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Winter's Kiss

Page 2

by J. P. Uvalle

  “Take this to the kitchen so it can be prepared. Tonight we feast. Excitement surges through the courtyard, and it brings a smile to my face. Taking care of my people is what I do. The kind of king I intend to be. Although not every soul shares the same ideals. Looking up to the balcony of my father’s bedchamber, his eyes narrow into mine. His face contorts with disgust. He can’t stand the fact the people respect me more than him.

  “There you are my good friend.” A head of gold approaches me from the crowd, holding a tiny white box in his hand.

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I am not into men.” I raise a questioning brow.

  The crowd laughs, and so does Lord Cedric.

  “Your grace, don’t flatter yourself. It’s a gift for the hosting Princess.”

  Princess Winter… I had forgotten, sidetracked by this ridiculous thing they call an arranged marriage. I haven’t heard much about her other than her father died after fighting in the war Balavarr created among the founding kingdoms, and she’s the soon-to-be Queen of Stoneshire. I’m set to travel to her home tomorrow, and it bothers me that I know so little of her, almost as if she’s just a fairytale elders share with their children during storytime. I don’t know why but my gut suddenly churns, wanting to unravel her mystery.

  I study the box and give it a shake. “What is it?”

  “No clue. A new maiden at court gave it to me. Says she’s a good friend of Princess Winter. Whatever it is, she said the princess will love it.”

  The news intrigues me. “Where is this maiden now? I must thank her.”

  He grins, scanning the crowd but soon lifts a frown. “I don’t understand…she was just here.”

  I pat him on the back. “No worries my good friend. She’ll turn up soon enough. Now, we should get ready for a feast.”

  We dabble in small talk on our way into the castle doors.

  Chapter Three


  The Annual Winter’s Ball

  Dressed in my gorgeous gown, the fabric contours to every curve, accentuating my breasts and hips. Looking in the vanity mirror, I dust a thin layer of pink across my cheeks to compliment my red-stained lips. After, I dap a few drops of roses water onto my neck. I sway over to open my bedchamber doors to find Zanna waiting outside. A vision for tired eyes. A subtle gasp escapes my lips as I scan the length of her, admiring the beauty she has become. Growing up, Zanna was the late-bloomer, the ugly duckling. The boys in the kingdom would often tease her about her non-existent chest and arse, but now, she has put all their insults to rest. After me, she is the most sought-after lady in the palace. The other maidens envy her poise and irresistible charm for she renders every lord in her presence speechless.

  Gripping the hems of her pastel pink gown, she gracefully dips into a curtsy “Your Highness, supper awaits.”

  Through the bundles of tawny ringlets cascading down her cheeks, I see Zanna’s smirk. Her subtle mockery of our royal customs forces a giggle from my throat. “Enough you royalty-abiding fool.” I continue to giggle as she joins in.

  Zanna links her arms around mine, and with a gentle tug, she escorts me towards the grand hall. “Only because my best friend is the princess and soon-to-be reigning Queen of Stoneshire once Queen Hildred retires the throne.”

  Excitement ignites low in my belly while a smile spreads across my face. Countless times I have envisioned ripping the crown from my evil stepmother’s head since the day she put live spiders in my soup. Hildred had me convinced they were a good source of fiber.“All the princesses are doing it. You’d be a fool not to.” From the moment I realized she was just a wretchedly miserable old hag, I promised myself I would exile her from the castle the first chance I got. “I can’t wait to be crowned queen.”

  The armored guards flanking the double doors bow and open them outward, revealing the grand hall—a room with red walls trimmed with gold. Members of our courtship and unfamiliar faces greet me as they remain standing behind their seats at the table lined with porcelain, glass, and carnations. My stepmother enters from the other side of the room, her nose to the air and her white and gold dress smothering the ground behind her. The royal butler officially announces our presence as our maidens escort us to our places at the head of the royal’s table. The crowd grows quiet as they wait for my stepmother to speak.

  “Fellow guests, you may be seated.” Smoothing her dress underneath her, she plants her rear into the chair.

  I do the same, and everyone else mimics our every move like we're all part of the same chain. Shortly after, the royal butler mechanically waves his hand to signal the servants to fill our glasses with burgundy or water. Promptly, our first course…turtle consommé is served in tiny glass bowls garnished with green onion. Closing my eyes, I can’t stand the sight of the bowl in front of me. All I see are spiders moving through the broth, the mere thought has goosebumps erupting all over my skin. My abdomen tightens as the savory aroma of beef wafers through the air. I open my eyes to find Hildred looking at me. She raises her glass to me with a taunting smirk and takes a sip.

  Narrowing my eyes at her, I go to speak, but I feel a hand graze over mine.

  “Winter, she’s trying to embarrass you. Don’t let her. No spiders.” She squeezes my hand.

  I’ve had it with her mind games. “No spiders,” I repeat and bravely pick up my spoon with my eyes fixed on hers. I dip it into my bowl, slowly bringing the warm liquid to my mouth and slurp it in. Nice try mother dear.

  She rolls her eyes and goes back to talking to her maidens.

  “I wonder what else she has up her sleeve,” I whisper to Zanna with a grimace.

  “Whatever it is, we’ll handle her…with tact and grace.” Her bright smile assures me I’m going to survive this night no matter what happens.

  Hildred rises and the chatter around us dies. She clears her throat. “As Queen Hildred of Stoneshire, I would like to thank you all for joining us on this special occasion. Soon I’ll be stepping down from the throne, and Princess Winter will be anointed the new Queen.” She forces a smile.

  Our courtiers applaud, “hail the future queen.”

  “So, I graciously dedicated this feast to Winter. My your rule be nothing short of prosperous.”

  Hesitantly, I nod in her direction, raising my glass. “Thank you, your Majesty.” Short? Let the games begin.

  Chapter Four


  “We’re so late.” A tree blocking our path to the Stoneshire Kingdom delayed our arrival time by hours. Now Lord Cedric and I are running through the deserted halls of this maze of a castle. Christ! This place is three times the size of Farrington. Finally, we round a corridor to spot a group of men fashioned in an array of brightly colored suits to impress the princess, they file through some double doors. We jump in line behind them. “Just in time to meet Princess Winter.”

  The line moves quickly, and I am next up in the receiving line behind Prince Louis of Cambridge. I suppress my excitement with a smile, but the Prince standing in front of me is reluctant to move. That’s it! Gritting my teeth like a possessive beast, I bump him with my shoulder, and he stumbles out of the way. He quickly regains his balance and turns ready to confront me. Lucky for him, his eyes widen, and recognition spreads over his face. Everyone knows I am not a coward like my father.

  “Your Grace.” He walks off with a groan.

  Finally. I adjust the lapels on my suit as I step forward to greet the princess with a bow. But when our eyes link together without distraction, I can feel my heart seizing up in my chest. I have never encountered such a beauty, let alone one draped in crystal snowflakes from head to toe. My gaze devours her curvaceous figure as I trail down to find her supple cleavage. I marvel the sheer size of her bounty and a painful ache blooms in my cock, imagining what it would feel like to cup them in my hand, mold them to my satisfaction. Lash the tips of her nipples with my tongue until she is begging me to lick the rest of her body—one I presume is a delightfully sweet treat.
/>   Clenching my jaw, I suppress the urge to pull her into to me, wanting nothing more than to take full possession of her mouth. Instead, I capture her offered hand in mine. Electricity pulses through me, feeling her cold and silky skin against mine. Slowly, I bring her hand to my lips, making this intimate moment we share last a second longer. Now, I understand why Louis had no intention of moving.

  She is a sight to behold.

  A rarity.

  My heart ticks like an overwound clock as I gaze into her sapphire blue eyes. They unknowingly bare her soul to me—her longingness to be loved, cherished and fucked into oblivion. “Princess Winter, it a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance.” My lips meet her creamy skin, and I moan, relishing the pleasure of being connected to her even in the slightest way. The sensation flowing between us is too much yet, I want more. So, I lightly swirl the tip of my tongue in a circle across her pale skin, and to my surprise, Princess Winter doesn't reject my lewd act. I look up to find her bottom lip in between her teeth, the corners of her mouth tugging into an inviting smile. Realization hits me—it’s going to be hard to walk away from this girl. Be still my heart.

  She clears her throat. “Prince, Estevan St. Claire. The pleasure is also mine.”

  It sure is.

  She dips into a curtsy, closing her hand tighter around mine. I never want to let her go, and my core heats knowing I have the same effect on her. Then the disturbing thought takes over my brain. Where could this possibly go? I am promised to another. I shake my head, and with a sigh, I reach into my pocket and pull out the little gift and gently place the box in her hand. Nervousness rushes through me because I have no clue what’s even in the box. The maiden never reappeared. But by then, Cedric had one too many drinks and couldn’t recall her name or what she even looked like. I just pray she had done Princess Winter justice.

  Her eyes light up with glee, the bright ribbon around the box reflects in her eyes, adding to their already hypnotizing lure. Immediately she tears open the box, and her excitement makes me chuckle away the nerves. At the moment, I know she is the kind of girl I would do anything to impress. Worship the ground she walks on even though she is not destined to be mine.

  Once the contents are revealed, her lips part with a gasp. “Oh, Prince Estevan. This is absolutely breathtaking.” She lifts a blue and white diamond necklace that’s shaped like a snowflake out of the box; it twists and sparkles, making the people behind me gasp in awe.

  Phew! I’m forever in debt to that maiden. With an exhale, I push away my surprise. “Only the best for you, Princess Winter. May I?”

  She nods then gently places the necklace within my grasp. Hesitantly, I take another step, barely able to breathe, my heart pounding in my ears. Sweeping her beautiful black curls to the side, Princess Winter exhales deeply and exposes her nape to me. Being this close to her has my cock stiffening inside my pants. A warm breath finally leaves me, causing pinpricks to trickle down the length of her neck. Seeing her body so responsive to me, I lick my lips, craving to kiss every single one of them. Every inch of her body I wish to explore with my tongue. My stomach twists into a knot. Why couldn’t I have been arranged to marry you? Unfortunately, this what it’s like to be the next reigning king. You can’t always follow your hearts desires. Doing what is right for your people is a top priority. However, I feel my father had lost sight of that when he agreed to form an alliance with the Balavarr Kingdom. I am not convinced this is the right decision, and I intend to find a way out of this.

  Grunts and groans from the suitors behind me break me from my thoughts and I know I must stop delaying the inevitable—I have to let her go. Wrapping the necklace around her neck, I secure the clasp.

  Princess Winter spins around to face me, the train of her gown gliding across the carpet. “How do I look?” She fidgets with the necklace as if my next words might break her.

  I smirk. “Princess Winter, your beauty is unmeasurable with or without this necklace.”

  Her cheeks become hot with a scarlet burn, and she shyly averts her gorgeous eyes away from mine. “You’re too kind.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I see the agitation I have caused. I don’t care. I need the next few minutes to steal another moment with her. That is the only way I’ll be able to get through the rest of the night. “Save me a dance, princess?” My fingers tingle as I skim over her shoulder.

  “It would be an honor, Prince Estevan.” Her eyes glazed with need trail back up to mine.

  She definitely wants me. I kiss her hand once more. “Until we meet again.” I wink as I step away. I wait for a few steps before glancing over my shoulder to see if she is still looking at me. My heart melts when I see that she is, her pouty mouth agape. How will this arrangement with Princess Gwendolyn ever work if I find myself entranced by another?

  Chapter Five


  My heart stumbles to find it’s rhythm once again. Prince Estevan is a gem in a sea of diamonds. Our eyes found each other so quickly through the crowd, and our souls spoke to one another in their own language. I can’t shake the way he makes me feel, and the things he did to my body I don’t quite understand. Yet, I was receptive to him, his touch. Seeing him across the room, his brilliant green eyes darkened with desire made my body quiver from head to toe, and the closer he came, the more I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Then, Prince Estevan was standing in front of me, so close. His lusting energy penetrating into me—the warming sensation, enclosing my entire body like a vise. Oh, Gods his tongue! I suppressed a whimper, biting my lip as heat pooled in between my thighs. Thinking about it now, I clench my legs together as if everyone in the room can sense my sin. What does this all mean?

  A voice slices through my thoughts, and I am brought back from yearning for a man I barely know. “Princess Winter.”

  Reluctantly, I offer my hand to the next suitor knowing what Prince Estvan had done to it moments ago. Reliving it, I briefly close my eyes, the feel of his tongue still lingers there, and I exhale shallow, choppy breaths. Focus Winter! You have a long line of men before you. But, I want nothing more to get through this line as fast as I can, because I can’t wait to see Prince Estevan again. I barely catch the suitor’s name before I dismiss him with a wave. He frowns at me, but I don’t care. No one holds a candle to Estevan.

  A sigh of relief escapes me when I am down to the last suitor. Now we dance. I hurry down the steps and careen around the corridor to the grand ballroom, but my stepmother blindsides me, pulling me back into the hallway. “Winter.” She studies me with a piercing stare, and I turn away hoping she doesn’t see the lust in my eyes. “We need to talk.”

  Groaning, I rip my arm from her grasp. “What is it, mother?”

  “Why are you in such a hurry?”

  “It doesn’t matter. What do you want to talk about?”

  A smirk most evil bends her lips, and uneasiness rolls through me like a chilled wave. I’ve seen this grin several times before, and nothing good comes of it. I knew in my heart she was up to no good. She has been plotting against me this entire time.

  “Well, I thought I would save you the embarrassment and let you know that this ball isn’t just about you. You see, there are other princesses here looking for eligible suitors.”

  All the breathable air evaporates from my lungs and oxygen flees my brain. I can’t think. “Ho-how could you do this to me?”

  “Come on, dearie. You’re not afraid of a little competition are you?”

  An icy panic creeps up my extremities and into my chest, turning me into petrified stone. I have looked forward to this moment for years, and with one blow, my stepmother shatters my dream to pieces. My stepmother is a heartless woman, but this is low even for her.

  Blinking, I try to reel any form of thought. I can’t let her win! I shoot her a venomous look. “You call that in there competition?” Snubbing my nose in the air, I hurdle into the room with all the momentum of a tidal wave. She will not defeat me.

  Stepping over th
e threshold of the grand room full of princesses I once thought could be potential allies are now my competition. I raise my head high. This changes nothing. I am determined to win over Prince Estevan’s heart if it’s the last thing I do.

  All the eligible suitors and princesses dance arm in arm in the middle of the floor. Bright colors blending together as they twirl in circles, changing partners. I search the crowd for familiar faces; one in particular. I spot him kissing the hand of another princess. He’s mine. I start in their direction.

  “Winter,” Zanna calls from behind me.

  “Zanna not now, I must talk to Prince Estevan.”

  “Prince who?”

  I point in his direction, and her eyes follow my finger.

  “Oh…my.” She doesn’t bother to stop the drool from rolling down her chin. “My Gods, he’s beautiful.” She lines her shoulder up to mine and tilts her head to the side. “And that ass.” A low hum leaves her lips.

  “Now, you see why I must interrupt him from talking to that girl?”

  She nods. “Absolutely.” She continues to stare at him with a lusting gaze.

  Flaring my nostrils, I saunter over to them like a woman possessed, but an arm wraps around my wrist and the next thing I know, I am with Prince Louis on the dance floor. He leads me into a twirl then grips my waist, pulling me into him. “I’ve missed you, princess.”

  Can’t say the feelings mutual. “Isn’t that sweet.” My lips curve, but my smile doesn’t reach my eyes.

  His hands linger to my lower back. “Marry me.”


  Another sweeps me into his arms, the feel of his body pressed against mine brings up a familiar warmth. My heart gallops in my chest when I see his dark shadow roughing his jawline, his pearly white teeth through his captivating smile. His mesmerizing eyes dancing with mine.

  “Princess Winter.” He says my name on a whisper, and a spark shoots through my veins.

  “Prince Estevan.”

  Teasingly, he licks his lips at me, causing my breath to catch in my throat. Prince Estevan has a way of eliciting sensations my body has never known. “Thanks for saving me.”


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