it was perceived as warmth, leaving him the only one not shielding his eyes. Thallan had already collapsed to his knees, the magic of his death pulling in the air and dirt around him, ready for the inevitable implosion. It was what came after the implosion that had Asher pushing Reyna and Faylen back.

  “Ilargo!” Gideon shouted.

  Flapping wings blew Asher’s greying hair across his face, but the ranger didn't need eyes to see the dragon that dropped out of the sky. Without touching the ground, the dragon snatched Thallan and shot into the air, blowing away everything that wasn't strapped down. After only a moment in the air, the dragon released Thallan and flew in a different direction, leaving the elf to fall into the Darkakin.

  The explosion was just as spectacular as the ones which had consumed Thallan’s brothers and sister, only this time his death took a hundred savages with him. The shockwave swept over them all, knocking those closest to the ground. Gideon raised his hand and the wave expanded over an invisible shield he erected around them all.

  “He was one of the Hand!” the young man said with excitement. His energetic tone sounded foreign to Asher’s ears.

  “Who are you?” Faylen asked with tears in her eyes.

  Reyna was still staring into the sky, following the dragon.

  Asher missed the introductions, his senses detecting an absence of sound and air not too far from their position. He tilted his head, pushing his every sense to understand what he was picking up across the field. Then it disappeared, or collapsed rather. That told him everything he needed to know and he turned to face the direction of the portal.

  “Valanis…” Asher announced the dark elf’s name, turning every head.

  The ranger’s hand naturally reached for Paldora’s gem, clutching it tightly inside its pouch. He wasn't ready. Using the gem for a matter of seconds on Alidyr had left him with an empty feeling inside that had yet to subside, as if a part of him had already died. It would take more than a few seconds, and an exertion of will he didn't have, to defeat Valanis.

  But they would all die if he didn't…

  Valanis stood alone, surrounded by elven warriors. His heart rate was steady, its every beat like thunder in the ranger’s ears. Heavy cloth flapped around his legs and the sound of a billowing hood flapped against the iron mask he wore. Asher frowned when he tasted the unique metal on the air, leading his senses to the thirteen giant spears that floated beside Valanis.

  The elves surrounding him kept their distance, but their whispers couldn't escape Asher’s ears. They were afraid. A ring had naturally formed around Valanis, a vacuum of uncertainty. No one had seen the dark elf for a thousand years and none knew of his true power. Asher had witnessed the fall of Paldora’s star and the collapse of Syla’s Gate. There was no uncertainty as far as the ranger was concerned.

  Before Asher could reach Valanis, the ring of elves dashed away, parting to allow enough space for a dragon to land. And land it did. The ground shook under its four mighty claws and a roar, unlike anything Asher had ever heard, created pandemonium, scattering both armies. The Darkakin shrieked and recoiled across the battlefield. The elves kept their nerve but most backed away with their glass shields raised and scimitars ready. Like Valanis, the dragons had been left to myth for a thousand years and no one knew what to expect.

  “ILARGO!” Gideon ran past Asher. “NO!”

  The ranger ran to keep up, though Gideon’s speed was more comparable to that of an elf. Asher barged through the elves, who had lost much of their formation now, and laid eyes on a legendary confrontation. Ilargo, the dragon, sprung on Valanis and brought its jaw of razor-sharp teeth down on top of the elf. The dragon wasn't as big as Asher had imagined it to be, but its maw was still large enough to engulf a full grown person whole.

  Despite their lack of contact, Valanis held his hands high and stopped Ilargo from tearing him in half. The air between the dark elf’s hands and the dragon’s jaws rippled with magic, the two pushing against the other. Ilargo wriggled his head trying to find another angle to come down on Valanis, but his hands continued to keep teeth at bay.

  “Ilargo!” Gideon was only feet away from Valanis when the dark elf threw his hands down, dragging Ilargo’s head with them as if he had hooks in the dragon’s scales. Its horned head smashed into the young man and sent him tumbling through the mud and blood.

  Ilargo roared defiantly and came back at Valanis. Asher looked for a way in, but this wasn't a fight he could survive, especially with a dragon thrashing about. The ranger spent most of his time being jostled by elves, who only seemed to move for Reyna and Faylen.

  “Asher!” Nathaniel called, his arm reaching for the ranger’s shoulder through the crowd.

  Asher edged closer until he could see Valanis again. The dragon came at him time and time again, but the dark elf waved his arms and threw chomping jaws away. There wasn't enough room for Ilargo to swing about and lash out with his tail, a manoeuvre that would certainly claim the lives of many elves. Instead, the dragon did what was expected of all dragons. Asher moved back with the elves before the fire could leave Ilargo’s mouth and torch them all. The torrent, however, went no further than Valanis, who held out his hand and stopped the fire in its tracks. The edges of his shield were clearly defined, the surface licked by burning flames. Still, his heartbeat remained steady.

  The dark elf brought up his free hand and clapped both together, locking Ilargo’s jaws shut. The fire ceased immediately and the dragon shook its head in distress. Gideon was back on his feet now and sprinting towards Valanis with his gleaming scimitar in hand. His threatening appearance didn't faze the dark elf and he waved his hand out, casting a spell Asher had never seen over the young man. Gideon suddenly went from running as fast as he could to moving in slow motion. Valanis turned his focus on the dragon again, whose distress had become disorientation by the looks of it. The dark elf drew in his arms and formed a ball of energy and colourful light. Asher could hear the magic crackling and sucking in the air around it.

  Then Valanis thrust his arms out and let go.

  The spell struck Ilargo in the chest and launched him back. The dragon’s tumble was dramatic and exaggerated by its incredible girth. Ilargo’s bulk spelled doom for any and all fighting behind him, but Asher’s attention was on Gideon, who had been thrown back at the exact same moment, though his tumble was far less dangerous for those around him.

  Valanis laughed with a voice that didn't sound quite human. “This is the awakening I felt? A whelp for a Dragorn and pup for a dragon?”

  Asher sprung, along with the elves in front of him, and charged at Valanis. More than two dozen blades were pointed at the dark elf and he didn't flinch or make any move to defend himself. That thunderous, steady heartbeat rang in Asher’s ears.

  It was only when the elves were within a few feet that Valanis unleashed his magic upon them. The dark elf’s hands raked through the air as if he were swiping at his prey like a bear. Every rake of his hands dragged souls from bodies and reduced the flesh inside their armour to ash. White armour and blue cloaks fell to the floor, their inhabitants wiped away in a cloud of black powder. The elves were killed in droves, leaving Valanis to stand alone, surrounded by a circle of ash and empty armour.

  When their screams died away, only Asher remained.

  When the elves finally understood that attacking Valanis meant certain death, they halted their attack. Asher now stood before the dark elf, clearly immune to the destructive magic. Valanis
thrust his hands out again and again but Asher remained standing, his broadsword resting by his side. With everyone watching, Valanis stood up straight and let his arms rest.

  “You…” he hissed.

  “Me…” Asher replied, emboldened to know that even with the shard of Paldora’s gem, Valanis’ magic was useless against him.

  The ranger took in everything he could of his surroundings, making certain that Reyna, Nathaniel, and Faylen were well behind the elven lines. It seemed he was the only one stupid enough to confront Valanis. The giant spears continued to float at his side, their silvyr tips easy to identify. Asher considered those spears, aware that his immunity to magic didn't take into account a giant piece of metal that Valanis could hurtle at him with the flick of a finger.

  Without wasting another second, Asher exploded with a burst of energy, closing the gap between them. His broadsword came down hard but found nothing but the ground. His second swipe would have cleaved a man’s head from his body, but there was nothing but air to cut through. Valanis was too close now to strike with the blade, leaving Asher to lash out with the pommel. The dark elf whipped his hand out and gripped the hilt, his strength undeniable. It quickly reminded Asher that under the heavy cloak and iron mask, he faced an elf.

  Valanis took him by the neck and lifted until Asher’s feet left the ground. “How can a creature so small and insignificant cause so much trouble?”

  Asher’s hand went for the gem, his fingers fumbling around the pouch. He had no idea what he was going to do, only that he had to do it. He could feel its rough edges through the fabric, but his lack of air prevented him from thinking straight and he couldn't open it.

  A shadow overcame them both and the ground shook again. Ilargo dropped out of the sky with a deafening roar, causing Valanis to let go of Asher to face the dragon. Before the ranger could find his feet again, half a dozen hands gripped him by the arms and waist and yanked him away from the dark elf. He fought to break free and challenge Valanis, but the elves who had grabbed him were far stronger and before he knew it, he had been swallowed by their ranks.

  “Keep him back!” King Elym commanded.

  Asher stopped struggling and turned to face the king of elves. Even with the blindfold on he was able to convey his irritation.

  “You think I don't know who you are?” Elym stood over him. “You think I don't know what you possess?” The king glanced at the pouch secured to Asher’s belt. “Keep him away from Valanis!”

  More hands tugged at Asher’s leather armour, pulling him away. In the distance, Ilargo roared in pain before being flung aside again. Asher’s acute hearing couldn't miss the sound of more elves falling to the dark one. Their screams were distorted in the moment they were reduced to burning ash.

  “LOOK!” came a call from various places across the battlefield.

  Asher tilted his head, assessing every sense while his mind put the whole image together. The ranger ceased his struggling and stood up straight, noting that the elves who surrounded him had also been captivated by the sky.

  A host of dragons descended from the heavens on bat-like wings with breaths of fire. The bulk of some showed Ilargo to indeed be a pup, by comparison, their mighty claws hammering the ground and tearing up soil. A new kind of chaos reigned over the battlefield, as dragons crushed, burned, and froze the Darkakin by the hundreds. The smaller dragons swept over the field and picked up a savage in every claw, dragging them along the tops of the horde and finally releasing them from a great height. The heat from the fire the larger ones breathed rushed over Asher and the elves with the scent of burning flesh.

  A pair of wings flapped close by and Ilargo took to the sky with Gideon astride. Asher wished he could have seen the sight with his eyes. They gained height and evaded the destructive spells Valanis flung after them, but the dark elf was soon occupied with bigger problems. A dragon, three times the size of Ilargo, landed directly in front of the dark elf and immediately engulfed him in flames. The torrent blew for some time, allowing for more dragons to drop down and add their own breath to the furnace. The elves had scattered now, leaving the dragons to their work while they tended to the Darkakin, who had no idea what to do. The Hand was gone and Valanis was concealed within a tornado of fire, leaving the savages to their chaotic ways.

  More dragons continued to drop from the sky and add their number to those assaulting Valanis. The ground was scorched and the armour of the fallen elves had been melted to slag. Every time a dragon stopped to take a breath, another would take up the slack and drown Valanis in his own personal hell.

  Reyna emerged with Faylen and Nathaniel in tow. “What are they doing?” the princess asked.

  Judging by the direction of her voice, Asher could tell she wasn't asking about the dragons attacking Valanis. Whatever it was must have been taking place some distance away, as Asher couldn't comprehend anything but dragon fire and death, which was currently taking place on a scale he had never witnessed before.

  “They’re going to bring it down…” Nathaniel replied.

  Asher tilted his head towards Velia and focused. The ranger wasn't one for gasping, but his jaw did drop. In the distance, two dragons were clawing and biting at the foundations of one of the colossal statues that loomed over them all. Asher turned back to Valanis, his mind quickly trying to calculate speed and distance.

  “We need to get everybody clear!” Faylen ran for the patch of field where Velians, Graycoats, and elves were fighting side-by-side.

  An ear-piercing roar echoed over the battlefield, turning every head to Valanis. The dark elf was still concealed within a storm of fire, but one of the dragons flopped to the side and collapsed with a giant spear protruding from its skull. More spears hurtled out of the flames in every direction, plunging through dragon scales with ease. The great beasts roared in anger, but most succumbed to the spears and fell dead. It wasn't long before there weren't enough flames to hide Valanis, who appeared untouched by the fire. The dark elf swept his hands out, every gesture carrying another spear into the sky.

  There were more screams when a particularly massive dragon took a spear to the side and fell from the sky. The ground shook and a shockwave of dirt blew across the armies, almost knocking Asher off his feet. Faylen, Reyna, and Nathaniel were crying out, warning any and all who could hear them.

  The sound of stone cracking in the distance caught the ranger’s attention. The dragons had finally freed one of the kings of old from their perch atop the wall. The dragons attacking Valanis took to the skies as swiftly as their wings would take them. Hundreds had run from the strip of land that was about to be buried under a thousand tons of stone, but there were still many who had yet to flee. The wind blew hard when the colossal statue fell through the air, pushed forward by enormous dragons. Valanis let fly the last of his spears and impaled another dragon through the mouth, killing it instantly.

  Reyna used magic to push Nathaniel out of the statue’s path, leaving herself and Faylen to dive at the last second. Asher pulled as many of the injured away from the overbearing shadow, but he still heard the terrified screams of Ned Fennick, who had made the mistake of running west instead of north or south. His fate was sealed now.

  The ancient king toppled into the land with more force than any dragon had achieved, cloaking them all in a cloud of dust as thick as soup. The king’s head hit the spot where Valanis had been standing, striking the ground like a hammer on anvil. Ned Fennick and many others were crushed beneath the stone, but Asher’s senses picked up what none could have seen in the mayhem.

  One survived...

  Valanis had disappeared through a portal before death could claim him. Asher searched the battlefield with his senses, sure that the dark elf would appear somewhere else. All he found was dragons slaughtering Darkakin. With no cover, the savages had no escape from the fire and ice that chased them away from Velia’s walls.

  The tide was turning.



seconds of jumping onto Ilargo’s back, the raging battle around Gideon dropped away until there was nothing but a sea of black and white dots, outlined with red. The elves had pushed the Darkakin back and the Velians had spread out to the wings of the battlefield, keeping the savages clustered and at the mercy of the immortals.

  You’re not breathing properly…

  It’s my… chest.

  Gideon could only hold onto Ilargo with one hand as his other was flat against his chest. The spell Ilargo had taken to his underbelly had definitely broken a rib or two inside the Dragorn. With his clutching hand, Gideon poured healing magic into the bone and muscle, calling on the dragon’s natural healing ability to speed up the process.

  Ilargo tilted and Gideon caught sight of the dragons’ assault on Valanis. The dark elf was trapped within a ball of fire and wrath. As soon as Rainael and the others arrived, their anger had almost bubbled over into the Dragorn. They saw Valanis as the one responsible for Garganafan’s sacrifice a millennia ago. Revenge felt odd to Gideon, as if it were an emotion the dragons were above, but right now they poured their fury into the dark elf.

  From his lofty view, it became clear that the Darkakin were doomed. There was no escape or shelter that could hide them from the dozens of dragons who swarmed overhead.

  Who was that blind man?

  I have no idea, Gideon replied.

  He challenged Valanis and lived.

  More than that. He was immune to Valanis’ attacks. Gideon had seen the spells cast by the dark elf wash over the blind man like water over rock.

  Who are they? Ilargo asked with some alarm.

  Gideon instinctively knew where the dragon was looking and he turned to face the western horizon, away from Velia. The green fields hadn't quite found their colour in the dawn yet, but those charging on horseback certainly wore the green and yellow of Lirian. The force they had sent wasn't nearly as large as the masses sprawled out before Velia, but they would prevent any retreat on the Darkakins’ behalf.


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