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Page 5

by Clayborne, By Kimberly M.


  Fireworks exploded in the sky, illuminating Tim’s room. He sat in an armchair watching T.V. with Griff curled up on the bed sleeping. He turned off the T.V. and looked out the window. The party next door was in full swing and everywhere he looked people milled around laughing and having a wonderful time. His eyes scanned the yard and fell on Kassie. She was tucked under Nick the dick, who had his arm over her shoulder and was kissing her ear. He whispered something that made her laugh before nuzzling her neck. It grated Tim’s nerves like nails on a chalkboard. She seemed genuinely happy being with Nick and Tim’s jealousy grew with every millisecond of watching them together.


  Not truly believing what he was doing, Tim found himself walking out of his fence and over to her house before his brain had a chance to catch up with his legs. He walked into her backyard as a large purple explosion happened over head. Kassie looked up at it, smiling and clapping. Nick’s eyes followed hers and then fell on Tim. Nick whispered in her ear and Kassie looked at him. A sweet, pretty smile lit up her features. She excused herself, giving Nick a quick kiss and stood slowly, walking his way.

  “Are we too loud?” She asked but he barely heard a word she said.

  His eyes were glued to her. Lord she was beautiful! She wore very little makeup, which he loved and she was the prettiest woman here to him. Tim wondered if she had even the slightest inkling that he was falling in love with her.

  “No.” His heart was like a drum in his ears, overshadowing the loud fireworks and the muted music. He was blasting earlier but got lower at about ten. He was grateful for that, as the neighborhood parties were often very quiet. “But you said I was welcome over for a beer or something.”

  “Of course, come on.” She said in a voice full of hospitality and walked towards the food table.

  Tim watched her, not being able to take his eyes off her . . . only to find Nick watching him with an arched brow and a knowing look on his face. Tim straightened his back, lifted his chin and composed himself before following her across the yard, suddenly understanding Griffin’s infatuation with the woman.

  A burst of yellow lit up the neighborhood to a chorus of excited kids cheering. Kassie introduced him to the friends they passed along the way and made him a heaping plate of food while he talked to Ashley Holden, one of her single friends who had been eyeing him the moment he stepped in the yard.

  A twinge of jealousy filled Kassie as she listened to the two make possible plans for a night out on the town.

  “Ok, I want to go home with him tonight!” Her best friend Rose Keaton said to her laughingly as Kassie placed ribs and a burger on a plate. On a separate plate, she put chips, fries and a little salad without dressing.

  “I don’t think Paulie would like that.” She said referring to Rose’s husband.

  Rose scoffed.

  “Like I give two craps how he feels.” She sipped her soda. “He eye fucks any chick with big tits and a tiny waist . . . including you, by the way.”

  Kassie looked up quickly. “Oh Rosie I wouldn’t . . . at least not anymore, now that he’s married to you.” Kassie said turning to her best friend with a teasing look in her eye.

  They shared a giggle.

  Paul was cute in a nerdy mathematician or accountant kind of way, even though he was a History professor. He was tall and skinny with a deep love for Steam-Punk. But there was something different about him, something sexy. It was as if you kind of knew that he was hiding a bad boy side or something.

  “Take him. I’ll trade lives with you.” Rose said. “Any day.”

  “Paulie piss you off?”

  “My new pumps!” Rose pouted. “He took them.”


  “I was over our agreed limits.” She mumbled miserably.

  “Has he been holding to his side of the deal?”

  “Yes.” Rose rolled her eyes sullenly.

  Kassie smiled, her eyes catching Tim giving Ashley’s hand a kiss. A shot of jealousy rippled through her.

  “Worst of all is that now he’s holding out as punishment because I called him prissy.”


  “Yeah, right?” She said shaking her head and crossing her arms. She stared over at her husband. He gave her a tonight’s the night stare and Rosie dropped her soda can.

  “Looks like the drought is over.” Kassie said out of the side of her mouth as she turned back to the table.

  “Yeah, I’ll uh, I’ll see ya.” Rosie made a bee line to her husband who gave her a sexy smile.

  Tim walked over as she put a hotdog on his plate. He wondered if she was just being nice to him in order to get back to her date.

  “I’ll do that.” Tim said taking his plate. “Your boyfriend looks like he wants to hand my teeth to me.”

  Kassie looked at Nick as he stared at them. He did look annoyed.

  “Unfortunately he isn’t my boyfriend.” Kassie sighed regretfully. “His daughter kind of hates my guts.”

  “Can’t imagine why.” He said sarcastically. Suddenly he was annoyed with her, annoyed by the fact that she was spending the evening snuggled up next to another man.

  Kassie frowned at him and Tim instantly regretted the words.

  “Well enjoy yourself.” She started away from him and he grabbed her arm softly.

  “That was mean of me to say.” He apologized.

  “I’m used to it.”

  His eyes hazed in shock as a series of colors exploded above them.

  “You’re used to it?” He said in shock. “Sweetheart I’m a saint compared to you. I have been all year.”

  Kassie scoffed.

  “A saint or Satan?”

  “Yes, a saint.” He said, frowning at her.

  Kassie felt a wave of all kinds of things toward him in that moment, mostly though, she felt guilty because he was right. He had tried to be much nicer to her than she to him. But right now Kassie wouldn’t give in; her pride wouldn’t allow it.

  “You’re an ass Tim.” She stated flatly. “You walk around this neighborhood with your smiles and charm like the women who live here should just fall to the ground and spread their legs for you.” She knew she was being unreasonable but didn’t care. “And when they don’t then there’s something wrong with them, not you!”

  “Funny, you have no problem opening your legs for any man who doesn’t have the sense to see past the face and body to the bitch underneath!”

  They stared at each other for a while, like prize fighters in a ring, before Kassie broke first.

  “Fuck you Tim.” She mumbled. Furious with him and herself for letting him piss her off, she turned and stalked away.

  Nick watched the whole heated exchange from where he sat. Not for a moment did he think to interfere, it looked as if Kassie handled her business very well. But he saw the way Tim looked at her as she walked away from him. The expression on the man’s face clearly showing remorse and Nick felt a pang of sympathy . . . but only for a moment.

  The truth of the matter was that Kassie had been the first woman he’d dated since he and Julissa had split and this dude was competition. Not only was he attracted to her, but Nick suspected that Kassie was feeling the same way about her neighbor. Kassie had been what he needed to get his mind off of his problems with his cheating ex. The fact that Maya had issue with Kassie was a real problem because his daughter had been stubbornly resistant to the relationship. Julissa too had acted shocked and then hurt by the revelation that he was seeing someone. Her pain had truly surprised him because honestly Nick didn’t think she cared and he would be a liar if he didn’t admit that a part of him was happy with her sadness. It proved that his wife had some feeling for him still.

  Kassie sat down beside him huffily. A part of her not feeling tonight’s after party events but a bigger part of her needed the release of being with Nick.

  “What happened?” Nick asked.

  “He’s such an ass. I don’t know why I invited him.” Kassie sig
hed but honestly, she knew why she invited him. She wanted him there.

  “Why did you?”

  “I was being nice. I invited other people from the neighborhood. The only ones who came were the Sanders.” She referred to her neighbor Tony, who was dancing with his wife, Daniella, across the yard on the dance floor she had installed earlier in the day. There was a DJ spinning records and the couple had danced to most of them, fast or slow. Their long hair flying out behind them as they twirled and swayed to the music.

  The older couple had some moves. Nick had been watching them, but not in humor, more in fascination. They had to be about seventy, wore their equally long hair out and flowing and moved like forty year olds. But mostly he watched for the fact that Tony had been taking down one drink after another, all the while he never lost his wife or his step. It was impressive.

  “The people here kind of hate me or don’t know me so I tried to be nice and civil to them by inviting them. He was the last one to get an invite.” Kassie said with an exhausted sigh.

  “You’re sweet.” He said softly as he stroked her cheek.

  “I’m trying to make up for being not so sweet.” She said looking at him. “Honestly, I think it’s kind of a case of too little too late as far as some of my neighbors are concerned.” She shook her head and twined her fingers with his, “I don’t want to talk or think about it right now. I just want to focus on you.”

  Nick grinned and kissed her softly. “That’s good to know, I was thinking you forgot about me”

  “Never, I want you right now.” Kassie whispered, kissing his lips.

  “You’ll have all of me.” He said seductively.

  She closed her eyes, and leaned into his kiss, not seeing Tim as he sat watching them for a brief moment before Ashley distracted him.


  Chapter 6

  Kassie saw everyone out, giving away all of the leftover food, balloons and party favors to her guests as they left. Kassie noted that Tim had left with Ashley twenty minutes before the party ended. ‘Not my business!’ She thought to herself. She couldn’t waste any time thinking about it, not with Nick waiting for her.

  She stood at her front gate, waving and hugging friends goodbye, smiling all the while, but secretly wishing for everyone to hurry up and go. Kassie wasn’t really sure if she wanted to get things started or if she wanted to hurry up and get this night over with. She wasn’t feeling so in the mood anymore after her fight with Tim.

  Tony and Daniella strolled out of the backyard; him holding an open wine bottle and her, two wine glasses. Kassie chuckled as they continued dancing to music only they could hear; the DJ had wrapped things up and left about fifteen minutes ago.

  “That was so much fun!” Daniella said giving Kassie a hug.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed your night.” Kassie smiled. “Get home safely and don’t fall off a curb or something.” Tony gave Kassie a kiss on the cheek and the two stumbled down the block, holding each other up. She just stood there watching them and shaking her head.

  “Off for a passionate night with prince douche-bag.” A snarky voice spoke from behind her.

  Kassie looked back, startled; Tim was standing at his side gate, looking at her with a condescending smirk on his face.

  “Why do you care?” She snapped crossing her arms over her lush breast.

  “I don’t.” He lied.

  “You shouldn’t.” She threw her hair over her shoulder dismissively and walked into the backyard. Tim cursed himself angrily.

  He stormed back up his steps and slammed his door. She made him crazy all the time, so why did he want her so much. Tim couldn’t understand it, he had so many options, but he still wanted her.

  Tonight, he had a beautiful woman in his house, practically begging him to let her spend the night and he had lied. He told her he wasn’t a one night kind of guy. The truth was, it was all because of Kassie and surprisingly, he didn’t only want sex. He wanted to kiss her and stare into her eyes, to hear her sweet voice like notes of some sweet seductive song. He wanted to coax smiles and laughter out of her and build something special with her. She’d grown on him to the point where he felt like he was falling in love with her. In fact he swore he was falling in love with her.


  Kassie walked into the room in her towel, wet from the shower. Nick smiled as he blew out a match. He’d lit glass pillar candles on her dresser, on her vanity and one on her lingerie chest. Nick had showered while Kassie was seeing her guests off and waited for her in her bedroom. He looked gorgeous and yummy and despite her earlier ambivalence about tonight, Kassie had to admit, the man was deliciously appealing. Nick walked to her running his hands down her shoulders softly, his lips lowered on hers as he took off her towel. She felt very nervous and self conscious as his eyes ravished her body.

  “Beautiful.” He whispered.

  Kassie wasn’t a small or delicate woman. She felt her thighs were a little too thick and her breasts were a little too large but Monroe always liked them and he was the only man she had ever been intimate with. But here tonight with Nick, looking at her the way he was doing now, for the first time in a long time, she felt truly attractive. Kassie rose on her tiptoes kissing him softly. Nick picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist and carried her to bed.


  Nick collapsed beside her moaning and panting. Kassie slipped her arm over his chest and felt . . . nothing. Something was amiss and she wasn’t satisfied at all. The sex had been okay, but it left her feeling empty. She was surprised by this as she thought that there would be a well of feelings inside her for Nick. Maybe she was just used to Monroe’s lovemaking. Monroe may have been a pig and a cheat, but he was always very, very giving in bed, getting pleasure from giving it.

  The longer she lay here next to Nick, the more it didn’t feel right to her, not the way she thought making love with him would feel . . . should feel. Instead, it felt very one sided. Why had she allowed this to happen? You didn’t have sex with someone you were breaking up with anyway. Was she only doing it for the thrill of feeling alive again or feeling like a woman? Suddenly she didn’t feel wanted or desired, she felt like an idiot. Realization dawned on her slowly and with crystal clarity.

  Now that she thought about it, Nick wasn’t innocent in this whole situation either. He had agreed to their parting with very little fuss, as if he was kind of okay with it and he sure as hell wasn’t going to turn down the goodbye sex!

  Kassie could have kicked herself! Was he using her in some game of revenge between him and his wife? Was the man trying to make his cheating ex jealous by going around with a rich divorcée? Their break up would be an inconvenience for him, but nothing major . . . not for someone who would eventually be going back to his wife.

  “Damn it Kassie.” He sighed and kissed her forehead.

  Kassie didn’t say anything. She couldn’t feel bitter or angry with him because she had brought this all on herself. Truth be told, Nick had been good to her. He took her out and always paying and was a perfect gentleman, making her feel special. She had wanted to feel “alive” and be herself again. Instead she had made a big mistake. She lay beside him and listened as he drifted off to sleep, praying for the daylight to come quickly so that she could get this man out of her bed and her life.


  It was seven am when Tim and Griffin walked out onto the porch. He set his watch for an hour and walked down the steps. Tim usually walked or ran at least three mornings a week. This morning he needed a run after his debacle at Kassie’s last night and it was the only time he would let his crazy dog off his leash.

  Tim started past her house, fighting to keep from looking over there. After the way he had treated her last night, he had to admit he was ashamed of himself.

  “Enjoy your jog.” She said from the shadow of her porch.

  Tim looked up quickly, seeing her outline silhouetted by the early morning sunlight.

  He stopped at her fence. “Good m
orning.” He said softly.

  “Morning.” Kassie walked down to the fence wearing a deep purple silk robe. In her hand was a coffee cup with a little kitten print on the side. There was something kind of melancholy about her today.

  “I’m sorry. I was a real jackass to you last night.” He said solemnly. He shook his head putting his hand on the fence. “I have a year’s worth of lot of anger towards you. One day you’re really nasty to me, the next, you’re smiling and treating me like we’re old friends.”

  “I know.” She lowered her head. “Being nice to people doesn’t come easy to me sometimes.” She looked up at him for a brief moment.

  “Maybe if we try to be friendlier as neighbors that will all change?”

  Kassie smiled at him, “That would be nice.” She said. “Be careful on your run.” Before he could respond, she turned and walked back up the porch, and into the house.

  Tim stood there for a moment after the door closed. She seemed so different, as if she was unsure in her own skin. He suddenly wanted to knock on her door and envelope her in a hug. He just wanted to hold and comfort her and tell her that everything would be okay. Griff brushed against his legs, looking up at her front door with a soft whine, almost like he wanted to follow her too.

  “I know boy, I know.” He led Griff away and down the street.


  Kassie lowered her head as Nick’s car drove off. He stopped at the corner for a long pause and she saw him looking back at her from inside his car as if he would turn around. Finally, he pulled off and drove down the street. ‘Thank God!’ Kassie thought to herself. They had talked this morning and she had put her feelings out on the table. Nick had tried to deny her claims, but in the end had to concede. Kassie had not blamed or accused, simply stated that their relationship had been fun, but it had run its course and they parted as friends.

  Kassie turned to go in only to see Tim watching her from his porch, she gave him a sweet smile. Tim waved and started to turn away but then something odd happened. He stopped, looking at her with a combination of hunger and curiosity in his eyes. It hit her hard, like the highest possible voltage of electricity shooting through her body. Desire like nothing she had ever experienced gripped her, boiling at her core like a volcano about to erupt. Kassie stepped back involuntarily, shaken.


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